
Archangel Metatron via J. Tyberonn~ The 2012 Express (1/2)

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Metatron via J. Tyberonn~ The 2012 Express

Issues Effecting Auric Integrity:
** Opposing Energy Fields
** Emotional Stress
** Conflict
** Planetary Energy Expansion
** Negative Thought-Form Attachment
** Air Travel - Physical Over-Stress
** Medications, Alcohol Excess, Toxins
** Inappropriate Attitude/Control issues/Ego Imbalance
Some of these are herewith addressed in detail.
1)In your age and usage of cell phones, computers, televisions & electronic devices your offices and homes are a constant barrage ofopposing electro-magnetic energy fields. The result can be a temporary 'short circuit' effect that if unresolved can lead to auric imbalance by means of energy loss through fissure cracks. In essence this may be termed 'auric bleeding'. Some of the effects are short termed, but others can become chronic.
The detrimental effects of electromagnetic fields & microwaves, from your MW ovens, computers, mobile phones and televisions have been recognized by some of your mainstream medical professionals. These tend to be minimized & ignored by the masses, in part because the very suppliers & manufacturers of these generators of microwaves and magnetic fields sponsor and underwrite studies from staff or consulted scientists and 'experts' with the pre-contracted aim of disproving or vastly minimizing the contra effects. In the fact the detrimental effects are very real and most all of you are constantly within these contra-fields. As a case in point, most of you will read this message in front of a computer screen.
2)Air Travel
Air travel is an ingrained aspect of most of your lives. At some point almost all of you will travel by airplane to another destination. And such travel depletes the aura far more than is currently understood. Indeed expansive regular air travel can shorten one's very longevity and cut short life span, especially for those in mid to later years.

急行列車2012号が来た(1/2) by大天使メタトロン

飛行機旅行―過 労
薬物 過度のアルコール摂取 毒素
不適切な心持ち 思うままにしようとする態度 バランスを崩したエゴ
1) 電磁場とマイクロ波に干渉すると生体の磁極が反転する
この時代、携帯電話やコンピューター、テレビ、電子機器などのオフィスや家庭で使う装置は、常に皆さんの電磁場に集中砲火を浴びせています。その結果、一時的に回路がショートした状態に陥り、亀裂が入りエネルギーがロスする結果、オーラのバランスが崩れます。本質的にこれは、 “オーラの出血” と呼べるものです。短い期間で済むこともありますし、長引く場合もあります。

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