
Touch of an Angel - Hugs from Home by Steve Rother & The group

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Touch of an Angel - - - Hugs from Home
The group by Steve Rother  

Cashing in Karma
These are very special times on the Gameboard of Free Choice. The collective Karma of all your incarnations has earned you the right to be here at this time to play this part. We see that many of you feel as if you are in difficulty and struggle and finding resistance to every move. You have used all credits that you had to place you here at exactly this time. This is the opportunity you have asked for, this is the time for you to spread your human wings and become angels. Walk up to another and touch them with your own angelic presence, for we tell you that you are of the family of Michael and you carry your wings well. Use them often and when you see others in need, when you see others who cannot re-member who they are, quietly reach out and touch them with the Touch of Angels. And if they allow you, touch them again. And if it feels right, come up behind them and spread your own wings and touch their heart.
Touch others with your wings and with your passion. For as you do that, you bring your own passion Home. As you do this you become the greatest expression of God in human form. As you do that, you not only become the human angels, but you attract the other angels from Home. For you are not an angel standing alone. In Heaven, standing alone is not possible. As you look to your left and your right you do not see us and still we tell you there are hundreds of angels that visit you daily. You are the blessed ones that have earned the right to play this part. There are many onlookers that watch your every move, wishing it were their task to play your part. Walk in that knowledge and trust the inner guidance that placed you here now.

天使のタッチ・故郷の抱擁 by ザ・グループ

ここ最近、「自由意志のゲームボード」は非常に特別な時です。皆さんが今まで集団で生まれ変わって重ねて蓄積した「カルマ」のお陰で、皆さんはまさにこのタイミングで、ここに、この役割を演じられるようになりました。多くの皆さんが苦しみ、悩み、何をするにも摩擦や反発がある、と感じていますが、それは私たちも分かります。皆さんは、積み上げた “徳” を全部使って、正確にこの時ここに居合わせる必要があったのです。これは皆さんが要望した機会です。今、皆さんは人間の翼を広げ天使になる時なのです。他の人に歩いて近づき、天使の存在感で触れてください。皆さんはミカエルのファミリーの一員なのです、ちゃんと翼を身に付けているのです。翼を活用してください、他の人が何か必要な時、自分が誰か思い出せないと分かれば、静かに手を伸ばして「エンジェルタッチ」で触れてください。相手が望めば、もう一度触れてください。適切だと感じれば、後ろに近づき、翼を広げ相手の心に触れてください。

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