
The Crystalline Light Grid by Lisa Transcendence Brown

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
 Lisa Transcendence Brown  (Kilauea, Hawaii)

The Crystalline Light Grid has activated and Light Encodements now activate the knowledge held inside of them for you to see, access and read..... Open up to "t...wo way communication"..... inside.... Open up to RECEIVE.
FREQUENCIES activate open communication through light.... The light you hold is everything... it releases info right now if you go tap in, connect to/as your higher self, connect to that which was dormant and hidden within...
Do you know how to open these magnificent GIFTS that you've been holding inside of your own energy and dormant cells through EONS of EXISTENCES that all converge for you/all in this now?
Update in a bit. I'm writing out tons on Light Quotients. Chemical compounds and the relativity of energy & mass to our own Crystalline Structures and walking in multiple dimensions/universes now. Gotta love it! It's an OPEN CONDUIT LIGHT GRID .....
Information activating, traveling and available at the speed of Light.... TUNE INTO IT.... it is you.
Lisa Transcendence Brown ☼


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