Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Earth Mastery and Finding your Soul Team in 2016
Beloved Ones, do you not know that you are "home" at all times? As a Multi-Dimensional Master, the Heart is your Home, and if you are present in your Heart, then you are home indeed!
Let us explain this more clearly. When you activated your Light Body and your thirteen chakra energy system, you moved away from the old seven chakra system with its center in the Solar Plexus. Now, your "center", or point of balance, is in the Heart, the seat of Divine Love and Compassion.
But, when you enter into this activation, you also activate the Three Heart System, where your own Sacred and Divine Heart aligns with the Cosmic Heart and the Earth Heart. This is the Sacred Mystery of the "Three in One", or the Three Who are One. It is the Key to Ascension and the new perspective of life on Earth.
So, your new thirteen chakra system carries the powerful energy flows of the Divine Sacred Hearts, which include your Divine Heart and that of the Earth. In your new energy system, you have beneath your feet the Earth Star Chakra which connects you to the Earth and gives you access to your Earth lifetimes Akashic records, and also the Earth Heart which pulsates in resonance with the Cosmic Heart, and with yours, and which gives you access to the Akashic records at the Crystalline Earth Heart Temple.
皆さん、いつも“故郷(我が家)”にいることが分かりませんか? 多次元マスターであれば、ハートが「故郷」なのです。ハートの中にいれば、間違いなく故郷にいます!
Archangel Michael through Celia Fenn
Earth Mastery and Finding your Soul Team in 2016
Beloved Ones, do you not know that you are "home" at all times? As a Multi-Dimensional Master, the Heart is your Home, and if you are present in your Heart, then you are home indeed!
Let us explain this more clearly. When you activated your Light Body and your thirteen chakra energy system, you moved away from the old seven chakra system with its center in the Solar Plexus. Now, your "center", or point of balance, is in the Heart, the seat of Divine Love and Compassion.
But, when you enter into this activation, you also activate the Three Heart System, where your own Sacred and Divine Heart aligns with the Cosmic Heart and the Earth Heart. This is the Sacred Mystery of the "Three in One", or the Three Who are One. It is the Key to Ascension and the new perspective of life on Earth.
So, your new thirteen chakra system carries the powerful energy flows of the Divine Sacred Hearts, which include your Divine Heart and that of the Earth. In your new energy system, you have beneath your feet the Earth Star Chakra which connects you to the Earth and gives you access to your Earth lifetimes Akashic records, and also the Earth Heart which pulsates in resonance with the Cosmic Heart, and with yours, and which gives you access to the Akashic records at the Crystalline Earth Heart Temple.
皆さん、いつも“故郷(我が家)”にいることが分かりませんか? 多次元マスターであれば、ハートが「故郷」なのです。ハートの中にいれば、間違いなく故郷にいます!
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