
Quantum Lemurians 人間の進化~Kryon

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
Quantum Lemurians ~ Kryon - Lee Carroll

Lemurians had a quantum consciousness through the spiritual seeds that were given to them within the layers of DNA I have spoken about before. It carried over, even into what you have called the Atlantians. The Lemurians knew about the solar system, about DNA, and about how physics worked. This information is scientifically funny, for the scientists of your world will look at this statement and say, "That's absurd; absolutely absurd. There's not one artifact that has ever been found that would lead anyone to believe that the ancients had the ability to manufacture the glass necessary for microscopes and telescopes. They didn't even have electricity. They didn't have computers. They didn't have anything that would allow them to know what we know today. They were not an advanced race. They didn't have science like we enjoy, or the discoveries of the last century. They couldn't have known any of those things."
And I say to those scientists, how assumptive of you to define higher knowledge into what you specifically have invented. Let me tell you, they did! But they had it through quantum DNA. In other words, it was intuitive. Being in a quantum state with something creates a oneness with it. Quantum physics knows this. When a Human Being has a consciousness that is one with everything, he knows all about cellular structure, for he is part of it and can see into it. He knows how it works. He can "see" unbalance. He can "see" the solar system. He can see the energies of the planets as they go around the sun, imbuing the sun with a gravitational pattern of the moment. They knew all about science, for it was part of them. They're from the dirt of the earth. They're in a quantum state with all. It is intuitive knowledge and they didn't need a telescope. They didn't need a microscope. They didn't need a computer! You do, because you're linear and you're hobbled. You've had to create instruments to do for you what the Lemurians did naturally.
This science they had was different. They didn't study to get it; therefore, it doesn't have the same form yours does. It was common knowledge and used casually. When you wish your arm to move, it simply does. Do you analyze the myriad of signals that went from the brain to the muscles? No. But what if Humans lost that ability over time? Then some day they would invent machines to make their arm move with thought. If so, then in the far future they would probably totally deny that you ever could do it... since they never found an "arm machine" artifact.
The earth has been stuck in linearity for eons. This is what your energy and vibration has created. The quantum consciousness of the past has tempered and not been used. You lost it. Suddenly in 1987, Human evolvement moved off the peg of what it had been for centuries.
What is taking place, dear ones, for all to know and see and understand, is that very, very slowly you have the linearity of the Human brain starting to be reduced. Unlike the autistic, it will be in ways that will still be balanced and make sense. In other words, you will be able to move in and out of quantum thought any time you wish in order to live in a linear, 3D existence, but have quantum consciousness. It will be a return to a form of consciousness that Lemurians had, but with the wisdom of the ages that you have collected. This will not be fast, but the forerunners of that are already here.

クオンタムだったレムリア人に戻る ~人間の進化
そういう科学者に言いますが、特に自分たちが発明したものが高度な知識だと思い込んでいますね。しかし、レムリア人は知っていました! ただ、道具を使うのではなくクオンタムDNAによって知っていたのです。つまり、直観的に知っていたということです。何かのものとクオンタム状態になると、それと一つに結びつきます。量子物理でそのことが分かります。どんなものとでも一つに結びつく意識を持つ人間は、細胞の仕組みまで知っています。その人間は細胞に繋がってその中が見えるのです。その仕組みが分かります。アンバランスな体が“見えます”。太陽系も“見えます”。太陽系を周回するいろいろな惑星のエネルギーを見ることができ、太陽の重力に影響を受けていることも分かります。彼らは科学についてすべて知っていました。科学法則と一体だったからです。彼らは地球で生まれましたが、地球のすべてとクオンタム状態にありました。それは、直観的な知識ですが、望遠鏡は必要ありませんでした。顕微鏡も不要でした。コンピューターも不要でした! 皆さんは直線的に考えてよろけているのでそういう道具が必要です。レムリア人は自然にできましたが、皆さんは代わりにやってくれる道具を作りださなければなりませんでした。
ただ彼らの科学は皆さんとは違っていました。その知識を得るために勉強はしません。だから、皆さんの科学とは形態が違います。彼らの科学は常識と言える共通認識で、平気で使われていました。皆さんは、腕を動かしたければ腕はすぐ動きます。その時には、大脳から筋肉に流れる無数の信号を分析しますか? しませんね。でも、もし、仮に、長い時間の中で人間が腕を動かす能力を失ったとして、それから、ある時、思考によって腕を動かせる機械を発明するとします。しかしもし発明しても、それからもっと遠い未来の人たちは、“アームマシーン”の人工遺物が見つからなかったので、そういう事実が存在したことを完全に否定してしまいます。

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