
Quan Yin - You are being shown areas within that need Love

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Quan Yin - You are being shown areas within that need Love
February 9, 2016 by JennySchiltz

At this time much is taking place in your dream time. You may be shown possibilities in your life, areas that need addressed and most importantly you may be working on healing past lives. If you are waking and not remembering your dreams this is not cause ...for alarm and in some cases it is for your protection so that you do not bring the trauma experienced forward. For those that are ready, very important past lives are being brought to the surface, lives that one could consider dark or the very opposite of your soul. Understand that all of you have had both, you have had lives filled with joy and light and you have had lives filled with darkness. Both are valuable for soul growth.

As you work to forgive yourself and come to understand that you are neither light nor dark as a soul, you will find balance within. As you leave behind the judgement of duality within yourself, you will also be able to leave behind the views you still hold of judgement to your fellow man. In by understanding that duality does not need to exist will you be able to create new systems, new ways of being that are loving and non-judgmental of those who do not understand the need for change at this time. You will be able to create new pathways within yourself and the world around you not from a space of light, but from a space of love.

愛が必要な所 by クワン・イン



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