
How to Access the Akashic Records by Melanie Beckler

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
How to Access the Akashic Records
What are the Akashic Records?

When I first learned about the Akashic Records, it was explained to me in metaphorical way, as a sort of “library” or “cosmic computer” which stores information on all souls in all universes. This isn’t entirely inaccurate, however both the library and the computer metaphors are very 3D linear ways to look at a very non 3D and very non-linear concept.
  The Akashic Records, which are otherwise know as the Book of Life, or the Akash indeed hold vibrational records of everything in existence… Every word, thought, emotion, action, thing, planet, being, consciousness, soul, personality, and idea that ever has been and that ever has the possibility to be in the future has a record which is stored energetically in the Akashic Record.


他に、「命の書the Book of Life」とも言われていますが、アカシャはあらゆるものの波動の記録を保管しています。あらゆる言葉、考え、感情、行動、物事、惑星、存在、意識、魂、人格、アイデアなどそれまであったものすべてと将来の可能性が記録としてアカシックレコードにエネルギー的に蓄えられています。(訳注:クライオンは地球での記録をアカシックレコード=アカシャ、全宇宙の記録を「魂の記憶」と呼んでいます。地球に初めて来たクリスタルは宇宙での記憶をはっきり覚えている人がいます!!!)

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