Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Jennifer Hoffman
Relationships of all kinds are undergoing a profound shift because we can no longer adjust ourselves to others' needs, they have to make a choice as to where they will go now, whether it's forward with us or on their own path. We can no longer go 'back' because there is no 'back' to return to, we have moved well beyond our endless healing cycles -- you know this is true for you when you're just tired of the drama. We're at a juncture now and we will either choose our own joy or we'll choose a less fulfilling path. Even then, how far we can return to our 'old' ways is now severely limited and we may have to make some tough choices about who is part of our path. And you don't leave anyone behind, those opportunities will cycle around for them again, the journey never ends, it just takes on new dimensions. Shine on! These are not easy times but they are a necessary part of this journey.
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