
Pleiadian Message from Scarborough/Master Sarah/Brigid

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Pleiadian Message from Scarborough/Master Sarah/Brigid
~ September 30, 2015 by Jen Freer

Greetings beloved starseeds, and welcome to your newly ascended Earth and rising consciousness/vibration. Congratulations! We have achieved what we intended by incarnating in multiplicity as human beings to ground our light bodies into this beautiful planet we adore so much.

We know many of you are still getting acclimated to your energetic shift in vibration and consciousness. It may take some time to settle in and feel comfortable. Some of you may feel a bit overwhelmed with a variety of emotions from energized to agitated or irritable to simply knackered. Rejoice! This means you made it home. It was a long, bumpy ride with lots of twists and turns. Rest and be gentle with yourselves.
Some of you may feel as if nothing has changed at all, and that is because you were born fully grounded in 5D consciousness even though you felt you struggled and grappled with human ego along the way. Thank you for descending to the challenge for the sake of old times. We know it isn’t the most delightful cup of tea, but you are deeply appreciated for your dedicated work and leadership in this great transitional shift. Thank you for channeling our messages, doing wonderful healing work and lending your light, wisdom, patience and grace to our awakening starseeds.


こんにちは、スターシードの皆さん。そして意識と波動を上げて、新たにアセンションした地球にようこそ。おめでとうございます! 私たちは、意図したことを達成しました。それは、私たちの数多くが人間に生まれ、ライトボディをこの素晴らしい、心から愛する地球に根付かせることが目的でした。
これから多くの人が、波動と意識の変化に順応して行きます。落ち着いて居心地よくなるには少し時間がかかるでしょう。中には、いろいろな感情が起きて動揺したりイライラしたり、疲れる人もいるかもしれません。喜んでください! 皆さんはここに故郷を作ったのです。曲がりくねってでこぼこした、長い道中でした。安心して穏やかになってください。

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