Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Planetary Shift Timeline by Romeo Baron
The Fall Equinox 2016 will allow another huge acceleration of ascension energies to blast through the Christic Grids of Mother Earth. And then the Winter Solstice, the final BLAST of cosmic light energy coming from the Collective Consciousness of the Elohim Guardians, including the alliance of the cosmos. When this great explosion of divine light flows throughout the planet, Everything Will Change!
Planetary Shift Timeline by Romeo Baron
The Fall Equinox 2016 will allow another huge acceleration of ascension energies to blast through the Christic Grids of Mother Earth. And then the Winter Solstice, the final BLAST of cosmic light energy coming from the Collective Consciousness of the Elohim Guardians, including the alliance of the cosmos. When this great explosion of divine light flows throughout the planet, Everything Will Change!
* This Fall will bring the first stage of the planetary shift; the opening of Ascension portals that will allow all the Star gates to activate. The opening the Ascension Portals will be completed and this will allow the original Christ light consciousness to REMOVE anything that is not in harmonic alignment with the original divine plan for mother Earth. This is what will truly shift us into a new Earth reality.(to be continued)
当面の地球のシフト by ロメオ・バロン
当面の地球のシフト by ロメオ・バロン
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