
Sananda ~ Golden Light Flight ~ by Fran Zepeda

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Sananda ~ Golden Light Flight ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ September 2, 2016

Greetings Beloveds,
In the passing of times and the knowing of all things, your soul has made detours of sorts, and has been on the sidelines so to speak, while your physical self experienced the world of your making.
It is not to say that you have devolved—you have merely chosen to experience life in a different realm.
Now the time is nigh for your soul to make itself known, and so all of you, in various stages, are integrating your souls and enjoying that divine spark of Christ Consciousness, of Source Consciousness, more fluently and steadily within your lives.
With the recent and ongoing flood of Light and Lightcodes, you are integrating very nicely, and rising in vibration to levels unheard of before. You are experiencing a lift in your consciousness that can only serve to enhance your experiences and those of others around you to a great degree.
And now, you say, “Now what?” And we say to you : Just keep enjoying this massive influx of Golden Light and sustained Divine Love energy and allow it to engulf and shift you to a quiet Peace and Harmony within, wherein you can now dwell more permanently.
And this is your destiny. You are realizing it in a manner you have always known you would, deep inside your cells of Divine memory.

黄金の光の流入 by サナンダ


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