
Riding the Wave into 2017 - A New Place for Humans to Go by The group & Steve Rother

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  

With your game well in progress, we join you this day to share more about a wave of energy coming in. It is actually more than one wave but you have so many energetics arriving from different parts of the universe. We find it fascinating that recently you have discovered another Earth-like planet in the star nearest you, right in the Goldilocks Zone. It is perfect for supporting life and almost about the same size as your Earth. Exploring the night sky and looking for all this information, people are actually looking for a new place for humans to go and you will, trust us. At some point you will also go to Mars, which is one of the new pieces. We tell you, dear ones, that you will find your own footsteps in some way as you have been there before. Mars used to have life, a thriving life, and you were there. That is why we find it so fascinating when you come up with these ideas about Martians with the two little antennae coming out of the head and always green for some reason. We find it wonderful!
The wave comes in first on September 27th, but it has been traveling fir quite some time so it is no longer as defined of as a wave as it once was.

Riding the Wave into 2017 - A New Place for Humans to Go
Beacons of Light~ September 2016
by The group & Steve Rother

2017に続く波 by ザ・グループ

今日、皆さんのゲームが順調に推移している中で、やって来るエネルギーについてもう少しお話ししましょう。実際に一つの波に留まりません。宇宙の違うところから多くのエネルギーがやって来ます。最近皆さんが地球のような惑星が最も近い恒星の正に「ゴルディックゾーン(Goldilocks Zone)」の中にあることを発見して、私たちは有頂天になっています。そこは、完全に生命を育む条件にあり、地球とほぼ同じサイズです。人々が夜空を観察しそういう条件の惑星を探す時、実際に人間が行ける新天地を探しているのですが、そうなるでしょう。ウソではありません。ある時点で火星にも行きます。新たな展開の一つです。皆さんは、何らかの形で以前そこにいた時の自分の足跡を見つけるでしょう。火星にはかつて生命が豊かに存在していました。皆さんは、そこにいたのです。だから、頭にちっちゃなアンテナが2本あってなぜか緑色をした火星人の話を皆さんが持ち出すと、本当に目が離せなくなって大喜びしています。素晴らしいことです!

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