Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
We, the Rainbow Dolphins will also work with your emotional and mental bodies to determine and dissolve any blocks hindering an expression of your true inner perception of yourself and the world around you.
There is much work to be achieved and we, the Rainbow Dolphins, will achieve this through emanating to you from our third eye chakra pure white light. As the pure white light passes through our third eye chakras, it is separated into a spectrum of rainbow colours which penetrate your auric field gradually moving into the core and essence of your being. This is why we were labelled the Rainbow Dolphins. We will be continuously producing our rainbow light for you to receive from now until the beginning of 2017 to support the powerful transformation of your perception of yourself and the Earth. Our light may intensify at certain periods of the coming months; it is at these times you will know that a powerful block or limitation connected to your perception is being erased. Everything will occur with perfect timing and the perfection of the Creator.
We, the Rainbow Dolphins will also work with your emotional and mental bodies to determine and dissolve any blocks hindering an expression of your true inner perception of yourself and the world around you.
There is much work to be achieved and we, the Rainbow Dolphins, will achieve this through emanating to you from our third eye chakra pure white light. As the pure white light passes through our third eye chakras, it is separated into a spectrum of rainbow colours which penetrate your auric field gradually moving into the core and essence of your being. This is why we were labelled the Rainbow Dolphins. We will be continuously producing our rainbow light for you to receive from now until the beginning of 2017 to support the powerful transformation of your perception of yourself and the Earth. Our light may intensify at certain periods of the coming months; it is at these times you will know that a powerful block or limitation connected to your perception is being erased. Everything will occur with perfect timing and the perfection of the Creator.
~ Next Stage of Ascension:A New Perception for Allby the Rainbow Dolphins of Lemuria by Natalie Glasson OmNa School
by ナタリー・グラッソン
by ナタリー・グラッソン
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