
Kryon - Wegner Crystalline Mine - Mt. Ida, Arkansas - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon Wegner Crystalline Mine - Mt. Ida, Arkansas, June 7-16
You don't know how and what crystals are talking to you. But suddenly you are going to find it.

クリスタル 1(字幕)by クライオン


Archangel Metatron ~ Animal Consciousness: The Benevolent Nature of Cats & Dogs ~The Sacred Felidae by James Tyberonn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Animal Consciousness: The Benevolent Nature of Cats & Dogs ~The Sacred Felidae ~ Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn  

In current times, the only real interaction with the ‘Animal Kingdom’ is by means of domesticated house pets. Or sadly at a distance through the imprisonment of magnificent animals in the barred cages and confining walls of zoos, and on farms where they are pen-raised as ‘live-stock’ for human food sources.
And while certain species of the Animal Kingdom have by conscious agreement chosen to provide themselves as a food source, that process must be enacted in humane respect, acknowledgement and gratitude. Hunting animals for sport is a different energy than for food survival . Hunting solely for entertainment, killing animals only for the primal thrill of the chase is wrong.
In earlier sojourns , more formative epochs, mankind far more closely identified with and understood the intelligence and wisdom offered by the natural instinctual patterns of the Animal Kingdom, and recognized them as wise teachers. And as a result they identified with humanity , and interacted with humanity to a truly remarkable degree.
The knowledge and intuitive communication of the Animal Kingdom with the Elemental and Devic consciousness of the Living Earth, the Mineral, Fire and Air is a precise understanding that could be of great assistance, affording forward signals to humanity in this time of Earth changes.

動物の意識 – 猫と犬 (1/2)by 大天使メタトロン




Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
by Jennifer Lucas 2016-4-24

クオンタムに並行する5次元と6次元 by 大天使メタトロン

Lion’s Gate Energy Lifting the Veils by Jenny Schiltz

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Lion’s Gate Energy Lifting the Veils.
Posted on July 29, 2016 by Jenny Schiltz

So much is happening energetically at this time. The incredibly powerful Lions Gate energies are building. For some this energy is knocking them down. Lots of sleep as the body is processing these upgrades. Some are finding themselves in full blown detox mode with stomach upset, nausea, headaches and all over body aches. Some, like myself are finding themselves grounded so that we are still. I fell off my bike and the subsequent knee injury has slowed me down considerably. While annoying, it allows me the “excuse” to rest and integrate, something I don’t do enough. It can’t be said enough that sometimes pain helps us to ground in the body. It keeps us from floating too far above by keeping our focus on/in the body. When we are completely grounded in the body, integration of the codes is much easier.
There is an action component to this energy. A stepping into your power. It is pushing us to DO. For some this push will give them the courage to release all that stuff carried that simply doesn’t match the soul’s vibration. For other’s they find the ideas and inspiration flowing and opening (finally!). For some the action is simply the desire to play, to laugh, to be pure joy.
This energy is also blasting the veils that keep us steeped in this reality. Contact is being made on so many levels. Some is really obvious but for most it is subtle and we have to be aware to get the messages. Even though I have the ability to hear and see guides and angels I don’t get answers to things unless I ask. To tell me everything I want to know without my asking violates my free will and since I don’t want to spend my time asking non-stop questions they send me messages and clues in other ways too. My job is to be present and aware enough to see them.
I’ve been shown that often the guides feel as if they are on a boat on top of the water and we are below the surface attached to a tube. What they send us often gets garbled and misunderstood. As we rise to the surface (clearing our density) the information gets clearer and clearer. Therefore, they use many techniques to send us information.

ライオンのゲートがベールを上げる by Jenny Schiltz


Kryon - "Going Back to Get the Future", Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "Going Back to Get the Future", Lee Carroll

バック・トゥ・ザ・フューチャー(字幕)by クライオン

2015-9-5 @カナダ、バンクーバー


Eckhart Tolle ~How Can I Find Out What Give Me Joy and Meaningfulness?

Translation by lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Eckhart Tolle ~How Can I Find Out What Give Me Joy and Meaningfulness?

Now as you learn how to use the situation as the background for presence, often the discontent disappears—and that is the mark of true surrender.
Practice and you may find that if you come into alignment with the present moment, you feel more alive. Even within routine activities, there is then an added dimension of aliveness that comes in and you perform the activities with a greater sense of aliveness. It is often then that change comes into your life.
When you align internally with the present moment instead of trying to get away from it, power begins to flow through. That’s why I call it The Power of Now. It’s the power of life itself. It begins to flow through you. At first it flows into your routine activities, and the way in which you relate to your colleagues becomes more present or somewhat different. Some people may notice it. Others may not. And so, gradually the universe or life notices that you are in a different state of consciousness and often it is then that change comes into your life—either through a chance event or a chance encounter or a sudden idea or realization that comes into your head one morning.

喜びと意義を見出す by エックハルト・トール



Kryon - Our Mirror

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Our Mirror
October 2012 in Elqui Valley, Chile

Gaia mirrors Human Consciousness. It reflects the consciousness that humanity gives it. If you give Gaia the consciousness of war, Gaia’s vibration will lower to meet what you give it. If you give it the consciousness of love or compassionate action, Gaia will respond accordingly.
Now, certainly you know the complexities here are great, and the earth does not have one vibration everywhere on the globe. Even The Crystalline Grid creates pockets of what you would call low and high vibrations based on what has happened with humanity in certain areas. But let me tell you something; There are places on this planet where the Pleiadians visited early, and they purified the grid in those areas, so that nothing that ever would happen there, [nothing] would change the purity of the dirt of the earth.

クライオン 人間の鏡 – ガイア


With Guides and Angels - Cleansing & Light Meditation by Melanie Beckler

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
With Guides and Angels - Cleansing & Light Meditation
by Melanie Beckler

We are indeed here with you now, we are the guides and angels of light.
  We greet you with peace, with well-being and with compassion. Take a deep breath in to fill yourself with these vibrations of vitality and then breathe out and relax, let go of tension, frustration, anxiety, fully entering into the power of this now.
For indeed you live now in a powerful time with great opportunity.
The energy of enlightened mastery, kindled by those who have walked before you indeed returns to the planet now.
Understand that enlightenment is a perspective, the ability to see from a broader vantage point, and to respond to and perceive all events with love, with bliss and with compassion.
We invite you in this now to connect with these energies of enlightenment as your body and your spirit receives a cleanse of light, flushing out the old outdated beliefs and feelings and cellular memories that no longer serve you so you can step into your mastery in the light, maintaining the higher vibrations of love and awareness regardless of what is happening around you.
Cleansing Light MeditationTo support you in this we now flow greater light in your direction. Allow the light we flow your way to enter into your being now. It is as if your crown chakra is opening like a lotus flower, and light from above, light from the Divine is able to flow in, circulating through your entire body. And then the light exits through the bottom of your feet, grounding you into your earthly experience.

ガイドとエンジェルによる浄化の瞑想 by メラニー・ベックラー


Archangel Michael"The Illusion of Fear" thru Ronna Herman

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael"The Illusion of Fear" thru Ronna Herman

Allow us to leave you with some further guidelines of how to live each day as Masters of Light:
You must learn to identify the source and deal with your own negative thought forms. Often your negative feelings are picked up from those around you, especially if you are a very empathetic person. Learn to surround yourself in a sphere of Golden/white Light in which nothing of a lesser vibration can enter and disturb your tranquillity. Everyone on Earth is in the process of clearing ancient memories and thought forms of the past. Be a passive observer when these feelings roil up within. Do not claim them, just observe and state to yourself: "This is anger I am experiencing," or fear, depression, guilt or any other dis-empowering emotion. Envision a blazing ball of Light descending from your Higher Self, bursting into a million tiny, crystalline diamonds rippling throughout your body, transforming and balancing all discordant energies within. Do this as often as necessary.

恐怖という幻想 by 大天使ミカエル


~Archangel Gabriel by Trinity Esoterics

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
~Archangel Gabriel by Trinity Esoterics
Dear Ones, you will only create as far as what you believe is possible. Your belief in wonderful outcomes along with your willingness to receive are what open you up to miracles.
Ask yourself today where you may be capping yourself through your beliefs. Let those go! Even if you can't imagine a solution, know there is an entire universe that can see potentials you simply aren't able to see from your vantage point. Allow the universe to serve you, to surprise you, to love you.
If you can start to navigate in such an expanded and accepting way, you will experience your life as a perpetual unfoldment of wonder beyond your wildest dreams. ~Archangel Gabriel

今日、自分の頭がどんな思い込みに覆いつくされているのか問いただしてください。そういうものを捨ててください! 解決方法が分からなくても、宇宙全体は今のあなたには想像もつかない可能性を見せてくれることを覚えておいてください。宇宙に手伝わせてください。宇宙のすることにびっくりしてください、宇宙の愛を感じてください。

~Archangel Gabriel


Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, posted on 22 July 2016

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn, posted on 22 July 2016
The Lion's Gate 2016 and the "Master" Cycle that Commences : The Opening of the Seventh Dimension on Earth

From 1999 to 2008 you created together as the first wave of awakened souls on Earth, together with the Indigo and Crystal children. This period included the 9/11 event and the economic collapse of 2008. Both events were aimed at distracting attention from the creation of the New, and keeping people on Earth focused on the same old creations of fear and lack that allows them to be manipulated and controlled. Then, from 2008 to the end of 2016, you have been in the second cycle, where there has been a continuation of low frequency fear based “events” that are aimed at keeping humanity at a low frequency and preventing them from progressing to freedom and empowerment.
Beloved Ones, if you are awake and aware, you will see how these events always occur at times when a great shift is possible, so that fear and anxiety will prevent many from shifting as they are trapped in their own fears. Do not let this happen to you! Now, as you begin the process for the creation of the 2016/7 to 2026 cycle, focus on Higher Consciousness, Higher Wisdom, and what you desire to create for yourself and for the Earth as you assist in the manifestation process for the New Earth.

7次元が開く by 大天使ミカエル

皆さん、目覚めていれば、そういう出来事は大きなシフトが起こる時には常に起こるのが分かるでしょう。そうやって、恐怖と不安に捕らえられてシフトできなくなるのです。皆さんはそうならないでください!  2016年17年から2026年の創造のサイクルを開始する時は、高い意識、高い知恵と、自分と地球のためにしたいこと、望むものに意識を向けてください。そうやって新生地球を創造してください。


Kryon - Physics in the Next 500 Years, Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Physics in the Next 500 Years, Lee Carroll

The second thing will be the acknowledgement that these two new laws of physics will finally bring you what you have always wanted - Free energy. Now, there are those who would say that certain inventions on the planet right now have already done that. Not even close! Believe me, not even close. You don't understand the finesse of how to tap into multidimensional forces. You ...don't have the instruments and you can't see what you're doing yet. You're simply not there yet. "But Kryon, we know how to unlock the energy of the atom. We have nuclear power." [Kryon laugh] Really? You know what nuclear power is? It is a controlled explosion so that you can make heat! It's not elegant, it's dangerous to you, and there are byproducts that can hurt Human Beings. Is this your idea of a good thing? Just think: It's controlling a very dangerous explosion to make steam - the world's most expensive steam engine! Nuclear power. You have no idea.
Let me give you an example of this. Let's say that someone on another planet discovered a piano (pretend with me). They discovered that it could make a very interesting sound. Let's say that this sound was new to this space creature that had discovered it and he found that he could really make this fun sound happen if he pushed the piano off the second floor of a building! The crashing noise, and all of the strings breaking, made music. That's nuclear power. You don't have the elegance to know how to play the keys of the atom. You don't know how to find the multidimensional vibrations that work together, which slowly and elegantly release as much energy as you'll ever need - a concerto of coordinated energy! Now listen, because here's a hint for a physicist who will read this message in the future: You're not going to release energy to make heat. Instead, you're going to make energy that pushes objects around. You will be controlling mass! Imagine that.

今後500年の物理学 by クライオン
ここで、今地球ではある発明によって既にフリーエネルギーを起こす開発がなされていると思う人がいます。でも全然違います! 全く近づいていません。皆さんは、多次元の力を利用する極めて精巧な方法について理解していません。またその装置もありませんし、これからしようとしていることも理解することができません。まだそこまで至っていません。「クライオン、でも原子エネルギーについては解明されていますよ。原子力があります」<クライオンは笑って>本当ですか? 原子力がどういうものか知っていますか? あなたが言うのは、爆発を制御して熱を出しているだけです! エレガントではありません。皆さんには危険です。廃棄物も生み出して人間に害を及ぼします。そういうことが良いことだと思っているのですか? 考えてみてください。熱を発生させるために非常に危険なことをしています。世界で最も高くつく高価な蒸気機関です! それが皆さんの原子力です。皆さんは何も知りません。
それについて例えで説明しましょう。他の惑星の人がピアノを見つけたとします。ピアノは非常に面白い音色を出すことが分かりました。その音はそこに住む人には初めて聞く音ですが、ビルの2階から突き落とすと、楽しくて面白い音が出ることが分かりました! その時のピアノが地面に衝突した時の音、弦が引きちぎれて弾ける音、それで音楽が作られました。それが原子力です。皆さんは、原子の鍵盤を使って品のある音を出して演奏する方法を知りません。その時に一緒に働く多次元のいろいろな波動を見つける方法が分かりません。その波動で必要なだけのエネルギーがゆったりと優雅に放出されるのです。それは調和したエネルギーの協奏曲です! 今後このメッセージを読む物理学者にとってここにヒントがあります。それは、皆さんは熱を出してエネルギーを発生させることはしなくなるということです。そうではなくて、物体を回転させてエネルギーを発生させるようになります。大量のエネルギーを制御できるようになります! 想像してみてください。

Commander Ashtar ~ We will manifest ourselves more and more! by Monique Mathieu

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Commander Ashtar: We Will Manifest Ourselves Everywhere In The World!!! Your Governments Will No Longer Be Able To Put Off Telling The Truth! ~ Monique Mathieu

You will hear about us! Your governments will no longer be able to put off telling the truth! We will manifest ourselves more and more and your technology will help you not only to force them to speak about our presence but will also help you to perceive that presence.
We will manifest ourselves everywhere in the world! You will really perceive us because you will no longer be tin the third dimension at all even if sometimes you will be obligated to be there physically due to your matter. However, at the vibratory, psychic and spiritual level you will be in a higher dimension that will allow you to really perceive us because you will have developed other capacities, you will have new tools inherent to the higher dimensions that will allow you to see us, to perceive us.

世界中どこにでも現れます by アシュター
私たちのことについてこれから耳にするでしょう! 皆さんの政府は、本当のことを言わずに先延ばしすることが出来なくなります。私たちはどんどん現れます。皆さんの技術のおかげで政府に私たちの存在について話すよう迫ることが出来、更に私たちの存在を知るようになるでしょう。
世界中どこにでも現れます! 肉体で3次元にいてもその中に閉じこもったままでいる必要がなくなるので、気がつきます。しかし、波動、精神レベルでは、皆さんはもっと高い次元にいて、そこで私たちを見ることが出来るのです。その時は、皆さんは3次元以外の能力を高めているので、高次元に必要なツールを新たに手にし、私たちに会ったり見たりするでしょう。

Magnetic heart codes -2 by Steve Rother & The group

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Magnetic heart codes -2 by Steve Rother & The group

The Hathors ~ Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and the Dismantling of 3-D Reality by Tom Kenyon

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Escalation of Chaotic Nodes and the Dismantling of 3-D Reality
A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon  2014-10-14
カオス・ノードの増大と 3次元リアリティの瓦解 by ハトホル


Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)


Re: US Election by Andre

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Re: US Election by Andre



Why is the world so crazy right now? From the group by Steve Rother

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Why is the world so crazy right now? From the group by Steve Rother

The energy has increased in intensity over the past few months. The duality factor is playing out globally. Every choice becomes more important as the path of least resistance becomes more evident. It’s a new world, it’s a new dimension. Tensions are naturally high as the comfort of normal is, at times, forcibly and suddenly removed. Sometimes it seems one is frozen in time, unable to move in any direction. Most have been attempting to stay out of the way of change and hide long enough to let it blow over. . . but it never will.
In the times of empowerment, many people are feeling disempowered and the revolt is clearly in progress in many ways. The revolt takes many forms and has done so for many years now often under different labels. At this point it is often a revolt for the sake of revolting rather than actually attempting to correct something. Recent revolts on earth are around globalization, corporations having power, the shrinking middle class and inept government.
It is helpful to keep in mind our views of humanity in general as you have lived a very long time in a field of duality. It is how you learned to see things as normal in the first place. Duality basically means seeing things in opposites. As a race of beings humanity has both thrived on and been impeded by duality. It has been used to define each of you as different and those differences gives you identity and uniqueness. A special place among many. More than just pride, it gives a person a base from which to work and a purpose.
Today we see that many on earth argue a position because they inherited it from their parents Generational hate is spread in the same manner. It is taught. These, and more are the pitfalls of duality.
In drastic times of change humans are predictable. When in fear, people will tend to step backwards on their path to feel safe. It is simple human nature to do so and should not be judged. The sad part to watch is the intentional propagation of fear for the purpose of control. It is the oldest trick in the book, and yet it often succeeds.
Watch for the game of opposites to play out in major issues and look away from the edges of duality. They will always draw your attention yet rarely deserve it. Attempts to see from another perspective will yield big results during these times. Learning to search for the third aspect will remove your world from duality.
“33rd in the Grand Book of Customs of Mu: “Man lives in a field of duality but exists in multiples of threes.” The 33rd custom is about learning to see beyond duality by seeing the third aspect of everything. Even in relationships where two people are engaged, it will not be stable until a third leg is formed usually by something they have in common that they both put energy into. The same is true with all of life. In times on earth when people are looking to extremes for answers, learning to see everything in three’s pulls the game out of duality and into understanding.”
New worlds await when one can see them. Stepping away from the edge of the cliff will not only be safer but will yield a wider angle of perception.
Humans have entered the age of empowerment. Stepping out of duality does not mean that one will lose identity. Quite the opposite, your uniqueness and individuality will play a much larger role in your world to come. It is difficult to understand that your perceived weaknesses are actually your hidden strengths and yet when you do a whole new world opens before you. Search for the ways you are alike rather than the ways in which you are separate and begin to see the world with an understanding of Universal Mathematics of three’s.
From the group:

Steve Rother 2016-7-23


Kryon - Change "Yeah, but" - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Change "Yeah, but" ~Mini channeling, SHASTA SUMMER LIGHT CONFERENCE 2014-6-15
クライオン -「うん、でも」を変える
ここにいるオールドソウル、聞いている人は、地球を変える唯一の人たちです。kryon 2014-06


The Hathors ~ Cognitive and Emotional Challenges During Chaotic Nodes by Tom Kenyon

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Cognitive and Emotional Challenges During Chaotic Nodes
A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

カオス・ノードと認知・情緒的問題 by ハトホル

(訳注) カオス・ノードは様々なクォンタムなエネルギーがぶつかり合った波の波頭を言います。例として、水の沸騰の場合です。水が沸騰して水蒸気に変わる時はエネルギーのシフトが起こります。地球と宇宙で色々なエネルギーが同じドメインで交錯して起こると言います。太陽フレア、バクテリアウイルス、地球環境のストレス、異常気象などが要因になって食料飢饉、水害、火山、地震、経済不安、政治の混迷などとして表れます。(トム・ケニヨン, 2009-04)

Time of Great Unmasking and Upheaval ~ Galactic Council of Light by Jenny Schiltz 

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Time of Great Unmasking and Upheaval ~ Galactic Council of Light
by Jenny Schiltz 2016-7-19

The light codes and frequencies flooding your reality are designed to lift all the veils that have kept you separate from your true nature. It is now up to you to let go of how you perceived things to be. Let go of what you thought was your path. Open up to all possibilities, particularly the ones that you cannot conceive at this time. As you do, the construct of your reality will begin to crumble, paving the way for the grandest possibilities. Allow yourself the freedom to experience this miraculous time without the need to alter or label it as good or bad. Look at where you have changed your thoughts and dreams to fit into what you have been told is reality. Instead, realize that it is reality that will bend and shift to your creating. As you rid yourself of the veils of sleep, you will find that what you create will be a version of your soul, your creation will be one of unconditional love and joy.

暴露と大騒動の時 by 光の銀河カウンシル


Kryon - The Physics of Consciousness - The Future Revealed, Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - The Physics of Consciousness - The Future Revealed, Lee Carroll

If I took you to another civilization right now such as the Pleiadian or those from Orion or the Arcturians, you would not recognize anything. Like a child attending a poetry meeting, you would be so confused! Where are the toys? Why is this so boring? Why can't I understand what they are saying? When does the movie start? Are we there yet?
First of all, they don't have technology as you perceive it. How about that? Because physical machines that do things were thrown away long ago. They did that slowly, as they realized that the physics of Human consciousness could create anything they ever wanted. That's where it's going, dear ones, and you don't know what it is. You don't know what you don't know.Later on, when the physics is revealed you, you will understand about devices that can work with consciousness. After all, it's just physics. What you won't think of is that they won't necessarily be machines, but rather biological assists. But you're not going to have them for a while. “How many generations are required, Kryon?" Eventually, you will have a Human Being who can manipulate matter and seemingly create things out of nothing. Why is that so special? It's just physics!

意識の物理学 by クライオン

私が今皆さんをプレアデスやオリオン、アークトゥルスなどに連れて行っても、何も分からないでしょう。子供が詩の教室に出席するようなもので、全く訳が分かりません! どこにおもちゃがあるんだとか、こんなに退屈なことをしているんだとか、彼らが言っていることが分からないのはなぜだと思い、映画はいつ始まるのか、まだここにいなくちゃいけないのか、などと思います。
先ず第一に、彼らには皆さんの思うようなテクノロジーはありません。それについてどう思いますか? 彼らは物事を処理してくれるような機械は遥か昔に使わなくなっているのです。人間の意識の物理的な力によってしたいことが出来ると知って、ゆっくりと機械は使わなくなりました。皆さん、そうなるのです。でも皆さんはそれがどういうことかは分かりません。自分の知らないことは分からないのです。後になってこの意識の物理学が明らかになっていくと、意識で動く機器や装置について理解できるでしょう。つまり、意識は物理学なのです。皆さんが考えもしないことは、そういう装置は必ずしも機械ではなく、生物的な補助装置です。

The Photon Belt - Beings of Light by Monique Mathieu

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Photon Belt - Beings of Light by Monique Mathieu

We are going to try to explain to you as best we can what the photon belt is and what its function is. We are going to do this with simple language because all that is simple is much more easily understood by beings of the third dimension, even those who are very evolved or who believe they are very evolved. We are speaking about humans in general and notably about certain scientists.
In the universe, everything functions in cycles. All life obeys two laws: the law of cycles and the law of hierarchies (which is that of the path of ascension). Every human being lives several cycles during his existence, those that carry him higher, and those where he has the impression of having fallen onto Earth with a great weight on his shoulders, whether it be the weight of some experiences or those of pain in his physical body.
At this time, your planet, your solar system, and your galaxy are in great movement. The galaxy, of which your world is a part, has entered what you call the photon belt. It is not a belt. We would call this an ocean of light because the word belt is too restrictive to quantify what this immensity of photon energy, energy of light represents.
Therefore, your planet, your solar system and your galaxy have entered this ocean of photon light. Your solar system finds itself in the same position in relation to the Universe as it was 24,000 years ago.The immensity of the Photon belt is unique in that it can completely transform all that is matter, that is to say it can raise its vibratory level to frequencies that you cannot even imagine. This does not happen as simply as you may suppose, it often happens in the course of a destruction, whether it is the destruction of human beings or even of planets, or in the course of sometimes colossal destructions, because all that cannot vibrate in this immense vibration is in some way destroyed.

フォトンベルト by 光の存在



The Hathors ~ The Aetherium by Tom Kenyon

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Aetherium ~ Sound Meditation
A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

From our perspective the destabilization of your world, which we mentioned in our last planetary message, is accelerating at an ever-faster rate. This is producing immense stress upon your biological, mental and emotional realities.
  What we wish to offer in this message is a practical tool to bring your body/mind complex into a greater state of coherency in the midst of the ever-increasing chaos around you.
The shock waves of change that many of you are experiencing can be likened to the re-potting of a plant that has become root-bound. For many of you, your psychological and biological roots to your current perceived reality are bound up. With some exceptions most humans are finding the current transition that the world is passing through most difficult to contend with.
Much of what you might have believed to be true is being revealed as lies. Many of the institutions you counted upon to protect you are increasingly being unveiled as insidious. Interpersonal relationships are strained due to the simple fact that so many of you are stressed by the complex changes around you, changes that you seemingly have no control over. This produces destructive patterns of response within your biology meaning how your body is responding to the stressors around you, including your mental and emotional faculties.

アエーセリウム by ハトホル

The Hathors - Destabilization by Tom Kenyon

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Hathors - Destabilization
by Tom Kenyon 2016-2-7
不安定化 by ハトホル


Kryon Speaks Pleiadian language. -Mt Shasta, Kyon

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon Speaks Pleiadian language. -Mt Shasta, Kyon



The Pleiadians- Our DNA Helped Form Many of You

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Pleiadians- Our DNA Helped Form Many of You

Someone asked the scribe the other day how people get drawn to us, or even interested in connecting with us. We would like to answer this question.
Your lineage stems from the native beings that resided here and us (as well as a few other cosmic lineages). When you return to a certain vibration, you often begin to remember this without evening realizing it, and then you are drawn to us...essentially drawn back to your roots, to your “inner home” so to speak. We wait until you summon us as we do not wish to push your remembering or your evolution. But, when those are ready to remember all that you are, all the gifts, and limitless multidimensional abilities, we come in to adjust, heal, download, and ignite all that you came from.
Some who have yet to remember may find our information as odd or strange. It may seem like some silly story that was made up for those that despise the mundane aspects of human life. And we knew some would do this, which is why we left behind markings in Egypt and other places. We left these for the skeptical and also for those who need help to remember.

私たちのDNAが皆さんを創った by プレアデス


The Pleiadians – Living as Clairvoyant, Clairsentient Beings

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Pleiadians – Living as Clairvoyant, Clairsentient Beings
by Ariah Velasques-Elmore 2013-2-5

クラボヤント・クレアセンティエントとして生きる by プレアデス


Mother Mary ~ You Are As Big As The Multiverses, As Illuminated As The Stars by Fran Zepeda

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Mother Mary ~ You Are As Big As The Multiverses, As Illuminated As The Stars
by Fran Zepeda 2013-9-8

マルチバースのように大きく星々のように明るい by マザー・メアリー

Jesus ~ Love is sounding a clarion call. by John Smallman

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Jesus ~ Love is sounding a clarion call.
by John Smallman 2013-10-24   
愛がクラリオン・コールを響かせる by イエス

Jesus ~ Two Types of Darkness by Pamela Kribbe

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Jesus ~ Two Types of Darkness
by Pamela Kribbe 2013-10-8   http://www.jeshua.net/
2種類の闇 by イエス

Chakra balancing 5-6-7 by Anna Merkaba

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Chakra balancing 5-6-7 by Anna Merkaba


喉のチャクラ 5日目 ~ ANNAMERKABA 2016-3-13
ブルーは、三原色の一つです。喉のチャクラの色です。ブルーの色は、神聖なものと繋がり、天国を想起する色です。ブルーのエネルギーは、純粋で、心和らげ落ち着かせ癒します。天気のいい日に草の上に寝そべって、青空を見上げている姿を想像してください。どう感じますか? 穏やかさ、うららか、満ち足りて静かになります。それが、のどのチャクラの色のパワーです。ブルーは、また光のスペクトル(可視光)の寒色に当たり、物事がゆっくり動いて、静かになる時間が持てます。

Archangel Metatron ~ Why the world seems to be going mad ?

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Metatron ~ Why the world seems to be going mad ?
by J. Tyberonn 2014-9-6 
狂っているように見えるのはなぜか?by 大天使メタトロン


Archangel Michael - Your Personal Wheel of Creation thru Ronna Herman

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael - Your Personal Wheel of Creation thru Ronna Herman

Beloved masters, envision, however you perceive, a vast, vertical column of Love/Life/Light pouring forth from the heart/mind core of the Supreme Creator, thus providing a central axis for all creation. This column of Living Light is the power source or the Lifeline for all creation. Now envision great spokes of Light radiating forth horizontally from the central axle at many different levels via the Divine Blueprint carried out by the Elohim, the Builders of Form, and the many divisions of the angelic kingdom. Thus the Omniverse were created. Each wheel of creation would become a universe composed of a great variety of star systems, galaxies and worlds without end. The spokes extending from the great central column of Light are the pathways of manifestation and are the prime source from which the ‘fuel of life’ is supplied. Since our universe is one of the most recent to be manifested, its placement is at the bottom rung of the ladder, and is composed of galaxies, star systems, solar systems, planets, as well as the mineral, vegetable, animal kingdoms, and YOU, beloveds. We have explained before, and we hope you have taken this truth as your own: we are not existing in a ‘fallen universe,’ but a universe of half-spectrum Light, instead of full spectrum Light which in this universe is called Metatronic Light. Your God Self bears the full spectrum of this Divine Light and you will draw forth as much as you can incorporate as you traverse the Path of Light.

創造の車輪 by 大天使ミカエル

マスターの皆さん、分かると思いますが、愛・命・光の大きな垂直の柱が、最高の創造主のハート・マインドから流れ出ているとイメージしてください。 この生きた光は創造のパワーの源、すべての創造の生命線です。では、大きな光のスポークが中心軸からいろいろなレベルに水平に伸びているとイメージしてください。これは、「造形者」であるエロヒム(Elohim)と多くの天使界が神聖な青写真にしたがって行っています。このようにしてオムニバースが創られました。創造の各車輪は宇宙になり多くの天体、銀河、終わりのない世界を含みます。
スポークは、巨大な光の柱の中心から延びていますが、それは現実化の道筋です。また命の燃料が供給される源流なのです。この宇宙は一番新しく創られたものです。その場所は梯子の一番下の横木に当たる位置です。その中に銀河や星団、太陽系、惑星などと同時に、鉱物、植物・野菜、動物、そして大事なあなたがいるのです。前に説明しましたが、次のことを本当のこととして受け止めていただいたと思います。私たちは “堕落した宇宙” に存在するのではなく、完全なスペクトルではなく光の半分のスペクトルの宇宙に存在するのです。完全なスペクトルの宇宙はメタトロニック・ライト(Metatronic Light)と言います。あなたの神自身はこの神聖な光の完全なスペクトルを持っています。あなたはできるだけ多くの光を引き寄せ、取り込みながら光の道を歩くのです。

Archangel Michael - A Recap of The Best of The Best thru Ronna Herman

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael - A Recap of The Best of The Best thru Ronna Herman

The Soul, the physical vessel and particularly the mind have their own rhythmic cycles and agendas. The Soul’s desire is focused on becoming en-Lighten-ed. The mind is focused on attaining and retaining information. The physical body is focused on experiencing via the senses. Humanity is constantly experiencing cycles of growth, stagnation and decay, which makes way for a new cycle of growth and expansion. The master turns inward and strives for an enhanced quality of life, while the unawakened Souls seek outwardly for stimulus and gratification via pleasurable, physical sensation and material possessions. Love as an external focus, exterior to you, will always bring a sense of vulnerability, always needing constant validation by someone or something. Love as an internal focus projected outward is a constant flow of self-assurance, of self-acceptance, always striving to incorporate and project more of this blissful feeling of unity and harmony with all creation.
It is now the time to declare, “I will strive to become a BOLD BEARER of LIGHT so that I may magnetize to me and radiate from me the maximum amount of Creator Light out into the world and to all humanity.”


ベストの中のベスト by 大天使ミカエル


Kryon - The Lemurian Connection - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - The Lemurian Connection - Lee Carroll
レムリアとの関係 by クライオン


Kryon - The Recalibration of Knowledge - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - The Old Energy is Alive, But Not Happy

I want to tell you something: Old energy dies kicking and screaming. Old energy does not surrender, ever. Old energy simply dies hard and slow. There will be hold-outs for a long time. There will be those who are convinced that the only way to get what they want is to create drama, war, and fear. They continue to want to spring up in places you felt were safe, and to pull you bac...kwards with them. They hate the fact that the earth is going soft on them, and they continue to rattle their sabers, make threats, and make news doing it. They're not the majority, Human Being, but often they are the loudest. When you walk around in perfect health and you are feeling great except for your sore toe, what do you think about? Your SORE TOE! So then you watch your media talk about sore toes for endless hours, and you get depressed. I know you understand the metaphor.
What happens when the earth starts to soften up and there's more light? Even the terrorists change. I invite you to watch for it, Human Being; I invite you to watch all of it. You can watch some things happen that you didn't expect. When the Soviet Union fell over, how many of you had the answers of why that took place without a civil war? It was because that old energy was no longer supportable by the Humans who lived there. There comes a time in the physics of consciousness where if you do not have a cooperative group of Human Beings who will agree with an old energy precept, it cannot be sustained. What happens when the majority of the world doesn't want war anymore? You are actually seeing this develop. Has anyone told you that you are "overdue" for another world war? In 3D, you are. Within the paradigm of the old energy, you are.
Lee Carroll- The Recalibration of Knowledge

知識の刷新 by クライオン

地球が穏やかになり始めて、もっと光が多くなる時にはどうなるでしょうか? テロリストさえ変わります。人間の皆さん、そういうことを考えて見て欲しいと思います。古いエネルギーの教訓をお互いに理解し合って協力しなければ、支持されない、そういうことが意識の物理学(訳注:「意識の物理学」参照)で分かります。そういう時代が来ます。人口の大多数がもうこれ以上戦争を望まない時に、どうなりますか? 今実際にこういう流れが大きくなる過程を通過しています。もう戦争するような時代ではないと聞いたことがありますか?
皆さんにお話ししたいことがあります。古いエネルギーは地団駄踏んで泣きながら消えていきます。古いエネルギーは決して引き下がりません。古いエネルギーは手強く、徐々になくなります。暫く抵抗が続くでしょう。自分たちが欲しい物を手に入れる唯一の手段はドラマ、戦争、恐怖を創り上げることだと信じている者が今後もいるのです。これまで安全だと感じてきた場所に出没しようとし続けます。そして皆さんの足を引っ張ろう、引きずり降ろそうとします。地球が穏やかになるのを許せません。サーベルの音を鳴らそう、脅威をつくろう、でっち上げようとします。多数派ではありませんが、声は大きいのです。本当に健康で言うことなしなのですが、つま先だけが痛い。そのような時、つま先はどうなっていますか? つま先です! メディアはつま先について何時間でも際限なく放送し続けます。すると気分が落ち込みます。この例えは分かりますよね。

Kryon - The Recalibration of GAIA - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - The Recalibration of GAIA

Right now, the energy on this planet is filled with millenniums of war, old energy fighting, machismo, and intolerance. This, then, is what the DNA adjusts to at your birth. Whereas you are designed for 100 percent DNA efficiency, right now it's at 30 percent. And that, dear one, is what is changing, for the DNA is now starting to operate at a higher efficiency because there's a consciousness... shift going on. You're seeing it first, of course, with the ones who are currently being born. At their first breath, they're now at 35 percent, and this translates into a Human Being that is far more aware and more conceptual at a far earlier age. It's almost as though they have an instinctual awareness of overall Humanism, instead of having to learn it all over again, as you did.
We have told you about these new children, and that is why your children are so unusual and you know they are. Many in the audience who have grandchildren are really seeing it; the kids are different. So you might say, "Well it's too bad that we can't do that ourselves, raise our DNA efficiency." Well, you can! For the energy of the planet is alert and ready to send the signal to the old soul who starts to understand that they can change their own fields through the templates that float in them, through consciousness, pure intent, and through that which is compassion. You can change the quantum "print" of DNA with compassion! The prophet Elijah, Jesus, the master Christ, Budda, Mohammad, Paramahansa Yogananda, and many more had DNA working at 90 to 100 percent.

ガイアの刷新 by クライオン

この新たな子供たちについてはお話してきました。そういうわけで、皆さんの子供たちは普通ではありません。そうですね。ここにいる人の中で孫を持っている大勢の方は実際にそれを知っています。その子たちは違います。でも、「それは自分ではどうすることもできない、DNAの効率を上げられないということじゃないですか、あまりいい話じゃないよ」と思う人がいます。いえ、できます! 地球のエネルギーはオールドソウルの皆さんにシグナルを発する体制に入っており、皆さんは自分のテンプレートのエネルギー場を変えられるような意識、純粋な意図を持つことによって、また他人を思いやる心をもつことによって変えられるということが分かり始めていきます。思いやりによってDNAにあるオンタムな痕跡を変えられるのです! 

Magnetic heart codes -1 by Steve Rother & The group

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Magnetic heart codes -1 by Steve Rother & The group
2013-5-14 https://www.lightworker.com/

マグネティック・ハートコードPart1(字幕) by Steve & The group

Kryon - "The Recalibration of Free Choice" - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "The Recalibration of Free Choice" Lee Carroll
自由意志の刷新 by クライオン


Human Angels


Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
光の存在 ヒューマンエンジェル











Touch of an Angel - Hugs from Home by Steve Rother & The group

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Touch of an Angel - - - Hugs from Home
The group by Steve Rother  

Cashing in Karma
These are very special times on the Gameboard of Free Choice. The collective Karma of all your incarnations has earned you the right to be here at this time to play this part. We see that many of you feel as if you are in difficulty and struggle and finding resistance to every move. You have used all credits that you had to place you here at exactly this time. This is the opportunity you have asked for, this is the time for you to spread your human wings and become angels. Walk up to another and touch them with your own angelic presence, for we tell you that you are of the family of Michael and you carry your wings well. Use them often and when you see others in need, when you see others who cannot re-member who they are, quietly reach out and touch them with the Touch of Angels. And if they allow you, touch them again. And if it feels right, come up behind them and spread your own wings and touch their heart.
Touch others with your wings and with your passion. For as you do that, you bring your own passion Home. As you do this you become the greatest expression of God in human form. As you do that, you not only become the human angels, but you attract the other angels from Home. For you are not an angel standing alone. In Heaven, standing alone is not possible. As you look to your left and your right you do not see us and still we tell you there are hundreds of angels that visit you daily. You are the blessed ones that have earned the right to play this part. There are many onlookers that watch your every move, wishing it were their task to play your part. Walk in that knowledge and trust the inner guidance that placed you here now.

天使のタッチ・故郷の抱擁 by ザ・グループ

ここ最近、「自由意志のゲームボード」は非常に特別な時です。皆さんが今まで集団で生まれ変わって重ねて蓄積した「カルマ」のお陰で、皆さんはまさにこのタイミングで、ここに、この役割を演じられるようになりました。多くの皆さんが苦しみ、悩み、何をするにも摩擦や反発がある、と感じていますが、それは私たちも分かります。皆さんは、積み上げた “徳” を全部使って、正確にこの時ここに居合わせる必要があったのです。これは皆さんが要望した機会です。今、皆さんは人間の翼を広げ天使になる時なのです。他の人に歩いて近づき、天使の存在感で触れてください。皆さんはミカエルのファミリーの一員なのです、ちゃんと翼を身に付けているのです。翼を活用してください、他の人が何か必要な時、自分が誰か思い出せないと分かれば、静かに手を伸ばして「エンジェルタッチ」で触れてください。相手が望めば、もう一度触れてください。適切だと感じれば、後ろに近づき、翼を広げ相手の心に触れてください。

A Special Clarion Call for Lightworkers by Emmanuel Dagher

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
A Special Clarion Call for Lightworkers, Emmanuel Dagher
Monday, 11 July, 2016

This is a clarion call to all Lightworkers, Wayshowers, Empaths and Peace Keepers.
Now more than ever, you are being asked to look past the illusion of fear, and understand what is 'really' happening in the collective consciousness.
Lead by media outlets and old structures that desire to remain in control, there is a great push right now for people to focus on separation and the perpetuation of victim consciousness.
This is a form of distraction to prevent the collective from awakening to its greatest potential, where peace, kindness, love, abundance, freedom and respect for all life reside.
The interesting thing is, we all knew this was coming. When chaos ensues as it is right now, the climate is ripe for huge breakthroughs to occur.
The path to these breakthroughs is greatly accelerated when we choose to remain steadfast in love.
Love is not airy-fairy, nor is it weak. Love is firm and the most powerful energy in the Universe that connects all living things. However, love always listens, nurtures, respects, and has compassion for ALL life, even when the "mind' wants to create the illusion of separation.

Emmanuel Dagher 2016 7-11


Chakra balancing 2-3-4 by Anna Merkaba

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Chakra balancing 2-3-4 by Anna Merkaba

チャクラ・バランシング 2-3-4 仙骨チャクラ by ANNAMERKABA 2016-3-13

仙骨チャクラの色は赤とイエローの混合色で、活力(バイタリティ)と強さの色です。可視光では一番低い所にあり、また暖かい色です。太陽熱を思わせます。仙骨チャクラは骨盤(下腹部)の所にあり、オレンジ色は、肝(肝心)の部分と叡智に当たります。仏教では「ハラ」と呼び、最も深い自己の声、深奥の静寂さと叡智に繋がる中心部です。そこで幸福感を味わいます。オレンジのエネルギーは、非常に官能的です。 オレンジ色に導かれて生きると、ありきたりの日常生活が楽...しい経験に変ります。それは必ずしも、オレンジが快楽主義だけを表わすということではありません。オレンジは、自分を優しくポジティブに育み、成長と発展に導きます。 肉体レベルでは、オレンジは結腸、膀胱、胆のうに関わります。消化吸収の部位に関係します。オレンジは、肉体的にも精神上も非常にパワフルなエネルギーです。プラーナ(気)を肉体の活力に変換します。オレンジのエネルギーは、バランス、強さ、持続性です。肉体的成長の重要な要素です。オレンジは内面世界を探求し生き方を学ぶ時の発達段階を意味しています。オレンジは、また衝撃や驚きの色です。眩惑させたり苛立たせたりします。 感情レベルでは、強烈なパワーの色、散って、抜け落ち、手放す色です。仙骨チャクラのオレンジは、自分の中の一部が死に絶えて、それに代って新しいものが生まれる余地を創り出すということを教えてくれます。 既に触れたように、オレンジのエネルギーは、肉体に利用されるように微細なエネルギー(プラーナ・気)を変換するので非常にスピリチュアルです。だから、オレンジ色で肉体レベルとスピリチュアルレベルが繋がって相乗効果を生む非常に密接な関係を創り上げます。タントラについて語らずしてこの色についての説明は出来ないでしょう。チャクラという知識は、元々、タントラ思想に由来しています。でも、殆どの西欧の人々は、タントラを性的な快楽と結び付けて考えます。 しかし、タントラの目的は、他のヨガと同じく脊柱に沿ってエネルギーを上昇させて幻想を離脱する、解放が目的です。そのために、タントラ・ヨガの実践では、女神のクンダリーニを覚醒させるために性的エネルギーを起こして生まれる力(ライフフォース)を使って、クンダリーニのエネルギーを上昇させる方法が採られています。オレンジは、その際に役に立ちます。

Archangel Michael You Are Courageous Souls by Ronna Herman

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael You Are Courageous Souls channeled by Ronna Herman

Beloved masters, first of all, allow us to ease your minds. The ascension process is not new to you, you have accomplished it many times before. You all are masters of the highest order, or you would not have been chosen as Star Seed Wayshowers for this unprecedented evolutionary process the Earth and humanity are presently experiencing. You have expert credentials, and you have proven your cocreative mastery a multitude of times during your many cosmic journeys.
For each new adventure into physical consciousness, you are given new rules, a new mission and a great variety of challenges to overcome. We wish you to understand that those of you who are stepping to the fore as qualified World Servers have had vast experience throughout this Universe and its many Sub-universes. From the time this Universe began to expand, select Star Seed were transplanted from other time zones and Sub-Universes to oversee and assist in unique programs designed specifically for humanity and other life forms. The primary Divine Mission of these special groups of Star Seed is to lead the way for those ready to evolve into the next level of expanded consciousness as an infinite number of cycles and Divine programs come to a completion.

あなたは勇敢な魂 by 大天使ミカエル



Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
チャクラ・バランシング - 1 レインボーポータルがオープンする by ANNAMERKABA


Chakra Healing with Metatron’s Cube by Melanie Beckler

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Chakra Healing with Metatron’s Cube by Melanie Beckler

When you call upon Metatron for healing, and spiritual assistance, do not be surprised if you notice geometric light spiraling around your energy, and through your physical body.
To facilitate healing, Metatron rotates these spiritual forms, including Metatrons cube through your chakras, and through all levels of your being....
As Metatron’s cube, and other geometric light forms spiral through your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual bodies they work to clear and release dense energy, toxins, and negativity in any form.

チャクラヒーリング- メタトロン・キューブ by メラニー・ベックラー


Chakra Healing by Carol Tuttle

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Chakra Healing by Carol Tuttle

Is your energetic ecosystem working the way it should?
And importantly, do you know how to influence it? Imagine having the ability, at any given moment, to instantly uplift any aspect of your life by tapping into one of your 7 Chakras, and empowering it....
Need to perform better at work and get that raise or promotion? Strengthen your 1st Chakra. Want to eliminate misunderstandings and connect better with your spouse, kids, friends and co-workers? Work on your 4th Chakra. Want to bring your sensuality to the next level and enjoy the whole new dimension of intimacy? Unblock your 2nd Chakra. Need to lose that excess flab and look good in your clothes? Again, work on your 1st Chakra.

チャクラヒーリング by キャロル・タトル

チャクラがどのように影響を与えるか知っていますか? 例えば、いつでも力を発揮し7つのチャクラの一つをポンと叩いてパワーアップさせて生活のあるところを強化する、そんなふうに考えてみてください。
仕事のパフォーマンスを上げて昇進したいですか? それなら、第1チャクラを強化してください。行き違いや誤解があればそれを解いて夫婦や子供、友人、同僚とうまくやりたいですか? 第4チャクラに取り組んでください。もう少し色気を出して今までにない親密感を楽しみたいですか? 第2チャクラを開いてください。もう少し脂肪を減らして服を着た時の見た目を良くしたいですか? 第1チャクラを活性化してください。


Kryon - Lightworker's Guide - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Lightworker's Guide

ライトワーカーズ・ガイド(字幕)by クライオン


Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael thru Ronna Herman

Beloved masters, it is time for you to take advantage of your physical and Spiritual senses in the fullest measure. You must redefine and learn to properly use the physical senses in order to access and develop the higher senses that became dormant so long ago: clairvoyance/clear seeing, clairaudience/clear hearing or telepathic abilities, clairsentience/clear knowing (that of an empathic, intuitive person with an expanded, inner sense of awareness). All of these heightened abilities are a part of your Divine Birthright just waiting for you to reclaim them.
We have discussed in great detail the seven major chakras of the physical vessel and outlined the positive and negative attributes/functions of each one. It is important that you also realize that each chakra and organ within the body has a consciousness of its own, which was overlaid and infused with the energies of your many past experiences and thought forms. You have not only created your outer world with your beliefs and the vibrational frequencies of your thoughts, but you have built your inner world as well.
Your body communicates with you in many ways, but do you know how to listen and interpret what it is telling you? I have stated this truth to you before, but it bears repeating. Many of you have accepted the fact that you can communicate and interact with the Angelic Realms and Beings of Light. However, most of you are still not aware that you can communicate with the many Facets of your bodily form.
Some time ago we gave you the gift of Seven Crystalline Spheres of Higher Consciousness, whereby you began the process of returning your chakra system to a harmonious state, by breathing Spheres of Light from your God Seed Atom / I AM Presence into each of the seven major chakra centers of the physical body. We had you breathe in a Sphere of Light, and then superimpose the Infinity Sign over each sphere/chakra to assist in accelerating the process of releasing impacted, disharmonious energy patterns, as you strive to reclaim the gifts of Self-mastery. The process of clearing, harmonizing and balancing the seven major chakras of the physical body results in an important initiation process called THE OPENING OF THE SEVEN SEALS OF GOD-CONSCIOUSNESS. As each chakra is returned to harmony within itself, a process is activated whereby an energy vortex is opened, and the perfected qualities and energy of that chakra are projected upward into the next chakra.
ransmitted Through Ronna, LM-06-2015.

7つの封印を解く by 大天使ミカエル

Something Big is Happening ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Something Big is Happening ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
by Daniel Scranton, 2016-7-10
There is an evolution of consciousness that is happening on a global scale as well. So as you can look at your personal lives and see, and recognize, that there has been movement forward, you must be able to look at the global spectrum and notice that things are changing. Now you might not see it if you at one particular part of th...e world, or if you look at one particular issue, because some things are going to show you evidence that you are not moving forward.
The world at large, however, is taking tremendous strides forward in becoming the Earth of the fifth dimension. So what you are recognizing is that when something happens on your world, and it is newsworthy, there are more people than ever who are willing to show compassion and love, forgiveness and empathy for whatever it is that the news is reporting.
When you see that there is something going on with the world at large, and you recognize the need for change, all that we ask is that you look within yourselves first. See what you can do on a personal level to shift something within you. See what is happening as a reflection of your own vibration, and examine then your willingness to shift that vibration.
Do you need the world outside of you to change first? We know that you don’t. We know that you’re willing to shift internally because we see that desire within each and every one of you that is aware that something big is happening and that you are a big part of it. We are happy to see so many of you taking responsibility for not only your own lives, but for everything that you see outside of yourselves.
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”

Daniel Scranton 2016-7-10

先ず、自分の外の世界が変わらなければならないと思いますか? 皆さんはそうではありませんね。皆さんは心の動きを変えようとしますね。皆さんは、何かもっと大きなことが起きている、それを知りたいと思っています。自分がその大きな中にいる、それが知りたいということを私たちは知っています。多くの皆さんが自分の人生だけでなく自分の外で起こることに対しても責任を引き受けようとしていることを嬉しく思います。

We are the Arcturian Group 7/10/16 ~ Marilyn Raffaele

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
We are the Arcturian Group 7/10/16 ~ Marilyn Raffaele

Racial hatred is old deeply embedded cellular memory from past lives. It is the result of lives lived fully in the energy of separation as either the victim or bully. There can be a karmic element involved. A person with black skin today may well have been a white racist or slave owner in a previous life. At the same time it is important to know that there are those who lo...vingly created a soul plan to include the violent taking of their earthly life for the purpose of assisting mankind to awaken.




Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

Most people get so hung-up with their physical bodies, the chakras, etc. within this body, that they are not aware that this just forms one single entity, within a much vaster whole.
First of all, we have 12 chakras at the moment with the higher consciousness fields setting in, which need to be fully activated now. In essence there are 352 chakras all in all, and the more evolved you become, the more of the energy fields get activated. At the moment it is then essential, that the 3 chakras, above your head: causal, soul and stellar gateway all are opened up, so that you can access the higher dimensions. With this there is another chakra just below your navel, which is called the navel chakra, between your sacral and solar plexus chakra, which needs to be activated as well.
The most important other chakra is the earth star chakra, which is about 15 cms under your feet, and this anchors your soul work into Mother Earth. Indeed, with your Stellar Gateway and soul chakras opened up, you need the earth star chakra open, so that the energy flow is not blocked anywhere.

肉体・感情体・メンタル体・12の体 by Judith Kusel


The New Cosmic Portal opening up and immense new wave of cosmic changes is upon us….by Judith Kusel

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The New Cosmic Portal opening up and immense new wave of cosmic changes is upon us….
by Judith Kusel 2013-11-17

新宇宙ポータルと変動波の到来 by Judith Kusel