
KRYON - Attributes of the Match Bearer, Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
KRYON - Attributes of the Match Bearer, Lee Carroll

What irritates you the most? What buttons get pressed the easiest in you? When you watch the news, when you see politics, when you see certain kinds of attitudes, do you get angry? Think of what makes you the angriest. Now, let me ask you, can you see it in tolerance? Well, that's what the Match Bearer learns to do.
"I hate war," you might say, "I don't want anything to do with it. I hate the sorrow that it creates, the heartbreak that it creates. It seems to perpetuate itself." I'm not asking you to love war. I'm asking you to love the Humans who created it. They're pieces of God, just like you. Can you look at these things with tolerance and see the parts of them who are loved by God? If you can do that, then you shine light in their life. It doesn't matter where they are, and they never may know who you are. It's just like the lighthouse on the rock. How many ships and the captains of the ships have gone to lunch with a lighthouse keeper? The answer is very few of them. But they look for the lighthouse, don't they? Well, humanity looks for you! It's intuitive, and even the darkest energy knows about light.
When this 36-year window [The Galactic Alignment] is over, they will have been planted securely and permanently. The potential will unravel itself and unfold itself and there will be more wild-cards for you to see. Wild-card is the term we use to describe actions that are not expected, and that change things on the planet. It is often expressed as countries who have unexpected turns, or dictators who unexpectedly fall. A wild-card is a scenario where humanity starts to put things together instead of tearing them apart.
Grateful, I am, as Kryon, to have come this distance to meet the Match Bearers that I always knew would be here. And so it is.

一番イライラするのはどんな時ですか? どういうことで簡単に落ち込みますか? ニュースを見る時、政治の話を聞く時、人のある態度を目にする時に怒りますか? 一番怒る時のことを考えてください。では、お聞きします。そういうことに辛抱強くなれますか? ええ、それがマッチ所持者が学ぶことです。
「戦争が嫌いです。戦争に関係することはすべて嫌いです。悲しみや胸が張り裂けそうな目に遭わせることが嫌いです。ずっとどこまでも続いていくような気がするのです」。戦争を好きになってくれとは言っていませんが、そういうことをしでかした人間を好きになってください、とお願いをします。彼らも、あなたと同じ神の一部です。辛抱強くなって、彼らのことを神に愛される人間だと思えますか? それができるなら、あなたは彼らの人生に明かりを灯します。相手が地球のどこにいようと関係ありません。彼らはあなたのことは知らないでしょう。岩の上に立つ灯台と同じです。どれだけ多くの船がその前を通り、どれだけの数の船長がそこのたった一人の灯台守とお昼を一緒に食べましたか? 皆無ですね。しかし、彼らは灯台を探しますよね。ええ、人間はあなたを探します! 直感的に、最も暗いエネルギーでさえ光については知っています。

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