Kryon – Change – Not That Comfortable ~ Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon – Change – Not That Comfortable ~ Lee Carroll
The time capsules from the ancient ones who seeded you are opening because you passed the marker of 2012. They pour their multidimensional attributes into the grids of the planet [the Magnetic Grid – Crystalline Grid – Gaia Grid]. They pour new energy of life through fast-track evolution. All this is picked up first by the old soul, and the things that I have covered – one through five – are facilitated by that. They are catalytic energies that you don’t know about yet, which will eventually be responsible for evolved thought and increased wisdom. Years from now you will even have names for them in psychology.
You’re going to get new habits, perceived as good and bad, and they are going to come right out of your increasingly active Akash. Many will worry about it and say, “Now where did that come from?” You’re going to love the good ones and question the others. Now, the good ones may come in ways that drop old, bad habits and cravings, and also greatly affect what you want to eat. A major change in diet may shock and surprise you, and you can lose weight or gain weight as desired. Whatever you’ve asked for which is most healthy for your body will seem to be “taking over” your cells.
The Akash is starting to align itself with “multiple cultural lifetime events”. This term represents how many lifetimes you have been in a culture where you ate or lived a certain way. This becomes the chemistry that your body wants now. How about that? This would be instead of fast food or normal food shopping. How about that? So, how many of you are going to go with it or go into fear with it? What I want you to do is relax and let Spirit start to build the new Human within you. Do you know what we have called this? It’s a process nobody expected: Ascension while alive. This is you passing into the next energy while you’re alive – a process that took reincarnation before. Are you hearing what I’m saying? In the past you had to die, come back, and realign in order to do what now we are saying you can do while you sit there. That is, if you won’t be afraid of it.
You’re innate has got to be reprogrammed. We told you this before and now you’re doing it through affirmations, positive thoughts and by the actions you are now changing [compassionate action]. Innate is used to an old idea that reincarnation is the engine for enlightenment. You must die and come back in order to take advantage of what you learned, but now you don’t. This is new. We gave you a channelling before that spoke about it.
アカシャは、これからいろいろな過去生、いろいろな社会で生きた出来事と調子を合わせるようになります。皆さんは非常に多くの社会に生き、そこで様々なものを食べて生きました。体は、その当時のモノを欲しているのです。どうですか? だから、ファーストフードやありきたりの食べ物は食べたいと思わなくなります。どうですか? だから、そうしたいと思う人もいれば、不安になる人もいます。どうか、リラックスしてスピリットに任せて新しい人間を作らせて上げてください。こういうことを何というか知っていますか? 誰も予想しなかった変化ですが、それを、「生きながらのアセンション」と呼びます。それが、生きている時の次の段階です。言っていることが分かりますか? 昔は死んで戻って来なければなりませんでした。そして今、こうしてここに座りながら、今話しているようなことをするために再編成が起こります。
Kryon – Change – Not That Comfortable ~ Lee Carroll
The time capsules from the ancient ones who seeded you are opening because you passed the marker of 2012. They pour their multidimensional attributes into the grids of the planet [the Magnetic Grid – Crystalline Grid – Gaia Grid]. They pour new energy of life through fast-track evolution. All this is picked up first by the old soul, and the things that I have covered – one through five – are facilitated by that. They are catalytic energies that you don’t know about yet, which will eventually be responsible for evolved thought and increased wisdom. Years from now you will even have names for them in psychology.
You’re going to get new habits, perceived as good and bad, and they are going to come right out of your increasingly active Akash. Many will worry about it and say, “Now where did that come from?” You’re going to love the good ones and question the others. Now, the good ones may come in ways that drop old, bad habits and cravings, and also greatly affect what you want to eat. A major change in diet may shock and surprise you, and you can lose weight or gain weight as desired. Whatever you’ve asked for which is most healthy for your body will seem to be “taking over” your cells.
The Akash is starting to align itself with “multiple cultural lifetime events”. This term represents how many lifetimes you have been in a culture where you ate or lived a certain way. This becomes the chemistry that your body wants now. How about that? This would be instead of fast food or normal food shopping. How about that? So, how many of you are going to go with it or go into fear with it? What I want you to do is relax and let Spirit start to build the new Human within you. Do you know what we have called this? It’s a process nobody expected: Ascension while alive. This is you passing into the next energy while you’re alive – a process that took reincarnation before. Are you hearing what I’m saying? In the past you had to die, come back, and realign in order to do what now we are saying you can do while you sit there. That is, if you won’t be afraid of it.
You’re innate has got to be reprogrammed. We told you this before and now you’re doing it through affirmations, positive thoughts and by the actions you are now changing [compassionate action]. Innate is used to an old idea that reincarnation is the engine for enlightenment. You must die and come back in order to take advantage of what you learned, but now you don’t. This is new. We gave you a channelling before that spoke about it.
アカシャは、これからいろいろな過去生、いろいろな社会で生きた出来事と調子を合わせるようになります。皆さんは非常に多くの社会に生き、そこで様々なものを食べて生きました。体は、その当時のモノを欲しているのです。どうですか? だから、ファーストフードやありきたりの食べ物は食べたいと思わなくなります。どうですか? だから、そうしたいと思う人もいれば、不安になる人もいます。どうか、リラックスしてスピリットに任せて新しい人間を作らせて上げてください。こういうことを何というか知っていますか? 誰も予想しなかった変化ですが、それを、「生きながらのアセンション」と呼びます。それが、生きている時の次の段階です。言っていることが分かりますか? 昔は死んで戻って来なければなりませんでした。そして今、こうしてここに座りながら、今話しているようなことをするために再編成が起こります。
When Two Suns Rise : Sirius and the Planetary New Year
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
2つの太陽:シリウスと地球新年~ セリア・フェン
When Two Suns Rise : Sirius and the Planetary New Year
Posted by Celia Fenn on 19 July 2015
何がその後起きたのでしょうか? なぜそのような知識が消えて、私たちがアセンションに向かう時にだけ明らかになろうとしているのでしょうか? 古代エジプト社会では、このマスター・ティーチャーの聖なる任務が、退廃した僧侶たちによって破壊されたのです。僧侶たちは性的エネルギーをコントロールし規制しようという目論見がありました。地球は自由意思ですが、人類はこの制約の上を歩かされ、シリウスのマスターたちはエジプトから立ち去りました。イエスとマグダラのマリアの到来は、この黄金の光を再度降ろして地球に根付かせる次の機会になりました。イエスの死後、マグダラのマリアは、フランスとヨーロッパでその教えを伝えて黄金の光を根付せました。しかし、再度、退廃した僧侶が台頭して、12世紀、アルビ派の十字軍によってその教えの流れは途絶えました。
自分の中の聖なる炎を知り、ゴールド、ブルー、ダイヤモンドの周波数を含む高次の周波数を身につけると、私たちは地球が新しい段階へと上がったことが理解できます。その段階で、シリウスのマスター・ティーチャー は“スター・ファミリー”や“スター・エルダー”としての相談役を務めます。しかし、自らの意図と選択で進化を進めるのは私たち自身です。
2つの太陽:シリウスと地球新年~ セリア・フェン
When Two Suns Rise : Sirius and the Planetary New Year
Posted by Celia Fenn on 19 July 2015
何がその後起きたのでしょうか? なぜそのような知識が消えて、私たちがアセンションに向かう時にだけ明らかになろうとしているのでしょうか? 古代エジプト社会では、このマスター・ティーチャーの聖なる任務が、退廃した僧侶たちによって破壊されたのです。僧侶たちは性的エネルギーをコントロールし規制しようという目論見がありました。地球は自由意思ですが、人類はこの制約の上を歩かされ、シリウスのマスターたちはエジプトから立ち去りました。イエスとマグダラのマリアの到来は、この黄金の光を再度降ろして地球に根付かせる次の機会になりました。イエスの死後、マグダラのマリアは、フランスとヨーロッパでその教えを伝えて黄金の光を根付せました。しかし、再度、退廃した僧侶が台頭して、12世紀、アルビ派の十字軍によってその教えの流れは途絶えました。
自分の中の聖なる炎を知り、ゴールド、ブルー、ダイヤモンドの周波数を含む高次の周波数を身につけると、私たちは地球が新しい段階へと上がったことが理解できます。その段階で、シリウスのマスター・ティーチャー は“スター・ファミリー”や“スター・エルダー”としての相談役を務めます。しかし、自らの意図と選択で進化を進めるのは私たち自身です。
Archangel Metatron - How to Release Challenging Past Life Experiences
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
大天使メタトロンと過去生を癒す - 大天使メタトロン誘導のエクササイズ
How to Release Challenging Past Life Experiences - Past Life Healing With Archangel Metatron ~ Melanie Beckler 2015-7-14
しかし、そういうことを感じてください。どんな感じがしますか? どんな感情が過去の人生に結びついていますか? 今のあなたを抑えている、どんな過去の感情がありますか?
-Archangel Metatron
大天使メタトロンと過去生を癒す - 大天使メタトロン誘導のエクササイズ
How to Release Challenging Past Life Experiences - Past Life Healing With Archangel Metatron ~ Melanie Beckler 2015-7-14
しかし、そういうことを感じてください。どんな感じがしますか? どんな感情が過去の人生に結びついていますか? 今のあなたを抑えている、どんな過去の感情がありますか?
-Archangel Metatron
Archangel Michael Prayer
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
恐怖心を手放し、向上した人生を送る ~ メラニー・ベックラー
恐怖心を手放し、向上した人生を送る ~ メラニー・ベックラー
天使界と直接繋がりたいですか? 大天使ミカエルを呼ぶのが、その素晴らしいスタートになります。呼ばれたら、彼はいつでも答えてくれます!
天使界と直接繋がりたいですか? 大天使ミカエルを呼ぶのが、その素晴らしいスタートになります。呼ばれたら、彼はいつでも答えてくれます!
Archangel Michael – Birthing the New Earth Soul ニューアース・ソウルの誕生
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael thru Celia Fenn, 2015-7-6
Dear Family of Light, it is true that we have spoken of Economic changes, and that you have waited patiently for these. But we are happy to say that now is the time that you will begin to see real economic changes on the Earth. There are several activation points on the Earth where deep changes are ocurring. The most impor…tant of these in in Greece, in the vicinity of the Andromeda Star Gate that is situated in the Aegean Sea between Greece and Turkey.
Archangel Michael thru Celia Fenn, 2015-7-6
Dear Family of Light, it is true that we have spoken of Economic changes, and that you have waited patiently for these. But we are happy to say that now is the time that you will begin to see real economic changes on the Earth. There are several activation points on the Earth where deep changes are ocurring. The most impor…tant of these in in Greece, in the vicinity of the Andromeda Star Gate that is situated in the Aegean Sea between Greece and Turkey.
Much work has been done in these areas to allow for the flow of new energies and new ideas that are seeded from a higher level of Consciousness. In addition to the Diamond Light Codes that are transmitted through the Grid from the Great Central Sun, there are also Light Codes received from the Andromeda Galaxy that intiate or seed more creative and more harmonious ways of living, for this is the “gift” of the Andromeda Galaxy to Earth.
So, what you will see in this area is the beginning of the expression of the desires and will of the people, rather than a simple acceptance of what those in authority desire to impose. It is time for the voice and the creative will of all people to be considered in decisions. It is time for the Higher Consciousness and Will of Ascended Humanity to be expressed as a request for Abundance and Harmony for all living beings on Earth.
Beloved Ones, it is time for you to embrace the changes. Do not hold onto old ways of beings and habits of the third dimension. It is time to think beyond these ways and enter into a courageous expression of your New Earth Soul.
So, what you will see in this area is the beginning of the expression of the desires and will of the people, rather than a simple acceptance of what those in authority desire to impose. It is time for the voice and the creative will of all people to be considered in decisions. It is time for the Higher Consciousness and Will of Ascended Humanity to be expressed as a request for Abundance and Harmony for all living beings on Earth.
Beloved Ones, it is time for you to embrace the changes. Do not hold onto old ways of beings and habits of the third dimension. It is time to think beyond these ways and enter into a courageous expression of your New Earth Soul.
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Ute Posegga-Rudel 2015-7-13
As you see, evolution occurs on the pillars of duality: In your situation the light and the dark, as these forces are so dominant in your present experience. The emergence of the dark at these times and the fight between the light and the dark forces is merely the trick of your own... Divine Consciousness, to allow you to acknowledge that these dual forces are projections from your own inner state of human consciousness, fighting in reality within yourself – even if unconscious, - yet.
Ute Posegga-Rudel 2015-7-13
As you see, evolution occurs on the pillars of duality: In your situation the light and the dark, as these forces are so dominant in your present experience. The emergence of the dark at these times and the fight between the light and the dark forces is merely the trick of your own... Divine Consciousness, to allow you to acknowledge that these dual forces are projections from your own inner state of human consciousness, fighting in reality within yourself – even if unconscious, - yet.
What you perceive outside of yourself is the mirror that reminds you of what you have chosen at a time to play with and to experience in this incarnation. It is a mere exploration of those possibilities, because you all know profoundly your true state of mere bliss and mere light. But you asked yourself and wanted to experience: what if light would diminish, what if light would cease to exist and what would be the outcome of it.
Now, after so much suffering and having been fallen into the pit of darkness (darkness is always present as soon as only one iota of the Absolute Light is diminished) you remember the Infinite Light and its Source, pondering whether it is worth to continue further the down spiraling path. Now many of you are all at the very threshold where you must make an important decision:
Now, after so much suffering and having been fallen into the pit of darkness (darkness is always present as soon as only one iota of the Absolute Light is diminished) you remember the Infinite Light and its Source, pondering whether it is worth to continue further the down spiraling path. Now many of you are all at the very threshold where you must make an important decision:
Jeshua - The lightworker's mission ライトワーカーのミッション by イエス
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Jeshua - Inhabitant of two worlds: the lightworker's mission
~ Pamela Kribbe July 3. 2015
And that is what I would like to emphasize today: the importance of being strong and self-aware, which is a message about the male energy inside you. When I was living on Earth over two thousand years ago, I needed to often isolate myself in order to remember who I was. There were a lot of c...onfusing energies around me, especially from the expectations of the people close to me. I needed to protect myself from that to remain connected to my higher self. Often, I would go to the desert alone to feel really close to God, to Spirit, and to keep my confidence.
Jeshua - Inhabitant of two worlds: the lightworker's mission
~ Pamela Kribbe July 3. 2015
And that is what I would like to emphasize today: the importance of being strong and self-aware, which is a message about the male energy inside you. When I was living on Earth over two thousand years ago, I needed to often isolate myself in order to remember who I was. There were a lot of c...onfusing energies around me, especially from the expectations of the people close to me. I needed to protect myself from that to remain connected to my higher self. Often, I would go to the desert alone to feel really close to God, to Spirit, and to keep my confidence.
It is the same for you. You are inhabitants of two worlds: you have one foot in today’s human society and the other foot in your soul’s dimension, the realm you come from. You need to firmly keep your foot in that dimension, otherwise you become bogged down and fearful because of society’s pressure. You need your male energy to firmly say “no” to demands and expectations that do not feel right for you. So, in that sense, you must be a warrior, although not a warrior who is fighting and struggling with other people. To be a warrior means to be true to yourself, to disconnect often from the world around you, and to listen to what you feel, to what you sense, to trust your inner guidance.
I ask you to now travel with me in your imagination to the desert and to go there at night time. The temperature has cooled down and you see a sky above you full of brilliant stars. Imagine that you are there with me, and feel the mystery of the huge space around you – feel the mystery of life. You find a place to sit down and you relax and go inside yourself. The desert is like an external gateway to your own inner temple into which you now enter. Inside that temple you feel connected to the fullness of the Earth and to all the stars in the Heavens.
I ask you to now travel with me in your imagination to the desert and to go there at night time. The temperature has cooled down and you see a sky above you full of brilliant stars. Imagine that you are there with me, and feel the mystery of the huge space around you – feel the mystery of life. You find a place to sit down and you relax and go inside yourself. The desert is like an external gateway to your own inner temple into which you now enter. Inside that temple you feel connected to the fullness of the Earth and to all the stars in the Heavens.
Archangel Metatron ~ James Tyberonn
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
When 'The Love of Power' is replaced by 'The Power of Love', there will be happening of quantum leap in consciousness.
~ Archangel Metatron ~ James Tyberonn
力への欲(the Love of Power)が 愛の力(Power of Love)に置き換わる時、意識は量子的、クリスタル的飛躍を起こします。
When 'The Love of Power' is replaced by 'The Power of Love', there will be happening of quantum leap in consciousness.
~ Archangel Metatron ~ James Tyberonn
力への欲(the Love of Power)が 愛の力(Power of Love)に置き換わる時、意識は量子的、クリスタル的飛躍を起こします。
Quantum Lemurians 人間の進化~Kryon
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Quantum Lemurians ~ Kryon - Lee Carroll
Lemurians had a quantum consciousness through the spiritual seeds that were given to them within the layers of DNA I have spoken about before. It carried over, even into what you have called the Atlantians. The Lemurians knew about the solar system, about DNA, and about how physics worked. This information is scientifically funny, for the scientists of your world will look at this statement and say, "That's absurd; absolutely absurd. There's not one artifact that has ever been found that would lead anyone to believe that the ancients had the ability to manufacture the glass necessary for microscopes and telescopes. They didn't even have electricity. They didn't have computers. They didn't have anything that would allow them to know what we know today. They were not an advanced race. They didn't have science like we enjoy, or the discoveries of the last century. They couldn't have known any of those things."
And I say to those scientists, how assumptive of you to define higher knowledge into what you specifically have invented. Let me tell you, they did! But they had it through quantum DNA. In other words, it was intuitive. Being in a quantum state with something creates a oneness with it. Quantum physics knows this. When a Human Being has a consciousness that is one with everything, he knows all about cellular structure, for he is part of it and can see into it. He knows how it works. He can "see" unbalance. He can "see" the solar system. He can see the energies of the planets as they go around the sun, imbuing the sun with a gravitational pattern of the moment. They knew all about science, for it was part of them. They're from the dirt of the earth. They're in a quantum state with all. It is intuitive knowledge and they didn't need a telescope. They didn't need a microscope. They didn't need a computer! You do, because you're linear and you're hobbled. You've had to create instruments to do for you what the Lemurians did naturally.
This science they had was different. They didn't study to get it; therefore, it doesn't have the same form yours does. It was common knowledge and used casually. When you wish your arm to move, it simply does. Do you analyze the myriad of signals that went from the brain to the muscles? No. But what if Humans lost that ability over time? Then some day they would invent machines to make their arm move with thought. If so, then in the far future they would probably totally deny that you ever could do it... since they never found an "arm machine" artifact.
The earth has been stuck in linearity for eons. This is what your energy and vibration has created. The quantum consciousness of the past has tempered and not been used. You lost it. Suddenly in 1987, Human evolvement moved off the peg of what it had been for centuries.
What is taking place, dear ones, for all to know and see and understand, is that very, very slowly you have the linearity of the Human brain starting to be reduced. Unlike the autistic, it will be in ways that will still be balanced and make sense. In other words, you will be able to move in and out of quantum thought any time you wish in order to live in a linear, 3D existence, but have quantum consciousness. It will be a return to a form of consciousness that Lemurians had, but with the wisdom of the ages that you have collected. This will not be fast, but the forerunners of that are already here.
クオンタムだったレムリア人に戻る ~人間の進化
そういう科学者に言いますが、特に自分たちが発明したものが高度な知識だと思い込んでいますね。しかし、レムリア人は知っていました! ただ、道具を使うのではなくクオンタムDNAによって知っていたのです。つまり、直観的に知っていたということです。何かのものとクオンタム状態になると、それと一つに結びつきます。量子物理でそのことが分かります。どんなものとでも一つに結びつく意識を持つ人間は、細胞の仕組みまで知っています。その人間は細胞に繋がってその中が見えるのです。その仕組みが分かります。アンバランスな体が“見えます”。太陽系も“見えます”。太陽系を周回するいろいろな惑星のエネルギーを見ることができ、太陽の重力に影響を受けていることも分かります。彼らは科学についてすべて知っていました。科学法則と一体だったからです。彼らは地球で生まれましたが、地球のすべてとクオンタム状態にありました。それは、直観的な知識ですが、望遠鏡は必要ありませんでした。顕微鏡も不要でした。コンピューターも不要でした! 皆さんは直線的に考えてよろけているのでそういう道具が必要です。レムリア人は自然にできましたが、皆さんは代わりにやってくれる道具を作りださなければなりませんでした。
ただ彼らの科学は皆さんとは違っていました。その知識を得るために勉強はしません。だから、皆さんの科学とは形態が違います。彼らの科学は常識と言える共通認識で、平気で使われていました。皆さんは、腕を動かしたければ腕はすぐ動きます。その時には、大脳から筋肉に流れる無数の信号を分析しますか? しませんね。でも、もし、仮に、長い時間の中で人間が腕を動かす能力を失ったとして、それから、ある時、思考によって腕を動かせる機械を発明するとします。しかしもし発明しても、それからもっと遠い未来の人たちは、“アームマシーン”の人工遺物が見つからなかったので、そういう事実が存在したことを完全に否定してしまいます。
Quantum Lemurians ~ Kryon - Lee Carroll
Lemurians had a quantum consciousness through the spiritual seeds that were given to them within the layers of DNA I have spoken about before. It carried over, even into what you have called the Atlantians. The Lemurians knew about the solar system, about DNA, and about how physics worked. This information is scientifically funny, for the scientists of your world will look at this statement and say, "That's absurd; absolutely absurd. There's not one artifact that has ever been found that would lead anyone to believe that the ancients had the ability to manufacture the glass necessary for microscopes and telescopes. They didn't even have electricity. They didn't have computers. They didn't have anything that would allow them to know what we know today. They were not an advanced race. They didn't have science like we enjoy, or the discoveries of the last century. They couldn't have known any of those things."
And I say to those scientists, how assumptive of you to define higher knowledge into what you specifically have invented. Let me tell you, they did! But they had it through quantum DNA. In other words, it was intuitive. Being in a quantum state with something creates a oneness with it. Quantum physics knows this. When a Human Being has a consciousness that is one with everything, he knows all about cellular structure, for he is part of it and can see into it. He knows how it works. He can "see" unbalance. He can "see" the solar system. He can see the energies of the planets as they go around the sun, imbuing the sun with a gravitational pattern of the moment. They knew all about science, for it was part of them. They're from the dirt of the earth. They're in a quantum state with all. It is intuitive knowledge and they didn't need a telescope. They didn't need a microscope. They didn't need a computer! You do, because you're linear and you're hobbled. You've had to create instruments to do for you what the Lemurians did naturally.
This science they had was different. They didn't study to get it; therefore, it doesn't have the same form yours does. It was common knowledge and used casually. When you wish your arm to move, it simply does. Do you analyze the myriad of signals that went from the brain to the muscles? No. But what if Humans lost that ability over time? Then some day they would invent machines to make their arm move with thought. If so, then in the far future they would probably totally deny that you ever could do it... since they never found an "arm machine" artifact.
The earth has been stuck in linearity for eons. This is what your energy and vibration has created. The quantum consciousness of the past has tempered and not been used. You lost it. Suddenly in 1987, Human evolvement moved off the peg of what it had been for centuries.
What is taking place, dear ones, for all to know and see and understand, is that very, very slowly you have the linearity of the Human brain starting to be reduced. Unlike the autistic, it will be in ways that will still be balanced and make sense. In other words, you will be able to move in and out of quantum thought any time you wish in order to live in a linear, 3D existence, but have quantum consciousness. It will be a return to a form of consciousness that Lemurians had, but with the wisdom of the ages that you have collected. This will not be fast, but the forerunners of that are already here.
クオンタムだったレムリア人に戻る ~人間の進化
そういう科学者に言いますが、特に自分たちが発明したものが高度な知識だと思い込んでいますね。しかし、レムリア人は知っていました! ただ、道具を使うのではなくクオンタムDNAによって知っていたのです。つまり、直観的に知っていたということです。何かのものとクオンタム状態になると、それと一つに結びつきます。量子物理でそのことが分かります。どんなものとでも一つに結びつく意識を持つ人間は、細胞の仕組みまで知っています。その人間は細胞に繋がってその中が見えるのです。その仕組みが分かります。アンバランスな体が“見えます”。太陽系も“見えます”。太陽系を周回するいろいろな惑星のエネルギーを見ることができ、太陽の重力に影響を受けていることも分かります。彼らは科学についてすべて知っていました。科学法則と一体だったからです。彼らは地球で生まれましたが、地球のすべてとクオンタム状態にありました。それは、直観的な知識ですが、望遠鏡は必要ありませんでした。顕微鏡も不要でした。コンピューターも不要でした! 皆さんは直線的に考えてよろけているのでそういう道具が必要です。レムリア人は自然にできましたが、皆さんは代わりにやってくれる道具を作りださなければなりませんでした。
ただ彼らの科学は皆さんとは違っていました。その知識を得るために勉強はしません。だから、皆さんの科学とは形態が違います。彼らの科学は常識と言える共通認識で、平気で使われていました。皆さんは、腕を動かしたければ腕はすぐ動きます。その時には、大脳から筋肉に流れる無数の信号を分析しますか? しませんね。でも、もし、仮に、長い時間の中で人間が腕を動かす能力を失ったとして、それから、ある時、思考によって腕を動かせる機械を発明するとします。しかしもし発明しても、それからもっと遠い未来の人たちは、“アームマシーン”の人工遺物が見つからなかったので、そういう事実が存在したことを完全に否定してしまいます。
KRYON - Human Evolution ~ Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
KRYON - Human Evolution ~ Lee Carroll
What is taking place, dear ones, for all to know and see and understand, is that very, very slowly you have the linearity of the Human brain starting to be reduced. Unlike the autistic, it will be in ways that will still be balanced and make sense. In other words, you will be able to move in and out of quantum thought any time you wish in order to live in a linear, 3D existence, but have q...uantum consciousness. It will be a return to a form of consciousness that Lemurians had, but with the wisdom of the ages that you have collected. This will not be fast, but the forerunners of that are already here.
KRYON - Human Evolution ~ Lee Carroll
What is taking place, dear ones, for all to know and see and understand, is that very, very slowly you have the linearity of the Human brain starting to be reduced. Unlike the autistic, it will be in ways that will still be balanced and make sense. In other words, you will be able to move in and out of quantum thought any time you wish in order to live in a linear, 3D existence, but have q...uantum consciousness. It will be a return to a form of consciousness that Lemurians had, but with the wisdom of the ages that you have collected. This will not be fast, but the forerunners of that are already here.
Watch the autistic child go through what they must do (autism in its most severe form). They are so nonlinear that there is incredible frustration in trying to linearize even the Human voice as you speak to them. They will do the same actions over and over and over, trying to linearize the nonlinear. The linear walls are gone in their brain, and they have to learn to build the ones that they need. Humans then see them as a problem, and it's not a problem. It's a form of gifted children who are helping this planet to grow. Blessed are those who come into Earth as the new wave of consciousness to show you where it's going. They are setting the stage for a new kind of Human. For this quantumness will develop in a balanced way where many will have the autistic talents where they want them, and the linear when they want that. That's what the Human mind is capable of - being quantum when they wish to be. That's a return to the way it was given to you.
Again regarding Autism~Kryon - Human Evolution
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Human Evolution, Lee Carroll 2008-09
You're aware, are you not, of how linear you are? We've told you before that when interdimensional creatures visit this planet (which they do), they see you as two-dimensional black and white stick figures on a piece of paper. Humans, in their arrogance, especially intellectuals, say to them, "We are capable of thinking anything we want to. We can think above t...he piece of paper." That's funny to them, since you don't even know what dimension you're in! You don't even know you're not in color! They see this and they leave. There's nothing here for them and they can't communicate with a cartoon. That's what linearity does to you and you're not even aware of it.
Kryon - Human Evolution, Lee Carroll 2008-09
You're aware, are you not, of how linear you are? We've told you before that when interdimensional creatures visit this planet (which they do), they see you as two-dimensional black and white stick figures on a piece of paper. Humans, in their arrogance, especially intellectuals, say to them, "We are capable of thinking anything we want to. We can think above t...he piece of paper." That's funny to them, since you don't even know what dimension you're in! You don't even know you're not in color! They see this and they leave. There's nothing here for them and they can't communicate with a cartoon. That's what linearity does to you and you're not even aware of it.
Watch the autistic child go through what they must do (autism in its most severe form). They are so nonlinear that there is incredible frustration in trying to linearize even the Human voice as you speak to them. They will do the same actions over and over and over, trying to linearize the nonlinear. The linear walls are gone in their brain, and they have to learn to build the ones that they need. Humans then see them as a problem, and it's not a problem. It's a form of gifted children who are helping this planet to grow. Blessed are those who come into Earth as the new wave of consciousness to show you where it's going. They are setting the stage for a new kind of Human. For this quantumness will develop in a balanced way where many will have the autistic talents where they want them, and the linear when they want that. That's what the Human mind is capable of - being quantum when they wish to be. That's a return to the way it was given to you.
皆さんは平面的という言葉を知っていますね、知りませんか? 前に、多次元の存在がこの地球に生まれた時、彼らは、皆さんは紙に書いたモノクロの姿に見えます、そう言いました。人間は、特に知識層は驕り高ぶって、その子たちに「我々は何でも自在に考える力がある。一枚の紙を超えたことを考えることができるんだ」と言います。しかし、その子たちにとっては、自分たちがどういう次元にいるのかさえ知らないのだから、本当に笑ってしまうことなのです! そこ子らにとってここには何もありません。彼らは漫画と話はできません。そういうことが平面的という意味です。皆さんはそれさえも知りません。
皆さんは平面的という言葉を知っていますね、知りませんか? 前に、多次元の存在がこの地球に生まれた時、彼らは、皆さんは紙に書いたモノクロの姿に見えます、そう言いました。人間は、特に知識層は驕り高ぶって、その子たちに「我々は何でも自在に考える力がある。一枚の紙を超えたことを考えることができるんだ」と言います。しかし、その子たちにとっては、自分たちがどういう次元にいるのかさえ知らないのだから、本当に笑ってしまうことなのです! そこ子らにとってここには何もありません。彼らは漫画と話はできません。そういうことが平面的という意味です。皆さんはそれさえも知りません。
Kryon – Q&A regarding Autistic children ~ Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon – Q&A regarding Autistic children ~ Lee Carroll
QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I am a mother of a son diagnosed with autism, now 7. I have worked with energy for what seems to be all my life. In the past 5 years, I have been getting concepts that I do not really understand. Your channeling has been helping. However, perhaps any of you who read this (I trust it will be read by whomever Spirit intends) may have encountered this as well.
Here goes - My son’s magnetic system does not feel the same as ours. Is there a possibility that his DNA may have different magnetic structures than non-autistics? I can almost see this in my mind as strands running through some sort of chrysalis-type prism. Okay - I know that sounds nuts. I also feel this same thing around dolphins. He is particularly drawn to the calls of Humpback whale recordings. Is it possible that the cetacean connection to autism is in the magnetics? His communication (still nonverbal) has been progressing in leaps and bounds over the past year. Are the magnetic grid alignments becoming more compatible to autistic’s systems?
ANSWER: Dear one, for you and the others who work with these children, I honor you!
We told you earlier that they are mostly savants. These children are indeed born with DNA differences of the kind that are magnetically enhanced from your own. The difference is that they are more geared to an interdimensional existence rather than the 4D existence that you live in. So, Yes, this is a magnetic cellular attribute. Some are even calling them “rainbow children.” Your intuition is correct. Here is more.
(1) They wish to communicate and live out of linearity. They don’t understand things in-a-row or in line. They will do far better with overall concepts that steer them to a pseudo-linear action… so that they can live in your world. If it were possible, they would love to communicate without “in-a-row” linear verbal speech. They would rather do it all it once using a “thought group.” Their frustration is that everything around them is boxing in their expansiveness, and they have to stop and make sense of it.
Can you even imagine what it would be like to be born in a world where you had 3D, and everyone else had 2D? Let’s say there was no depth… only height and width. You wanted to “reach inside” things, and you could see how…only to have an invisible wall stop your hand each time you tried, or stop your mind each time you tried. You couldn’t even walk around! Others around you would call you retarded, as they watched the funny kid who couldn’t navigate in a simple 2D world. You would spend most of your time looking at things, trying to decipher if what you were seeing was true or not for the reality you were in.
(2) They tend to live partially in a reality that Humans don’t see or understand. Where are they mentally, you sometimes ask, as they stare off into space. The truth? They are actually seeing and participating in interdimensional attributes of life… or trying to. They also can “see” the other life on earth…the life that you don’t even acknowledge yet. More on this some other time.
(3) They are attuned to the energy of the dolphins and whales, but more specifically the dolphin. There has actually been research on this from your scientists, so it is not as odd as it sounds. There is communication at a distance between autistic children and these sea mammals. If they ever actually establish a one-on-one relation to a single animal, it lasts a lifetime.
(4) Yes… the grid system of the planet is going to make them more comfortable, and you less comfortable. We have been channelling in the last year about becoming interdimensional. Perhaps it’s time Humans moved a bit in their direction, instead of teaching them how to exist in yours?
Q: こんにちは、クライオン。私は自閉症と診断された息子の母親で、息子は今7歳です。これが私の人生だと思ってやって来ました。この5年間、本当は理解できないのですが、いろいろな考え方を学んできて、あなたのチャネリングで救われてきました。しかし、この質問を読む人は(スピリットに導かれて読んでいるのだと思いますが)、多分私と同じような経験をしてきた人だと思います。
そこで質問です。息子の磁気全体は、私たちと同じだとは思いません。彼のDNAは自閉症でない人と違う磁気構造なのでしょうか? 内心、そのことは、彼のDNA螺旋が過渡的な形態にあるのではないかと思えます。それでばかげたことを言っていると思われても結構です。私は、同じようなことをイルカに感じるのです。息子は、特に録音したザトウクジラの泣き声に惹かれます。自閉症とクジラは磁気的に繋がっているなんてことがあるのでしょうか? 彼の、言葉にならないコミュニケーションは去年怒涛のように進歩しました。地球の磁気グリッドはもっと自閉症児全体にずれずにぴったりと合っていくのでしょうか?
クライオン: こんにちは、そのような子供たちに関わるあなたも他の人たちも、私は本当に心から尊敬しています!
1. その子たちは3次元的な時系列上にきちんと順序立てて並べられたような世界を出て会話をしたいと思っています。その子たちは、一列に並べられたものが分かりません。その子たちは、時系列的論理的な考え方を上回る考え方をして、それよりも遥かに素晴らしいことをしようとします。それができる場合は、順序だったありきたりの会話をしないで他の人とコミュニケーションすることが大好きで、そうしようとします。その際、その子たちは、“まとまった思考”を使って一気にそういうことをしようとします。でもその子たちのフラストレーションは、周りが彼らの大きさ、広大さを邪魔しようとするところで発生します。だから、立ち止まってそれがどういう意味なのかを理解しなければなりません。
あなた自身が3次元で、他の人はすべて2次元にいるような世界に生まれた、そんなことは想像できますか? 2次元の世界には深さ・奥行きがありません。高さ(縦)と幅(横)だけです。あなたには奥行が見えて、もっと中に入りたいと思うのですが、中に入ろうとして手を伸ばすとそこから先へは見えない壁に阻まれて手を伸ばせないし入れません。しかも、自由にあらゆる方向に歩き回ることもできません! 周りの人はあなたのことを発達が遅れていると言い、2次元の世界で動くことも出来ない、面白い子供がいると言います。ほとんどの時間を物事を見て過ごし、自分が見ているもの、その現実が本当なのかどうかを確かめようとしています。
2. その子たちは、部分的に、普通の人間には分からない、見えない現実の中で生きる傾向があります。あなたは、時々、その子が違う空間にいて、この子の心はどこにあるのだろう、と思います。本当は、どういうことなのでしょうか? その子たちは、事実、多次元の世界を見、多次元に踏み込んでいるのです。あるいは、そうしようとしています。また、皆さんには分からない生命、地球の他の生命を“見る”ことができます。それについては、別のところで触れてきます。
3. 自閉症の子は、事実、イルカやクジラのエネルギーに波長が合いますが、特にイルカとは合います。実際にそのような科学的研究結果があり、おかしなことではありません。自閉症児とそのような海の哺乳類との間には、距離が隔たっていてもコミュニケーションが成立します。その子が、この哺乳類と一対一の関係を確立すると、その関係は終生持続します。
4. もちろん、地球のグリッドによって、その子たちはますます快適になっていきます。でも、普通の皆さんはそうでもありません。この1年、私たちは多次元になることについてチャネリングしてきました。人類は、自閉症の子たちに自分らの通りに生きることではなく、その子たちの方向に近づく舵を切りました。
Kryon – Q&A regarding Autistic children ~ Lee Carroll
QUESTION: Dear Kryon: I am a mother of a son diagnosed with autism, now 7. I have worked with energy for what seems to be all my life. In the past 5 years, I have been getting concepts that I do not really understand. Your channeling has been helping. However, perhaps any of you who read this (I trust it will be read by whomever Spirit intends) may have encountered this as well.
Here goes - My son’s magnetic system does not feel the same as ours. Is there a possibility that his DNA may have different magnetic structures than non-autistics? I can almost see this in my mind as strands running through some sort of chrysalis-type prism. Okay - I know that sounds nuts. I also feel this same thing around dolphins. He is particularly drawn to the calls of Humpback whale recordings. Is it possible that the cetacean connection to autism is in the magnetics? His communication (still nonverbal) has been progressing in leaps and bounds over the past year. Are the magnetic grid alignments becoming more compatible to autistic’s systems?
ANSWER: Dear one, for you and the others who work with these children, I honor you!
We told you earlier that they are mostly savants. These children are indeed born with DNA differences of the kind that are magnetically enhanced from your own. The difference is that they are more geared to an interdimensional existence rather than the 4D existence that you live in. So, Yes, this is a magnetic cellular attribute. Some are even calling them “rainbow children.” Your intuition is correct. Here is more.
(1) They wish to communicate and live out of linearity. They don’t understand things in-a-row or in line. They will do far better with overall concepts that steer them to a pseudo-linear action… so that they can live in your world. If it were possible, they would love to communicate without “in-a-row” linear verbal speech. They would rather do it all it once using a “thought group.” Their frustration is that everything around them is boxing in their expansiveness, and they have to stop and make sense of it.
Can you even imagine what it would be like to be born in a world where you had 3D, and everyone else had 2D? Let’s say there was no depth… only height and width. You wanted to “reach inside” things, and you could see how…only to have an invisible wall stop your hand each time you tried, or stop your mind each time you tried. You couldn’t even walk around! Others around you would call you retarded, as they watched the funny kid who couldn’t navigate in a simple 2D world. You would spend most of your time looking at things, trying to decipher if what you were seeing was true or not for the reality you were in.
(2) They tend to live partially in a reality that Humans don’t see or understand. Where are they mentally, you sometimes ask, as they stare off into space. The truth? They are actually seeing and participating in interdimensional attributes of life… or trying to. They also can “see” the other life on earth…the life that you don’t even acknowledge yet. More on this some other time.
(3) They are attuned to the energy of the dolphins and whales, but more specifically the dolphin. There has actually been research on this from your scientists, so it is not as odd as it sounds. There is communication at a distance between autistic children and these sea mammals. If they ever actually establish a one-on-one relation to a single animal, it lasts a lifetime.
(4) Yes… the grid system of the planet is going to make them more comfortable, and you less comfortable. We have been channelling in the last year about becoming interdimensional. Perhaps it’s time Humans moved a bit in their direction, instead of teaching them how to exist in yours?
Q: こんにちは、クライオン。私は自閉症と診断された息子の母親で、息子は今7歳です。これが私の人生だと思ってやって来ました。この5年間、本当は理解できないのですが、いろいろな考え方を学んできて、あなたのチャネリングで救われてきました。しかし、この質問を読む人は(スピリットに導かれて読んでいるのだと思いますが)、多分私と同じような経験をしてきた人だと思います。
そこで質問です。息子の磁気全体は、私たちと同じだとは思いません。彼のDNAは自閉症でない人と違う磁気構造なのでしょうか? 内心、そのことは、彼のDNA螺旋が過渡的な形態にあるのではないかと思えます。それでばかげたことを言っていると思われても結構です。私は、同じようなことをイルカに感じるのです。息子は、特に録音したザトウクジラの泣き声に惹かれます。自閉症とクジラは磁気的に繋がっているなんてことがあるのでしょうか? 彼の、言葉にならないコミュニケーションは去年怒涛のように進歩しました。地球の磁気グリッドはもっと自閉症児全体にずれずにぴったりと合っていくのでしょうか?
クライオン: こんにちは、そのような子供たちに関わるあなたも他の人たちも、私は本当に心から尊敬しています!
1. その子たちは3次元的な時系列上にきちんと順序立てて並べられたような世界を出て会話をしたいと思っています。その子たちは、一列に並べられたものが分かりません。その子たちは、時系列的論理的な考え方を上回る考え方をして、それよりも遥かに素晴らしいことをしようとします。それができる場合は、順序だったありきたりの会話をしないで他の人とコミュニケーションすることが大好きで、そうしようとします。その際、その子たちは、“まとまった思考”を使って一気にそういうことをしようとします。でもその子たちのフラストレーションは、周りが彼らの大きさ、広大さを邪魔しようとするところで発生します。だから、立ち止まってそれがどういう意味なのかを理解しなければなりません。
あなた自身が3次元で、他の人はすべて2次元にいるような世界に生まれた、そんなことは想像できますか? 2次元の世界には深さ・奥行きがありません。高さ(縦)と幅(横)だけです。あなたには奥行が見えて、もっと中に入りたいと思うのですが、中に入ろうとして手を伸ばすとそこから先へは見えない壁に阻まれて手を伸ばせないし入れません。しかも、自由にあらゆる方向に歩き回ることもできません! 周りの人はあなたのことを発達が遅れていると言い、2次元の世界で動くことも出来ない、面白い子供がいると言います。ほとんどの時間を物事を見て過ごし、自分が見ているもの、その現実が本当なのかどうかを確かめようとしています。
2. その子たちは、部分的に、普通の人間には分からない、見えない現実の中で生きる傾向があります。あなたは、時々、その子が違う空間にいて、この子の心はどこにあるのだろう、と思います。本当は、どういうことなのでしょうか? その子たちは、事実、多次元の世界を見、多次元に踏み込んでいるのです。あるいは、そうしようとしています。また、皆さんには分からない生命、地球の他の生命を“見る”ことができます。それについては、別のところで触れてきます。
3. 自閉症の子は、事実、イルカやクジラのエネルギーに波長が合いますが、特にイルカとは合います。実際にそのような科学的研究結果があり、おかしなことではありません。自閉症児とそのような海の哺乳類との間には、距離が隔たっていてもコミュニケーションが成立します。その子が、この哺乳類と一対一の関係を確立すると、その関係は終生持続します。
4. もちろん、地球のグリッドによって、その子たちはますます快適になっていきます。でも、普通の皆さんはそうでもありません。この1年、私たちは多次元になることについてチャネリングしてきました。人類は、自閉症の子たちに自分らの通りに生きることではなく、その子たちの方向に近づく舵を切りました。
Cancer Cured in 3 Minutes - Awesome Presentation by Gregg Braden
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
ある感情を持つ時に身体の中に電磁場が生まれ体の外に電磁場を広げる。研究結果、その電磁波は身体から1メートルという距離ではなく何キロにもわたって広がることが分かっている。だから今いる建物を越えて世界に影響を与えている。だから皆が一つの感情でひとつ(コヒーレントな波)になると、世界が変わる。これは古代の叡智ーテクノロジー。 この映像は北京の病院で3~4センチの膀胱がんが消えた様子を撮影したもの。西欧医学で治療不能と宣告された女性。この病院では薬剤を使用しないで治療する、古代の方法を採用している。 3人の人がハートで一斉に「もうガンは消えた」という同じ感情を起こしている。 そしてわずか3分足らずでガンが消えた証拠映像。左右2つの映像の左はヒーリング前の映像、右は実際にリアルタイムで撮影している映像。2分40秒で腫瘍が消えている!なぜならフィールド内のすべてが結びついている事、言葉がフィールドに与える影響が理解できないので現代科学ではこれが「奇跡」扱い。でも奇跡ではなく、これはテクノロジーです! ヒーリング中の3人の言葉、チャンティングの「ワッサー」という言葉は「もう治った」という意味。「これから起こる、いつか起こる」ではなく、「もう既に起きた」という完了した意味。ここが重要。フィールドは鏡になって「今」の感情エネルギーを反射している。こうして出来たフィールドを「聖なるマトリックス」と呼び、過去や未来ではなく、「今」を映し出す。西欧科学は感情が体の外に影響を与えることが全く理解できない。 1.DNAは直に物質世界に影響する。2.感情はDNAを変化させる力があり、3.DNAは世界を変える力がある。なぜならフィールドですべてが結びついているから。 マックス・プランクの「マトリックス」は「マトリックスが導管になって実験結果を映し出す」。1887年に既にエーテルですべてが結びついていることを提唱したのがマイケルソン・モーリーの実験。ただその結果の解釈は貧弱だった。そこで、100年後の1987年米国空軍が同じ実験を再現して科学誌「ネーチャーNature」に掲載した。「フィールドは実在する」という論文だった。これによってマイケルソン・モーリーの予見を再度証明し、それまでフィールドは存在しないという教科書の常識や世界観がガラリと変わった。
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Bless the water you drink with love and it will help to raise your vibration.
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
“Your heart is the light of the world.
Don’t cover it with your mind.”
— Mooji
Don’t cover it with your mind.”
— Mooji
Paradigm Shift by Kryon
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Paradigm Shift by Kryon 2015-6-3
The free choice is yours, but if you choose to go with this paradigm shift and relax with it, there is energy here you develop with this new consciousness. The energy is ran there literally waiting you to have consciousness of acceptance.
When you do things to start taking place you wouldn't expect, you din't plan, a timing that will be occurred is different that you imagined.
Paradigm Shift by Kryon 2015-6-3
The free choice is yours, but if you choose to go with this paradigm shift and relax with it, there is energy here you develop with this new consciousness. The energy is ran there literally waiting you to have consciousness of acceptance.
When you do things to start taking place you wouldn't expect, you din't plan, a timing that will be occurred is different that you imagined.
"Nuclear power plant is such a broken piano dropped down from the stairs" by Kryon
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
"Nuclear power plant is such a broken piano dropped down from the stairs" by Kryon
The second thing will be the acknowledgement that these two new laws of physics will finally bring you what you have always wanted - Free energy. You have known it intuitively, have you not, that the energy you create on the planet is accomplished in an archaic way? Digging into the earth to burn things for heat is archaic. Everything is about heat, isn't it? Everything is about creating motion with heat, isn't it? These are the things that you understand to make energy. I'm going to make a statement. Everything you think you know about energy right now will someday look like the time when you invented the wheel or even fire. It's that archaic! When you unlock that portion of multidimensional physics, you'll be able to create unlimited energy in a very refined way, without explosions or heat.
Now, there are those who would say that certain inventions on the planet right now have already done that. Not even close! Believe me, not even close. You don't understand the finesse of how to tap into multidimensional forces. You don't have the instruments and you can't see what you're doing yet. You're simply not there yet. "But Kryon, we know how to unlock the energy of the atom. We have nuclear power." [Kryon laugh] Really? You know what nuclear power is? It is a controlled explosion so that you can make heat! It's not elegant, it's dangerous to you, and there are byproducts that can hurt Human Beings. Is this your idea of a good thing? Just think: It's controlling a very dangerous explosion to make steam - the world's most expensive steam engine! Nuclear power. You have no idea.
Let me give you an example of this. Let's say that someone on another planet discovered a piano (pretend with me). They discovered that it could make a very interesting sound. Let's say that this sound was new to this space creature that had discovered it and he found that he could really make this fun sound happen if he pushed the piano off the second floor of a building! The crashing noise, and all of the strings breaking, made music. That's nuclear power. You don't have the elegance to know how to play the keys of the atom. You don't know how to find the multidimensional vibrations that work together, which slowly and elegantly release as much energy as you'll ever need - a concerto of coordinated energy! Now listen, because here's a hint for a physicist who will read this message in the future: You're not going to release energy to make heat. Instead, you're going to make energy that pushes objects around. You will be controlling mass! Imagine that.
クライオン ~「原発は2階から突き落とされたピアノの出す音」
「今皆さんがエネルギーだと思っているものは、すべて、いつの日か、車輪や火を発明した頃と同じようなレベルのものだと思える時が来るということです。古く臭くなります! 多次元物理を幾らかでも紐解くと、爆発や熱を起こさずに非常に洗練された方法で無限のエネルギーを作り出すことが出来ます。
ここで、今地球ではある発明によって既にフリーエネルギーを起こす開発がなされていると思う人がいます。でも全然違います! 全く近づいていません。皆さんは、多次元の力を利用する極めて精巧な方法について理解していません。またその装置もありませんし、これからしようとしていることも理解することができません。まだそこまで至っていません。「クライオン、でも原子エネルギーについては解明されていますよ。原子力があります」<クライオンは笑って>本当ですか? 原子力がどういうものか知っていますか? あなたが言うのは、爆発を制御して熱を出しているだけです! エレガントではありません。皆さんには危険です。廃棄物も生み出して人間に害を及ぼします。そういうことが良いことだと思っているのですか? 考えてみてください。熱を発生させるために非常に危険なことをしています。世界で最も高くつく高価な蒸気機関です! それが皆さんの原子力です。皆さんは何も知りません。
それについて例えで説明しましょう。他の惑星の人がピアノを見つけたとします。ピアノは非常に面白い音色を出すことが分かりました。その音はそこに住む人には初めて聞く音ですが、ビルの2階から突き落とすと、楽しく面白い音が出ることが分かりました! その時のピアノが地面に衝突した時の音、弦が引きちぎれて弾ける音、それで音楽が作られました。それが原子力です。皆さんは、原子の鍵盤を使って品のある音を出して演奏する方法を知りません。その時に一緒に働く多次元のいろいろな波動を見つける方法が分かりません。その波動で必要なだけのエネルギーがゆったりと優雅に放出されるのです。それは調和したエネルギーの協奏曲です! 今後このメッセージを読む物理学者にとってここにヒントがあります。それは、皆さんは熱を出してエネルギーを発生させることはしなくなるということです。そうではなくて、物体を回転させてエネルギーを発生させるようになります。大量のエネルギーを制御できるようになります! 想像してみてください。」~今後500年の物理
"Nuclear power plant is such a broken piano dropped down from the stairs" by Kryon
The second thing will be the acknowledgement that these two new laws of physics will finally bring you what you have always wanted - Free energy. You have known it intuitively, have you not, that the energy you create on the planet is accomplished in an archaic way? Digging into the earth to burn things for heat is archaic. Everything is about heat, isn't it? Everything is about creating motion with heat, isn't it? These are the things that you understand to make energy. I'm going to make a statement. Everything you think you know about energy right now will someday look like the time when you invented the wheel or even fire. It's that archaic! When you unlock that portion of multidimensional physics, you'll be able to create unlimited energy in a very refined way, without explosions or heat.
Now, there are those who would say that certain inventions on the planet right now have already done that. Not even close! Believe me, not even close. You don't understand the finesse of how to tap into multidimensional forces. You don't have the instruments and you can't see what you're doing yet. You're simply not there yet. "But Kryon, we know how to unlock the energy of the atom. We have nuclear power." [Kryon laugh] Really? You know what nuclear power is? It is a controlled explosion so that you can make heat! It's not elegant, it's dangerous to you, and there are byproducts that can hurt Human Beings. Is this your idea of a good thing? Just think: It's controlling a very dangerous explosion to make steam - the world's most expensive steam engine! Nuclear power. You have no idea.
Let me give you an example of this. Let's say that someone on another planet discovered a piano (pretend with me). They discovered that it could make a very interesting sound. Let's say that this sound was new to this space creature that had discovered it and he found that he could really make this fun sound happen if he pushed the piano off the second floor of a building! The crashing noise, and all of the strings breaking, made music. That's nuclear power. You don't have the elegance to know how to play the keys of the atom. You don't know how to find the multidimensional vibrations that work together, which slowly and elegantly release as much energy as you'll ever need - a concerto of coordinated energy! Now listen, because here's a hint for a physicist who will read this message in the future: You're not going to release energy to make heat. Instead, you're going to make energy that pushes objects around. You will be controlling mass! Imagine that.
クライオン ~「原発は2階から突き落とされたピアノの出す音」
「今皆さんがエネルギーだと思っているものは、すべて、いつの日か、車輪や火を発明した頃と同じようなレベルのものだと思える時が来るということです。古く臭くなります! 多次元物理を幾らかでも紐解くと、爆発や熱を起こさずに非常に洗練された方法で無限のエネルギーを作り出すことが出来ます。
ここで、今地球ではある発明によって既にフリーエネルギーを起こす開発がなされていると思う人がいます。でも全然違います! 全く近づいていません。皆さんは、多次元の力を利用する極めて精巧な方法について理解していません。またその装置もありませんし、これからしようとしていることも理解することができません。まだそこまで至っていません。「クライオン、でも原子エネルギーについては解明されていますよ。原子力があります」<クライオンは笑って>本当ですか? 原子力がどういうものか知っていますか? あなたが言うのは、爆発を制御して熱を出しているだけです! エレガントではありません。皆さんには危険です。廃棄物も生み出して人間に害を及ぼします。そういうことが良いことだと思っているのですか? 考えてみてください。熱を発生させるために非常に危険なことをしています。世界で最も高くつく高価な蒸気機関です! それが皆さんの原子力です。皆さんは何も知りません。
それについて例えで説明しましょう。他の惑星の人がピアノを見つけたとします。ピアノは非常に面白い音色を出すことが分かりました。その音はそこに住む人には初めて聞く音ですが、ビルの2階から突き落とすと、楽しく面白い音が出ることが分かりました! その時のピアノが地面に衝突した時の音、弦が引きちぎれて弾ける音、それで音楽が作られました。それが原子力です。皆さんは、原子の鍵盤を使って品のある音を出して演奏する方法を知りません。その時に一緒に働く多次元のいろいろな波動を見つける方法が分かりません。その波動で必要なだけのエネルギーがゆったりと優雅に放出されるのです。それは調和したエネルギーの協奏曲です! 今後このメッセージを読む物理学者にとってここにヒントがあります。それは、皆さんは熱を出してエネルギーを発生させることはしなくなるということです。そうではなくて、物体を回転させてエネルギーを発生させるようになります。大量のエネルギーを制御できるようになります! 想像してみてください。」~今後500年の物理
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
When angel numbers appear, know that your angels are near!
guidance angel numbersWhen you do notice numbers and number sequences of any kind, pay attention to what you were just thinking about and what is currently happening around you, in addition to noting the meanings of the numbers above. Angels offer you pertinent guidance, which is always related to what is happening in your life or as a response to your questions.
When angel numbers appear, know that your angels are near!
guidance angel numbersWhen you do notice numbers and number sequences of any kind, pay attention to what you were just thinking about and what is currently happening around you, in addition to noting the meanings of the numbers above. Angels offer you pertinent guidance, which is always related to what is happening in your life or as a response to your questions.
Master In Disguise 創造主 ~ 変装したマスター
Master In Disguise
A reminder; never be afraid to be amazing! Even the small moments that you think are nothing are something to someone. Reach out, expand your awareness, be in love with your Earth plane existence and, most importantly, love and treat others with dignity and respect. What may appear to be the most ‘lowly’ person could be a master in disguise.
~ Creator by Jennifer Farley
Another example: when you see someone who has some trouble in living, regardless of the relationship you have with him, or he is a stranger to you, however, you may feel to help him with something. It is such a moment when he is giving you an opportunity to help you to induce your benevolent, kind, compassionate light within you. It is such a meeting that can be happening! Do you understand this relationship? -Lightworkermike
創造主 ~ 変装したマスター
A reminder; never be afraid to be amazing! Even the small moments that you think are nothing are something to someone. Reach out, expand your awareness, be in love with your Earth plane existence and, most importantly, love and treat others with dignity and respect. What may appear to be the most ‘lowly’ person could be a master in disguise.
~ Creator by Jennifer Farley
Another example: when you see someone who has some trouble in living, regardless of the relationship you have with him, or he is a stranger to you, however, you may feel to help him with something. It is such a moment when he is giving you an opportunity to help you to induce your benevolent, kind, compassionate light within you. It is such a meeting that can be happening! Do you understand this relationship? -Lightworkermike
創造主 ~ 変装したマスター
We are the Arcturian Group 7/5/15 ~ Marilyn Raffaele
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
We are the Arcturian Group 7/5/15 ~ Marilyn Raffaele
Greetings once again dear ones.
We wish to explain that because so much is happening on the deeper levels, you must be prepared for changes that will soon manifest on earth in many areas. Increasingly intense energies of transformation and clearing are bringing about physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual change not only for individuals, but also for Gaia who is a living soul and not a piece of dirt. This information is not given to cause fear, but simply to help you to understand that certain events are vital and necessary in order for mankind to evolve. Know that always, those involved in earth events have agreed on the deeper levels to be a part of the experience.
Never forget that you are not simply flesh and blood bodies living on a physical planet. The time is long past due for mankind to understand, accept responsibility, and correct the damage reaped upon Gaia and all her life forms in the name of greed. As more and more people awaken, change is inevitable, but it often takes a catastrophe or some devastating event for people to even question these things and the question is; Is money worth the continual destruction of life, including air and water?
As changes take place on earth, learn to flow with them, not resisting or struggling to keep the status quo in the belief that "The good old days" were better.
The United State is celebrating a holiday of freedom at this time. Do you truly understand freedom, or do you continue to believe what you are told about how free you are? Look around you dear ones, and observe how society has gradually allowed itself to be deprived of multiple freedoms under the guise of keeping you safe. FEAR is an effective means of control. You need these rules in order to be safe, don't you...? It is a NEW TIME.
Question everything you have heretofore accepted without question in the belief that anyone in authority must know what is best for you. You are at a point in your evolutionary journey at which you must reclaim the power and trust you ignorantly gave away. Start by learning to trust your inner guidance and no longer acting as lemmings blindly following a just as blind leader over the cliff. It is time for peoples of all countries to stop waving flags and shouting: "My country right or wrong, my country". It is time to move into a consciousness of the Oneness of all people. It is a NEW TIME.
As a result of many lifetimes lived in the third dimensional energy of duality and separation, a universal ignorance of oneness became the consensus consciousness of mankind. This sense of separation manifests outwardly as the haves and have not's of the world--some with power, intelligence, and strength and some without. This belief system continues today, allowing those with the most money or strength to control everyone else. Up to now most have simply accepted this. There are still many people who have need for rules and laws and someone to tell them how to live. but for all awakening souls, it is a NEW TIME.
Pause and think before voting for the individual with the loudest voice promising exactly what you want to hear. Question, ponder, and most importantly, go within to experience the resonance of the state of consciousness of the candidate. Feel their energy, listen to the spaces between the words, trusting your intuition to guide you. This is how you begin to reclaim your innate power and move past the hype and noise created by those who would be in power.
This will create a true democracy, which was the intention of the founding fathers for the United States. The United States was founded on deep spiritual principles which over time have been manipulated for personal agendas and allowed to deteriorate from their original high resonating focus. When personal religious beliefs and narrow concepts are allowed to determine laws effecting all but benefiting the few, true freedom is lost and the ideals of a declaration of independence no longer exist.
Many still hold ideas of war with pride. We too honor those who selflessly sacrificed themselves because these brave souls were living out from their highest sense of right. Living out from your highest sense of right is all that is required of anyone. This way of resolving issues has been the consciousness of the world in the past and now. However, it is a NEW TIME.
There is a popular saying; "Freedom is not free". Freedom IS free, it is the sense of separation and wars that act to prevent it. Violence can never and will never bring peace. They are two very separate energies.
You are ready to experience true freedom dear ones, the freedom that has been ever present as your innate birthright and can never be taken from you for it is who you are. However, freedom can only manifest from a state of consciousness that knows who and what it is--not who and what it has been told it is.
You are not meant to live according to the whims of corporations, organized religions, and big government. You ARE the corporations, religions, and government if you choose to be. This does not mean you must stand in the street shouting and protesting, for often this simply gives an issue more power, not less. It does mean that silently, secretly, and quietly, you begin to trust your ability to make your own choices regarding what you believe. It means working for change--questioning, pondering, going within, and then taking whatever actions you may be guided to take which may simply be to send Light. It means choosing not to limit yourselves to the "acceptable beliefs" of the third dimensional belief system.
Spirituality cannot be separated from daily living for it is one and the same but the world in general does not yet understand this. God cannot be prayed to for victory of one group over another--there is only ONE. Bring your highest level of spiritual awareness to every physical emotional, and mental activity of daily living and you will find more awareness is given for you have opened the door.
Realize that true freedom can only be experienced personally and globally when there evolves a consciousness that all people and all living things are Divine and One within that Universal Consciousness many call God.
Freedom is your soul, your identity, the reality of you as spiritual beings. You can never be separated from it unless you believe you can be. It does not look that way because at this time the world is manifesting a gross ignorance of this. Freedom is the essence of your very being and as this awareness becomes a global state of consciousness, it will manifest outwardly as the peace so many seek, while yet believing that war and separation will bring peace.
Celebrate the birth of your country dear ones, but never forget the real focus and intention that brought it into being. The event of independence that you celebrate on the 4th of July is not finished, but only represents the first layer of many evolutionary steps necessary for mankind to evolve into a consciousness of real freedom.
This message is given as always, with love for you, our sisters and brothers.
We are the Arcturian Group 7/5/15
We are the Arcturian Group 7/5/15 ~ Marilyn Raffaele
Greetings once again dear ones.
We wish to explain that because so much is happening on the deeper levels, you must be prepared for changes that will soon manifest on earth in many areas. Increasingly intense energies of transformation and clearing are bringing about physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual change not only for individuals, but also for Gaia who is a living soul and not a piece of dirt. This information is not given to cause fear, but simply to help you to understand that certain events are vital and necessary in order for mankind to evolve. Know that always, those involved in earth events have agreed on the deeper levels to be a part of the experience.
Never forget that you are not simply flesh and blood bodies living on a physical planet. The time is long past due for mankind to understand, accept responsibility, and correct the damage reaped upon Gaia and all her life forms in the name of greed. As more and more people awaken, change is inevitable, but it often takes a catastrophe or some devastating event for people to even question these things and the question is; Is money worth the continual destruction of life, including air and water?
As changes take place on earth, learn to flow with them, not resisting or struggling to keep the status quo in the belief that "The good old days" were better.
The United State is celebrating a holiday of freedom at this time. Do you truly understand freedom, or do you continue to believe what you are told about how free you are? Look around you dear ones, and observe how society has gradually allowed itself to be deprived of multiple freedoms under the guise of keeping you safe. FEAR is an effective means of control. You need these rules in order to be safe, don't you...? It is a NEW TIME.
Question everything you have heretofore accepted without question in the belief that anyone in authority must know what is best for you. You are at a point in your evolutionary journey at which you must reclaim the power and trust you ignorantly gave away. Start by learning to trust your inner guidance and no longer acting as lemmings blindly following a just as blind leader over the cliff. It is time for peoples of all countries to stop waving flags and shouting: "My country right or wrong, my country". It is time to move into a consciousness of the Oneness of all people. It is a NEW TIME.
As a result of many lifetimes lived in the third dimensional energy of duality and separation, a universal ignorance of oneness became the consensus consciousness of mankind. This sense of separation manifests outwardly as the haves and have not's of the world--some with power, intelligence, and strength and some without. This belief system continues today, allowing those with the most money or strength to control everyone else. Up to now most have simply accepted this. There are still many people who have need for rules and laws and someone to tell them how to live. but for all awakening souls, it is a NEW TIME.
Pause and think before voting for the individual with the loudest voice promising exactly what you want to hear. Question, ponder, and most importantly, go within to experience the resonance of the state of consciousness of the candidate. Feel their energy, listen to the spaces between the words, trusting your intuition to guide you. This is how you begin to reclaim your innate power and move past the hype and noise created by those who would be in power.
This will create a true democracy, which was the intention of the founding fathers for the United States. The United States was founded on deep spiritual principles which over time have been manipulated for personal agendas and allowed to deteriorate from their original high resonating focus. When personal religious beliefs and narrow concepts are allowed to determine laws effecting all but benefiting the few, true freedom is lost and the ideals of a declaration of independence no longer exist.
Many still hold ideas of war with pride. We too honor those who selflessly sacrificed themselves because these brave souls were living out from their highest sense of right. Living out from your highest sense of right is all that is required of anyone. This way of resolving issues has been the consciousness of the world in the past and now. However, it is a NEW TIME.
There is a popular saying; "Freedom is not free". Freedom IS free, it is the sense of separation and wars that act to prevent it. Violence can never and will never bring peace. They are two very separate energies.
You are ready to experience true freedom dear ones, the freedom that has been ever present as your innate birthright and can never be taken from you for it is who you are. However, freedom can only manifest from a state of consciousness that knows who and what it is--not who and what it has been told it is.
You are not meant to live according to the whims of corporations, organized religions, and big government. You ARE the corporations, religions, and government if you choose to be. This does not mean you must stand in the street shouting and protesting, for often this simply gives an issue more power, not less. It does mean that silently, secretly, and quietly, you begin to trust your ability to make your own choices regarding what you believe. It means working for change--questioning, pondering, going within, and then taking whatever actions you may be guided to take which may simply be to send Light. It means choosing not to limit yourselves to the "acceptable beliefs" of the third dimensional belief system.
Spirituality cannot be separated from daily living for it is one and the same but the world in general does not yet understand this. God cannot be prayed to for victory of one group over another--there is only ONE. Bring your highest level of spiritual awareness to every physical emotional, and mental activity of daily living and you will find more awareness is given for you have opened the door.
Realize that true freedom can only be experienced personally and globally when there evolves a consciousness that all people and all living things are Divine and One within that Universal Consciousness many call God.
Freedom is your soul, your identity, the reality of you as spiritual beings. You can never be separated from it unless you believe you can be. It does not look that way because at this time the world is manifesting a gross ignorance of this. Freedom is the essence of your very being and as this awareness becomes a global state of consciousness, it will manifest outwardly as the peace so many seek, while yet believing that war and separation will bring peace.
Celebrate the birth of your country dear ones, but never forget the real focus and intention that brought it into being. The event of independence that you celebrate on the 4th of July is not finished, but only represents the first layer of many evolutionary steps necessary for mankind to evolve into a consciousness of real freedom.
This message is given as always, with love for you, our sisters and brothers.
We are the Arcturian Group 7/5/15
Kryon - 医療・農業のパラダイムシフト - Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Paradigm Shift of Medicine and Agriculture ~ Lee Carroll, 2015-6-3 @ Sedona
Kryon - 意識の3連構造 - Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
"The Triad - The Three parts of Human Consciousness"
Kryon~ Lee Carroll
"The Triad - The Three parts of Human Consciousness"
Kryon~ Lee Carroll
アセンションしたマスターのイライジャのマカバである馬車の3頭の馬は、直感、大脳、心臓に当たります。彼は、マスターとして意識が完璧に働いていたことを認識していました。この3つを結びつける時です。皆さん、生き残りをかける人間とマスターの違いは、思いやる心の大きさです。思いやる心は、心臓(ハート)で生まれます。それは事実です。心臓は、脳と繋がっています。この3部作を理解してください。科学が説明しようとしています。ただ、これは、目に見えないものです。そして、大脳はこの3つすべての動きを促進していますが、他の2つは独自に動いています。もっと大きな目で見てください。理解するために言っておきたいことは、それは本当だろうか、と疑問に思うことです。大脳は、もっと大きなものの介助役に過ぎないのだろうか? ということです。今まで説明できなかったことが、分かり始めるでしょう。一端、人間が何かを決める途端に、大脳の動きが良くなりだす理由が分かるでしょう。実際に体は自己治癒しようと、急に全く別の食べ物を欲しがるようになる、その理由はなぜだろうか? 繋げて考えないと、そのことが分からないでしょう。それは、大脳が教えてくれなかったことです。大脳は、この3つの繋がりを促進しています。そして、この連結のネット(網)はホワイトライトの創造主です。
How The Heart-Brain Connection Works - Gregg Braden
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Gregg Braden (動画)
Gregg Braden (動画)
Gregg Braden - Institute of HeartMath
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Gregg Braden(動画)
Gregg Braden(動画)
The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence: Scientific Proof Of Intuition
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence: Scientific Proof Of Intuition
Steven Bancarz, Team Spirit
いい雰囲気と悪い雰囲気の違いは誰もが知っていますが、“雰囲気”という時、科学的レベルでは、いったい何が起きているのでしょうか? あるいは、悪い人がいて、本音として心の底ではその通りに感じて、後になってやっぱり人を騙すとか悪さをするということが分かった場合、そのときにどういうことが起きているのでしょうか? この問題についてエネルギーとかスピリチュアルな立場で考える時、他の人の雰囲気を感じる時にどういうことが起きているのかを科学的に説明することは難しい問題です。しかし、新しい科学的手法の発達に伴って、直観も科学的方法を使う研究対象になっています。
・ 感情を鎮静化させる刺激に比べて感情化させる刺激が与えられる前には、心拍数の減少が非常にはっきりと現れました。また、心臓において感情的になる場合と穏やかになる場合とでは、波形は均一ではなくはっきりと乱れていました。
・ 心臓と大脳は感情を刺激する写真を見せられる以前に反応していましたが、心臓は大脳より先に直観的情報を受信していたのです(先に直感的に反応していたのです)。
・ 男女の直観能力で大きな違いがありました。女性の方が男性よりも早くしかも頻繁に直観的反応をしていたのです。だから、女性は直観と感情で受信しやすいというスピリチュアルな考え方は、単なるニューエイジの思想ではないのです。直観は現実に存在し、心臓は大脳よりも直観能力において大きな働きをしている、女性は心臓を軸にしていることなどが科学的に証明されたのです。
・ 刺激が与えられる前の情報が精神的心理的に受信されると、その情報は通常の感覚受容器と同様に情報処理されるように見えます。この研究は、体の感覚器官は常に未来をスキャンしているという無視できない証拠を提出しています。
Stay centered!
Steven Bancarz,
Team Spirit
The Heart’s Intuitive Intelligence: Scientific Proof Of Intuition
Steven Bancarz, Team Spirit
いい雰囲気と悪い雰囲気の違いは誰もが知っていますが、“雰囲気”という時、科学的レベルでは、いったい何が起きているのでしょうか? あるいは、悪い人がいて、本音として心の底ではその通りに感じて、後になってやっぱり人を騙すとか悪さをするということが分かった場合、そのときにどういうことが起きているのでしょうか? この問題についてエネルギーとかスピリチュアルな立場で考える時、他の人の雰囲気を感じる時にどういうことが起きているのかを科学的に説明することは難しい問題です。しかし、新しい科学的手法の発達に伴って、直観も科学的方法を使う研究対象になっています。
・ 感情を鎮静化させる刺激に比べて感情化させる刺激が与えられる前には、心拍数の減少が非常にはっきりと現れました。また、心臓において感情的になる場合と穏やかになる場合とでは、波形は均一ではなくはっきりと乱れていました。
・ 心臓と大脳は感情を刺激する写真を見せられる以前に反応していましたが、心臓は大脳より先に直観的情報を受信していたのです(先に直感的に反応していたのです)。
・ 男女の直観能力で大きな違いがありました。女性の方が男性よりも早くしかも頻繁に直観的反応をしていたのです。だから、女性は直観と感情で受信しやすいというスピリチュアルな考え方は、単なるニューエイジの思想ではないのです。直観は現実に存在し、心臓は大脳よりも直観能力において大きな働きをしている、女性は心臓を軸にしていることなどが科学的に証明されたのです。
・ 刺激が与えられる前の情報が精神的心理的に受信されると、その情報は通常の感覚受容器と同様に情報処理されるように見えます。この研究は、体の感覚器官は常に未来をスキャンしているという無視できない証拠を提出しています。
Stay centered!
Steven Bancarz,
Team Spirit
Archangel Metatron すべてが美しい The Beauty of It All
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Metatron- The Beauty of It All via James Tyberonn
Let us tell you that this all will have a happy ending, and let us assure you again, with certainty, absolute certainty that life is divine, and free will is a magnificent pathway of growing into creative God-ness.
Know well that in your time above time, in higher dimension, you will know in crystalline clarity that there was a reason for everything. YES ... EVERYTHING !
Archangel Metatron- The Beauty of It All via James Tyberonn
Let us tell you that this all will have a happy ending, and let us assure you again, with certainty, absolute certainty that life is divine, and free will is a magnificent pathway of growing into creative God-ness.
Know well that in your time above time, in higher dimension, you will know in crystalline clarity that there was a reason for everything. YES ... EVERYTHING !
In time you will realize what an extraordinarily beautiful experience the earthplane provided you.
A lesson learned, then another, and another. With filters removed, you will love, unconditionally love & cherish, every step of this extraordinary journey.
You will remember the exquisite sunrises, the symmetry of the leaves on a tree, the colors of autumn, the laughter of children. It is the LOVE that will last, it is only LOVE that exist in the non-polarity of higher dimension.
Savor each moment of your life....cherish each experience, for you have gained so much more than you may realize. And when you pass over, and that day will come, you will realize what a magnificent experience the earth provided you....and you will realize in an exquisite flash. that there is and was a reason for everything.
I am Metatron with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we share with you these Truths. You are beloved.
And so it is...And it is So.
直線の時間ははかなく束の間です。一瞬を捉えて、愛を感じてください! お互いに、また自分を大切に、愛してください。
A lesson learned, then another, and another. With filters removed, you will love, unconditionally love & cherish, every step of this extraordinary journey.
You will remember the exquisite sunrises, the symmetry of the leaves on a tree, the colors of autumn, the laughter of children. It is the LOVE that will last, it is only LOVE that exist in the non-polarity of higher dimension.
Savor each moment of your life....cherish each experience, for you have gained so much more than you may realize. And when you pass over, and that day will come, you will realize what a magnificent experience the earth provided you....and you will realize in an exquisite flash. that there is and was a reason for everything.
I am Metatron with Tyberonn of Crystalline Service, and we share with you these Truths. You are beloved.
And so it is...And it is So.
直線の時間ははかなく束の間です。一瞬を捉えて、愛を感じてください! お互いに、また自分を大切に、愛してください。
Psychic Protection サイキック・プロテクション by Melanie Beckler
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Psychic Protection… Separating Myth from Reality
Melanie Beckler, Ask- Angels.com
For light workers and those committed to walking a path of love, light, and service, there may be some interference from negative entities whose intention is to disrupt the path of spiritual growth and evolution you’re on. These sorts of “negative disruptions” are what some people ref...er to as “psychic attack” and while I have definitely experienced my fair share, I can assure you they are nothing to be afraid of.
When the negative disruptions do come from entities, (whom I see no point in referring to by name here) their goal is to hinder your forward momentum. Negative disruptions or psychic attacks have over time caused many souls to become lost in self doubt, fear, and suffering… But many more have achieved even higher levels of love and light despite these psychic attacks.
Now this topic is very important to you on your spiritual path and this post can only go so far. If this topic is of interest to you, or if you are feeling intuitive nudges that you need to get better at psychic protection and spiritual self defense, you
Psychic Protection… Separating Myth from Reality
Melanie Beckler, Ask- Angels.com
For light workers and those committed to walking a path of love, light, and service, there may be some interference from negative entities whose intention is to disrupt the path of spiritual growth and evolution you’re on. These sorts of “negative disruptions” are what some people ref...er to as “psychic attack” and while I have definitely experienced my fair share, I can assure you they are nothing to be afraid of.
When the negative disruptions do come from entities, (whom I see no point in referring to by name here) their goal is to hinder your forward momentum. Negative disruptions or psychic attacks have over time caused many souls to become lost in self doubt, fear, and suffering… But many more have achieved even higher levels of love and light despite these psychic attacks.
Now this topic is very important to you on your spiritual path and this post can only go so far. If this topic is of interest to you, or if you are feeling intuitive nudges that you need to get better at psychic protection and spiritual self defense, you
The Hathors - Transcending Space and Time 時空を超える
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Hathors - Transcending Space and Time with Sound Meditation
Through Tom Kenyon, April 20, 2015 http://www.tomkenyon.com
Pragmatically speaking, your experience of “reality” is a result of the vibratory level you identify with. When you identify with higher dimensions of consciousness you are freed from the constraints of space and time, and you operate in a more... fluid reality.
The Hathors - Transcending Space and Time with Sound Meditation
Through Tom Kenyon, April 20, 2015 http://www.tomkenyon.com
Pragmatically speaking, your experience of “reality” is a result of the vibratory level you identify with. When you identify with higher dimensions of consciousness you are freed from the constraints of space and time, and you operate in a more... fluid reality.
When you identify solely with your biological reality you are, for all intents and purposes, trapped in space and time.
In this message we will be presenting a method for you to shift your personal identity from the constraints of perceived time and space to the freedom of higher dimensions while also living your day-to-day life in a civilization and dimensional reality that is bound by these constraints (i.e., space and time).
When you have mastered the ability to enter the Fifth Perspective using this sound meditation, you are ready to graduate and explore using this ability in the midst of your life circumstances. The union of the constraints of your embodied life with the freedom of higher dimensional realities creates a most interesting paradox, and through entering this paradox you will greatly accelerate your dimensional evolution.
In this message we will be presenting a method for you to shift your personal identity from the constraints of perceived time and space to the freedom of higher dimensions while also living your day-to-day life in a civilization and dimensional reality that is bound by these constraints (i.e., space and time).
When you have mastered the ability to enter the Fifth Perspective using this sound meditation, you are ready to graduate and explore using this ability in the midst of your life circumstances. The union of the constraints of your embodied life with the freedom of higher dimensional realities creates a most interesting paradox, and through entering this paradox you will greatly accelerate your dimensional evolution.
天使と世界瞑想 by ハトホル A Hathor thru Tom Kenyon
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
A Hathor thru Tom Kenyon
"Angels in spiritual realms and World Meditation"
For our purposes we shall divide the topic of angels into three broad categories.
Our second reason for discussing the topic of angels is planetary in nature.
You are collectively passing through a very difficult and dangerous point. The destructive forces upon your planet in terms of religious fanaticism, climate change, corporate greed and manipulation, as well as dire threats to the very foundations of your eco-system are increasing.
You are now entering, from our perspective, a massive Chaotic Node the likes of which your planet has not seen for some time. If unmitigated, this Chaotic Node could result in the mass extinction of multitudinous life forms including many humans.
We are therefore calling into action all positive angelic forms from all spiritual traditions, from all life-affirming interdimensional beings, from all alien civilizations of positive intent, and from all human beings who are aligned with our intention.
We will be creating a nexus point on September 5, 2015. And through a global meditation we will be calling forth these many diverse and life affirming angelic forms into an alliance for the protection of life and its elevation upon this planet.
Let us be clear what we mean by this.
If human consciousness elevates itself to a higher level than it is currently manifesting, then it deserves to survive. If it does not elevate itself then humanity, as you know it, will not survive this passage. It is a collective cosmic intelligence test you are now facing on many levels.
Our creation of this nexus point, around which these positive electromagnetic fields of intelligence can move together as a coherent force, is an unusual proposition.
This is because the creators of these angels come from many different spiritual, alien and interdimensional sources. These “angelic beings” rarely interact with each other, and yet we are calling them to the Table of Destiny for the sake of humanity and all life upon this planet.
This nexus point will occur on September 5, 2015, in the last half hour of an event in Manhattan called In the Company of Angels. The meditation will begin at 5:30PM and end at 6:00PM Eastern Standard Time (US) or 9:30PM – 10:00PM GMT. (For the specific time in your area, you can use an online Time Converter or the World Time Clock.)
集結する日時は、2015年9月5日、「イン・ザ・カンパニー・エンジェルズ(In the Company of Angels)」というマンハッタンで行われるイベントの終わりの30分です。日本時間9月6日(日)6:30am – 米国東部時間5:30pm~6:00pm(9:30~10:00GMT)です。居住地の時刻はタイムコンバーターまたは世界時計で調べてください。
A Hathor thru Tom Kenyon
"Angels in spiritual realms and World Meditation"
For our purposes we shall divide the topic of angels into three broad categories.
Our second reason for discussing the topic of angels is planetary in nature.
You are collectively passing through a very difficult and dangerous point. The destructive forces upon your planet in terms of religious fanaticism, climate change, corporate greed and manipulation, as well as dire threats to the very foundations of your eco-system are increasing.
You are now entering, from our perspective, a massive Chaotic Node the likes of which your planet has not seen for some time. If unmitigated, this Chaotic Node could result in the mass extinction of multitudinous life forms including many humans.
We are therefore calling into action all positive angelic forms from all spiritual traditions, from all life-affirming interdimensional beings, from all alien civilizations of positive intent, and from all human beings who are aligned with our intention.
We will be creating a nexus point on September 5, 2015. And through a global meditation we will be calling forth these many diverse and life affirming angelic forms into an alliance for the protection of life and its elevation upon this planet.
Let us be clear what we mean by this.
If human consciousness elevates itself to a higher level than it is currently manifesting, then it deserves to survive. If it does not elevate itself then humanity, as you know it, will not survive this passage. It is a collective cosmic intelligence test you are now facing on many levels.
Our creation of this nexus point, around which these positive electromagnetic fields of intelligence can move together as a coherent force, is an unusual proposition.
This is because the creators of these angels come from many different spiritual, alien and interdimensional sources. These “angelic beings” rarely interact with each other, and yet we are calling them to the Table of Destiny for the sake of humanity and all life upon this planet.
This nexus point will occur on September 5, 2015, in the last half hour of an event in Manhattan called In the Company of Angels. The meditation will begin at 5:30PM and end at 6:00PM Eastern Standard Time (US) or 9:30PM – 10:00PM GMT. (For the specific time in your area, you can use an online Time Converter or the World Time Clock.)
集結する日時は、2015年9月5日、「イン・ザ・カンパニー・エンジェルズ(In the Company of Angels)」というマンハッタンで行われるイベントの終わりの30分です。日本時間9月6日(日)6:30am – 米国東部時間5:30pm~6:00pm(9:30~10:00GMT)です。居住地の時刻はタイムコンバーターまたは世界時計で調べてください。
創造主 ~ 美しさ現る Emerging Beauty
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Emerging Beauty
When the caterpillar rests snugly in his cocoon, there is no thought to how, when, what or why; it does what it is designed to do and what it instinctively knows is best without worry or concern. The Universe encourages you to be like the butterfly. If you allow yourself to go with the flow, something beautiful will always emerge.
~ Creator by Jennifer Farley
創造主 ~ 美しさ現る
Emerging Beauty
When the caterpillar rests snugly in his cocoon, there is no thought to how, when, what or why; it does what it is designed to do and what it instinctively knows is best without worry or concern. The Universe encourages you to be like the butterfly. If you allow yourself to go with the flow, something beautiful will always emerge.
~ Creator by Jennifer Farley
創造主 ~ 美しさ現る
Doors Are Opening – The Council
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Doors Are Opening – The Council
カウンシル ~ ドアは開いている
Doors Are Opening – The Council
カウンシル ~ ドアは開いている
その時に、素晴らしいシンクロニシティがどんどん人生に現れます。前に進むと、必要な時に予想もしない事が起こります。人生が信じられないほど本当に喜びに溢れて楽しくなります。「信じられないほど」という言葉を何度も使いますが、人生はそれほど素晴らしいのです。でなければ、何も学ぶものはないでしょう。私のいるところで出会って、皆さんのことを話したとしたら「そんなこと信じられないよ! そこに(地球)いたら何一つ思い出せないかった。おい、その時はそんな酷い所に行ってしまったんだ」と言うでしょう。
だから、ドアは開いていますと言っていたのです。皆さんは長い間その時を待っていました。カオスの準備をしてください。全員が分かるわけではありません。あなたは光の灯台、案内灯かもしれません。救おうなどとしないでください。皆さんも同じように経験したように、目覚めない人には、何を信じていいか、どう考えたらいいか教えてくれる人はいません。聞かれたら本当のことを話してあげてください。これから生まれてくる人は、その時が来たら自分で目覚めていきます。そうやって回っているのです。それが、益々混沌としていく結果です。変化にはすべて、始めはカオスの期間があります。他に変化する理由は何ですか? すべてが素晴らしい時に、人間はそれを変化と思っていますか?だから変化する時はきついのです。
その時に、素晴らしいシンクロニシティがどんどん人生に現れます。前に進むと、必要な時に予想もしない事が起こります。人生が信じられないほど本当に喜びに溢れて楽しくなります。「信じられないほど」という言葉を何度も使いますが、人生はそれほど素晴らしいのです。でなければ、何も学ぶものはないでしょう。私のいるところで出会って、皆さんのことを話したとしたら「そんなこと信じられないよ! そこに(地球)いたら何一つ思い出せないかった。おい、その時はそんな酷い所に行ってしまったんだ」と言うでしょう。
だから、ドアは開いていますと言っていたのです。皆さんは長い間その時を待っていました。カオスの準備をしてください。全員が分かるわけではありません。あなたは光の灯台、案内灯かもしれません。救おうなどとしないでください。皆さんも同じように経験したように、目覚めない人には、何を信じていいか、どう考えたらいいか教えてくれる人はいません。聞かれたら本当のことを話してあげてください。これから生まれてくる人は、その時が来たら自分で目覚めていきます。そうやって回っているのです。それが、益々混沌としていく結果です。変化にはすべて、始めはカオスの期間があります。他に変化する理由は何ですか? すべてが素晴らしい時に、人間はそれを変化と思っていますか?だから変化する時はきついのです。
Kryon - All about Self-Worth 自尊心 ~ Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - All about Self-Worth ~ Lee Carroll
Creating Balanced Self-Worth
Here are seven attributes that we guarantee, if you practice them all regularly, will begin to increase your angelic awareness and provide self-worth balance.
3. Exercise and Meditate
This is the most difficult one, and the one you're not going to like. Exercise! In your culture you're no longer chasing animals for food! [Laughter] You need to balance this lack of activity with exercise. Biologically, when you exercise there is chemical balance that is shifted and changed. In addition, you take in much needed additional oxygen, a real needed fuel for the body for a Human Being trying to enhance new parts of their thinking. Oxygenation has been overlooked in the past. This is very needed!
Let me give you another secret: Go exercise then follow it up with meditation. Watch what happens. An oxygenated brain creates a new palette for the artist of meditation. That's the order of things. Get it right: Exercise, then meditate. Don't cheat. Some of you will say, "Let me see, that's meditate and meditate, right?" [Laughter] That's number three, as important as any.
4. Personal Verbal Affirmations
Number four may be difficult to explain to you, and it's oversimplified. Watch what you say! The words out of your mouth are constructs of energy that are divine. They go into the air and they're fulfilled, as best can be, by those energies in your body, and those around you (who you cannot see) try their best to fulfill what you wish to co-create. Perhaps in a negative situation you might say, "Oh, great! I knew that would happen." Your cellular structure says, "Did you hear the boss? She liked it!" The entities around you hear it, too. "Did you hear the boss? She thinks it's great. Let's do it again!" Did you ever think of that? The cells hear it, and they'll do their best to make sure it happens again!
You manifest the energy that you place into the air through speech. The very elements "hear it" at a universal level. You're so used to making a great noise only when things are challenging. Try to balance that! It's time to speak your joy!
5. Challenge Your Darkest Part
This sounds like a frightening thing, but it isn't. Listen: Challenge the dark side of you to a fight! Throw the gauntlet out. Tell it where you're going to meet and at what time, then wait for it. Dare this part to meet you head-on. Do you have parts of yourself that you don't like? Of course you do, since you're in duality. I just gave you that information. Do you have dark parts that you'd like to scrub clean or perhaps put away or defeat? Well, then, challenge that darkest part of you to a fight. Set an appointment. Do you really want to be brave? Then challenge it to a fight in the dark, on its own turf! (gasp).
And the reason we tell you this is because these dark and horrible parts are not going to show up! They're afraid of the light part of you, and especially the parts that are becoming stronger. You will have won this fight just standing there in the dark and daring them to show up. Soon, there you will be, in the dark, singing! Unafraid, and laughing at this whole situation. If you remember nothing else today, it's that this energy that you think is so ferocious is actually afraid of divine intent! The intent to balance will defeat this dark part every time. Empower yourself, and the dark parts of you begin to abandon ship. They don't dare show up, and they won't..
3. エクササイズと瞑想
これは最も難しいことです。皆さんは好きではありません。エクササイズ! 皆さんの社会では、食うために動物を追いかける必要はありません。<笑い> そういうことをしないので、それを補うためにエクササイズをします。エクササイズをすると、肉体の中の化学反応が変化します。更に、大量の酸素を取り入れて体にエネルギーを供給して考え方も新鮮になります。今まで有酸素運動は見過ごされてきました。でも、本当に必要なのです!
4. アファーメーション
4番目は説明が難しくなるかもしれません。なので、簡略化します。自分の話すことに注意してください! 口から出る言葉は神聖なエネルギーを形にします。空中に出て、体のエネルギーによって最大限、現実化します。目には見えませんが、周りにいる存在が、一生懸命あなたの望むものを一緒になって実現しようとします。否定的な状況になると、「酷い! やっぱり思った通りだった」と言うでしょう。体の細胞はその時に「ボスの言うこと聞いた? 彼女はそうなってよかったんだって!」と言います。周りにいる存在たちもその言葉を聞きます。「ボスの言葉を聞いた? それが素晴らしいと思っている。また同じことをやろう!」と言います。そんなこと考えたことはありますか? 細胞はあなたの話すことを聞いており、それが間違いなく起こるように一生懸命やります!
話すことによって空中にエネルギーを創り出すのです。まさに元素は、宇宙レベルで“それを聞く”のです。皆さんは、壁にぶつかった時に大きな雑音を出すことには慣れています。落ち着いてください! 自分の喜びを声に出してください!
5. 自分の暗い所に挑戦する
これはドキッとするようなことです。でも聞いてください。自分の暗い所と戦ってください! 戦いを挑んでください。それはどういう時に直面するのか正直になって、その時を待っていてください。その時は、思い切って正面から向き合ってください。自分の好きでないところはありますか? もちろん、生まれてからありますね。きれいにしたい暗い所、捨てたい所、打ち勝ちたい所はありますか? では、そこに挑んでください。そのつもりになってください。本当に勇敢な自分になりたいですか? その時にはその暗い土俵で戦ってください!
こういうことをお話する理由は、自分の暗く怖い所は、表に出ないからです! そこは、光を怖れるあなたです。特に、益々強くなる所です。その暗い所に立って敢えて表に出せば、あなたは勝利します。すぐに、暗い中にいても、あなたは鼻歌混じりになるでしょう! 怖がらず、そういう状況でも笑っていられるようになります。今、そういう所を思い出せなければ、それはまさにそれは酷いエネルギーで、実際に神の意図を恐れているということです! 歪んだ所を調和させようとする思いがあればいつでも闇に打ち勝てます。勇気を出してください。あなたの暗い所は逃げ出します。出て来なくなります。
Kryon - All about Self-Worth ~ Lee Carroll
Creating Balanced Self-Worth
Here are seven attributes that we guarantee, if you practice them all regularly, will begin to increase your angelic awareness and provide self-worth balance.
3. Exercise and Meditate
This is the most difficult one, and the one you're not going to like. Exercise! In your culture you're no longer chasing animals for food! [Laughter] You need to balance this lack of activity with exercise. Biologically, when you exercise there is chemical balance that is shifted and changed. In addition, you take in much needed additional oxygen, a real needed fuel for the body for a Human Being trying to enhance new parts of their thinking. Oxygenation has been overlooked in the past. This is very needed!
Let me give you another secret: Go exercise then follow it up with meditation. Watch what happens. An oxygenated brain creates a new palette for the artist of meditation. That's the order of things. Get it right: Exercise, then meditate. Don't cheat. Some of you will say, "Let me see, that's meditate and meditate, right?" [Laughter] That's number three, as important as any.
4. Personal Verbal Affirmations
Number four may be difficult to explain to you, and it's oversimplified. Watch what you say! The words out of your mouth are constructs of energy that are divine. They go into the air and they're fulfilled, as best can be, by those energies in your body, and those around you (who you cannot see) try their best to fulfill what you wish to co-create. Perhaps in a negative situation you might say, "Oh, great! I knew that would happen." Your cellular structure says, "Did you hear the boss? She liked it!" The entities around you hear it, too. "Did you hear the boss? She thinks it's great. Let's do it again!" Did you ever think of that? The cells hear it, and they'll do their best to make sure it happens again!
You manifest the energy that you place into the air through speech. The very elements "hear it" at a universal level. You're so used to making a great noise only when things are challenging. Try to balance that! It's time to speak your joy!
5. Challenge Your Darkest Part
This sounds like a frightening thing, but it isn't. Listen: Challenge the dark side of you to a fight! Throw the gauntlet out. Tell it where you're going to meet and at what time, then wait for it. Dare this part to meet you head-on. Do you have parts of yourself that you don't like? Of course you do, since you're in duality. I just gave you that information. Do you have dark parts that you'd like to scrub clean or perhaps put away or defeat? Well, then, challenge that darkest part of you to a fight. Set an appointment. Do you really want to be brave? Then challenge it to a fight in the dark, on its own turf! (gasp).
And the reason we tell you this is because these dark and horrible parts are not going to show up! They're afraid of the light part of you, and especially the parts that are becoming stronger. You will have won this fight just standing there in the dark and daring them to show up. Soon, there you will be, in the dark, singing! Unafraid, and laughing at this whole situation. If you remember nothing else today, it's that this energy that you think is so ferocious is actually afraid of divine intent! The intent to balance will defeat this dark part every time. Empower yourself, and the dark parts of you begin to abandon ship. They don't dare show up, and they won't..
3. エクササイズと瞑想
これは最も難しいことです。皆さんは好きではありません。エクササイズ! 皆さんの社会では、食うために動物を追いかける必要はありません。<笑い> そういうことをしないので、それを補うためにエクササイズをします。エクササイズをすると、肉体の中の化学反応が変化します。更に、大量の酸素を取り入れて体にエネルギーを供給して考え方も新鮮になります。今まで有酸素運動は見過ごされてきました。でも、本当に必要なのです!
4. アファーメーション
4番目は説明が難しくなるかもしれません。なので、簡略化します。自分の話すことに注意してください! 口から出る言葉は神聖なエネルギーを形にします。空中に出て、体のエネルギーによって最大限、現実化します。目には見えませんが、周りにいる存在が、一生懸命あなたの望むものを一緒になって実現しようとします。否定的な状況になると、「酷い! やっぱり思った通りだった」と言うでしょう。体の細胞はその時に「ボスの言うこと聞いた? 彼女はそうなってよかったんだって!」と言います。周りにいる存在たちもその言葉を聞きます。「ボスの言葉を聞いた? それが素晴らしいと思っている。また同じことをやろう!」と言います。そんなこと考えたことはありますか? 細胞はあなたの話すことを聞いており、それが間違いなく起こるように一生懸命やります!
話すことによって空中にエネルギーを創り出すのです。まさに元素は、宇宙レベルで“それを聞く”のです。皆さんは、壁にぶつかった時に大きな雑音を出すことには慣れています。落ち着いてください! 自分の喜びを声に出してください!
5. 自分の暗い所に挑戦する
これはドキッとするようなことです。でも聞いてください。自分の暗い所と戦ってください! 戦いを挑んでください。それはどういう時に直面するのか正直になって、その時を待っていてください。その時は、思い切って正面から向き合ってください。自分の好きでないところはありますか? もちろん、生まれてからありますね。きれいにしたい暗い所、捨てたい所、打ち勝ちたい所はありますか? では、そこに挑んでください。そのつもりになってください。本当に勇敢な自分になりたいですか? その時にはその暗い土俵で戦ってください!
こういうことをお話する理由は、自分の暗く怖い所は、表に出ないからです! そこは、光を怖れるあなたです。特に、益々強くなる所です。その暗い所に立って敢えて表に出せば、あなたは勝利します。すぐに、暗い中にいても、あなたは鼻歌混じりになるでしょう! 怖がらず、そういう状況でも笑っていられるようになります。今、そういう所を思い出せなければ、それはまさにそれは酷いエネルギーで、実際に神の意図を恐れているということです! 歪んだ所を調和させようとする思いがあればいつでも闇に打ち勝てます。勇気を出してください。あなたの暗い所は逃げ出します。出て来なくなります。
投稿 (Atom)