Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Lord Metatron by Carolyn Evers re: the Hara Line and the Hara
The Hara Line runs through the centre of your body. It runs up through the chakras. It goes up and comes out of the top of the head as a line, going up to Source. The line goes from Source through the centre of your body and then it connects you to the core of the Earth. This is the Hara Line, which everyone has. And so what you do is you imagine that being in a straight line. It takes time to develop this but with practice you will see it like a little string of white light - very fine, very delicate, very ethereal and the more you concentrate on it, the more you will see it. This line can become bent and in some cases broken. Focus on this line and see it running straight from Source, through the center of your body to the center of the Earth. It is your Hara Line that keeps you grounded on the planet.
Now, you look at your solar plexus. That’s a power centre so you put your consciousness there. Now there’s a second line, a horizontal line known as the Hara that runs through that. For women this line runs from side to side, for men it runs front to back. So, you straighten that by visualising it and seeing it straightened out. So the intersection of the two lines forms a quadrant at the solar plexus.
As mentioned, the female will sense the line as going from side to side and the male will sense the line going from front to back and when they join themselves at the heart centre they can move closer and when there is a closer relationship they connect at the Hara Line and it would also be in the solar plexus area and the male and the female bring that direction together. His going one way hers going the other and so at the heart centre there will be the merkabah. At the solar plexus there will be a spin also of the Hara and if you
can imagine the configuration of the two, they are different but the closer the couple become the closer they are able to integrate these two forces, the closer they live as one.
Now, you have straightened the two, the Hara Line and the Hara and you see them cross, you see the quadrant and you might see this has really lightened up the area of the solar plexus. You may see the light there and feel the power in that center. This is the power that is used in martial arts.
This is how they’re obtaining it. Now, they’re going through other disciplines to find that power but they don’t really understand the workings of how you do this. It is the balance between your place on the planet as determined by the Hara which is the horizontal line and then the Hara Line going from Source to the core of the Earth is your centering space. So it’s like finding your place on the planet and then finding your connection between Source and the interior of the planet and so what you have there, if you think about that, is a cross. It is the human Solar Cross. So you have your power because you are now balanced in your place on the planet, you are balanced with the line from Source to the planet and you now stand in your personal solar power. That’s why that power comes to you. Isn’t that beautiful? Individuals that do this every day will bring great balance into their life from the point of view of emotions. It will help balance the emotional body.
When these two lines are out of balance the emotional system will become out of balance very quickly. This is a good exercise for you to balance the emotional system and this is going to really be needed as earth changes quicken, as they will as we approach Ascension in 2012.
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