
Kryon - How I see you - Lee Carroll

Kryon - How I see you (誕生の風) - Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

How would you like to have a truth that gives you so much comfort that you want to be. Not floating away in some kind of meditative bliss but grounded love of God, knowing who you were, knowing where you came from, knowing the possibilities of what you can do. And that’s, my dear human being, who you were in this place, every single of you who had conversation with family (me) before you came in. I watched you come in after that. I spoke of the Wind of Birth, it’s a portal, that seems to open up like a wind that blows the linearity so strident, feels like a hurricane against a multi-dimensional beauty where you came from. Like falling into the abyss and being blown apart. And you go. And the next thing, you know, you are in the birth canal.Did you know that in the first few weeks of life? You remember, children know. It’s very upsetting by the way to be born and have the music stop. It’s frightening. You’re alone so in the dark, so black, the colors are gone, the beauty is gone, the music is gone in there you are. And all you have is the beating heart of your mother. And it’s enough, that’s just a house that assist your hard works. That’s what I said last night. Here we are full circle, aren’t we?

真実で自分自身が快く感じたいですか? 瞑想で感じる幸福感で舞い上がるのではなく、自分が誰でどこから来たか、あなたの可能性を知っている神の愛を根付かせてはどうですか? 人間の皆さん、それが、地球の家族のもとに来る前に私と一緒に話していたあなたなのです。その後であなたがここに来るところを見ていました。「誕生の風」で言ったように、ポータルが開いたようになり、3次元の激しい耳障りな風が多次元の素晴らしい世界に吹き上げてきて皆さんはそこに向かって行きました。まるで世界が断絶した深みに落ちるようにしてあなたはそこに向かって行きます。その次は、産道から出ます。生まれて数週間のことは覚えていますか? 子供は知っています。生まれた時は音楽が鳴り止んでいるのでどうしたのかと慌てます。びっくりします。一人暗い中で、いろいろな色が消え、美しさがなくなり、音楽は鳴り止んでいます。聞こえるのは、母親の鼓動だけです。それで十分です。それが家族で、難しいことを手助けしてくれます。昨日そのことについてお話しました。そこで私たちは輪になっています。



Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

There’ll come a time when physics and science meld with consciousness. It is then that you’ll realize that what the Creator gave you comes in a perfect package. It’s not in boxes where Humans separate it and study in different buildings, but one that comes together where all things relate and fit nicely inside a puzzle of energy.
It may take a thousand years, as it did to the ones who seeded the Pleiadians and those who seeded the ones before them. We speak in odd terms here, using Earth years. We also have not defined how long “crossing the bridge to enlightenment” is or how long “crossing the bridge to quantum existence” is. But in general, the civilizations of the past took 1,000 Earth years to go from old energy to new. But it took many times that to go to a quantum corporeal existence. Don’t try to figure it all out, since your process may be faster or slower. We just give you this information to show you that it’s slower than you like. But this is the beginning.
So, dear Human Being, in closing I say these things to you: You sit in a perfect place. You sit next to others who have been through what you’ve been through. It is time to solve the petty problems of humanity, of walking from place to place with aches and pains of your body. It’s time to solve the uncertainties of the psychology [mental anguish], for these things will not serve you. You’re turning a corner, a slow one to some, that will one day be looked at as the major shift of humanity for the earth. This is the beginning of it.
Let me take you forward 100 to 200 years: Let’s sit in a room together. You’re going to look different. Things will be very different, but you’ll be here because that’s what you do. [This is Kryon’s description of you in your next lifetime or beyond.] Sometimes the Human Being asks, “How many lifetimes do I have left?” [Kryon smile] You should instead be asking, “How many Earth-lifetimes do I have left?” [Kryon bigger smile]. How many times can you do this, dear ones?
The system’s goal is to raise the vibration of the galaxy and be surrounded by planets that have ascended and passed the energy to one another. Soon you’ll do the same for others and, you guessed it, you’ll do it again there. Right now, life is beginning on another planet far from here. Another Cave of Creation is starting to be formed. It’s getting ready for you! [Kryon laugh] Are you tired yet? Dear family, you are eternal and there’s a system, and it’s beautiful. When you are not here, you understand it fully and participate without question.

100年から200年先に行ってみましょう。そこで一緒に座ってください。皆さんは全く変わっています。物事もかなり変わっていますが、ここにいます。皆さんはやって来ます。<次の、それ以降の人生のこと> 人間は「私は何回人生を経験したのですか?」と聞きます。 <クライオン笑顔> こう聞いてください。「地球での人生は何回経験したのですか?」と。<クライオン大笑い> 皆さん、何回生まれて来られますか?
全体のゴールは、銀河の波動を上げて、アセンションして、エネルギーの転換を成し遂げた惑星で一杯になることです。他の惑星のように、皆さんもじきそうなるでしょう。もう一度、ここでやります。その時にそう思いました。ちょうど今、ここから遥かに離れた惑星で生命活動が始まっています。別の創造の洞窟が形成されています。皆さんのために整いつつあります! <クライオン大笑い> もう疲れましたか? ファミリーの皆さん、皆さんは永遠です。ここには大きな仕組みがあります。本当に素晴らしいです。ここにいない時は、そのことを完全に理解しており、疑問の余地なく加わります。





Orin by Abigail Wainwright

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
"Love all your thoughts, even those that are limited or fearful. Think of them as small children needing your love and reassurance. If you catch a negative thou...ght, don't make yourself wrong for having it. Love all your negative thoughts and they will have far less power over you."
~ Orin (Spiritual Growth)
Abigail Wainwright



Boundaries ~ Creator by Jennifer Farley

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
What do you do if someone has hurt your feelings or violated a boundary you have set for yourself? The most important thing to remember is that your energy has played a part in the situation. This is not saying that you are wrong….it is saying that you have a choice on how to react to it. Was it an honest mistake? Then take a deep breath and forgive the situation. However, if you choose to set a boundary, allow others violate it, t...hen loudly proclaim your hurts only to do it again keeps you in the same space you were in the beginning. Remember, growth begins with you…..just do it.
~ Creator by Jennifer Farley

創造主 ~ 自他の区別への拘り
誰かがあなたの感情を害して、思っているような限度を超えたことをしたとしたらどうしますか? 最も忘れてはいけない重要なことは、あなたのエネルギーもその状況に関与していたということです。だからと言って、あなたが間違っているというのではなく、その時に、あなたにはその状況でどう反応をするのかの選択肢がある、ということなのです。じゃあ、あなたが正直過ぎてバカだったと思いますか? その時には、深呼吸をしてその状況が起きたことを許してください。でも、自分の境界というものを定めて、それを踏み越えるような事態が起きた場合、それにもかかわらずまた同じ結果になったと言い張る限り、初めの状況は何ら変わりません。成長は、あなたから始まります。そのことを覚えておいてください。成長してください。


THE SYLPHS, Air Elementals, SPEAK by Suzanne Lie

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
THE SYLPHS, Air Elementals, SPEAK
Suzanne Lie 2015-10-21

Good Nowness Dear Human,
We the Air Elementals, the Sylphs, have come to speak with you this day. We are so honored to be able to have a voice for the ears of humanity. Always, we have floated past humans without you ever knowing we are with you. We have often whispered in your ear, and some of you even heard us. Unfortunately, very few could understand what you heard.
What we have been saying all these millennia is that we feel your breath within our sky. When you breathe out your sorrow, we feel sad and concerned. When you are frightened or angry we feel these emotions and wish to comfort you. Wonderfully, when you breathe out happiness we feel joy and wish to join you in your play.
We love to do our work in the wilderness or where there are few humans, as the air over many of your cities is almost intolerable. We take turns working over these cities, as many of us have actually perished from your air pollution. I would also be very helpful if you could assist us to clear the pesky chemtrails, and please remember that your EVERY thought and emotions comes into our sky for us to clear.



Releasing old Tools ~ Using our true power by The group thru Steve Rother

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Releasing old Tools ~ Using our true power
By The group thru Steve Rother

And we have but one word to say to you, dear ones: Espavo. From the heart of the family of Michael: Espavo. When you hold your energy, you become the creators. You become those who hold the energy in your hearts. It is here that you connect to a very large Family of Light. You are the segment of our family that has taken form in physical biology.

As you rise in vibration, the bubbles of biology can be difficult for some of you. You find tears coming and you do not know why. You say, “When will this end? When will I feel my power without the tears?” And we say that we hope it never ends. As you first experience the thinning veil, you begin to feel Home. You have been so looking forward to this, and now that it is here, all you can do is cry. That can be very overwhelming when it first begins to happen.

Re-membering the real beauty of Home, knowing that you are still in physical form, can be frustrating at best. That feeling is the part of us that goes straight to the heart. Many of you have even found yourselves falling into depression after experiencing Home. Do not judge yourselves for this, as it is a normal process and is experienced by many more of you than any of you know. Please understand that as you continue to experience Home, you will become accustomed to these vibrations and it will no longer overwhelm you but, instead, will inspire you. Take your time and lean on each other in the interim. Be the Human Angel to each other during these times.

We cannot tell you how overjoyed we are to be playing the part to spread the wings of your own, for the angelic wings of Michael are only to reflect the magnificence of humans. Did you feel it? That was not our energy; that was yours. You have been touched by the greatest of angels. Tag; you are it. Pass it on.

光の灯台- ザ・グループ 「古いツールを手放す」

皆さんに一言あります。 “Espavo.” ミカエルのファミリーから一言、 “Espavo.”
 自分のエネルギーをしっかり持てば創造できるのです。心にエネルギーがあり元気になるのです。そこで、 “光” の大ファミリーに繋がります。皆さんは私たちファミリーの一員で、肉体を持つ部門になるのです。

波動が上がると肉体でいることが辛くなる人がいます。涙が溢れ、そのわけが分かりません。「いつになったら止まるんだろう? いつになったら涙を流さず苦労せずに、自分には力があると分かるんだろ?」そう思う人がいます。私たちはそれに終わりはありませんと返答します。ベールが薄くなるのを感じると、故郷を恋しく思います。故郷に帰りたいと思います。故郷に恋焦がれてきて、もうすぐそこにあるという段になって、できるのは泣くくらいです。ベールが薄くなる時に非常に無力感を感じます。


私たちには皆さんの翼を大きく広げる役目がありますが、その時の私たちの歓びがどんなものか、到底お伝えすることは出来ません。ミカエルの天使の翼は、人間の壮大さを反射するためにだけあります。それが感じられましたか? 私たちのエネルギーではなかったのですよ。皆さんのエネルギーだったのです。偉大な天使たちに触れれていたのです。そのエネルギーに自分の名前をつけて、それを他の人に渡してください。

We are MUTATING! by Tiara Kumara, IAMAVATAR.org

Transation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
We are MUTATING! by Tiara Kumara, IAMAVATAR.org

This code has now been activated and we are MUTATING! God, the entity of awareness itself, is changing its program of experience through us as its thinking atoms. It is this all-pervasive consciousness that is shifting our systems of belief while remolding societal structure, systems of government, religion, finance, technology, scientific discovery, all destruction and reconstru...ction, and literally, everything that we call life here on Earth.
It is activated by our very consciousness alone and merely by the way that we perceive life. As we adapt to a completely new system of thought, our more limiting perceptions of belief instantly dissolve, as if they were never there in the first place. A phenomenal new world begins to reveal from the inside out.
Cellular Biologist, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, has examined in great detail the mechanisms by which cells receive and process information. The implications of his work, and other leading scientists reveal that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead, DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell. This includes the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. Dr. Lipton’s research in cell biology is being hailed as a major breakthrough, showing that our bodies can morph simply by retraining our thinking.


今、このコードが起動して、私たちは「変異」しています! 神という意識的実体は、思考する原子として私たちを通して神の経験プログラムを変更しています。このすべてに偏在し浸透する意識が、私たちの信念や考え方を変えて、社会構造や政府、宗教、経済、テクノロジー、科学的発見、破壊と再建など、文字通りこの地球上の生命活動すべての従来のモデルを変更しているのです。

Module 2: Your Real Mind is not located in the Brain by I Am Avatar

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
 Module 2: Your Real Mind is not located in the Brain  by I Am Avatar

Our consciousness has been trained to perceive through the five human senses. This has prevented us from tapping into other worlds or dimensions that exist just beyond the range of our normal perception. We are unaware of them because our minds are not consciously vibrating at these higher levels.
To open the seal of perception, the one belief that must disintegrate concerns how we view the consciousness as something that is ...inside our body, perhaps located somewhere in the brain. We are multidimensional beings! Our consciousness exists outside of the physical body, even outside of the physicalized world. It transcends time and space as part of the one quantum mind.


AA Metatron by J. Tyberonn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
AA Metatron by J. Tyberonn
Keep in mind that some of the lesser realized mechanisms of auric imbalance are zealotry, ego aggrandizement, chronic depression and emotional imbalance (extremes). Keeping ones feet on the ground is essential for clarity, and there are many who intend well in metaphysics that loft too high and vibrate too fast. Such imbalance results in a form of auric 'short-circuitry'. There is no anchored groun...ding; clarity is lost in the hallucinatory syndrome of 'rose colored glasses', in what is termed in your vernacular as 'airy-fairy' delusion. Learning to maintain balance and functional effectively in 3d is therefore a requisite of auric maintenance for enabling clarity in higher dimension.



Who’s In Charge? ~ Creator by Jennifer Farley

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  

Who’s In Charge?
A gentle reminder; you are the one in charge of your growth and healing, you are in charge of your perceptions and emotions. If you choose to say, “You are making me feel ____” or “You are doing ____ to me”, you are relinquishing your power. You are solely responsible for who you are in any given moment. Once you grasp this concept, things will become easier. As always, free will is yours.
~ Creator by Jennifer Farley

創造主 ~ 誰の責任?


You are just momentarily asleep and dreaming, sometimes horrific dreams.

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
You are just momentarily asleep and dreaming, sometimes horrific dreams.
October 20, 2015 by John Smallman

Yes, the mainstream media reports are not encouraging. But underneath and behind the scenes much is happening that will bring essential changes for the benefit of all. Keep on intending to send love to all – not only to those who are suffering but also to sadistic and violent criminals and dictators – because all are being seriously influenced by the Tsunami of Love that has enveloped the planet since late in 2012, and the divine plan is for all awaken. God is not complete without even one of His children. There is not one that He does not Love infinitely and eternally. Some are just more confused and seemingly separated from His Love than most.
Seek the good news that the alternate media are reporting, there is a LOT of it! Then relax into your inner self, your own personal altar, tabernacle, or sanctuary, and be Love!

別の報道でいいニュースを探してください。たくさんあります! それからリラックスして自分の神聖な所に入って、愛のこころでいてください! 


Relationshifts by The group thru Steve Rother

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Relationshifts by The group thru Steve Rother

The illusion of duality is now thinning, and a new reality is being seen. The trinity will have a deeper meaning as you move into your next phase of evolution.

Relationships = Harmonic Attraction

It is for this very reason that we tell you that the key to moving comfortably into the higher vibrations of the new Planet Earth is balancing the male and the female within each one of you. The concept of your ‘alter’ energy is not on the outside but rather on the inside of your being. Balance the male and female within you, and you will then attract a complementary harmonic relationship into your field or enhance the one you now have.
It may be helpful to know that it is not possible to create a relationship; it is only possible to attract a harmonic vibration to your own. When you become fully aware of the vibrational pattern that you are sending out, then you can easily understand what is returned to you in response. The Universe has only one answer to all requests: “And so it is.” Now that you know the answer, perhaps you might care to rephrase the question. This process is harmonic attraction and is the basis of all creation. The first step in harmonic attraction is to balance male and female energy. This process of harmonic attraction is now becoming an important part of your evolution at this time.





Balancing Sexual Energy ~ Steve Rother (Lightworker.com)

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Balancing Sexual Energy
The group by Steve Rother

We are the Arcturian Group 10/18/15

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
We are the Arcturian Group 10/18/15

The majority of physical bodies are still programmed from lifetimes to need meat as a protein source although as one's energy becomes lighter and lighter, this changes. You are moving energetically toward a plant based diet of grains and vegetables which is more compatible with the lighter energies of your ascending bodies which is why many of the heavier foods ...you are used to eating, no longer agree with you.
Sex is sacred, not to be used selfishly. Sexual actions must always embrace loving respect and mutual agreement between partners whether they be male/female, male/male, or female/female. Let intuition always be your guide, not whatever current popular thought may be or the rules and regulations promoted by others. Sexual attraction does not indicate the need for a sexual relationship.
These energetically new times are enabling all who choose, to live full, responsible, happy, and guilt free lives. These are the fruits that flow infinitely and automatically from an awakened state of consciousness, one that has evolved beyond the illusions of sense that still hold much of the three dimensional world in bondage. This is ascension.



Congratulations to the participants of the first wave of ascension! by Aurora Ray

Translation byLightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Congratulations to the participants of the first wave of ascension!
by Aurora Ray   http://www.auroraray.com/5d-is-here-now/



新たにアセンションしたマスターの皆さん、時計を捨ててください、時は今です。すべてを吸って、すべてを吐き出してください。私たちはやりました! 怒りや苦痛、悲しみなどあらゆる感情が今過剰になっているかもしれません。その感情が光になるようにしてください。浄化をして、新しい光のコードを吸収している所なのです。すべての感情を受け留めてください。感情はスピリチュアル体に結び付いています。内なる声を聞いて躊躇うことなくこの流れに乗ってください。
光の勝利です! 地上平和にようこそ!


Archangel Michael - Sacred Union by Celia Fenn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael channeled by Celia Fenn, 2015-10-14
Sacred Union: The Balance Returns after the Grounding of the Sacred Masculine Luminosity

This year, at the 11/11, you will experience the Cosmic Blessing of "Sacred Union" both in Galactic terms and on the personal level. On the Galactic Level, the Planet will align fully with the Two Primal forces of the Divine Heart that you call the Divine Masculine and Feminine. This will serve to magnetize the Earth towards Fifth Dimensional Unity Consciousness.
This year, at the 11/11, you will experience the Cosmic Blessing of "Sacred Union" both in Galactic terms and on the personal level. On the Galactic Level, the Planet will align fully with the Two Primal forces of the Divine Heart that you call the Divine Masculine and Feminine. This will serve to magnetize the Earth towards Fifth Dimensional Unity Consciousness.



Archangel Gabriel by Trinity Esoterics

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
 Archangel Gabriel by Trinity Esoterics

If you cannot practice self love and self care, it indicates that you are unwilling to accept from yourself. If you cannot accept from yourself, how can you ac...cept from others? If you are not holding the energy of acceptance on the most fundamental level, how on earth can the universe deliver to you?
Do you see? Your own self love, your own nurturing, your own acceptance of your own divine perfection, are absolutely vital in order to draw to you the very things you yearn to experience.
Dear Ones, acceptance is an essential element of the manifestation process, as well as the anchor of peace. This is why we stress the importance of self love and acceptance so very much. It is the foundation of all the things you wish to experience and so deserve.
You simply cannot attract what you do not embody or accept. Isn't it time to make the change within? Isn't it time to see yourself as the precious, mindful, loving, tender being you are and allow the entire universe to reflect that truth back to you? ~Archangel Gabriel

普段から自分を好きになり大事にすることが出来なければ、それは、自分を認めることが出来ないということです。それが出来ないで、他の人を認めることが出来ますか? こころの芯から受け入れるというエネルギーを手に出来なければ、宇宙はどうやってあなたに届けられるのですか?
分かりますか? 自分を大事にする、自分に優しく接する、自分には神のようなところがあることを認めること、それが、願ってやまないものを自分に引き寄せるために決定的に重要なことなのです。
だから、受け入れられないものは寄って来ません。今、自分の内面を変える時ではないのですか? 自分は大切な人間で、いつも思いやりと優しさに溢れ、穏やかな人間だと思いたい、そういう時期ではないのですか? そうやって宇宙にその気持ち通りのことを返してもらえる、そういう時期ではないのですか?
~Archangel Gabriel


"Magnificent Possibilities" by Peggy Black and the 'team'

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
"Magnificent Possibilities" by Peggy Black and the 'team', 2015-10-14
Start your day by claiming, I am fully embodied, anchored to this planet and connected to divine source. This is a powerful statement that brings your multidimensional divine consciousness into your physical form.
Realize that you are connected to the energy field of others, so begin to notice when you are still influenced ...by another's attitude or emotions. The best and quickest method in dealing with this is to say often to yourself, "All energy that does not belong to me, I send back blessed and transformed. I call my energy back blessed and transformed and integrate it with grace and ease."
This is like an energetic hand wash. Because your empathic or clairsentient abilities have been fully activated and are increasing, this is the first line of action that truly transforms and shifts the energy of the other.
Each time you send someone's energy/emotions back blessed and transformed, you are offering them a blessing of grace and you are doing your part in transmuting misqualified energies. Little by little you are sending light packets of awareness to everyone you encounter.



~ Kryon - "The Interdimensional Universe" - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

Your solar system is moving into a new place where it's never been in with human life existing. So it's the first time human consciousness has ever been where it's going.
The earth is in the process of being repaired - counterintuitive, perhaps, to what you see on your news, but there is great hope for peace on this great planet. There is hope for the end of hatred as you've seen it in these past years, and for an understandi...ng and wisdom that has not been here before. There are those who sit here who give energy and light for the earth, and we wash your feet for this.
~ Kryon - "The Interdimensional Universe"



Kryon - 人類創生と第2のレムリアの物語 ~ Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon ~ "The Creation Story & The Second Lemuria" ~Lee Carroll


Translation by Lightworkermike( (Minoru Enomoto)

Beloved masters, the collective consciousness of humanity is striving to acknowledge the extreme duality that permeates the Earth. Each and every person, at some level, is fighting the battle to attain greater Self-awareness, which must include embracing both the Li...ght and shadow side of Self while endeavoring to return to an accepted range of duality and polarity. Each of you must recognize and claim your shadow side, your symbolic demons within, so that they, too, may embrace the Light of transformation. Human suffering is the result of rigid thinking, a sense of superiority and judgment of others, which lead to separation rather than unity and tolerance for opposing viewpoints. Can you accept the premise that your negative thought forms are also seeking release? They are rising to the surface of your consciousness, seeking illumination and truth, just as you are. You must take responsibility for what you create, moment to moment. Negative thoughts and actions result in distorted creations and chaos.
SHINE ON, my faithful Ones, and as your circle of influence radiates farther and farther out into the world, one day the circles of Light will overlap and your combined illumination will burst into pure God Light and surround the world. Follow the path of Light, beloveds; the time of the grand reunion is at hand. You are loved profoundly. I AM ARCHANGEL MICHAEL.

人間の苦しみは、頑なな融通の利かない思考や優越感、他の人を責める意識の結果です。それによって反対意見に対して寛容さがなくなり融和せず、分裂状態に陥ります。前提として、自分の否定的思考も、解放を探し求めているのですが、それを認めることは出来ますか? 否定的思考は意識表面に浮かび上がり、皆さんがそうであるように真実に照らし出されようとしているのです。皆さんは、時々刻々と自分のすることに対して、その責任を負わなければなりません。否定的思考と行動は乱れや混乱に行き着きます。


What is an Avatar? by Steve Beckow

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
What is an Avatar?
October 12, 2015 by Steve Beckow
“Avatar” originally referred to an individual who came from the Divine with a special mission to humanity. They’re not ascenders to God, as we are, but descenders from God. “Avatar” means a descent of the Divine.
An avatar is like a Babushka doll. On the outside is the human vessel (Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Ramakrishna, etc.). Next below that can be a step-down transformer from a higher dimension, such as Sananda was for Jesus.
And next inside is the Divine Mother, Holy Spirit, Shakti (all the same), present in an avatar in a way and to an extent vastly different than for the ordinary person. It’s the descent of the Divine Mother that results in the use of the word “avatar.”
Jesus: In order for me to go forward in my journey on Earth, there was an infilling of the Holy Spirit at a very early age, of about five, five and a half. And then it was renewed, or – symbolically renewed – so that the people would know that this was available to everybody.
Jesus: Avatar is not a word that I particularly cherish. Let me put it that way. … There are those who wish to label me as an avatar. And I would accept that label, but I would not choose it. I would choose the label, or the description, of teacher. …

By Steve Beckow


5 Core Traits of Lightworkers by Melanie Beckler 

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
5 Core Traits of Lightworkers
Melanie Beckler Ask-Angels.com













Quan Yin -Time of expansion

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Quan Yin -Time of expansion by JennySchiltz– 10/7/15

I come to you today as many of you are in a period of deep integration of the energies that entered your earth with the X-wave. While many of you are feeling the strong effects, understand this wave is doing exactly what was intended. Each of you is responding differently to the energies and this is determined by the amount of wor...k each of you had done prior to the wave. Understand that all of the information, the light codes, are here to be accessed by all as each one is ready. For this reason you are in a period of deep integration. Once you have cleared density from your form, the light codes are then accessible to rewrite the programming and to change your light body. You will assimilate this information and then work on the next layer of encoding. While this may seem like a daunting task, you must understand that this will allow for incredible growth to take place and the transformation that you seek.
Many of you have moved into the 5th dimensional existence. You have raised your vibration level to match those frequencies and now you are working to maintain them in every moment.



Passing the Torch ~ The group by Steve Rother

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Passing the Torch
The group by Steve Rother  

As a result of your actions, your individual choices and your collective choices as humanity, you will now be taking the care of the planet back. You have earned the right to hold this energy. The parental races of humanity left caretakers on your Gameboard to hold the energy of the Mother Gaia. These have been the cetaceans that you call the whales and dolphins. As you have raised your vibration they have ...been turning this responsibility over to you in small increments for the past several years. Now, they are releasing the final remnants of this responsibility and turning it back over to you. This is a process that will begin now. The cetaceans who have held the energy of your planet, once again pass the torch to humanity. For you can now hold that torch high. We ask that you hold it with the pride of the family of Michael for you have done well to receive it. We ask that you accept it and that you take care of the mother and nurture her as part of yourself, for you have now earned that right through your choices.
Look for the passion in all things and follow the pulls that you feel within. These are the gentle nudges from your own guidance system. These gentle tugs on the strings of your heart, are the way most of you communicate with your higher selves. Now is a time to listen and follow your heart. This next year on the Gameboard will allow each of you to easily set the energy and the direction of your own Game.
~ Beacons of Light by The group thru Steve Rother

心の中から引き付けるものがあったらそれに従ってください。それが、皆さんのガイダンスシステム(導き)による軽い後押しなのです。この優しい、心の紐の ‘引き’ が、ハイヤーセルフとのコミュニケーションを行うやり方なのです。心の声を聴きそれに従う時です。

Passing the Torch ~The Beacons of Light Meditation~

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
光の灯台瞑想 ~「松明を手渡す」2000-1
Passing the Torch ~The Beacons of Light Meditation~
The group by Steve Rother

~The Beacons of Light Meditation~

Breathe deep and relax as you feel your body getting very light. Let yourself go. Join us on this wonderful journey. With each breath an odd noise is heard almost behind your head. Every inhale brings new energy and life into your body and this energy fills your every sense. You open your eyes to see beautiful colors, yet somehow they are slightly blurred. You think that you should be worried but you are not, you are calm and enjoying the experience. As you move, you feel as though you are in slow motion. The most beautiful music fills your ears and your spirit begins to soar as you begin to understand where you are.
You are in the ocean, and the sound that you hear behind your head are the bubbles you are exhaling. You are swimming with members of your family and this is a very special day. You are here to swim with the dolphins. Looking to your right you see some small fish traveling past you. For the first time you take in the beauty of the full colors they offer as they pass. You wonder where they are going as they seem to have a destination in mind. You wonder if you might get a chance to see a school of dolphins. They have always fascinated you, even though you have not had any contact other than to see the trained ones.
Now, up ahead, you see a large gathering of aquatic cetaceans of all shapes and sizes. The many varieties of species are astounding. Many of like kind are gathered in schools or pods. They are all focused on what is about to happen. Not sure what to expect, you find a comfortable spot from which to view the happenings. Just as you settle in, you see the giant of all beings rounding the corner. It is a Blue Whale and the grandeur of this beautiful creature is matched only by its graceful movement. The Blue Whale finds its spot next to a Gray Whale of similar proportions. Soon all begin to fall into silence. Now all that can be heard is the gentle movement of oxygen bubbles as they glide past, on their way to the place where the ocean meets the sky. Something is about to happen.
The event is now beginning as a Blue Whale begins to speak: "We are very honored to be here at this moment to pass the final torch to our ascendants, the humans. Our greatest desires were to be at this spot one day and now that is possible. There were times when we thought this day would never come, but together we have all worked hard to make this happen. Now we turn over the care of the planet to the Humans as was written so long ago."
Just then there is a rush of excitement as you see everyone moving around. You look intently at the flurry of ocean beings watching for the special ones that you had always hoped to see up close the dolphins. Not seeing any dolphins you turn your attention once again to the Grand Blue Whale as she once again begins to speak: "We will remain for a time to back up the humans and then our job will be finished here. We wish to tell you all that it has been our greatest pleasure to be here and hold this energy while the humans slept." With that the entire gathering begins to make noises that can only be compared to a harmonious toning. Hearing this sound brings back floods of memories that you have no reference for. You have heard recordings of whales singing but never have you heard the beauty of this. You become aware that this was an expression of approval similar to applause. It once again dies down as an aquatic hush falls over the entire scene. Now in the silence suddenly there are dolphins all around you. To your amazement you are talking to them through thoughts. The dolphins are fun loving beings and they begin to tease and play with you. You feel very close to them and find that you seemed to be taken into their family. Once more the singing fades and the eerie silence returns.
All eyes now turn to the water's edge where there is a large gathering of people communicating with the whales and dolphins from the shore. You are in the water with the dolphins surrounding you and you get to watch the proceedings from the point of view of the dolphins. The humans are there to receive the torch of responsibility for the Gaia energy. They speak in unison: "Thank you for holding the energy for us while we slept. Now we will learn to live together in full support with the Mother energy. Thank you for showing us the way. We invite you to stay and enjoy the creation of Heaven on Earth." Once again the harmonious toning came from the many species of cetaceans as they show their approval. Now the people begin to come into the water and swim. Now the dolphins begin to make passes at you in the water. The dolphins that were with you a moment ago are playing with the humans in the water. With each pass they look you right in the eye and make contact.
One of the dolphins singles you out and you begin to play with this one alone. Somehow you know this energy. Somehow you know that this meeting was preordained. Just then, you close your eyes and see geometric patterns in the darkness behind your eye lids. They are very interesting shapes and they have a warm feeling associated with them. It is almost as if they are helping you to re-member things that you had forgotten. The feelings of well-being and love increase as they offer you these geometric shapes. Soon they begin to make noises both on top and under the water as well. One of the dolphins is looking right at you and begins to speak in the chirps and squeaks of delphinine. You see the patterns that are created in the water as they communicate with you. The patterns are the same geometric shapes that you saw before. They are communicating with the people in their playfulness. One message they are communicating, is that it is a Game to be enjoyed and to stop taking themselves too seriously. Follow their hearts and see themselves as part of the whole not separate from one another. The people are beginning to get the message and the laughter is shared by all.
Saying goodbye to the people at the shore line was difficult for some of the dolphins but it was now time for the humans to return to dry land. The Dolphins were now ready to leave and return home as well. You find yourself saying goodbye, as your friend nuzzles up to you for one last dolphin hug. Then in an instant they are gone. As you walk out of the water you find yourself returning to where you began this journey.
Feeling that you are now back in the familiar surroundings of your dry environment, you once again close your eyes to see the geometric shapes that they gave you. In that instant you re-member the feelings of your encounter in the water. Every time you close your eyes and see the geometric shapes it will help you to re-member your connections to the Earth and that wonderful day with the dolphins.
And so it is

光の灯台瞑想 ~「松明を手渡す」2000-1



2012に踏み出す Part 2 - Steve & The group

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Does really Neutrino run faster than light speed?
Step into 2012- The group & Steve





Earth Change by The group thru Steve Rother (Lightworker.com)

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Earth Change by The group thru Steve Rother



Is That OK? ~ "Synchronicity - The Way It Works” ~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
In the Week of Nobel Prize
Is That OK? ~ "Synchronicity - The Way It Works”
August 2013 in Asheville, NC

Let me tell you something: Perhaps your 3D goal will never be accomplished. Is that OK? Instead of settling into a final goal, you'll always be in motion, always. Is that OK? There'll always be the ladder to climb in knowledge, in awareness, and energy. New things will always be coming your way. It will be this way until the moment you take your last breath. You will feel that you "never arrived" at your goal, but that's not true, for each day you have arrived. It's a mindset - and you don't like that either, do you? Instead, you want to arrive in a place and say "I made it!" Then you wish to purchase a T-shirt that confirms it. <Laughter>
~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll

クライオン ~ それでいいですか?
ちょっとあることをお話しましょう。多分あなたの3次元でのゴールは達成されないでしょう。それでいいですか? 最後のゴールで決着がつかなくても、あなたは常に動いています。常にです。それでいいですか? 知識も意識もエネルギーのどれも、そこには階段があります。新しいことが絶えず立ちはだかります。そうやって最後の息を引き取ります。そうしたらゴールに辿り着かなかったと思うでしょう。しかし、そうではありません。毎日ゴールに着いているのです。それは思考習慣の問題です。でもどちらも好きになれませんね。でも、皆さんは、ゴールインして「やった!」と声を上げるのが好きなのです。その時にゴールしたというロゴ入りTシャツを貰いたいのです。(笑)

Kryon ~ Shut the Door to Evil by Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon ~ Shut the Door to Evil by Lee Carroll

When the rules of physics are applied in certain situations, you can control what happens. This is the beauty of knowing 3D physics. However, it's the same with consciousness. When you reach a point of understanding of the physics of consciousness, how it works, the mechanics of it, the distribution of it and the spiral de...livery of it, you shut the door to older energies. Certain entities that have visited this planet in the past can't visit anymore. Did you hear that? They can't get in! Physics creates a barrier and they can't get in. There are dark energies and ideas of darkness that would want to come in and play with your consciousness. Some call that evil. It affects Humans and those Humans work with it. It helps them gain power and control, and there is no elegance in how they obtain it. But that door is being closed! Evil as you know it will start to diminish. Evil is an energy that is sucked up by certain Humans. Then those Humans truly become evil, and it's their choice. That's old consciousness. That's the best explanation we have for what is going to happen in the future.

クライオン ~ 邪悪な扉が閉じる

ある状況に物理法則を当てはめると、起こることをコントロールできます。3次元物理を知っている素晴らしい点です。しかし、意識にも同じことが当てはまります。意識の物理学を知るところまで来て意識の動きやその仕組み、意識の送り出し方、その螺旋状の動きが分かると、古いエネルギーの扉を閉めることになります。過去地球にやって来た特定の存在はもうやって来ません。聞いたことはありますか? もうやってくることが出来ません! 物理学で壁が作れます。地球に侵入することはできません。やって来て人間の意識をもて遊びたがっているという闇のエネルギーと闇の考え方があります。それを邪悪という人もいます。人に影響を与え、また人間もそれに呼応します。力とコントロールを手に入れやすくします。しかし力を手にしても全然洗練されることはありません。しかし、その扉が閉じようとしています! 皆さんが知っているよこしまなものが消えようとしています。悪は特定の人間によって吸収されるひとつのエネルギーです。その時、その人間は本当に邪悪になります。それは当人の選択です。古い意識です。それが、将来起こることを一番よく表わしています。

Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner September 3, 2015

We will be teaching you about some new technologies that we think you will love. We are working through and with gifted scientists and messengers to bring these forth. It’s time to get past some of the basics like the salt and pepper on your tables. We want to present you with the full g...ourmet feasts of all possibilities that will make your lives easier, healthier and more abundant.
The roll out of some of these technologies is being planned. They will be introduced when the time is right. They are most needed and will improve life on the earth in a myriad of ways. Some of them will be slipped into your lives cleverly. Your high tech companies won’t be able to take all of the credit. We are excited to help you in these ways.



The Crystalline Light Grid by Lisa Transcendence Brown

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
 Lisa Transcendence Brown  (Kilauea, Hawaii)

The Crystalline Light Grid has activated and Light Encodements now activate the knowledge held inside of them for you to see, access and read..... Open up to "t...wo way communication"..... inside.... Open up to RECEIVE.
FREQUENCIES activate open communication through light.... The light you hold is everything... it releases info right now if you go tap in, connect to/as your higher self, connect to that which was dormant and hidden within...
Do you know how to open these magnificent GIFTS that you've been holding inside of your own energy and dormant cells through EONS of EXISTENCES that all converge for you/all in this now?
Update in a bit. I'm writing out tons on Light Quotients. Chemical compounds and the relativity of energy & mass to our own Crystalline Structures and walking in multiple dimensions/universes now. Gotta love it! It's an OPEN CONDUIT LIGHT GRID .....
Information activating, traveling and available at the speed of Light.... TUNE INTO IT.... it is you.
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼



Kryon - あなたのアカシャ - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - “Your Own Time Machine”
Lee Carroll 2015-9-5



Bring In The Light ~ Creator by Jennifer Farley

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto )
Bring In The Light
Each of you carries a bit of darkness inside. Whether it is from past negative experiences or things you feel you may have done wrong in the past. Today, you are invited to take a closer look at that darkness and how much space it takes up within your being. If you chose to release that darkness, can you see what an incredible amount of space would be available for Light?!
Just as like attracts like, Light attracts Light lik...e a magnet. For every ‘dark moment’ you release, The Universe replaces it with ten times the amount of abundance and joy. Look at those moments honestly, allow yourself the forgiveness you so richly deserve and bring in the Light! You ARE worthy of this and The Universe is willing and able to oblige. 
~ Creator by Jennifer Farley

創造主 ~ 光を引き入れる

God from the sun




Guided Karma Clearing with Metatron by Melanie Beckler 

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
カルマの浄化 ~ 大天使メタトロン
Guided Karma Clearing with Metatron by Melanie Beckler 2012-10-7

人と話をしていて、そこから離れたり、人と一緒にいて自分が弱く感じたり、疲れや消耗感を感じたりした経験はありませんか? その時、相手は知らず知らずにあなたにエネルギーコードをくっつけたのです。それが言わば、「エネルギー・バンパイア」です。源であれば減ることはないのですが、直接源ではなくあなたから強さや光、喜びのエネルギーを吸い上げているのです。宇宙のエネルギーは単に手を伸ばせばつかめるのです。一番必要なものを手にしたいからという理由で他の人とエネルギー交換をしないでください。源に頼んでください。スピリットに頼んで、愛と感謝を他の人に流すことができます。愛や喜びは人から奪うものではありません。皆さんは、光のオーブ、愛の翼に囲まれているのです。大天使ラファエルに皆さんについた不要なコードを引きぬいてもらうように私たちが頼んでみます。
では、こういうふうに言ってください。「創造主、私の中にある手放す必要のあるものを見せてください。自分の前進を阻む考え方がどういうものか、気づかせてください」。集中すると、あなたの意図は伝わります。覚えておいてください。どんな考え方や信念があると気づきましたか? どんな信念で足止めしていますか? それを感じて、知って、目で見てください。怖れずもう一度やってください。この信念はどんな感じか、感じてみてください。そういうものがあったことに覚えがないかもしれませんが、今知ってください。皆さんに代わって私たちが創造主にその信念を光に変えてくれるようお願いをします。
皆さん、この開放を感じて知ってください。信念が皆さんを捕まえていましたが、本当に離れて消え、それに代わって力強いエンパワーメントの信念が人生の目的と使命に役だっていきます。このエンパワーメントの信念を源から引き寄せてください。どうですか? その光があなたのところに来ています。見てください。皆さん、できるだけこのワークを繰り返し実行してください。その時、自分の真実の可能性から引き離す信念はどういうものですか?、と聞いてください。で、何も答えがなくなるまで繰り返してください。たくさんの信念があると思います。だから1回につき一つの信念という手順でやってください。ではもう一度やります。「源、どんな信念を手放す必要がありますか? 私の意識をその信念に惹きつけてください。心に浮かぶことが何か、感じるもの、考え、微妙なイメージなどを感じ取らせてください。できたらそれを特定してその原因や根っこを知らせてください。どこからやってきたものですか? では、源、この信念を光に返して、力のある考えや感情、愛と神聖な光に基づいた信念に置き換えてください」。

Lord Metatron by Carolyn Evers re: the Hara Line and the Hara

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Lord Metatron by Carolyn Evers re: the Hara Line and the Hara

The Hara Line runs through the centre of your body. It runs up through the chakras. It goes up and comes out of the top of the head as a line, going up to Source. The line goes from Source through the centre of your body and then it connects you to the core of the Earth. This is the Hara Line, which everyone has. And so what you do is you imagine that being in a straight line. It takes time to develop this but with practice you will see it like a little string of white light - very fine, very delicate, very ethereal and the more you concentrate on it, the more you will see it. This line can become bent and in some cases broken. Focus on this line and see it running straight from Source, through the center of your body to the center of the Earth. It is your Hara Line that keeps you grounded on the planet.
Now, you look at your solar plexus. That’s a power centre so you put your consciousness there. Now there’s a second line, a horizontal line known as the Hara that runs through that. For women this line runs from side to side, for men it runs front to back. So, you straighten that by visualising it and seeing it straightened out. So the intersection of the two lines forms a quadrant at the solar plexus.
As mentioned, the female will sense the line as going from side to side and the male will sense the line going from front to back and when they join themselves at the heart centre they can move closer and when there is a closer relationship they connect at the Hara Line and it would also be in the solar plexus area and the male and the female bring that direction together. His going one way hers going the other and so at the heart centre there will be the merkabah. At the solar plexus there will be a spin also of the Hara and if you
can imagine the configuration of the two, they are different but the closer the couple become the closer they are able to integrate these two forces, the closer they live as one.
Now, you have straightened the two, the Hara Line and the Hara and you see them cross, you see the quadrant and you might see this has really lightened up the area of the solar plexus. You may see the light there and feel the power in that center. This is the power that is used in martial arts.
This is how they’re obtaining it. Now, they’re going through other disciplines to find that power but they don’t really understand the workings of how you do this. It is the balance between your place on the planet as determined by the Hara which is the horizontal line and then the Hara Line going from Source to the core of the Earth is your centering space. So it’s like finding your place on the planet and then finding your connection between Source and the interior of the planet and so what you have there, if you think about that, is a cross. It is the human Solar Cross. So you have your power because you are now balanced in your place on the planet, you are balanced with the line from Source to the planet and you now stand in your personal solar power. That’s why that power comes to you. Isn’t that beautiful? Individuals that do this every day will bring great balance into their life from the point of view of emotions. It will help balance the emotional body.
When these two lines are out of balance the emotional system will become out of balance very quickly. This is a good exercise for you to balance the emotional system and this is going to really be needed as earth changes quicken, as they will as we approach Ascension in 2012.


Pleiadian Message from Scarborough/Master Sarah/Brigid

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Pleiadian Message from Scarborough/Master Sarah/Brigid
~ September 30, 2015 by Jen Freer

Greetings beloved starseeds, and welcome to your newly ascended Earth and rising consciousness/vibration. Congratulations! We have achieved what we intended by incarnating in multiplicity as human beings to ground our light bodies into this beautiful planet we adore so much.

We know many of you are still getting acclimated to your energetic shift in vibration and consciousness. It may take some time to settle in and feel comfortable. Some of you may feel a bit overwhelmed with a variety of emotions from energized to agitated or irritable to simply knackered. Rejoice! This means you made it home. It was a long, bumpy ride with lots of twists and turns. Rest and be gentle with yourselves.
Some of you may feel as if nothing has changed at all, and that is because you were born fully grounded in 5D consciousness even though you felt you struggled and grappled with human ego along the way. Thank you for descending to the challenge for the sake of old times. We know it isn’t the most delightful cup of tea, but you are deeply appreciated for your dedicated work and leadership in this great transitional shift. Thank you for channeling our messages, doing wonderful healing work and lending your light, wisdom, patience and grace to our awakening starseeds.


こんにちは、スターシードの皆さん。そして意識と波動を上げて、新たにアセンションした地球にようこそ。おめでとうございます! 私たちは、意図したことを達成しました。それは、私たちの数多くが人間に生まれ、ライトボディをこの素晴らしい、心から愛する地球に根付かせることが目的でした。
これから多くの人が、波動と意識の変化に順応して行きます。落ち着いて居心地よくなるには少し時間がかかるでしょう。中には、いろいろな感情が起きて動揺したりイライラしたり、疲れる人もいるかもしれません。喜んでください! 皆さんはここに故郷を作ったのです。曲がりくねってでこぼこした、長い道中でした。安心して穏やかになってください。

What Happened? – The Council

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
What Happened? – The Council

ザ・カウンシル ~何が起きたか?

そこで、提案ですが、もう一度自分について考えてほしいと思います。自分が好きですか? どんなことが楽しいですか? どんなことで喜びを感じますか? そういうことをしてください。皆さん自身にはそういうことがギフトとして備わっているということがこれからますます分かっていきます。今までこんな特技があったのかとびっくりしている人もいます。皆さんは多くの人生を生きてきましたね。数々の素晴らしいスキルを磨き、才能を伸ばしてきました。それは、その中から引き出していく道具箱だと考えてください。「こんなことが出来たら素敵だな」という感じがしたら、やってください。自分に驚くかもしれません。そうなると、既にしていることで大きな弾みがつくかもしれません。人生が急転回するかもしれません。それでいい感じがしたら波に乗ってください。でも、楽しくないことに引きずられないようにしてください。感覚や感じで、意味のある所に導かれます。自分を助けるように仕向けてくれます。その感覚を生かしてください。
この新しいエネルギーを跳躍台にしてください。2,3度弾みをつけてから飛んでください。感覚を頼りにどこに導かれるのか? 分からなければ、私たちに教えてほしいとお願いしてください。でも、その時に、起こる状況に踏み込む用意をしてください。皆さんは本当によく、ああすればよかったと後になって考えますが、波に乗るというのは、どこに向かうかはっきりさせるのではなく、波に乗るのです。隅々まで知っている高次のマインドに任せて導いてもらうようにすることです。あなたにその声が聞こえる頃には、ある感じがしたり、シンクロニシティが起きてやって来るでしょう。それがブレークスルーです。自分に対して辛抱強くなってください。

"How to Access the Akashic Records" by Melanie Beckler

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
"How to Access the Akashic Records" by Melanie Beckler, Ask-Angeks.com

How are they updated? This is one of the main roles of the powerful multi-faceted and multi-dimensional Archangel Metatron. Archangel Metatron energetically encodes and records in the Akashic Record everything that happens throughout existence. Due to this close work with the records, Archangel M...etatron can also help you to gain access to the records of your soul, and to that which will serve you on your journey now.
How to Access the Akashic Records
Through accessing the Akashic Records of your soul, you can align with past skills and resources, heal present blockages tied to the past, and learn about and heal the future from the present.

どうやってアカシックレコードは更新されるんですか? それが、パワフルで多くの力と多次元の大天使メタトロンの役割の一つです。大天使メタトロンは、全存在で生起するものをアカシックレコードにエネルギーで記録しコード化するのです。このように密接に記録に関わるために、大天使メタトロンはまた、皆さんが自分の魂の記録に繋がれるように手助けをし、更に今後の人生に役に立つことにも接触できるようにしてくれます。