
A NEW ERA BEGINS IN 2017 by Elizabeth Peru

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  

A NEW ERA BEGINS IN 2017: Have you recently felt that the vibe in 2016 is shifting? The heavier 'wrapping up' energy that was so intently felt over the past nin...e months, is now giving way to the promise of a new day. Our sights are set on the horizon and collectively as a 'global society' a new era is beckoning...
2016 is a Nine Universal year for the planet (2+0+1+6=9) and 2017 will be a One Universal year (2+0+1+7=10 and 1+0=1). We are soon to commence a year where every thought and action we take, will set the foundations on what we experience over the next decade of our life. In short, IT'S BIG.
I mention this now, in September, so you begin considering what you are going to leave behind in 2016 and what you are going to take forward with you into 2017. For example, I have a feeling that the often 'self-indulgent' selfie generation we have been witnessing, is about to morph into a more independent, inner focused one. What other positive changes can you feel are brewing for us, as a globe over the next decade?
Elizabeth Peru
最近、2016年の波動が変わっているのを感じたことはありますか? この9か月、重くのしかかっているようなエネルギーが、これからは新たな時を予感させていきます。地平線上に目をやると、“グローバル社会”の新しい時代が合図を送って来ます。
2016年は地球にとって「9の宇宙年(2+0+1+6=9)」で2017年は「1の宇宙年(2+0+1+7=10、 1+0=1)」です。考え行動する度に、すぐに新たな年を迎え、次の10年の基礎を作っていきます。短いですが、大きな10年です。
Elizabeth Peru

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