
Kryon - "THE INNATE REVEALED", Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "THE INNATE REVEALED", Lee Carroll

Let us first identify Innate: What makes Innate so mysterious is that it is not a brain function. It is also, perhaps, one of the only systems in the body that is not centralized. This is difficult for you to conceive of. This system has not been discovered, so it is also not yet defined in medical science. Yet it has been seen over and over. What you have in DNA is very difficult to explain. The trillions of DNA molecules in your body are all in communication with each other, all the time. It has to be the way of it, if you consider what DNA does. How does your body know which kind of cell it needs and where it needs it? It is Innate that is responsible for all of that at your birth. The DNA, you might say, is truly an esoteric central control. It is the field around the trillions of pieces of DNA that knows itself as one entity. All the DNA together work as one system through this field, and that one system is called Innate.
The key to stopping the aging process as you know it today is reprogramming the Innate. Your body is designed to age you, even against common sense! Your cellular body was designed to rejuvenate, and it isn't doing it well. Do you understand? It is the job of Innate to change this, but it needs the signal to do that. Tell Innate: "I no longer have to die to create spiritual growth." You can do this almost any way you want. Learn how to build affirmations that are positive. Get in touch with the body through whatever process that comes your way. You are ready to communicate to the smart body.

先天性の正体 by クライオン

先ず「先天性」についてはっきりさせましょう。先天性が摩訶不思議なのは、大脳の機能ではないからです。また、それが、体の中央集権的なシステムではないからでもあります。でも、理解するのは難しいですね。先天的システムは解明されていませんし、医学でも確認されていません。しかし、何度も繰り返し経験しています。DNAにあるものを説明するのは非常に難しいです。何百兆というDNA分子はお互いに常にコミュニケーションをしています。DNAがしていることが何かと言えば、そういうことになります。体にはどんな細胞が必要か、どの箇所にどんな細胞が必要なのか、体はそのことをどうやって分かるのでしょうか? 生まれた時からそういうことすべてを司っているのが先天性なのです。DNAは理解不能の中央司令室だと思っていたかもしれません。DNAの何百兆という分子の周りにはフィールドがあり、このフィールドは自ら一体になって動いていることを知っています。このフィールドで、すべてのDNAが一つのシステムとして一斉に働いています。この一体になったシステムを先天性と呼んでいます。

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