Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Relationshifts by The group thru Steve Rother
The illusion of duality is now thinning, and a new reality is being seen. The trinity will have a deeper meaning as you move into your next phase of evolution.
Relationships = Harmonic Attraction
It is for this very reason that we tell you that the key to moving comfortably into the higher vibrations of the new Planet Earth is balancing the male and the female within each one of you. The concept of your ‘alter’ energy is not on the outside but rather on the inside of your being. Balance the male and female within you, and you will then attract a complementary harmonic relationship into your field or enhance the one you now have.
It may be helpful to know that it is not possible to create a relationship; it is only possible to attract a harmonic vibration to your own. When you become fully aware of the vibrational pattern that you are sending out, then you can easily understand what is returned to you in response. The Universe has only one answer to all requests: “And so it is.” Now that you know the answer, perhaps you might care to rephrase the question. This process is harmonic attraction and is the basis of all creation. The first step in harmonic attraction is to balance male and female energy. This process of harmonic attraction is now becoming an important part of your evolution at this time.
Relationshifts by The group thru Steve Rother
The illusion of duality is now thinning, and a new reality is being seen. The trinity will have a deeper meaning as you move into your next phase of evolution.
Relationships = Harmonic Attraction
It is for this very reason that we tell you that the key to moving comfortably into the higher vibrations of the new Planet Earth is balancing the male and the female within each one of you. The concept of your ‘alter’ energy is not on the outside but rather on the inside of your being. Balance the male and female within you, and you will then attract a complementary harmonic relationship into your field or enhance the one you now have.
It may be helpful to know that it is not possible to create a relationship; it is only possible to attract a harmonic vibration to your own. When you become fully aware of the vibrational pattern that you are sending out, then you can easily understand what is returned to you in response. The Universe has only one answer to all requests: “And so it is.” Now that you know the answer, perhaps you might care to rephrase the question. This process is harmonic attraction and is the basis of all creation. The first step in harmonic attraction is to balance male and female energy. This process of harmonic attraction is now becoming an important part of your evolution at this time.
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