Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Human Evolution, Lee Carroll 2008-09
You're aware, are you not, of how linear you are? We've told you before that when interdimensional creatures visit this planet (which they do), they see you as two-dimensional black and white stick figures on a piece of paper. Humans, in their arrogance, especially intellectuals, say to them, "We are capable of thinking anything we want to. We can think above t...he piece of paper." That's funny to them, since you don't even know what dimension you're in! You don't even know you're not in color! They see this and they leave. There's nothing here for them and they can't communicate with a cartoon. That's what linearity does to you and you're not even aware of it.
Kryon - Human Evolution, Lee Carroll 2008-09
You're aware, are you not, of how linear you are? We've told you before that when interdimensional creatures visit this planet (which they do), they see you as two-dimensional black and white stick figures on a piece of paper. Humans, in their arrogance, especially intellectuals, say to them, "We are capable of thinking anything we want to. We can think above t...he piece of paper." That's funny to them, since you don't even know what dimension you're in! You don't even know you're not in color! They see this and they leave. There's nothing here for them and they can't communicate with a cartoon. That's what linearity does to you and you're not even aware of it.
Watch the autistic child go through what they must do (autism in its most severe form). They are so nonlinear that there is incredible frustration in trying to linearize even the Human voice as you speak to them. They will do the same actions over and over and over, trying to linearize the nonlinear. The linear walls are gone in their brain, and they have to learn to build the ones that they need. Humans then see them as a problem, and it's not a problem. It's a form of gifted children who are helping this planet to grow. Blessed are those who come into Earth as the new wave of consciousness to show you where it's going. They are setting the stage for a new kind of Human. For this quantumness will develop in a balanced way where many will have the autistic talents where they want them, and the linear when they want that. That's what the Human mind is capable of - being quantum when they wish to be. That's a return to the way it was given to you.
皆さんは平面的という言葉を知っていますね、知りませんか? 前に、多次元の存在がこの地球に生まれた時、彼らは、皆さんは紙に書いたモノクロの姿に見えます、そう言いました。人間は、特に知識層は驕り高ぶって、その子たちに「我々は何でも自在に考える力がある。一枚の紙を超えたことを考えることができるんだ」と言います。しかし、その子たちにとっては、自分たちがどういう次元にいるのかさえ知らないのだから、本当に笑ってしまうことなのです! そこ子らにとってここには何もありません。彼らは漫画と話はできません。そういうことが平面的という意味です。皆さんはそれさえも知りません。
皆さんは平面的という言葉を知っていますね、知りませんか? 前に、多次元の存在がこの地球に生まれた時、彼らは、皆さんは紙に書いたモノクロの姿に見えます、そう言いました。人間は、特に知識層は驕り高ぶって、その子たちに「我々は何でも自在に考える力がある。一枚の紙を超えたことを考えることができるんだ」と言います。しかし、その子たちにとっては、自分たちがどういう次元にいるのかさえ知らないのだから、本当に笑ってしまうことなのです! そこ子らにとってここには何もありません。彼らは漫画と話はできません。そういうことが平面的という意味です。皆さんはそれさえも知りません。
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