Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
YOUR SOUL SAYS, IT IS TIME by Sophie Bashford
When your precious Soul says "Now is the Time, the Time has arrived," then it will begin.
"It" will begin. The movement. The melting open. The breathing, deep into your being. The decision to transcend the small mind's hold over you. The expansion. The lifting. The gradual and consistent return to God. The 'awakening' of dormant psychic records that have lain in your cells for eons.
Your Higher Self, your Soul Essence, the Light Bodies that have always been present but may have long been disconnected from your inner well of truth - these astral parts of your Being will activate when the mutual choice is made between You and Source for It to begin.
This has nothing - no-thing - to do with your lower mind. It has nothing whatsoever to do with your external circumstances. It has nothing to do with the conditioning you were raised with, the moral, social or religious ideologies that informed your behaviour, the familial line into which you were physically born.
The decision to follow the Divine Directive that 'It is Now Time' comes out of a very deep and unwavering Contract between your Soul and Source.
You made this contract eons ago. You specifically chose this time in earth's timeline in which to go through many rapid changes in your spiritual consciousness.
You are in full choice in this process, even though your lower mind and personality may often believe otherwise.
It is actually a very meaningful, sacred choice that you are making right now.
The Divine wants you, the Divine needs you, the Divine believes in you.
Everything that is not authentic about you is disappearing. It can be unsettling in the extreme when rapid spiritual awakening happens. This is because often the consciousness needs a sudden 'jolt' out of coma in order to bring Itself back to life.
Your Higher Self creates certain events, life changes, shocks, sudden changes and movements so that your Soul can begin opening and elevating your chakra wisdom.
So many important spiritual teachers through the ages have gone through periods of 'losing everything' or being brought to their knees in order to rebirth themselves into their Sacred Roles.
If you want to receive all the Divine is waiting to give you, it's mandatory that you will need to unclench your fists and let go of the limited stuff you keep holding onto for dear life.
Now It Is Time. Now it is time to remember the truth of who you are, what you must do here to fulfil sacred promises, who you must connect with intimately to fuse your Heart with unconditional love forever, where you must go to bring long-lost vibrations of healing back, how you must leave the old behind with a certainty that can only come from faith in the Divine Plan for your life.
When it's time, you'll know it, without a doubt. Much in your world will cease to make any logical sense. You won't know why, how, where, what. You will most likely go through periods of intense questioning and self-inventory. It could easily feel like everything has been turned upside down, inside out.
It's meant to feel this way. What I know is this: when this collapse of the lower mind begins it's transforming process, you will be supported.
You will receive the love, support, guidance, energy and nourishment that you require, every step of the way.
You will realise that you are not alone in this change.
Your Soul Tribe will run to you - arms open; eyes sparkling with recognition; hearts wide, limitless, accepting, healing, non-judgemental.
You will fall into the arms of your Soul Family, because you will feel a comfort, a safety, a knowing and a familiarity that is beyond anything you have previously known.
When It is Time for you to wake up to the Light, as decreed by your very own Soul, you'll Call your Soul Family home to you.
They'll arrive, right on time. Don't worry about how they get to you. Don't worry about how it will all work out.
It will work out. It must work out. It IS being worked out, right this moment.
Precious Soul, it is time, now.
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