Archangel Michael thru Celia Fenn, 2015-7-6…/birthing-the-new-earth-soul-c…/
Dear Family of Light, it is true that we have spoken of Economic changes, and that you have waited patiently for these. But we are happy to say that now is the time that you will begin to see real economic changes on the Earth. There are several activation points on the Earth where deep changes are ocurring. The most impor…tant of these in in Greece, in the vicinity of the Andromeda Star Gate that is situated in the Aegean Sea between Greece and Turkey.
Much work has been done in these areas to allow for the flow of new energies and new ideas that are seeded from a higher level of Consciousness. In addition to the Diamond Light Codes that are transmitted through the Grid from the Great Central Sun, there are also Light Codes received from the Andromeda Galaxy that intiate or seed more creative and more harmonious ways of living, for this is the “gift” of the Andromeda Galaxy to Earth.
So, what you will see in this area is the beginning of the expression of the desires and will of the people, rather than a simple acceptance of what those in authority desire to impose. It is time for the voice and the creative will of all people to be considered in decisions. It is time for the Higher Consciousness and Will of Ascended Humanity to be expressed as a request for Abundance and Harmony for all living beings on Earth.
Beloved Ones, it is time for you to embrace the changes. Do not hold onto old ways of beings and habits of the third dimension. It is time to think beyond these ways and enter into a courageous expression of your New Earth Soul.
So, what you will see in this area is the beginning of the expression of the desires and will of the people, rather than a simple acceptance of what those in authority desire to impose. It is time for the voice and the creative will of all people to be considered in decisions. It is time for the Higher Consciousness and Will of Ascended Humanity to be expressed as a request for Abundance and Harmony for all living beings on Earth.
Beloved Ones, it is time for you to embrace the changes. Do not hold onto old ways of beings and habits of the third dimension. It is time to think beyond these ways and enter into a courageous expression of your New Earth Soul.
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