Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael ~ Earth Team Support - Timeline Energies and the PTD Effects thru Celia Fenn
Beloved Family of Light, we know that many of you are having difficulties in the current energies. "what is going on?" many of you are asking as you deal with a physical reality that seems to be going a little crazy. "What am I doing here?" another question we are asked, and so we will answer your questions in terms of the New Reality and a new Perception of Time and Space.
Please understand that when you passed through the Great Portal of 2012 you entered into a completely new relationship with Time and Space. Many of you became Rainbow Light Warriors and you began to also work with Time, with Timelines and with Quantum Jumping between Timelines. It is this new aspect of your work on Earth that is creating these deep feelings of confusion and anxiety. This is the first time that you have attempted this form of Time Perception and Creation in the Human Form. It is because you have now activated your Light Body and your Multi-Dimensional Being that you are able to access a new perception of Reality.
Timeline Jumping and How it Feels
Now, Beloved Family of Light, this information is given especially to support the Earth Warrior Team who have just Quantum Jumped Timelines as a Team in order to work in the version of Earth that is most chaotic and confused at the present moment. Your Physical and Emotional Bodies may be trying to process the intense stress of Quantum Jumping Timelines in a physical vehicle. This is what we call the PTD effect, Post Timeline-Jump Distress.
Earth Support Teams and PTD
Dearly Beloved Warriors of Light, if you feel lost and disoriented after your jump, know that there is a huge Support Team of Angelic Light Beings on hand to guide you and support you and bring you back into balance. Rest, if you need to. There is time for your New Work and the the New People you will work with to find you. Your "Teams" are assembling with new projects and new ideas for the next phase of the work. Remember always to draw on the Diamond Light in your Hearts and to feel and work with Divine Love and Compassion that flows through the Diamond Light. Know that the Earth supports you and opens a path for you in this New Reality. Nature supports you. All is well!
Diamond Codes: Guidelines for the New Reality
Beloved Light Warriors, here we will summarize the information given in the "Diamond Codes", to assist you to bring your body back into balance.
タイムラインのエネルギーとPTD by 大天使ミカエル
アセンションと変容の過程を進み、ライトボディを活性化し、松果体のスイッチを入れたので、皆さんは余りストレスなくタイムラインを飛び越えることが出来ます。全くストレスがないというわけではありません。ある程度は感じます。でも「ダイヤモンド・コード」という私たちのガイドラインに沿って行けばすぐに新しいタイムラインがしっくり来るでしょう。 大きなタイムラインがシフトして多くの人は混乱を引き起こし、方向感覚を見失いました。その時に「心理的疲労感」を起こし、短期間記憶を失いました。睡眠障害、ストレス、不安といった中で肉体と精神はこのラディカルな方向転換に順応しようとしました。肉体と感情体は肉体のままでタイムラインをクォンタムジャンプしようとして強いストレスを受けます。それが「ポスト・タイムラインージャンプ・ディストレス(PTD: Post Timeline-Jump Distressタイムライン飛躍後ストレス障害)」現象というものです。ダイヤモンド・コード:ニュー・リアリティのガイドライン
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