
Lion’s Gate Energy Lifting the Veils by Jenny Schiltz

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Lion’s Gate Energy Lifting the Veils.
Posted on July 29, 2016 by Jenny Schiltz

So much is happening energetically at this time. The incredibly powerful Lions Gate energies are building. For some this energy is knocking them down. Lots of sleep as the body is processing these upgrades. Some are finding themselves in full blown detox mode with stomach upset, nausea, headaches and all over body aches. Some, like myself are finding themselves grounded so that we are still. I fell off my bike and the subsequent knee injury has slowed me down considerably. While annoying, it allows me the “excuse” to rest and integrate, something I don’t do enough. It can’t be said enough that sometimes pain helps us to ground in the body. It keeps us from floating too far above by keeping our focus on/in the body. When we are completely grounded in the body, integration of the codes is much easier.
There is an action component to this energy. A stepping into your power. It is pushing us to DO. For some this push will give them the courage to release all that stuff carried that simply doesn’t match the soul’s vibration. For other’s they find the ideas and inspiration flowing and opening (finally!). For some the action is simply the desire to play, to laugh, to be pure joy.
This energy is also blasting the veils that keep us steeped in this reality. Contact is being made on so many levels. Some is really obvious but for most it is subtle and we have to be aware to get the messages. Even though I have the ability to hear and see guides and angels I don’t get answers to things unless I ask. To tell me everything I want to know without my asking violates my free will and since I don’t want to spend my time asking non-stop questions they send me messages and clues in other ways too. My job is to be present and aware enough to see them.
I’ve been shown that often the guides feel as if they are on a boat on top of the water and we are below the surface attached to a tube. What they send us often gets garbled and misunderstood. As we rise to the surface (clearing our density) the information gets clearer and clearer. Therefore, they use many techniques to send us information.

ライオンのゲートがベールを上げる by Jenny Schiltz


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