Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Now you think of your planet as being a solid sphere, but Dear Ones, indeed, your planet is flattened at its poles, and contains great chasms within it, that house what you term lost civilizations. Your planet has been determined by your geologist to be 4.5 billion years old, and we tell you that that is close to being accurate within the laws of your science. What your scientist do not understand is that dimensionality influences the laws of your science. From a different dimensionality, your planet would be a conglomerate of many earths, concentrically juxtaposed with infinity of parallel probabilities, you see.
Question: Much has been said about underground civilizations, do these exist, and if so where?
Metatron: Indeed the do exist, and have for a very long time. There is a race of humanoid beings, that originated at the time of LeMuria and at a later phase in Atlantis, who found means to enter into the hollow chasms of your earth. There are vast hollow expanses within your planet that were once connected by vast tunnel networks. Those beings that first entered were of the lighter body form, a physical form not as dense as those surface humans have since evolved into on the surface. Those of LeMuria first entered in these crevices in initially to escape the rampage of what you term dinosaurs that over ran their continent for a long period of time. In time they discovered a profound areas of tranquility and profound e beauty as the adapted. This was how, they learned that an inner sun , in a manner of speaking exists as the ventured deeper. The inner sun emits a form of blue light, and the ancient LeMurians, in semi physical etheric bodies developed a means to see within this light, and discovered an amazing beauty in the chasms. Some of you think that the LeMurians ascended, the truth is they descended into the earth, but are very close to what may be termed their completion, or Ascension.
There are literally dozens of inner earth caverns beneath the areas of Arizona, Nevada and California. Many of these have been stumbled upon by humans within your past century. These exist in the area of the Grand Canyon, Flagstaff, the area you term Area 51 and Death Valley in California. The indigenous peoples now termed Hopi, Navajo and Havasupai still retain legends and indeed some knowledge of these caverns and tunnels. Some of you think that the LeMurians ascended, the truth is they descended into the earth, but are very close to what may be termed their completion, or Ascension.
インナーアース・自然霊・レムリア・UFO byメタトロン
質 問 : 地下に沢山の文明があると言われています。本当にあるのですか、あるとしたら、どこにあるのですか?
メタトロン: ええ、確かに長い間存在しています。ヒューマノイド(人類型)の種族で、レムリアとアトランティス後期の時代に遡れます。彼らは地球の裂け目の空洞に入る方法を見つけたのです。地球内部には広大な空洞が広がっています。かつては、巨大なトンネルのネットワークで繋がっていました。最初に入った者たちはもっと軽い体をしていました。地上で進化した人間の身体よりは密度が低かったのです。レムリア人がはじめにその裂け目に入りましたが、それは、最初、獰猛な恐竜たちから逃れるためでした。恐竜たちは長い間大陸を支配していました。そのうち、レムリア人は完全に静かで美しい土地を発見し住み着いたのです。このようにして彼らは、言ってみれば、地中深く潜ると、地球内部に太陽が存在する、ということが分かったのです。インナー・サン内部太陽(inner sun)はブルーの光を発し、古代レムリア人は、半肉体半エーテル体でこの光の中でものを見る方法を開発したのです。そして、地中の裂け目の中に驚くほどの美しさを発見したのです。レムリア人はアセンションしたと思っている人がいますが、実は地球の中に降下したのです。しかし、彼らは今、終了またはアセンションにかなり近い状態にいます。完了間近です。
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