Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael- Earth is now shaking off all negativity
September 6th, 2016, Channel: Ann Dahlberg
I am Michael who comes to you today to tell you about the new times that are approaching. You have received a divine gift in order to wake up to a new Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. There are many who want to be with you on Earth today. However, not all can descend onto Earth, but will have to be content with helping you from the dimension where they belong.
Archangel Michael- Earth is now shaking off all negativity
September 6th, 2016, Channel: Ann Dahlberg
I am Michael who comes to you today to tell you about the new times that are approaching. You have received a divine gift in order to wake up to a new Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. There are many who want to be with you on Earth today. However, not all can descend onto Earth, but will have to be content with helping you from the dimension where they belong.
Earth is now shaking off all negativity and is letting what is positive and the Light appear ever more. Earth’s wishes are now starting to be fulfilled one after another. She has diligent helpers with her on, below and above ground. Everybody is working excitedly for her ascension. This is now primarily for her surface world. Gaia, our Earth, exists already in the fifth dimension. Now she is working for her world on the surface and all life that exists there. You are all her dear children and she wishes nothing more dearly than that you will ascend with her. Gaia has much help with this from all sides and much is also happening in your world today.
地球は否定的なものを振り落としている by 大天使ミカエル
地球は否定的なものを振り落としている by 大天使ミカエル
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