
With Guides and Angels - Cleansing & Light Meditation by Melanie Beckler

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
With Guides and Angels - Cleansing & Light Meditation
by Melanie Beckler

We are indeed here with you now, we are the guides and angels of light.
  We greet you with peace, with well-being and with compassion. Take a deep breath in to fill yourself with these vibrations of vitality and then breathe out and relax, let go of tension, frustration, anxiety, fully entering into the power of this now.
For indeed you live now in a powerful time with great opportunity.
The energy of enlightened mastery, kindled by those who have walked before you indeed returns to the planet now.
Understand that enlightenment is a perspective, the ability to see from a broader vantage point, and to respond to and perceive all events with love, with bliss and with compassion.
We invite you in this now to connect with these energies of enlightenment as your body and your spirit receives a cleanse of light, flushing out the old outdated beliefs and feelings and cellular memories that no longer serve you so you can step into your mastery in the light, maintaining the higher vibrations of love and awareness regardless of what is happening around you.
Cleansing Light MeditationTo support you in this we now flow greater light in your direction. Allow the light we flow your way to enter into your being now. It is as if your crown chakra is opening like a lotus flower, and light from above, light from the Divine is able to flow in, circulating through your entire body. And then the light exits through the bottom of your feet, grounding you into your earthly experience.

ガイドとエンジェルによる浄化の瞑想 by メラニー・ベックラー


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