Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Passing the Torch
The group by Steve Rother
As a result of your actions, your individual choices and your collective choices as humanity, you will now be taking the care of the planet back. You have earned the right to hold this energy. The parental races of humanity left caretakers on your Gameboard to hold the energy of the Mother Gaia. These have been the cetaceans that you call the whales and dolphins. As you have raised your vibration they have ...been turning this responsibility over to you in small increments for the past several years. Now, they are releasing the final remnants of this responsibility and turning it back over to you. This is a process that will begin now. The cetaceans who have held the energy of your planet, once again pass the torch to humanity. For you can now hold that torch high. We ask that you hold it with the pride of the family of Michael for you have done well to receive it. We ask that you accept it and that you take care of the mother and nurture her as part of yourself, for you have now earned that right through your choices.
Passing the Torch
The group by Steve Rother
As a result of your actions, your individual choices and your collective choices as humanity, you will now be taking the care of the planet back. You have earned the right to hold this energy. The parental races of humanity left caretakers on your Gameboard to hold the energy of the Mother Gaia. These have been the cetaceans that you call the whales and dolphins. As you have raised your vibration they have ...been turning this responsibility over to you in small increments for the past several years. Now, they are releasing the final remnants of this responsibility and turning it back over to you. This is a process that will begin now. The cetaceans who have held the energy of your planet, once again pass the torch to humanity. For you can now hold that torch high. We ask that you hold it with the pride of the family of Michael for you have done well to receive it. We ask that you accept it and that you take care of the mother and nurture her as part of yourself, for you have now earned that right through your choices.
Look for the passion in all things and follow the pulls that you feel within. These are the gentle nudges from your own guidance system. These gentle tugs on the strings of your heart, are the way most of you communicate with your higher selves. Now is a time to listen and follow your heart. This next year on the Gameboard will allow each of you to easily set the energy and the direction of your own Game.
~ Beacons of Light by The group thru Steve Rother
心の中から引き付けるものがあったらそれに従ってください。それが、皆さんのガイダンスシステム(導き)による軽い後押しなのです。この優しい、心の紐の ‘引き’ が、ハイヤーセルフとのコミュニケーションを行うやり方なのです。心の声を聴きそれに従う時です。
~ Beacons of Light by The group thru Steve Rother
心の中から引き付けるものがあったらそれに従ってください。それが、皆さんのガイダンスシステム(導き)による軽い後押しなのです。この優しい、心の紐の ‘引き’ が、ハイヤーセルフとのコミュニケーションを行うやり方なのです。心の声を聴きそれに従う時です。
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