Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Sharing one of the pieces of a night-long conversation...
We were speaking of 3-D and Earth and the people who live here. As you know, we are all infinite soul...s, who exist in all time and space, but who are temporarily choosing to "sequester" ourselves in this momentary Earth-experience. He began the conversation with saying .. "The 3-rd dimension will always remain the 3-rd dimension, for all dimensions must exist within existence. The task so many have set for themselves, of raising 3-D energy to a higher frequency is really all about them. "Meaning?" I asked. "Meaning it is the people themselves who wish to raise their own vibration to a higher frequency, where access to more of their Truth exists. It is the test they've set for themselves to see if the dimensions can intermingle and the behavior of one reality can be altered by the interjection of another." "That makes perfect sense to me," I said. "But can you tell me .. why do some people suddenly behave so badly when they come to this planet. Why do they become so cruel, so abusive, not only to others but to themselves? After all, they are infinite souls and you would think that would carry over to 'here'." "You would think so, yes. But the lower dimensional frequencies are dense and cause a frequency so low that souls forget who they are. Their bad behavior is based upon their belief that they are separate from their own infinity. But more importantly, separate from the love they know in the higher dimensions. They act out against the lie that they are separate, not realizing that they themselves are creating the lie." (and the night went on and on........)
We were speaking of 3-D and Earth and the people who live here. As you know, we are all infinite soul...s, who exist in all time and space, but who are temporarily choosing to "sequester" ourselves in this momentary Earth-experience. He began the conversation with saying .. "The 3-rd dimension will always remain the 3-rd dimension, for all dimensions must exist within existence. The task so many have set for themselves, of raising 3-D energy to a higher frequency is really all about them. "Meaning?" I asked. "Meaning it is the people themselves who wish to raise their own vibration to a higher frequency, where access to more of their Truth exists. It is the test they've set for themselves to see if the dimensions can intermingle and the behavior of one reality can be altered by the interjection of another." "That makes perfect sense to me," I said. "But can you tell me .. why do some people suddenly behave so badly when they come to this planet. Why do they become so cruel, so abusive, not only to others but to themselves? After all, they are infinite souls and you would think that would carry over to 'here'." "You would think so, yes. But the lower dimensional frequencies are dense and cause a frequency so low that souls forget who they are. Their bad behavior is based upon their belief that they are separate from their own infinity. But more importantly, separate from the love they know in the higher dimensions. They act out against the lie that they are separate, not realizing that they themselves are creating the lie." (and the night went on and on........)
Lauren Zimmerman
Lauren Zimmerman
Lauren Zimmerman
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