Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon -The Mt. Shasta Experience
DNA: The Beginning of an Elaborate Explanation
Kryon -The Mt. Shasta Experience
DNA: The Beginning of an Elaborate Explanation
We cannot stop the conversation now without discussing DNA. Let me tell you about it. You've named it for your 4D visibility and chemistry: deoxyribonucleic acid - DNA. That's what you see. It's what is in your reality of perception. It's 4D, and a description of your Human genome. To most of the earth, that's the extent of it. We've spoken of it time and time again. When we say DNA, we don't mean the layer of chemistry that you can see. We mean all the layers. Here is the basic information. We've given some of it to you before, but we'll enhance it now. And we'll do something else, too. It's time to meet someone.
DNA is 12 layers deep. Each layer has two attributes - the one you can see in four dimensions (the double helix) we will call the bottom layer. Although bottom and top don't mean much in an interdimensional aspect, that's just for you. It's to give you an idea of where it belongs. It's on the bottom. The two attributes of it we will say are the sides of the ladder, connected with a chemistry that you're well aware of that bridges both of the attributes and creates the bonds. On top of this layer, there are 11 more. Therefore, there are 12 layers total with 24 attributes. Each layer, even the interdimensional ones, have two sides. They're balanced very much like the one you can see. We told you that there would come a time when we'd discuss the other layers. And we will. Complex, it is.
The first ones to take that graduate step of ascension will be Lemurians. You have survived eons, lifetime after lifetime. You were monks, nuns, and shamans - killed, burned at the stake - just so you could keep it fresh. And here you are. It's your time.
シャスタ山の体験 by クライオン
DNA: 詳述開始
DNAについてお話ししないまま続けるわけには行きません。これからお話ししましょう。皆さんの見える4次元視界と化学作用から、デオキシリボ核酸- DNAと名づけました。それが見えるわけです。その現実が確認できます。4次元的な、人間のゲノムです。地球のほとんどの人に説明できるのは、そこまでです。DNAについて何度もお話ししてきました。私たちが言うDNAは、皆さんが確認できる化学的レイヤー(層)のことではありません。全部のレイヤーのことです。そこに基本情報があるのです。前にその幾つかを説明しましたが、更に詳しく見ていきましょう。そしてまた、他に、ある人にも会いましょう。
DNA is 12 layers deep. Each layer has two attributes - the one you can see in four dimensions (the double helix) we will call the bottom layer. Although bottom and top don't mean much in an interdimensional aspect, that's just for you. It's to give you an idea of where it belongs. It's on the bottom. The two attributes of it we will say are the sides of the ladder, connected with a chemistry that you're well aware of that bridges both of the attributes and creates the bonds. On top of this layer, there are 11 more. Therefore, there are 12 layers total with 24 attributes. Each layer, even the interdimensional ones, have two sides. They're balanced very much like the one you can see. We told you that there would come a time when we'd discuss the other layers. And we will. Complex, it is.
The first ones to take that graduate step of ascension will be Lemurians. You have survived eons, lifetime after lifetime. You were monks, nuns, and shamans - killed, burned at the stake - just so you could keep it fresh. And here you are. It's your time.
シャスタ山の体験 by クライオン
DNA: 詳述開始
DNAについてお話ししないまま続けるわけには行きません。これからお話ししましょう。皆さんの見える4次元視界と化学作用から、デオキシリボ核酸- DNAと名づけました。それが見えるわけです。その現実が確認できます。4次元的な、人間のゲノムです。地球のほとんどの人に説明できるのは、そこまでです。DNAについて何度もお話ししてきました。私たちが言うDNAは、皆さんが確認できる化学的レイヤー(層)のことではありません。全部のレイヤーのことです。そこに基本情報があるのです。前にその幾つかを説明しましたが、更に詳しく見ていきましょう。そしてまた、他に、ある人にも会いましょう。
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