Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
A Hathor ~ A Stream from the Higher Worlds Through Tom Kenyon 8/15
In our last planetary message called the Aetherium, we shared a sound meditation to help you transit through intensifying levels of world chaos by decreasing stress and by increasing coherency in your body and mind.
In this message we are giving you another sound meditation called “A Stream from the Higher Worlds.” The purpose of this sonic ally is to assist you to purify deeply held psycho-spiritual as well as emotional negativity and toxicity.
As your world enters an ever-larger Chaotic Node there is a corresponding increase in hostility and antagonism. Indeed, this emotional toxicity is so pervasive it can affect even the most spiritually advanced among you.
Before we get to the instructions on how to use this meditation, we would like to address a very important but complex concept. For the sake of brevity, we will do so in as short a space as possible.
Dimensional Tendencies
Whenever you enter a strong emotional response and its corresponding thought forms you have entered a specific dimension of consciousness. This is a vibratory field of energy that exists independently of you and is co-created by all sentient beings who are experiencing the same emotions and thought forms—including yourself.
Let us take two emotions as an example: anger and hatred. From our perspective your collective is experiencing an extreme polarization. If you experience anger at something that has occurred (as you perceive it), the neurochemical reality of your body changes. If this anger response escalates into hatred then you have entered a very toxic dimensional reality, and due to the nature of the interconnectedness of dimensional realities you will be sharing the same energetic with all beings who are in the same energetic and emotion.
We want to be very precise in how we address this. There is nothing wrong with anger. Indeed, at times anger is the correct response to a situation. It sets a needed boundary. When, however, anger escalates into hatred it becomes a toxic poison to your psycho-spiritual nature.
By the term Dimensional Tendencies, we mean that all human beings (and many animals as well) have perceptual and emotional habits that are deeply ingrained—thus the term Tendency.
These tendencies can lead you into habitual emotional responses such as depression, hostility or hatred—just to name three “negative” emotional dimensions from the cornucopia of human experience.
The challenge with Dimensional Tendencies is that they can color your life with thought forms and emotional responses that are not of your conscious creation, but rather they are driven by forces (i.e., habits) in your unconscious mind.
Some Dimensional Tendencies—such as the tendency to loving kindness, compassion and self-love—are positive in their effects. We will have more to say about this in future messages, but we wish to focus, now, on the negative impact of Dimensional Tendencies so that you can be aware of these in yourself.
Dimensional Tendencies are also meme-like and in that sense they can be contagious. If someone is caught up in hatred, for example, anyone with a Dimensional Tendency to hatred—whatever the reason might be—will be prone to be stirred by hatred as well.
From our perspective your world has become venomous and is overflowing with emotional and spiritual toxicity. The purpose of this sound meditation, A Stream from the Higher Worlds, is to assist you in a most vital task as we view it, which is to purify yourself of your own deeply held emotional and spiritual toxicity.
These impressions come to you from every negative experience of your life (as well as all other lifetimes). The culminated history of your life/lives is encoded into the cellular memory of your body and mind and/or your energy field. This sound meditation utilizes the sound of a stream as well as sound codes that we (the Hathors) generated from the realms of light and the voice of Mary Magdalen, who also brings forth sound codes she has created from the realms of light. This orchestration of these elements to gently and profoundly release deeply held psycho-spiritual and emotional toxicity was created to assist you.
高次世界の川-世界瞑想10/2 by ハトホル
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