Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Trinity Esoterics
楽に人生が進むということについて、どう思いますか、どんな感じがしますか? そんな風にはならないとすぐに思いますか? 非現実的だと思いますか? あるいは、やる気をなくしてしまうような、否定的な感情や不安感がこみ上げてきますか?
Trinity Esoterics
When you think about the idea of life unfolding with ease, what comes up for you? Do you immediately think that is something that can't happen for you? Or tha...t it sounds unrealistic? Or perhaps stirs up negative emotions and fears, like to do so would make you lazy?
Think to a time in your life when everything came together with ease. Perhaps you were creating something and entered into what you would call a zone, where it just flowed effortlessly, where everything fell into place beautifully and you accomplished so much joyfully in a short amount of time. How did you feel then? Did it feel magical, and supported? Was anything about that experience negative?
Your inspired creations come from ease and flow. They come from an alignment between you and Source energy. They are the result of the greatest use of the energy available to you combined with your own creative force. That is what we call the sweet spot - that perfect combination of surrender and flow, support and creation, for your highest good.
The supported flow of creation is something that is available to you all the time. You may not believe it, Dear Ones, but it will become your preferred method of doing things over the coming months and years, so why not drop the struggle and embrace this far more efficient, far more satisfying way of being now? ~Archangel Gabriel
Your inspired creations come from ease and flow. They come from an alignment between you and Source energy. They are the result of the greatest use of the energy available to you combined with your own creative force. That is what we call the sweet spot - that perfect combination of surrender and flow, support and creation, for your highest good.
The supported flow of creation is something that is available to you all the time. You may not believe it, Dear Ones, but it will become your preferred method of doing things over the coming months and years, so why not drop the struggle and embrace this far more efficient, far more satisfying way of being now? ~Archangel Gabriel
楽に人生が進むということについて、どう思いますか、どんな感じがしますか? そんな風にはならないとすぐに思いますか? 非現実的だと思いますか? あるいは、やる気をなくしてしまうような、否定的な感情や不安感がこみ上げてきますか?
人生、何でも楽に事が運んだ時のことを考えてください。多分、あなたは何かを始めて、いわゆる“ゾーン”に入りました。そこに入って、難なく流れて行き、すべてがものの見事に揃い、短期間のうちにワクワク感を味わいながらやり遂げました。その時はどういう感じでしたか? 魔法とか、手助けされているような感じはしませんでしたか? そういう経験のどこに嫌な感じがあるというのですか?
~Archangel Gabriel
~Archangel Gabriel
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