Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Telos ~ Inner Earth Beings by Méline Portia Lafont
The portals between our worlds are open, we now mingle amongst you all and we fully blend in your appearances. We have chosen to assist you all in this planetary shift as we are here for Gaia and her growth into the deepened levels of Light. Our love for this planet, Her Being and nature is our devotion and service.
Telos ~ Inner Earth Beings by Méline Portia Lafont
The portals between our worlds are open, we now mingle amongst you all and we fully blend in your appearances. We have chosen to assist you all in this planetary shift as we are here for Gaia and her growth into the deepened levels of Light. Our love for this planet, Her Being and nature is our devotion and service.
The gates and portals between your world and ours have opened and this brings along another frequency to join the merging and bring forth co-operation. Our doors have always been open but were not accessible for all. Only those who were chosen or were sharing the same frequency alignment as our Being were able to perceive us at full sight. Now it is made available to you all to start processing our energies and come into a greater and deeper alignment with nature and with our Being so that you too can perceive our essence.…/meline-portia-lafo…
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