Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Metatron on Grounding, Guardian Angel and Connecting With Higher Self ~ Melanie Beckler
And so we begin. You may sit or stand, whatever is comfortable for you. But ensure your feet are planted firmly into the ground. Feel the ground beneath your feet, beneath the pads of your feet, your toes and your heels. And now take a deep breath in, and as you drop your consciousness into your heart, visualize your energy shooting downward, out through the bottom of your feet and into the earth, into Gaia, your earth mother. Visualize these roots jutting down through the soil, intertwining with the roots of trees and plants and past insects and creatures. Down, down, grounding you into the earth. Until your roots reach the core, the center, the heart of Mother Earth, and allow yourself to be grounded to her now. And now visualize a white light that originates inside of you, inside of your Divine Being, your Divine Spark. And allow this spark to grow, to envelope your whole being and shoot out through the top of your crown chakra and into the center of the universe. White light grounding you into universal knowing, and universal truth. And so you are grounded into the Earth. And you are grounded into the Heavens. And now your roots, and the white light meet and join together in your heart chakra.
Archangel Metatron on Grounding, Guardian Angel and Connecting With Higher Self ~ Melanie Beckler
And so we begin. You may sit or stand, whatever is comfortable for you. But ensure your feet are planted firmly into the ground. Feel the ground beneath your feet, beneath the pads of your feet, your toes and your heels. And now take a deep breath in, and as you drop your consciousness into your heart, visualize your energy shooting downward, out through the bottom of your feet and into the earth, into Gaia, your earth mother. Visualize these roots jutting down through the soil, intertwining with the roots of trees and plants and past insects and creatures. Down, down, grounding you into the earth. Until your roots reach the core, the center, the heart of Mother Earth, and allow yourself to be grounded to her now. And now visualize a white light that originates inside of you, inside of your Divine Being, your Divine Spark. And allow this spark to grow, to envelope your whole being and shoot out through the top of your crown chakra and into the center of the universe. White light grounding you into universal knowing, and universal truth. And so you are grounded into the Earth. And you are grounded into the Heavens. And now your roots, and the white light meet and join together in your heart chakra.
ハイアーセルフに繋がる by 大天使メタトロン
ハイアーセルフに繋がる by 大天使メタトロン
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