
ANDRÉ, There will be a Christed population upon Earth.

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
ANDRÉ, There will be a Christed population upon Earth.
MAY 27, 2016 by Christine Preston

Back on February 18 and 28, 2016, when Archangel Gabriel and Mother Mary first disclosed to you that it was Donald Trump who will be elected President, we gave you these prophecies and continued to inform you that he was still on track. He has now won the necessary delegates for this to become a reality and he is receiving a different kind of attention from the media. A battle has already been won in regards a certain dissemination of misrepresentation for a political agenda. Once the strings of control are totally severed the Leaders of the Nations will be freed to make changes to spread peace around the world. It will be freed from that captivity under the forces of darkness that soulght to precipitate more and more chaos upon the surface of this globe to serve their own agenda.

多くのキリスト意識の人々が現れる by アンドレ


Lovely flowers by Lightworkermike

Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

Lovely flowers,,,elementals and fairies are working for their growing. Things made by men are also being supported by light beings. However, if things have been made and not taken care of by humans ego, they may be broken someday. This is what God said, so, as soon as you send love into your machines, they suddenly start working.
Photo: Dāvis Zandersons


May there be LIGHT

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
 Dakini Dance ॐ Awakening the Goddess Within

May I be an instrument of LOVE. May I be an instrument of PEACE. Where there is darkness may there be LIGHT.




Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

The New Kids by Steve Rother


Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
「ニュー・キッズ」 ~ Lightworker.com


You Love, Thrive, Breathe & Exist Fully from the Depths of Your Divine Light Core by Lisa Brown

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Lisa Brown

Your desire for deeper connections will continue, for the old surface and shallow ones will no longer do. Your desire for true happiness, based on purity, love,... inspiration, respect.... these will drive you... from within you.... As you delved deeper into your own BEING, you feel more, know more, realize more and hold more light than ever before. Your own integrity is important, your own sharing is too. Your way is perfect just for you, your chosen journey, fulfillment of your purposes and missions... these inspire and connect you with all others doing this too.
The OLD Earth was separated and focused on that which did not matter, not truly.... and now you realize that you were sleeping too. You are not always sure what's next, yet it does not matter, for you are committed and following your own truth, speaking your own truth and showing others what true beauty, magnificence and NEW EARTH REALITY IS....
Abundance starts inside of you and this grows too. Your connection with all things as ONE AGAIN..... this never goes.... FOR YOU'VE REMEMBERED....


Archangel Michael ~ Angels of Mercy by Ronna Herman

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael ~ Angels of Mercy
By Ronna Herman

Love and joy attract angels like a magnet, for their greatest desire is to be of service to humanity. Begging is not the way to gain their favor, but asking them to assist you in your endeavors will assure their cooperation. They will help you to manifest your dreams, if what you desire is for the highest good of all; however, you must understand that it will happen in thei...r time and in their way. The concept of money is confusing to them; instead, ask them to assist you in manifesting abundance, joy, love and peace—this they understand. But you must also do your part by taking the necessary steps, as well as eliminating any self-sabotaging beliefs that you still harbor in your subconscious mind.

慈悲の天使 by 大天使ミカエル


The Nature & Realm of Angels Part One by Archangel Metatron

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Metatron via James Tyberonn
The Nature & Realm of Angels Part One

The Cosmic Council of Light, Ascended Masters, the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance, are unified entities that operate generally in Councils. These are representative and advisory disciplines that express tenets, principles, theories and beliefs associated with a body of knowledge. The Cosmic Council of Light is composed primarily of highly advanced beings ...that have experienced and completed the lessons of physical duality, and have chosen to empathically assist humanity. Likewise many of the Sirian-Pleiadean Alliance have experienced life on earth.
And we tell you, that the extra-terrestrials of the Pleaides, Sirius and Arcturus are non-physical beings. They are of pure light, highly evolved, and do not have physical biological forms as you do on the earthplane. They are angelic in nature, in vibratory frequency, but are not Angels.
Angels 'Are', they do not evolve or have need for lessoning.
Question from James Tyberonn: Do Angels ever incarnate in human form? Many religious texts speak of Angels on earth.

天使の特徴と天使界 Part 1 by 大天使メタトロン

光のコズミックカウンシルやアセンデッドマスター、シリア–プレアデス連合はカウンシルとして一体になった存在です。彼らは教義原則、理論、信念を持つ専門家、代表者、アドバイザーです。光のコズミックカウンシルのメンバーは、物質的二極的世界の課題を経験し終了した高度に発達したメンバーで構成されています。人間に共感し支援することを選択しました。同様に、シリア- プレアデス連合の多くのものは、地球で過ごした経験を持っています。
Q(ティベロン): 天使は人間に生まれることはあるのですか? 多くの宗教では地球に天使がいることについて言っています。

~ Rumi

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  

What you seek is seeking you.
~ Rumi

~ Rumi


Kryon - "Who are You? " - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "Who are You? " - Lee Carroll

Archangel Metatron ~Embracing Sacred Sovereignty: The Divine Path of Calibration by James Tyberonn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Metatron ~Embracing Sacred Sovereignty: The Divine Path of Calibration by James Tyberonn

Question to Metatron: Are you saying that loving relationships, such as marriage, are not our ultimate union?
Metatron: Remember that in the highest realm you are in sacred Oneness, each a part of the Divine One. So in terms of duality experience, the answer to your question is yes. In this context, YES! Masters, in highest reality, you are a unified plural consciousness.
Relationships in the linear duality experience are a means to the end. We are saying that loving relationships are a sacred, joyful tool of achieving Self Mastery, but that ultimately in each soul's journey; there is requisite ultimate growth into sovereignty. The sovereign self is a sufficient self & truly has no dependent need of another. Such conceptual dependency can be a deterrent to Mastery.
In truth you merge in sovereignty with your other half. The other part of your soul that separated in duality expression. Each of you have a male and female component in duality, and the other half is re-merged in the Integral Divine Self before rising into higher realm. This is in fact a requisite mergence, and is occurring for so many of you as you enter 2012.
Many of you consider a soul mate and twin flame the same. Only the syntax is in parity. The true meanings are different. The twin flame is the other half of the same soul, split in duality, and these are very rarely in physicality together. The 'soul mate' is in our terms, another soul with whom you have contracted to grow together within physical duality, as a means of development and exploration of love with another soul. Movement toward common purpose.
The seeming paradox in linear relationships, that of the 'soul mate' concept (not the twin flame) is that a relationship of two non-dependent sovereign beings, has greater joy, greater balance, greater interface with the divine, greater opportunity for advancement than a relationship based on co-dependence. Do you see?
In this time, in this now, many of you are actually merging with your etheric (non-physical) twin flame, and molding your sacred fullness into one physicality in order for you to enter the crystalline realm in wholeness. In most cases this soul reconnection is accomplished in solitude or in sovereign non dependent relationships.
So we say embrace your chosen period of SOVEREIGN SOLITUDE, it is the sign of your souls intent to enter into Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na Mastery.

悟りの道が孤独である理由 by 大天使メタトロン

質 問: 結婚とか、恋愛関係は究極的な合一ではないということですか?
メタトロン: 高次の世界ではあなたは聖なるワンネスにあります、それぞれが神聖な一のものです。だから、二極性の経験では、その答えは、究極的でないということになります。マスターの皆さん、高次の世界では、皆さんは一つの複数ある意識なのです。

Archangel Metatron ~ The nation of humanity by James Tyberonn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Metatron ~ The nation of humanity by James Tyberonn


Kryon - Don't Despair!

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Don't Despair!

気持ちを崩さず自分を疑わず、ドラマに囚われずに進めますか? 悲観しないでください。

YOUR SOUL SAYS, IT IS TIME by Sophie Bashford

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
YOUR SOUL SAYS, IT IS TIME by Sophie Bashford

When your precious Soul says "Now is the Time, the Time has arrived," then it will begin.
"It" will begin. The movement. The melting open. The breathing, deep into your being. The decision to transcend the small mind's hold over you. The expansion. The lifting. The gradual and consistent return to God. The 'awakening' of dormant psychic records that have lain in your cells for eons.
Your Higher Self, your Soul Essence, the Light Bodies that have always been present but may have long been disconnected from your inner well of truth - these astral parts of your Being will activate when the mutual choice is made between You and Source for It to begin.
This has nothing - no-thing - to do with your lower mind. It has nothing whatsoever to do with your external circumstances. It has nothing to do with the conditioning you were raised with, the moral, social or religious ideologies that informed your behaviour, the familial line into which you were physically born.
The decision to follow the Divine Directive that 'It is Now Time' comes out of a very deep and unwavering Contract between your Soul and Source.
You made this contract eons ago. You specifically chose this time in earth's timeline in which to go through many rapid changes in your spiritual consciousness.
You are in full choice in this process, even though your lower mind and personality may often believe otherwise.
It is actually a very meaningful, sacred choice that you are making right now.
The Divine wants you, the Divine needs you, the Divine believes in you.
Everything that is not authentic about you is disappearing. It can be unsettling in the extreme when rapid spiritual awakening happens. This is because often the consciousness needs a sudden 'jolt' out of coma in order to bring Itself back to life.
Your Higher Self creates certain events, life changes, shocks, sudden changes and movements so that your Soul can begin opening and elevating your chakra wisdom.
So many important spiritual teachers through the ages have gone through periods of 'losing everything' or being brought to their knees in order to rebirth themselves into their Sacred Roles.
If you want to receive all the Divine is waiting to give you, it's mandatory that you will need to unclench your fists and let go of the limited stuff you keep holding onto for dear life.
Now It Is Time. Now it is time to remember the truth of who you are, what you must do here to fulfil sacred promises, who you must connect with intimately to fuse your Heart with unconditional love forever, where you must go to bring long-lost vibrations of healing back, how you must leave the old behind with a certainty that can only come from faith in the Divine Plan for your life.
When it's time, you'll know it, without a doubt. Much in your world will cease to make any logical sense. You won't know why, how, where, what. You will most likely go through periods of intense questioning and self-inventory. It could easily feel like everything has been turned upside down, inside out.
It's meant to feel this way. What I know is this: when this collapse of the lower mind begins it's transforming process, you will be supported.
You will receive the love, support, guidance, energy and nourishment that you require, every step of the way.
You will realise that you are not alone in this change.
Your Soul Tribe will run to you - arms open; eyes sparkling with recognition; hearts wide, limitless, accepting, healing, non-judgemental.
You will fall into the arms of your Soul Family, because you will feel a comfort, a safety, a knowing and a familiarity that is beyond anything you have previously known.
When It is Time for you to wake up to the Light, as decreed by your very own Soul, you'll Call your Soul Family home to you.
They'll arrive, right on time. Don't worry about how they get to you. Don't worry about how it will all work out.
It will work out. It must work out. It IS being worked out, right this moment.
Precious Soul, it is time, now.



Romeo Baron

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

A new harmonic universe by Romeo Baron

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

We are ascending into a new harmonic universe that is based on the Female Magnetic Field of Frequencies. The Female Magnetic Field is what pulls together the Spiritual with the Physical. The higher frequencies of plasma that is permeating the Earth is actually creating a completely new Magnetic Field structure.
The return of the Female Magnetic Field of Frequencies will enable the rites of passage through the Ascension Portals. It is the frequency of Transmutation. It is not the frequency of removing the Electric Male portion of the Formula. But it is the frequency that moves the Male Frequency into the Magnetic Union of the Spiritual becoming at One with the Physical.
When we speak of creating "Heaven on Earth", it is ultimately the divine union of our masculine and feminine principles as fully embodied, surpassing all earth limitations.
We are in the final stages of a mass ascension. Mother Earth will move completely out of the 3D earth square mentality it was placed in. And will merge into the 5D parallel new earth circle mentality. The critical mass will rise along with the planet into the New Earth.
Within Harmony, Divine Love, and Oneness.
~Romeo Baron



Within Harmony, Divine Love, and Oneness.
~ Romeo Baron

Am I Really? ~ Creator by Jennifer Farley

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Am I Really?
There will be times when what others say and do will make you doubt your connection to The Universe and Unconditional Love. These are the moments when you need to step back, feel into the situation with your heart and ask for guidance. Please keep in mind that what you feel is true may not be the case for others….and that is okay. However, if you move through your life with pure intent and transparency, you will have nothing to doubt or fear.
~ Creator by Jennifer Farley

創造主 ~ 本当なんだろうか?

Where is God ?

Autism Crystal Children 自閉症 クリスタルチルドレン
Where is God ? Mari said " Heart "

Please talk to God

Each time when painful, sad, in anxiety, complaining something or someone, please talk to God about what each thing is going on. Then, the Light is coming through you.


A Message to Lightworkers – May 26, 2016 by CAROLINE OCEANA RYAN

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
A Message to Lightworkers – May 26, 2016

For this is one of the more difficult parts of their job—the fact that you are usually unaware of what kind of information or guidance to ask for, on what issue.
The “invisibility” factor is not the hardest part for them, for most of you are able to see your Divine helpers in your mind’s eye, or to feel their presence with you in some way. You also speak directly with them in your sleep state.
And increasingly, as you continue to Ascend, you will be able to see them as clearly as you see loved ones now when they walk into the room.
The hardest part for them, is having information that would make your life so much simpler, so much more joyful and fulfilling, and so much more on track with your higher purpose—but no open channel, no listening ear open to receive it.


KRYON - "Releasing the Hidden Wisdom" - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
President Obama took a historic, great Leadership for rehearsal of Peace on Earth.

There's a song about to be sung on this planet of light.
It may take generations, dear one but it's on its way andit's 90%, but the odds that you change it are amzingly against this for the snowball is rolling for peace on earth. We see it in all the corners on the planet. We see the alliances for peace. We see consciouness starting to change, as if the song for peace is being rehearsed on the planet.
If there is a potential for a high human consciousness for peace on earth, if it lays out there if it's 90 %, it is formulated, it is there in physics, it is stamping the messages in the grasss(as a crop circle) to you right now, saying, " This is the future", messages from beyond, messages from you the potential that is already being manifested in a certain way metaphysically.



Shifting with Ease ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Shifting with Ease ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven

“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
Since you are already making so much progress in your journeys of ascension, we are going to give you a little something that you can see as a reward, if you like. It is the perfect opportunity in this now moment for you to take it easy and relax. The reward that you have earned is the permission from us to chill out, relax, and take it easy.
You are such go-getters, so eager to get to the next level, to the next step of your evolution. And what we do not see an abundance of in humanity is the desire to kick back, put your feet up, and just bask in the beautiful creation that is this earthly realm.
You are all so focused on making it better, on making the world a better place, on making your lives better, on improving your relationships, you health, your financial situation and anything and everything else. And we just want you to be proud of yourselves and be proud of your accomplishments.
We invite you to take a load off and let yourselves receive all that is coming to you, all that is making you more powerful creators. You don’t have to go out and get it. You don’t have to prove yourselves worthy of it. That which is coming to you is coming to you as a natural consequence of your existence.
So if you really want to benefit from all of the work that you have already done, just relax, give in to the process, and smile in the knowing that the upgrades are coming, the downloads are already here, and the codes are being decoded. This is a very natural process that you can either enjoy or you can feel like you have earned by doing more of this and more of that.
Someone at some point in your lives has convinced you that you’re only as good as what you accomplish. But we say that just being here now and absorbing the energies is an accomplishment. It is a great feat. Dealing with whatever comes up within you is an act of courage, and shining your light is an act of heroism.
So put down all of your tools, all of your processes, all of your exercises, and just let this happen in the easiest and most gentle way. Give yourselves the gift of the experience of the shift, and release yourselves of the burden that says you need to make it all happen.
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”

楽にシフトする by Daniel Scranton 2016-5-25


Wave X – The Sun Gate and Grand Climax Of Humanity’s Ascension 6202016

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Wave X – The Sun Gate and Grand Climax Of Humanity’s Ascension 6202016
Archangel Michael, Channeled by Michael Love, May 23, 2016

Great beings of the Earth, as the 2016 solstice sun gate prepares to open to the kingdom of heaven, the third and final mass ascension wave of this planet will walk across the great rainbow bridge, even beyond death and experience a brand new paradigm for the first time. A grand cosmic announcemen...t of freedom for the earth is about to be proclaimed. There are incredible Earth changes under way and great bodies in the heavens are showing themselves as they move ‘to and fro’ allowing huge amounts of magnetic white ionized light to flow into the earth for the grand climax of ‘The Event Horizon.’ At this time for first and second wave ascended beings, the physcal human body still may need to go into hibernation-delta mode for a bit as these incredible energies integrate and morph the DNA into a more advanced species. Do not be alarmed and know that nothing is wrong with you health-wise.
Some of the energy integration issues second wave beings are dealing with at the moment are:


Archangel Michael Speaks & Shield of Protection~ by Trillia Gia

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael Speaks & Shield of Protection ~
Channeled through Trillia Gia

When you took your sacred pledge before Me to serve as Earth Eagles you each received required training to serve you well in these Days of Harvest. Many gifts were bestowed upon each chosen to step down their frequencies and walk among the shadows. For each to succeed you understood well that it is necessary to call forth for My protection and t...o put on your Armor of Light daily. My specific shielding when used by dedicated Earth Eagles enables My Legion of Light known as the Eagle Command working within and alongside the great Galactic Federation of Light (GFL) to maneuver the space around you for your protection.


ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL, REMEDY FOR DEPRESSION, 2016-5-17 by Christine Prestonon

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
by Christine Prestonon

The Ascension is the greatest service you can give to your world. By your prayers you will be helping yourself as well as other souls, and this help also is a work of healing. Your calls will compel the answers and you will be in the service of the Spiritual Hierarchy. I hope that you will be able to continue studying the teachings that we, the Archa...ngels and Masters, are delivering through various channels. We will take you by the hand and lead you to the answers you need, or are looking for, to make sense of the mysteries that relate to your spiritual search, as well as your Path. So this is my message.
Take heart and God’s speed.
This was Archangel Raphael.



13 Signs You Are Ready To Go Home To The New Earth

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
13 Signs You Are Ready To Go Home To The New Earth

According to late Dolores Cannon’s hypnotherapy research, a New Earth is being formed where many of us will go in the near future. Much of this is based on vibration, not only of our planet, but each individual on this planet.
The most difficult concept to understand is how two Earths can exist at the same time. In the following video, Dolores Cannon talks about how time exists in the NOW, including all past lives and all future probabilities. Through the Double Slit Experiment, quantum physics teaches us that our focused intention influences perceived outcomes.
Every decision you make creates an alternate reality. According to Cannon, “Any time you make any decision of any kind, it will split again, and again, and again…”. Cannon added that if you don’t put a lot of energy into another decision, then it will dissipate.
13 Signs You Are Ready To Go Home To The New Earth
1. You constantly experience synchronicities.

Creating Something New ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven by Daniel Scranton

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Creating Something New ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
Daniel Scranton

“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
In the event that you are not satisfied with an area or an aspect of your life, recognize that this area is giving you the fertile soil that you need to create your reality. It is never the case that you will feel completely done. You will always have some more growth and creating to do, and that’s a very good thing.
You wouldn’t want complacency and you wouldn’t want boredom, but you can reach for satisfaction while still acknowledging that there is plenty left for you to create. You can feel satisfied while also acknowledging that this area over here could use some attention. And when you allow that area to draw more energy through you, that’s when you really begin to tap in to its full potential for you.
As many of you are aware, there is an infinite amount of energy and there are an infinite number of possible realities to explore. So you will never get to a place where you simply want to dig your heels in and say, ‘This is where I will be forever and ever more.’ You may have that feeling at first, but you will always be called to stretch yourselves a little more. And the reason for that is that you will always be in a state of becoming and expanding.
So let your lives inspire you. Let them summon forth that energy that you will use to create something new, something more. And at the same time, count your blessings. Reach for the frequency of satisfaction, and get excited about utilizing that fertile soil and making something that has never been before, something of your own creation, something that you utilize your own energy to construct.
Reality will continue to inspire you, and as long as you don’t see it as being broken and needing to be fixed you will have an easier time of expanding and of benefitting from those aspects and areas that are not completely as you want them to be. When you recognize this, you will drop your resistance, you will settle in and you will find the frequency of that which you want to create. And that is when you get the inspired ideas to move forward in whatever ways that you can to make your dreams a reality.
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”

プレアデス・ハイカウンシル・セブン ~新しいことをする


Ready For Healing ~ Creator by by Jennifer Farley

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Ready For Healing
When you finally release the need to ‘feed’ off of others in the form of garnering praise, receiving self-esteem boosts or being wanted by them then you will be ready for the real healing to begin.
~ Creator by by Jennifer Farley

創造主 ~ 癒しが始まる時

How to Access the Akashic Records by Melanie Beckler

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
How to Access the Akashic Records
What are the Akashic Records?

When I first learned about the Akashic Records, it was explained to me in metaphorical way, as a sort of “library” or “cosmic computer” which stores information on all souls in all universes. This isn’t entirely inaccurate, however both the library and the computer metaphors are very 3D linear ways to look at a very non 3D and very non-linear concept.
  The Akashic Records, which are otherwise know as the Book of Life, or the Akash indeed hold vibrational records of everything in existence… Every word, thought, emotion, action, thing, planet, being, consciousness, soul, personality, and idea that ever has been and that ever has the possibility to be in the future has a record which is stored energetically in the Akashic Record.


他に、「命の書the Book of Life」とも言われていますが、アカシャはあらゆるものの波動の記録を保管しています。あらゆる言葉、考え、感情、行動、物事、惑星、存在、意識、魂、人格、アイデアなどそれまであったものすべてと将来の可能性が記録としてアカシックレコードにエネルギー的に蓄えられています。(訳注:クライオンは地球での記録をアカシックレコード=アカシャ、全宇宙の記録を「魂の記憶」と呼んでいます。地球に初めて来たクリスタルは宇宙での記憶をはっきり覚えている人がいます!!!)

Kryon - "The Elusive Akash" - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "The Elusive Akash" - Lee Carroll

Some interesting concepts are transmitted through the Akash. Let's talk about past lives. Past lives carry the concepts into the Akash that are inherited [Akashic inheritance]. So, if you were a warrior and were killed in the battlefield, you may not like the smell of gun smoke. These things are passed to you in unusual ways. Some of you can stand in a battlefield and smell it! Some of you like it, since it's the smell of victory and release - more concepts. But you know there's something there and, dear ones, that's a concept. It goes into your central sensory perception. That's the Akash at its best. You're not remembering as much as you are feeling something that exists to this day inside you.
The past life reader has to sort all this out. They have to linearize something that is not linear. It's elusive, you see. Past life readers can sense the quantum field around you created by the DNA [The Merkabah]. This is where a good reader can help pull out individual lives in that "soup of concepts" that you would never be able to do. This explains how a good reader can help you with blocks and past experiences that you can't seem to get yourself.

アカシャから興味ある内容が送信されます。過去生についてお話しましょう。過去生で経験した内容はアカシャに入って引き継がれます。だから、戦士として戦場で殺された場合、銃の臭いをかぐと嫌な気分になるかもしれません。そういうことが自分に伝わりますが言葉で説明できません。戦場に立つとその臭いがするのです! その臭いが好きな人もいます。その場合の臭いは勝利と解放の臭い、それ以上のことを物語っています。しかし、そこには、何か、考え方のようなことがあります。それが主感覚になります。それが、一番アカシャをよく表わしています。そういう感覚がいまだに自分の中にありますが、その感覚がどこから来るのか思い出せません。


Archangel Metatron on Grounding, Guardian Angel and Connecting With Higher Self ~ Melanie Beckler

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Metatron on Grounding, Guardian Angel and Connecting With Higher Self ~ Melanie Beckler
And so we begin. You may sit or stand, whatever is comfortable for you. But ensure your feet are planted firmly into the ground. Feel the ground beneath your feet, beneath the pads of your feet, your toes and your heels. And now take a deep breath in, and as you drop your consciousness into your heart, visualize your energy shooting downward, out through the bottom of your feet and into the earth, into Gaia, your earth mother. Visualize these roots jutting down through the soil, intertwining with the roots of trees and plants and past insects and creatures. Down, down, grounding you into the earth. Until your roots reach the core, the center, the heart of Mother Earth, and allow yourself to be grounded to her now. And now visualize a white light that originates inside of you, inside of your Divine Being, your Divine Spark. And allow this spark to grow, to envelope your whole being and shoot out through the top of your crown chakra and into the center of the universe. White light grounding you into universal knowing, and universal truth. And so you are grounded into the Earth. And you are grounded into the Heavens. And now your roots, and the white light meet and join together in your heart chakra.

ハイアーセルフに繋がる by 大天使メタトロン

Connecting With Your Spirit Guides by Melanie Beckler

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Connecting With Your Spirit Guides  by Melanie Beckler

You have both Spirit Guides and Angels who have been with you from the time of your birth. As a spiritual being, you aligned with your team of guides while you were in the pre-life planning process, before incarnating into the physical. While fully present in spirit, you (your Higher Self) chose guides who could best serve you in accomplishing your life purpose, learning your life’s lessons and fulfilling your mission in life.
Connecting with and working with your Spirit Guides is well within the scope of your spiritual abilities that you’re able to develop (or better yet remember) in your lifetime now.


スピリットガイドに繋がって関わることは、あなた自身の人生の範囲内で自分のスピリチュアル能力を向上させる(あるいはもっとよく思い出せる) 上で適切です。


~Archangel Gabriel

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Trinity Esoterics
When you think about the idea of life unfolding with ease, what comes up for you? Do you immediately think that is something that can't happen for you? Or tha...t it sounds unrealistic? Or perhaps stirs up negative emotions and fears, like to do so would make you lazy?
Think to a time in your life when everything came together with ease. Perhaps you were creating something and entered into what you would call a zone, where it just flowed effortlessly, where everything fell into place beautifully and you accomplished so much joyfully in a short amount of time. How did you feel then? Did it feel magical, and supported? Was anything about that experience negative?
Your inspired creations come from ease and flow. They come from an alignment between you and Source energy. They are the result of the greatest use of the energy available to you combined with your own creative force. That is what we call the sweet spot - that perfect combination of surrender and flow, support and creation, for your highest good.
The supported flow of creation is something that is available to you all the time. You may not believe it, Dear Ones, but it will become your preferred method of doing things over the coming months and years, so why not drop the struggle and embrace this far more efficient, far more satisfying way of being now? ~Archangel Gabriel
楽に人生が進むということについて、どう思いますか、どんな感じがしますか? そんな風にはならないとすぐに思いますか? 非現実的だと思いますか? あるいは、やる気をなくしてしまうような、否定的な感情や不安感がこみ上げてきますか?

人生、何でも楽に事が運んだ時のことを考えてください。多分、あなたは何かを始めて、いわゆる“ゾーン”に入りました。そこに入って、難なく流れて行き、すべてがものの見事に揃い、短期間のうちにワクワク感を味わいながらやり遂げました。その時はどういう感じでしたか? 魔法とか、手助けされているような感じはしませんでしたか? そういう経験のどこに嫌な感じがあるというのですか?
~Archangel Gabriel

Kryon - "The New Healing Engergy" - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "The New Healing Engergy" - Lee Carroll

There are those who will say, "I want a lot of energy. I want to go to the healer and get a lot of energy." And today's healer will tell them that they need to balance themselves in all ways in order to get the energy they crave. But they will say, "No, thank you, just the energy, that's all I want." Are you starting to see the change? The system is changing from "please help me." to "please help me to help myself." The largest change in metaphysical people around this planet will be from "poor me" to "master me."
She is not lonely, either. Oh, she enjoys those Humans who come over and enrich her life, but the intimacy that might be enjoyed within a relationship is not on her mind. At the end of the day, when she goes home alone, she makes a statement to the door every time she walks into that place. She says, "I am that I am. And I need only what I am." She's giving permission and free choice for anything to take place, but she is not lonely, and she's not desperate, and she's not despondent because she remembers the cosmic feeling of being in love with God. That's what happens when you fall in love with the Human race, too. And the Lightworker is in love with humanity.
Who are you? Are you a Lightworker?

「元気になりたい。ヒーラーのところに行って元気になる」と思います。でもこれからのヒーラーは、必要なことは自分自身にバランスをつけることだと言うでしょう。でもあなたは「いや、元気になればそれでいいのです」と反論します。物事が変わり始めているのが分かりますか? 「どうか助けて下さい」というやり方から「自分でやれるように教えて下さい」というふうに変わっているのです。今後この地球でスピリチュアルな人が一番大きく変わっていくことは「自分を弱くする」から「自分をマスターする」に変わって行くことです。
彼女は孤独でもありません。近づいてくる人が好きです。それで人生が豊かになりますが、でも親しくなって楽しくするような関係は眼中にありません。一日が終わる頃一人家に帰ると、毎回ドアに向かって言います。「私は完全です(I am that I am.)。私にとって必要なことは、(本当の)自分自身でいること」。彼女は何でも起こるに任せ、自由に任せます。ですが孤独ではありません。絶望的でもなくすぐに反発しません。なぜなら神の愛とともにいるという宇宙の感覚を覚えているからです。あなたが人間を好きになる時にも同じことが起こります。そして、このライトワーカーは人間が好きなのです。
あなたは誰ですか? ライトワーカーですか?

Kryon - Hidden Youthing Template - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Hidden Youthing Template - Lee Carroll
Scientists in the room, you can stop now. We are going to talk about things that you will say, "Eye rolling to the MAX!."
What do you think about the proohetss who live nine hundreds years?
Foolishness? It's reported in many ways in many places from different sources. A few, not one lived over 600 years. Number one it is possible and it is real. The reason? It's simple they had activated template of youthing.


Archangel Michael "FINE-TUNING YOUR SPIRITUAL AWARENESS" by Ronna Herman

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael by Ronna Herman

We also wish to remind you that your hands are one of the most highly developed links to your brain, for there are etheric generator crystals embedded within the palms of the hands. They were designed to be some of the strongest, electromagnetic impulses of the physical vessel. That is why those who have activated or developed the healing power within their hands are so effective in the healing arts. In the future, you have the potential of redeveloping the memory cells within your fingertips so that you may access conscious and subconscious information through touch.
A good exercise would be to hold a crystal which you have Self-programmed as a generator healing crystal in one of your hands as you focus on activating the healing abilities within the palms of your hands.




Kryon - "Quantum Healing" - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "Quantum Healing" - Lee Carroll

For years, kinesiology has bridged that gap of communication, yet how many use it? It's an indictment of the law of logic, isn't it? Here is something that has been proven over time to be something that allows the body to speak to you directly, yet it has not been generally accepted by humanity? Why? Because it's out of the scope of what you have learned is possible. This, therefore, is the issue today.
Explaining the Unexplainable
I would not give you the next information if that were not so. The next information is hard, but here it comes, my partner [speaking to Lee]. I will now take you into the woo-woo - interdimensional healing, the unbelievable, the next step, the one that this new energy will support. You're going to start seeing unexplainable things. Oh, some will call them miracles. Some of the things I'm going to tell you right now will not be proven for a hundred years, because that's how long it's going to take for biologists somewhere to see the lineage and linkage of your family tree and what you did about it today. Oh, we're getting spooky now!

キネシオロジーは、何年も、体と意識のコミュニケーションギャップを埋めて来ました。でも、多くの人は活用しません。キネシオロジーは法に抵触するのですか? そこには、体が語りかけていることを何度も証明されたものがあります。でも、一般的には受け入れられてはいません。なぜか? それまで勉強してきた範疇に入らないからです。したがって、それが、今日のテーマです。

Archangel Raphael - The Future of Healing

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Raphael - The Future of Healing, 2016-5-20

At this time of ascension many people in their own time and space are becoming aware of their healing ability and the healing energies their soul wishes them to bring through. It is akin to a remembrance dawning or an activation of your divine right. The vibration of the Earth and humanity is quickening significantly causing many to remember their truth; their natural healing skills and alignments.
If your natural healing ability is activating you may be experiencing heat or a tingly sensation in your hands, feet and even in your chest, brow or crown.


“TO THE WARRIOR OF LIGHT” by Christina Lunden

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

You know who you are. You are in this world but not of the world. You are not here to fight in the physical dimensions on Earth. You are not fighting at all. You have a unique purpose. You are here to be a light in a time of transition. You are helping in multiple ways with the very same light. You are more powerful than you can imagine.
So be who you came to be. The highest way to serve others now is not through political action, through demonstrations, through being in groups of “us against them” etc. There are people whose soul purpose on the Earthplane is to do that. And that is perfect for them. This message is for you.
You can be amazingly powerful and by just being you, by being light.



Human Hierarchy ~A Message to Lightworkers by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Human Hierarchy ~A Message to Lightworkers
- May 19, 2016 by Caroline Oceana Ryan

Your understanding of hierarchy, as being something that has been exploited for negative purposes on your planet, is entirely understandable.

You are correct when you say that on Earth, for too long those at the top have exploited and suppressed the consciousness of those held at the bottom, and that this very old, increasingly defunct way of doing things is not to be trusted, or even permitted any longer.
We would say, that while hierarchy is the particular model or paradigm you are thinking of, that that is not how we in the higher realms characterize our functions, roles, or our “place” in the Universal scheme of life.
We do not see, for example, that some powerful Angel of Archangel is “above” or “better than” or more empowered than a small elf or faery, merely because of the Angel’s very great size, or special abilities, or astounding, far-reaching insights.



How to activate the pineal gland

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

The mind’s eye, scientifically known as the pineal gland, is considered to be the gateway to higher levels of consciousness. In case you weren’t aware, the pineal gland is a small pine cone shaped endocrine gland in the brain that produces and secretes the hormone, melatonin. It is also believed that the pineal gland is responsible for the release of Dimethyltryptamine (DMT). Also known as the “third eye,” the pineal gland is... believed to be the “principle seat of the soul,” according to Descartes. As you can see, this gland has many functions, both physical and metaphysical, so keeping it functioning at its full potential should be a priority of everyone seeking a healthy mind.
As we age the pineal gland begins to calcify and become sluggish. This rate varies considerably by person and lifestyle, but consuming excessive amounts of fluoride is considered to be a risk factor. This is partly because fluoride collects in extremely high amounts in the pineal gland causing faster calcification. Fluoride can also decrease melatonin production, two things we certainly don’t want to happen. Research has shown that this calcification of the pineal gland shows a strong correlation in the developing of Alzheimer’s disease (Mercola 2011). A poor diet laden with preservatives, chemicals, and pesticides are a major risk factor for calcification and premature aging as well.



Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

Children coming forth today have a greater capacity to deal with the greater variety of information that is coming forward than you did. Each new generation, every new individual, that comes forth, is coming with you having prepared a different platform for them to proceed from. There is this thing that gets in the way of that that says, "I'm the parent. I got here first. I know more than you do." From the children's perspective, and from the purity of their Nonphysical Perspective, what they are saying is, "You're the parent. You got here first. You prepared a platform that I am leaping off from — and my leap will be beyond anything that you have ever known."


Jennifer Hoffman

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Jennifer Hoffman

Relationships of all kinds are undergoing a profound shift because we can no longer adjust ourselves to others' needs, they have to make a choice as to where they will go now, whether it's forward with us or on their own path. We can no longer go 'back' because there is no 'back' to return to, we have moved well beyond our endless healing cycles -- you know this is true for you when you're just tired of the drama. We're at a juncture now and we will either choose our own joy or we'll choose a less fulfilling path. Even then, how far we can return to our 'old' ways is now severely limited and we may have to make some tough choices about who is part of our path. And you don't leave anyone behind, those opportunities will cycle around for them again, the journey never ends, it just takes on new dimensions. Shine on! These are not easy times but they are a necessary part of this journey.



Kryon -"Releasing the Hidden Wisdom"- Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon "Releasing the Hidden Wisdom" @ England
- Lee Carroll, Music - Robert Coxon


Earth Mastery and Finding your Soul Team in 2016 by Archangel Michael

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Earth Mastery and Finding your Soul Team in 2016

Beloved Ones, do you not know that you are "home" at all times? As a Multi-Dimensional Master, the Heart is your Home, and if you are present in your Heart, then you are home indeed!
Let us explain this more clearly. When you activated your Light Body and your thirteen chakra energy system, you moved away from the old seven chakra system with its center in the Solar Plexus. Now, your "center", or point of balance, is in the Heart, the seat of Divine Love and Compassion.
But, when you enter into this activation, you also activate the Three Heart System, where your own Sacred and Divine Heart aligns with the Cosmic Heart and the Earth Heart. This is the Sacred Mystery of the "Three in One", or the Three Who are One. It is the Key to Ascension and the new perspective of life on Earth.
So, your new thirteen chakra system carries the powerful energy flows of the Divine Sacred Hearts, which include your Divine Heart and that of the Earth. In your new energy system, you have beneath your feet the Earth Star Chakra which connects you to the Earth and gives you access to your Earth lifetimes Akashic records, and also the Earth Heart which pulsates in resonance with the Cosmic Heart, and with yours, and which gives you access to the Akashic records at the Crystalline Earth Heart Temple.

皆さん、いつも“故郷(我が家)”にいることが分かりませんか? 多次元マスターであれば、ハートが「故郷」なのです。ハートの中にいれば、間違いなく故郷にいます! 

Kryon - The three parts of human consciousness - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - The three parts of human consciousness - Lee Carroll  2015-5-10

Your Personal Stargate by Peggy Black and the 'team'

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Your Personal Stargate by Peggy Black and the 'team'

Unfortunately, this small pineal gland can and does become calcified and sluggish. The calcification of the pineal gland happens as the human begins to age. This is usually due to lifestyle and the patterns within your collective consciousness.

Your society has grown accustomed to instant and processed foods. The fluoride in your drinking water as well as a diet laden with preservatives, chemicals and pesticides contributes to the calcification of this tiny gland. This calcification or sluggishness can be one of the factors of poor sleep, premature aging, biorhythms being out of sync, erratic mood swings or the inability to activate all your paranormal abilities.





Lord Sananda by ILokila Ehko 2016-5

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Message from Lord Sananda
Monday May 9, 2016 
By ILokila Ehko
My beloved sisters and brothers!
Many things have happened these last days and live in times of changes that humanity plays a fundamental role.
And I have good news for all
They gained access to the golden books of all humanity, these books were being controlled by beings of low vibration that prevented the evolutionary quantum leap into higher dimensions for humans. Now, these beings no longer interrupt the evolution, that have been removed from the golden books information of each of the human souls of the Earth.
Angels and archangels managed to clean up "impurities" that were delaying or withholding humanity at a lower level of awareness regarding who should and experience globally.
I can say that portals have enabled high-frequency higher dimensions to have tools that were previously unavailable to the evolution of the human race.
Angels and archangels teams managed to integrate the timeless lines of the "past" present "and" future "so you will feel energetic waves these days they can assimilate in love.
The 4 Pillars of the Earth are already underway and their integration is imminent. This act will help the movements of the Earth are loving and changes are not so drastic because sisters and brothers, we live in the eternal change.
They have been placed sacred to the entire evolutionary process is always carried the highest vibration seals.
Nations began to shine, the seas to purify !!
Intraterrestrial brothers support to sustain the energies of change.
Now the second step is to ensure that the critical mass can reach 144000.
Sisters and brothers, should create groups to enable people to reach a high frequency vibration through the awakening of the consciences and activate its internal Christs providing force their wonderful cosmic sparks, your threefold flame.
Perform group work and if your heart feels, do charity work group, will be perfect conscious through lectures, workshops and activities to help activate the highest consciousness.
The time is now and we live in a very crucial stage in the history of Gaia and of all humanity.
Finally, I fully trust in their personal decisions, that whatever you decide, this blessed

In love, Sananda

By ILokila Ehko 2016-5-Lord Sananda 9

In love, Sananda


Mary Magdalene "The Essence of All Healing"

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Mary Magdalene "The Essence of All Healing"
Pamela Kribbe

Let us practice that for a moment. Feel your consciousness becoming light and gentle, a little wavy and rippling, not forced, but very open. Let that gentle stream of your consciousness circulate through you. First through your head, where it takes away the sharpness of your thoughts so they become gentle and friendly. There often arises a cutting edge to your thoughts that originates from pain that you feel, and from which you think you need to react, to bite back, to become defensive. Let go of that need and allow in that calm, gentle stream of your true consciousness. Let it flow down through your throat and shoulders, through your heart, your solar plexus, your abdomen.


Kryon - Gender Switching – Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Gender Switching – Lee Carroll

"The Akashic Circle" , July 2011 in Totowa, NJ
Old souls, let me tell you something. If you are old enough, and many of you are, you have been everything. Do you hear me? All of you. You have been both genders. All of you have been what I will call between genders, and that means that all of you have had gender switches. Do you know what happens when it’s time for you to switch a gender?We have discussed it before. You’ll have dozens of lifetimes as the same gender. You’re used to it.. It’s comfortable. You cannot conceive of being anything else, yet now it’s time to change. It takes approximately three lifetimes for you to get used to it, and in those three lifetimes, you will have what I call “gender confusion.”
It isn’t confusion at all. It’s absolutely normal, yet society often will see it as abnormal. I’m sitting here telling you you’ve all been through it. All of you. That’s what old souls do.

クライオン ~ 性別のチェンジ
オールドソウルの皆さん、あなたが十分に長い経験があれば、大勢の皆さんは何でも経験してきました。分かりますか? 皆そうです。あなたは、両方の性を経験してきました。誰もが、両方の性別の間を行ったり来たりしてきました。つまり、性別を変えてきたのです。性を変える時にどうなるか知っていますか? そのことは前に話しました。これから皆さんは同じ性で何度も生きていく人もいるでしょう。その性別でいることに慣れています。同じであれば居心地がよくて他に考えられないのですが、でも、もう性別を変える時に来ています。一つの性に慣れるのに大体3回の人生がかかります。その3回の中で、私の言う「性の混乱」が起こります。
「アカシックサークル」 2011-07


Guided Karma Clearing by Metatron

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Guided Karma Clearing with Metatron by Melanie Beckler

And now, beloved one, there is one more type of cord we are able to assist you in cutting now, and these are karmic cords. Much like the cords we just cut, they are connected to different points in time, often to past lives. Or they are created from challenging experiences in this, your life, the law of cause and effect. If there is harm you have caused to another, there ...may be a karmic cord bringing harm to you. But in this now, these cords no longer serve. They are ready and able to go so that you can step off the karmic wheel and more fully into presence of creative source and light.


Arcturian Group Message 5/15/16

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Arcturian Group Message 5/15/16
You would be happily surprised by how much light is now pouring forth from many different locations on earth. Eyes are starting to open, and ears are beginning to hear. It may appear as if nothing new is happening, as if the world is instead going backward, but it is not.
Much of the corruption you are now becoming aware of was previously kept hidden from the majority within in an energy system that supported it, and anyone seeking expose these activities was simply removed. There is not more corruption today, it is simply that through modern technology and an evolving world consciousness, these things are now coming to light.
The world is awakening to self empowerment and the understanding that they have the ability to choose for themselves. This is manifesting outwardly in the political scene of the USA.

アークトルゥス・グループ 2016/5/15 Marilyn Raffaele
皆さん、こんにちは。たくさんの光が地球のいろいろなところに当たっているので驚きながらも嬉しい思いでいることと思います。皆さんの目が見開き、聞き耳を立て始めています。新たなことは何もなく、逆戻りしているように思えるかもしれませんが、そうではありません。 今知り始めている多くの汚職や買収問題は、これまで大衆の目に触れない状態にあったもので、その隠れた動きを暴こうとする人は誰でも排除され多くの人の目に触れることはありませんでした。今や、汚職や腐敗はこれ以上許されないという世界中の人の意識の高まりや、最新の技術を使って事実が明るみになっています。世界中が自立し始め、皆、自分で選択できるのだということが分かり始めています。そういうことが、アメリカの政治のシーンにそれが表れています。


Kryon "The Creation Story & The Second Lemuria" - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon "The Creation Story & The Second Lemuria" - Lee Carroll
March 20, 2010 @ Auckland, New Zealand
"New Zealanders, I tell you who you are. You are Lemurians."


555 ~ The group by Steve Rother

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Beacons of Light ~ 555
The group by Steve Rother 2000-10

The Power of the Empath ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Power of the Empath ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven

“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
 We are exceptionally impressed by those of you who have taken on more than your share of the workload and who have decided that you are going to be of service to all of humanity. Just dealing with your own stuck energy, trauma, and lower-frequency vibrations is quite a task to take on for this lifetime.
But some of you have actually chosen to be not only wayshowers, but to give others the opportunity to experience relief through your pain. You have taken on more than your share. Traditionally you would be martyrs, but in this particular time that’s not really happening.
So instead of being sacrificed for the greater good, and giving your lives for the cause, you have decided to take on certain powerful energy streams that have been plaguing humankind for thousands of years.
Those of you who have discovered that you are quite empathic, and have also decided to stick around, are meeting up with one another in various ways.
You are sharing your stories. You are helping each other out.

エンパス(Empath)のパワー - ダニエル・スクラントン



Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

Listen to this, listen - all of the Lemurians who ever lived on this planet are alive again in Human bodies right now and are back! They are spread all over the globe. Listen, I've got a roomful of them right here. I'm looking at them. Less than one-half of one percent of seven billion people have to awaken. It's not that many. In fact, it's only 10% of the 350 million Lemurians who are alive today - a very reasonable percentage.
There are many kinds of popular numbers that float around a culture that have become doctrine and mythology. But quite often there is core truth to their importance. One of them, which appears many times as many things, is 144,000. It's intuitive and you all know it. It represents the length of the test in years - 144,000 years. You sit at the 100,000 mark (measured from when the Pleiadians came). Should you last through the 144,000 years, at the end of the test you will be just like them - a planet that is enlightened, one with the attributes of the Great Central Sun. [Kryon smile]

人間の歴史 by クライオン
地球に生きたすべてのレムリア人は、今、人間の体になってまた戻って生きています! 地球上のあちこちにいます。この会場にもたくさんいます。私は今その彼らを見ています。皆さん、だからここにいるのです。だから、皆さんはこのメッセージを読んでいるのです。自分の波動は高くなっているのだろうかと思っていますね。自分の体とクライオンに何か繋がりがあるのだろうかと思っていますね。あります、新しいエネルギーにいるオールドソウル、皆さんはレムリア人なのですよ。