
Love Creates a Force Field ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, by Daniel Scranton

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
Daniel Scranton
Love Creates a Force Field ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
It is our pleasure to announce to all of you that progress is being made every single day that you exist on planet Earth. There is a wealth of evidence all around you that you are making progress as a collective. You may have to go looking for it at times, but it is there. Every time you witness someone engaging in an act of kindness and compassion, that act is one of immense magnitude.
Because when you see one act of kindness and compassion, you can rest assured that it is just a drop in the bucket. There are so many beings here on planet Earth now, at this time, who want to be of service, and that desire to be of service is not coming from a place of believing that it is in necessary in order to get into some sort of Heaven in the afterlife.
That desire to be of service is coming from a genuine place of Love. The Love vibration is more active on your world today than it ever has been, and it is far more powerful and influential than any other vibration that you may be seeing acted out. So pay attention. Pay attention to what is of service to you to witness.
Whenever you are engaging with another person, and you are putting the Love vibration out into the universe, that vibration is finding friends. It is much more far-reaching than any other vibration. So you are creating a web, or a net, around your planet every time you radiate Love. And that Love connects with the Love vibration radiated somewhere else.
And as you create this web, or this net, around your planet, you are creating a sort of force field. You are keeping out the influence of fear. The influence of fear has been utilized for the gain of others for eons of your time, and this Love that you feel for each other is outweighing it. It is becoming a much more dominant force than ever before, and you are going to start to see evidence of that all around you, not only in your personal lives, but in world events in the coming months.
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”



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