
Ascension and Physical Transmutations ~ Healing Energy Tools

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Ascension and Physical Transmutations ~ Healing Energy Tools

The body during Ascension will know how to readjust and reorganize itself because this process is quite normal. This process of transformation has been coded within the cells of the body and is taking place naturally. What people are now learning to do is how to assist what is occurring naturally with outside factors: being aware of the foods they are eating, being ...aware of their connection to the earth and by being aware of the direction their body is leading them. The greater you are aware of the process, the greater you can assist what is already going on and will be continuing at its natural pace according to the cellular coding for each individual.
Each person is unique and will be more attuned to certain energies than other persons. The analogy could be made of having a transmitter calibrated to receive a particular radio station. People will resonate with different wavelengths at different vibrational frequencies than other people. Whatever wavelengths your particular design is calibrated to, these wavelengths are pathways cut in your consciousness.
Once you have begun to transmute, or change, the energies of these particular frequencies of the universe will take advantage of these pathways to transmit more and more of the same energies to you. The shift in perception from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension brings about emotional, physical and mental refinement that often takes the form of instability and trauma during the process of transmutation. These are real tests to be faced that contain lessons to be learned during Ascension.

アセンションと身体変化 by Humanity Healing


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