Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "Quantum Healing" - Lee Carroll
For years, kinesiology has bridged that gap of communication, yet how many use it? It's an indictment of the law of logic, isn't it? Here is something that has been proven over time to be something that allows the body to speak to you directly, yet it has not been generally accepted by humanity? Why? Because it's out of the scope of what you have learned is possible. This, therefore, is the issue today.
Kryon - "Quantum Healing" - Lee Carroll
For years, kinesiology has bridged that gap of communication, yet how many use it? It's an indictment of the law of logic, isn't it? Here is something that has been proven over time to be something that allows the body to speak to you directly, yet it has not been generally accepted by humanity? Why? Because it's out of the scope of what you have learned is possible. This, therefore, is the issue today.
Explaining the Unexplainable
I would not give you the next information if that were not so. The next information is hard, but here it comes, my partner [speaking to Lee]. I will now take you into the woo-woo - interdimensional healing, the unbelievable, the next step, the one that this new energy will support. You're going to start seeing unexplainable things. Oh, some will call them miracles. Some of the things I'm going to tell you right now will not be proven for a hundred years, because that's how long it's going to take for biologists somewhere to see the lineage and linkage of your family tree and what you did about it today. Oh, we're getting spooky now!
キネシオロジーは、何年も、体と意識のコミュニケーションギャップを埋めて来ました。でも、多くの人は活用しません。キネシオロジーは法に抵触するのですか? そこには、体が語りかけていることを何度も証明されたものがあります。でも、一般的には受け入れられてはいません。なぜか? それまで勉強してきた範疇に入らないからです。したがって、それが、今日のテーマです。
I would not give you the next information if that were not so. The next information is hard, but here it comes, my partner [speaking to Lee]. I will now take you into the woo-woo - interdimensional healing, the unbelievable, the next step, the one that this new energy will support. You're going to start seeing unexplainable things. Oh, some will call them miracles. Some of the things I'm going to tell you right now will not be proven for a hundred years, because that's how long it's going to take for biologists somewhere to see the lineage and linkage of your family tree and what you did about it today. Oh, we're getting spooky now!
キネシオロジーは、何年も、体と意識のコミュニケーションギャップを埋めて来ました。でも、多くの人は活用しません。キネシオロジーは法に抵触するのですか? そこには、体が語りかけていることを何度も証明されたものがあります。でも、一般的には受け入れられてはいません。なぜか? それまで勉強してきた範疇に入らないからです。したがって、それが、今日のテーマです。
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