
転換点に達した by クワン・イン(観音)

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Tipping point has been reached – Quan Yin – 6-3-15
Jenny Schiltz
We have exciting news! We have reached a tipping point in this process. Many of you have recently moved into the 5 Dimensional reality. We smile because we know that many of you are looking around thinking that you must not have made it yet. Please understand that the 5th Dimensional reality is a vibr...atory state. Just as the 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th and beyond dimensions are. When you have cleared a certain amount of beliefs and density from your body you then vibrate higher and can access the higher dimensions. As many of the first group have moved into this new location, it allows others to follow suit faster and with greater ease. This tipping point has been long awaited.
There has been much disinformation about the 5th Dimension as a magical place, a place where upon arriving you are instantly healed, upgraded, and immortal. This is just not the case. When you move into the Fifth dimension your first destination is to connect fully to the Unity grid. This grid allows you to connect easily with those that resonate at this higher vibrating state. It is where you begin to understand fully and live knowing that we are all in fact one. It is from this destination that you will continue to clear and remove density from your frame allowing more crystalline light codes in. It is from this destination that true connection with the highest aspect of self begins. As you rise through the dimensions, this connection will strengthen and you will merge with your soul source. Clearing allows space for your highest vibrating aspect to come forth.
興奮するニュースがあります! 私たちは転換点に到達しました。皆さんの多くが最近5次元のリアリティに入りました。多くの人がそれでもまだそこまでは行っていないと思っていますが、私たちはそれを笑顔で見ています。5次元のリアリティは波動の状態であるというのを理解してください。6次元7次元8次元9次元以上もそうです。固定観念や体の重いものの一定量を浄化した時に、もっと高く振動して高い次元に繋がることができます。最初の人たちが大勢このレベルに入ったために、他の人たちはそれに習ってもっと早く楽に進むことが出来るようになります。この転換点は長い間待ち望まれていました。

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