Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
A Hathor thru Tom Kenyon
"Angels in spiritual realms and World Meditation"
For our purposes we shall divide the topic of angels into three broad categories.
Our second reason for discussing the topic of angels is planetary in nature.
You are collectively passing through a very difficult and dangerous point. The destructive forces upon your planet in terms of religious fanaticism, climate change, corporate greed and manipulation, as well as dire threats to the very foundations of your eco-system are increasing.
You are now entering, from our perspective, a massive Chaotic Node the likes of which your planet has not seen for some time. If unmitigated, this Chaotic Node could result in the mass extinction of multitudinous life forms including many humans.
We are therefore calling into action all positive angelic forms from all spiritual traditions, from all life-affirming interdimensional beings, from all alien civilizations of positive intent, and from all human beings who are aligned with our intention.
We will be creating a nexus point on September 5, 2015. And through a global meditation we will be calling forth these many diverse and life affirming angelic forms into an alliance for the protection of life and its elevation upon this planet.
Let us be clear what we mean by this.
If human consciousness elevates itself to a higher level than it is currently manifesting, then it deserves to survive. If it does not elevate itself then humanity, as you know it, will not survive this passage. It is a collective cosmic intelligence test you are now facing on many levels.
Our creation of this nexus point, around which these positive electromagnetic fields of intelligence can move together as a coherent force, is an unusual proposition.
This is because the creators of these angels come from many different spiritual, alien and interdimensional sources. These “angelic beings” rarely interact with each other, and yet we are calling them to the Table of Destiny for the sake of humanity and all life upon this planet.
This nexus point will occur on September 5, 2015, in the last half hour of an event in Manhattan called In the Company of Angels. The meditation will begin at 5:30PM and end at 6:00PM Eastern Standard Time (US) or 9:30PM – 10:00PM GMT. (For the specific time in your area, you can use an online Time Converter or the World Time Clock.)
集結する日時は、2015年9月5日、「イン・ザ・カンパニー・エンジェルズ(In the Company of Angels)」というマンハッタンで行われるイベントの終わりの30分です。日本時間9月6日(日)6:30am – 米国東部時間5:30pm~6:00pm(9:30~10:00GMT)です。居住地の時刻はタイムコンバーターまたは世界時計で調べてください。
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