
The Root Chakra~a message from Mother Earth/Gaia by Pamela Kribbe

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Root Chakra
a message from Mother Earth/Gaia channeled by Pamela Kribbe

You all are on a journey inward; your soul wants to fully descend on to Earth and to merge with a human body and to live and manifest here. While you are searching for ways to transcend your humanity, your soul seeks to embrace embodiment. It wants to be human, to come down fully to Earth and to create a fusion between soul and human. That is your pur...pose on Earth.
Today, we are speaking about the root chakra, the energy center at the bottom of your spine, the chakra closest to the Earth and the one that is most deeply affected by the Earth. In many of you, there is fear lodged in the root chakra. If you were to see the root chakra of the majority of people on Earth, you would observe that it is fragmented and not whole, or sometimes even a void. The result is that many people doubt if they are really at home here on Earth. They wonder if they may truly feel safe and welcome here.
The Earth is a place with the potential for so much abundance and wealth, and by that I mean a wealth of experiences for you as a soul. Much joy and inspiration can be experienced here, but presently there is much darkness on Earth. For many centuries, humankind has been held captive by illusions and fears that can make life on Earth a hell, and so a veil has fallen over your natural wisdom. There is an estrangement occurring that reaches into the core of your being.

ルートチャクラを癒す ~ガイア

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