Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
About Dreams by Kryon
Spiritual: With the coming of the new energy, Lightworker and ascension status has changed all the potentials, and a brand new piece of the dream puzzle emerges. Your newfound awareness is suddenly part of this memory rearrangement. In addition, if you're working at it (being a Lightworker), the dream process has changed its purpose. It's now actually a rewrite of the past within your DNA (in addition to the biological sorting of neuron storage, as seen above)! This is very difficult to describe. Think of it this way: Return to the photos on the floor. Now, as you pick up each photo, you get to rewrite the emotions and energies around them with a new, enlightened mind. The father that abused you is now the "partner in karma," and an entity who did a good job of stirring your life up. The brother who committed suicide and shamed the family is now the one who gave you a gift a kick in the pants to find out more about spiritual things. The partner who loves you, who may be lying next to you, is becoming more precious with your new divine eyes. So you're not just rearranging the memories. The brain is rewriting them. This is a powerful new attribute that shows a new enablement for Humans, and is primal to the teachings of Kryon and the other channellers of the New Age. Now, the photos you pick up first are the ones that you're rewriting and are thereby changing your very time line in this place called Earth.
The biological and psychological aspects cooperate fully with your enlightened state. They're subservient to the divine plan in your body, and have rearranged the priorities to help you fulfill a change in your DNA.
How to interpret the dreams? Well, those other channellers were correct - if you're working on your enlightenment. For the old interpretations discount the new spiritual aspects of the process. Now you may look at the interpretations completely in a spiritual light. Did you dream of Aunt Sally? Why? Perhaps you're rewriting how you felt about her and bringing her into a new light? Perhaps she's visiting you in an interdimensional way to help you process and rewrite her history within the scope of your life? This is very, very common. Parents return; those you lost during your 4D time line show up. You see, it's very complex, but it has indeed changed. Look for far more nonlinear things in the dream state.
夢・サイババ・陰謀・依存症・クジラ(QA-1) by クライオン
スピリチュアル上:新しいエネルギーの到来とともに、アセンションの態勢に入ったライトワーカーの可能性は変わりました。そして、新しい夢のパズルのピースが登場しました。新たになった皆さんの意識は、急速に記憶を再編する役目を持っています。更に、(ライトワーカーが)その作業をしているとしたら、夢の目的は変わっています。事実、その目的は、上で言ったようなニューロンの記憶装置を生理学的に取捨選択する作業に加えて、DNA内の過去の書き換えです! それを説明するのは非常に困難です。こう考えてください。床に散らばった写真の話に戻りますが、その一枚一枚を拾う時に、写真の中にある感情やエネルギーを新たに目覚めた意識で書き換えるのです。
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