Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - The Recalibration of GAIA
Right now, the energy on this planet is filled with millenniums of war, old energy fighting, machismo, and intolerance. This, then, is what the DNA adjusts to at your birth. Whereas you are designed for 100 percent DNA efficiency, right now it's at 30 percent. And that, dear one, is what is changing, for the DNA is now starting to operate at a higher efficiency because there's a consciousness... shift going on. You're seeing it first, of course, with the ones who are currently being born. At their first breath, they're now at 35 percent, and this translates into a Human Being that is far more aware and more conceptual at a far earlier age. It's almost as though they have an instinctual awareness of overall Humanism, instead of having to learn it all over again, as you did.
Kryon - The Recalibration of GAIA
Right now, the energy on this planet is filled with millenniums of war, old energy fighting, machismo, and intolerance. This, then, is what the DNA adjusts to at your birth. Whereas you are designed for 100 percent DNA efficiency, right now it's at 30 percent. And that, dear one, is what is changing, for the DNA is now starting to operate at a higher efficiency because there's a consciousness... shift going on. You're seeing it first, of course, with the ones who are currently being born. At their first breath, they're now at 35 percent, and this translates into a Human Being that is far more aware and more conceptual at a far earlier age. It's almost as though they have an instinctual awareness of overall Humanism, instead of having to learn it all over again, as you did.
We have told you about these new children, and that is why your children are so unusual and you know they are. Many in the audience who have grandchildren are really seeing it; the kids are different. So you might say, "Well it's too bad that we can't do that ourselves, raise our DNA efficiency." Well, you can! For the energy of the planet is alert and ready to send the signal to the old soul who starts to understand that they can change their own fields through the templates that float in them, through consciousness, pure intent, and through that which is compassion. You can change the quantum "print" of DNA with compassion! The prophet Elijah, Jesus, the master Christ, Budda, Mohammad, Paramahansa Yogananda, and many more had DNA working at 90 to 100 percent.
ガイアの刷新 by クライオン
この新たな子供たちについてはお話してきました。そういうわけで、皆さんの子供たちは普通ではありません。そうですね。ここにいる人の中で孫を持っている大勢の方は実際にそれを知っています。その子たちは違います。でも、「それは自分ではどうすることもできない、DNAの効率を上げられないということじゃないですか、あまりいい話じゃないよ」と思う人がいます。いえ、できます! 地球のエネルギーはオールドソウルの皆さんにシグナルを発する体制に入っており、皆さんは自分のテンプレートのエネルギー場を変えられるような意識、純粋な意図を持つことによって、また他人を思いやる心をもつことによって変えられるということが分かり始めていきます。思いやりによってDNAにあるオンタムな痕跡を変えられるのです!
ガイアの刷新 by クライオン
この新たな子供たちについてはお話してきました。そういうわけで、皆さんの子供たちは普通ではありません。そうですね。ここにいる人の中で孫を持っている大勢の方は実際にそれを知っています。その子たちは違います。でも、「それは自分ではどうすることもできない、DNAの効率を上げられないということじゃないですか、あまりいい話じゃないよ」と思う人がいます。いえ、できます! 地球のエネルギーはオールドソウルの皆さんにシグナルを発する体制に入っており、皆さんは自分のテンプレートのエネルギー場を変えられるような意識、純粋な意図を持つことによって、また他人を思いやる心をもつことによって変えられるということが分かり始めていきます。思いやりによってDNAにあるオンタムな痕跡を変えられるのです!
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