
~Archangel Metatron – Elementals, Unicorns, Dragons & The Kingdom of the FAE (3) via James Tyberonn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Ireland - The Emerald & Amethyst

Ireland contains some of the most powerful, sacred and re-generative energies on the planet. It is appropriately called the Emerald Isle because of its vibrant green hills and valleys, which indeed exude a tangible field of healing and well-being. Be aware that these incredible healing hues occur because of the life force generated in the lands.
Ireland is a very unique and very succinct frequency. There are several known locations of what is termed 'negative gravity' anomalies on what is termed the Emerald Isle. These 'lighten' the frequency and somewhat aid in its soft and gentle expression.
It is in fact the plant life, waters and sea that team with the incredible telluric energies and create the very soft, the 'Feminine' aspect so beautifully expressed in Ireland. These energies blend with the gravity anomaly vectors to transduce what would otherwise be a very intense energy, for it is indeed among the highest frequencies on the planet.
As such there are many locales of what is locally termed ' thin veils' referring to dimensional portals dotting the landscape in Ireland. Worlds and dimensions tangibly co-exist, and vividly so in Ireland. That is why the Kingdom of the Fae, the Devic realm of Faeries, Elves and Leprechauns are so illustriously recounted among Irish lore. This actual realm does indeed present itself with great and greater visibility precisely because of the higher concentration of life force present.

~Archangel Metatron – Elementals, Unicorns, Dragons & The Kingdom of the FAE (3) via James Tyberonn

元素・ユニコーン・ドラゴン・妖精(3) by 大天使メタトロン

アイルランド エメラルド&アメジスト

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