Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Activation of your multidimensionality with Christine Day Part 2 by
The group & Steve Rother & Christine Day 2010-8-6
クリッスティン・デイ- 多次元活性化ワークPart 2(字幕)
Archangel Michael -The Journey to Truth by Natalie Glasson
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Journey to Truth by Archangel Michael
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 10th October 2011
ジョセフのストーリー by 大天使ミカエル
The Journey to Truth by Archangel Michael
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 10th October 2011
ジョセフのストーリー by 大天使ミカエル
Love Creates a Force Field ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, by Daniel Scranton
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Daniel Scranton
Daniel Scranton
Love Creates a Force Field ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven, Channeled by Daniel Scranton
“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
“We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are pleased to offer you our words of wisdom.
It is our pleasure to announce to all of you that progress is being made every single day that you exist on planet Earth. There is a wealth of evidence all around you that you are making progress as a collective. You may have to go looking for it at times, but it is there. Every time you witness someone engaging in an act of kindness and compassion, that act is one of immense magnitude.
Because when you see one act of kindness and compassion, you can rest assured that it is just a drop in the bucket. There are so many beings here on planet Earth now, at this time, who want to be of service, and that desire to be of service is not coming from a place of believing that it is in necessary in order to get into some sort of Heaven in the afterlife.
That desire to be of service is coming from a genuine place of Love. The Love vibration is more active on your world today than it ever has been, and it is far more powerful and influential than any other vibration that you may be seeing acted out. So pay attention. Pay attention to what is of service to you to witness.
Whenever you are engaging with another person, and you are putting the Love vibration out into the universe, that vibration is finding friends. It is much more far-reaching than any other vibration. So you are creating a web, or a net, around your planet every time you radiate Love. And that Love connects with the Love vibration radiated somewhere else.
And as you create this web, or this net, around your planet, you are creating a sort of force field. You are keeping out the influence of fear. The influence of fear has been utilized for the gain of others for eons of your time, and this Love that you feel for each other is outweighing it. It is becoming a much more dominant force than ever before, and you are going to start to see evidence of that all around you, not only in your personal lives, but in world events in the coming months.
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”
Because when you see one act of kindness and compassion, you can rest assured that it is just a drop in the bucket. There are so many beings here on planet Earth now, at this time, who want to be of service, and that desire to be of service is not coming from a place of believing that it is in necessary in order to get into some sort of Heaven in the afterlife.
That desire to be of service is coming from a genuine place of Love. The Love vibration is more active on your world today than it ever has been, and it is far more powerful and influential than any other vibration that you may be seeing acted out. So pay attention. Pay attention to what is of service to you to witness.
Whenever you are engaging with another person, and you are putting the Love vibration out into the universe, that vibration is finding friends. It is much more far-reaching than any other vibration. So you are creating a web, or a net, around your planet every time you radiate Love. And that Love connects with the Love vibration radiated somewhere else.
And as you create this web, or this net, around your planet, you are creating a sort of force field. You are keeping out the influence of fear. The influence of fear has been utilized for the gain of others for eons of your time, and this Love that you feel for each other is outweighing it. It is becoming a much more dominant force than ever before, and you are going to start to see evidence of that all around you, not only in your personal lives, but in world events in the coming months.
We are the Pleiadian High Council of Seven, and we are very fond of all of you. That is all.”
Archangel Michael -"THE HIDDEN SECRET OF THE AGES" by Ronna Herman
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael -"THE HIDDEN SECRET OF THE AGES" by Ronna Herman
Remember, every thought or statement you make has a specific range of vibrational frequencies. If you repeat a statement often enough, it becomes firmly implanted within your subconscious mind as a part of your truth. It matters not if the frequency patterns are of a high or low vibration or whether they are true or false. Over time, your subconscious mind will integrate them into your “memory bank of established beliefs.”
Archangel Michael -"THE HIDDEN SECRET OF THE AGES" by Ronna Herman
Remember, every thought or statement you make has a specific range of vibrational frequencies. If you repeat a statement often enough, it becomes firmly implanted within your subconscious mind as a part of your truth. It matters not if the frequency patterns are of a high or low vibration or whether they are true or false. Over time, your subconscious mind will integrate them into your “memory bank of established beliefs.”
Criticism can be a positive thing as long as it is not permitted to become destructive (expressed with malice or with a desire to hurt). There are times when criticism is an expression of fact–when it is a neutral recognition of limitation. However, please be careful of value judgments. Remember to use your free will wisely–you always have the right to accept or decline a judgment statement.
Before you can establish a satisfying, loving relationship with others, you must relearn how to respect and love yourself. You must begin to focus on what is right about you instead of what is wrong. Begin to listen to the whispering, intuitive voice of your Soul Self (which will grow louder as you acknowledge its wisdom) as it gives you encouragement, insight and awareness of your vast potential. We are speaking not of egotistical love, but of a deep abiding feeling of worthiness and Self-confidence as you begin the process of reestablishing contact with the many facets of your wise and loving Higher Self.
時代の隠れた秘密 by 大天使ミカエル
Before you can establish a satisfying, loving relationship with others, you must relearn how to respect and love yourself. You must begin to focus on what is right about you instead of what is wrong. Begin to listen to the whispering, intuitive voice of your Soul Self (which will grow louder as you acknowledge its wisdom) as it gives you encouragement, insight and awareness of your vast potential. We are speaking not of egotistical love, but of a deep abiding feeling of worthiness and Self-confidence as you begin the process of reestablishing contact with the many facets of your wise and loving Higher Self.
時代の隠れた秘密 by 大天使ミカエル
Shifts in the Consciousness of Humanity : Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel by Natalie Glasson
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Shifts in the Consciousness of Humanity
We, Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel share our love with you which cascades as beautiful bubbles of love over and through your being.
Shifts in the Consciousness of Humanity
We, Mother Mary and Archangel Gabriel share our love with you which cascades as beautiful bubbles of love over and through your being.
In this time of powerful ascension shifts and awakening, many beings of light upon the inner planes are sharing, downloading and gifting their energy to those upon the Earth, to encourage all to move through ascension with ease and perfection.
Souls born upon the Earth in 2017 will be born without numerous illusions which have previously been embedded into their consciousness from the consciousness of humanity. Many souls will choose to be born with a new perspective of clarity and understanding of the truth of the Creator. This will remain with them throughout their lifetime supporting them in creating and instigating powerful changes upon the Earth which many have been waiting to experience.
人類意識のシフト by マザー・メアリー& ガブリエル
「赤ん坊の口から非常に深い言葉が出てきます。孫たちも自分自身の過去生を知っています。あなたを指差して「私はあなたのママだったのよ、覚えてる!」と言います。面食らってしまいます。そしてあなたは孫の目をじっと見て「ママ!」と言います。 」~ クライオン「到来するエネルギー」
Souls born upon the Earth in 2017 will be born without numerous illusions which have previously been embedded into their consciousness from the consciousness of humanity. Many souls will choose to be born with a new perspective of clarity and understanding of the truth of the Creator. This will remain with them throughout their lifetime supporting them in creating and instigating powerful changes upon the Earth which many have been waiting to experience.
人類意識のシフト by マザー・メアリー& ガブリエル
「赤ん坊の口から非常に深い言葉が出てきます。孫たちも自分自身の過去生を知っています。あなたを指差して「私はあなたのママだったのよ、覚えてる!」と言います。面食らってしまいます。そしてあなたは孫の目をじっと見て「ママ!」と言います。 」~ クライオン「到来するエネルギー」
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
by Ute Posegga-Rudel
移行プロセス by ガイア
by Ute Posegga-Rudel
移行プロセス by ガイア
Lisa Brown
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Galactic Portals open since December 2015 and continue to expand huge now. The merging with our Galactic existences.... we are fast tracking timelines.... and t...he density of all intently continually re-calibrated for us all. Our physical atmosphere evolving into galactic atmospheres too.... There is so very much more to occur ... we are in "continual expedited substantial increase mode" now... 

Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D
Silence isn't empty, it's full of answers.
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
About Dreams by Kryon
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
About Dreams by Kryon
Spiritual: With the coming of the new energy, Lightworker and ascension status has changed all the potentials, and a brand new piece of the dream puzzle emerges. Your newfound awareness is suddenly part of this memory rearrangement. In addition, if you're working at it (being a Lightworker), the dream process has changed its purpose. It's now actually a rewrite of the past within your DNA (in addition to the biological sorting of neuron storage, as seen above)! This is very difficult to describe. Think of it this way: Return to the photos on the floor. Now, as you pick up each photo, you get to rewrite the emotions and energies around them with a new, enlightened mind. The father that abused you is now the "partner in karma," and an entity who did a good job of stirring your life up. The brother who committed suicide and shamed the family is now the one who gave you a gift a kick in the pants to find out more about spiritual things. The partner who loves you, who may be lying next to you, is becoming more precious with your new divine eyes. So you're not just rearranging the memories. The brain is rewriting them. This is a powerful new attribute that shows a new enablement for Humans, and is primal to the teachings of Kryon and the other channellers of the New Age. Now, the photos you pick up first are the ones that you're rewriting and are thereby changing your very time line in this place called Earth.
The biological and psychological aspects cooperate fully with your enlightened state. They're subservient to the divine plan in your body, and have rearranged the priorities to help you fulfill a change in your DNA.
How to interpret the dreams? Well, those other channellers were correct - if you're working on your enlightenment. For the old interpretations discount the new spiritual aspects of the process. Now you may look at the interpretations completely in a spiritual light. Did you dream of Aunt Sally? Why? Perhaps you're rewriting how you felt about her and bringing her into a new light? Perhaps she's visiting you in an interdimensional way to help you process and rewrite her history within the scope of your life? This is very, very common. Parents return; those you lost during your 4D time line show up. You see, it's very complex, but it has indeed changed. Look for far more nonlinear things in the dream state.
夢・サイババ・陰謀・依存症・クジラ(QA-1) by クライオン
スピリチュアル上:新しいエネルギーの到来とともに、アセンションの態勢に入ったライトワーカーの可能性は変わりました。そして、新しい夢のパズルのピースが登場しました。新たになった皆さんの意識は、急速に記憶を再編する役目を持っています。更に、(ライトワーカーが)その作業をしているとしたら、夢の目的は変わっています。事実、その目的は、上で言ったようなニューロンの記憶装置を生理学的に取捨選択する作業に加えて、DNA内の過去の書き換えです! それを説明するのは非常に困難です。こう考えてください。床に散らばった写真の話に戻りますが、その一枚一枚を拾う時に、写真の中にある感情やエネルギーを新たに目覚めた意識で書き換えるのです。
About Dreams by Kryon
Spiritual: With the coming of the new energy, Lightworker and ascension status has changed all the potentials, and a brand new piece of the dream puzzle emerges. Your newfound awareness is suddenly part of this memory rearrangement. In addition, if you're working at it (being a Lightworker), the dream process has changed its purpose. It's now actually a rewrite of the past within your DNA (in addition to the biological sorting of neuron storage, as seen above)! This is very difficult to describe. Think of it this way: Return to the photos on the floor. Now, as you pick up each photo, you get to rewrite the emotions and energies around them with a new, enlightened mind. The father that abused you is now the "partner in karma," and an entity who did a good job of stirring your life up. The brother who committed suicide and shamed the family is now the one who gave you a gift a kick in the pants to find out more about spiritual things. The partner who loves you, who may be lying next to you, is becoming more precious with your new divine eyes. So you're not just rearranging the memories. The brain is rewriting them. This is a powerful new attribute that shows a new enablement for Humans, and is primal to the teachings of Kryon and the other channellers of the New Age. Now, the photos you pick up first are the ones that you're rewriting and are thereby changing your very time line in this place called Earth.
The biological and psychological aspects cooperate fully with your enlightened state. They're subservient to the divine plan in your body, and have rearranged the priorities to help you fulfill a change in your DNA.
How to interpret the dreams? Well, those other channellers were correct - if you're working on your enlightenment. For the old interpretations discount the new spiritual aspects of the process. Now you may look at the interpretations completely in a spiritual light. Did you dream of Aunt Sally? Why? Perhaps you're rewriting how you felt about her and bringing her into a new light? Perhaps she's visiting you in an interdimensional way to help you process and rewrite her history within the scope of your life? This is very, very common. Parents return; those you lost during your 4D time line show up. You see, it's very complex, but it has indeed changed. Look for far more nonlinear things in the dream state.
夢・サイババ・陰謀・依存症・クジラ(QA-1) by クライオン
スピリチュアル上:新しいエネルギーの到来とともに、アセンションの態勢に入ったライトワーカーの可能性は変わりました。そして、新しい夢のパズルのピースが登場しました。新たになった皆さんの意識は、急速に記憶を再編する役目を持っています。更に、(ライトワーカーが)その作業をしているとしたら、夢の目的は変わっています。事実、その目的は、上で言ったようなニューロンの記憶装置を生理学的に取捨選択する作業に加えて、DNA内の過去の書き換えです! それを説明するのは非常に困難です。こう考えてください。床に散らばった写真の話に戻りますが、その一枚一枚を拾う時に、写真の中にある感情やエネルギーを新たに目覚めた意識で書き換えるのです。
Adama of Telos by Asara
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Adama of Telos by Asara
Greetings, Beloved Ones. We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
Adama of Telos by Asara
Greetings, Beloved Ones. We are most joyous to connect with you here, today, and we send you our utmost Love from the heart of Telos.
You have moved through the joyous Fall Equinox, which is always a great celebration for us here in Telos. Dear Ones, it is time to acknowledge all the profound strides you have made in your Spiritual Evolution, this year. You have let go of many things that where tied to the 3rd dimension and you have integrated the new Light codes and energies of the 5th and 6th dimension to various levels.
With the Third Wave Gateway opening on September 26th to 29th you will integrate the 7th dimensional frequencies into your physical vehicles, as well. This means that you are now residing mostly in the higher dimensions while you are in your physical experience. Some of you might have hoped that there would be a big event that would indicate your Ascension into these dimensions. But in order for you to ascend, while staying in your physical bodies, this process has to happen gradually. You might say, “If we have ascended, how come there is still so much going on in the world that is of a lower dimension?” You see, it is possible to reside in the higher dimensions while observing other, lower dimensional experiences from time to time.
This is how all higher dimensional civilizations such as Telos is able to observe humanity’s journey, while remaining in the higher dimensions. The key is not to focus on the lower dimensional experiences for too long, so it doesn’t affect your vibrational frequencies.
We celebrate your journey and it is time for you to enjoy the harvest of you spiritual work. Celebrate, love and enjoy your momentous accomplishment!
Welcome home. We send you all so much love… You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth. Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.
I am your brother Adama of Telos.”
9月26日から29日にかけて3度目の波が来て、皆さんは7次元の周波数を肉体にも取り込んでいきます。 それは、肉体で生きている間でも、殆ど高次元にいるということです。中には、高次元に入ったことが分かるようなビッグイベントが起きてほしいという人がいたかもしれません。しかし、アセンションするには、肉体でいる限り、このプロセスは徐々に起こります。
With the Third Wave Gateway opening on September 26th to 29th you will integrate the 7th dimensional frequencies into your physical vehicles, as well. This means that you are now residing mostly in the higher dimensions while you are in your physical experience. Some of you might have hoped that there would be a big event that would indicate your Ascension into these dimensions. But in order for you to ascend, while staying in your physical bodies, this process has to happen gradually. You might say, “If we have ascended, how come there is still so much going on in the world that is of a lower dimension?” You see, it is possible to reside in the higher dimensions while observing other, lower dimensional experiences from time to time.
This is how all higher dimensional civilizations such as Telos is able to observe humanity’s journey, while remaining in the higher dimensions. The key is not to focus on the lower dimensional experiences for too long, so it doesn’t affect your vibrational frequencies.
We celebrate your journey and it is time for you to enjoy the harvest of you spiritual work. Celebrate, love and enjoy your momentous accomplishment!
Welcome home. We send you all so much love… You are carried on the wings of Angels, to bring forth The New Earth. Know in your heart, that you are always surrounded by your Angels, Ascended Masters, Guides, Galactic Families of Light and yes, also by your family and friends in Telos – and always will be.
Dear Ones, we are walking with you on this journey and you are loved beyond measure – always.
I am your brother Adama of Telos.”
9月26日から29日にかけて3度目の波が来て、皆さんは7次元の周波数を肉体にも取り込んでいきます。 それは、肉体で生きている間でも、殆ど高次元にいるということです。中には、高次元に入ったことが分かるようなビッグイベントが起きてほしいという人がいたかもしれません。しかし、アセンションするには、肉体でいる限り、このプロセスは徐々に起こります。
Commander Ashtar - Taking Responsibility for the Future of the Earth by Natalie Glasson
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Commander Ashtar - Taking Responsibility for the Future of the Earth
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 23rd September 2016
Let the peace in your heart and soul develop igniting a space of pure truth within your being. I am Commander Ashtar; I oversee the members of the Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters, known as the Airborne Ascended Masters because they travel throughout the Universe of the Creator upon a spaceship being of service. I am Commander of the spaceship and overseer of the work of the Ascended Masters dedicated to this service. It is our mission to be in tune with the divine inspiration and guidance of the Creator, so we may understand where within the Creator’s universe the most tremendous ascension shifts and transformations are taking place, what is required to support the evolution of the Creator and how we can be of service. We are present at every major transformation where a being, community, country or even civilisation is shifting into greater embodiment of light. We support each moment by lending our energy, anchoring appropriate light codes given to us by the Creator and healing any stress or strain that may surface due to the awakening taking place. We also have a purpose of travelling through the Universe of the Creator to deliver wisdom, information and sacred truth to whoever comes into our awareness as guided by the Creator. We are a healing team, an awakening team of the truth of the Creator and a team which supports the deliverance of sacred knowledge. The light tools we hold upon our spaceship are immensely powerful. However, they can only be used to support the evolution of love. Some of the information we hold is concerning the light technology of the future of the Earth and the inner planes.
If you wish to understand the future light technology of your world, then you can ask during meditation to visit us upon the Galactic Federation Spaceship. We will assist you in accessing the light technology, sharing information of how it can be recreated upon the Earth as well as supporting your protection if you wish to bring the light technology into the earthly reality. We will not tolerate those who wish to misuse the light technology and light technology plans we safeguard. When a soul wishes to visit our spaceship or access the sacred information we store, their soul is evaluated to ensure their intentions are pure and that their greatest desire is the evolution of the pure love of the Creator. We invite you to visit our spaceship in meditation if you wish to view and perceive a glimpse of the light technology which will be used by all upon the Earth in the future, as well as understanding the future ascension of Mother Earth and humanity.
地球の未来に責任を持つ by アシュター
Commander Ashtar - Taking Responsibility for the Future of the Earth
Channelled through Natalie Glasson 23rd September 2016
Let the peace in your heart and soul develop igniting a space of pure truth within your being. I am Commander Ashtar; I oversee the members of the Galactic Federation of Ascended Masters, known as the Airborne Ascended Masters because they travel throughout the Universe of the Creator upon a spaceship being of service. I am Commander of the spaceship and overseer of the work of the Ascended Masters dedicated to this service. It is our mission to be in tune with the divine inspiration and guidance of the Creator, so we may understand where within the Creator’s universe the most tremendous ascension shifts and transformations are taking place, what is required to support the evolution of the Creator and how we can be of service. We are present at every major transformation where a being, community, country or even civilisation is shifting into greater embodiment of light. We support each moment by lending our energy, anchoring appropriate light codes given to us by the Creator and healing any stress or strain that may surface due to the awakening taking place. We also have a purpose of travelling through the Universe of the Creator to deliver wisdom, information and sacred truth to whoever comes into our awareness as guided by the Creator. We are a healing team, an awakening team of the truth of the Creator and a team which supports the deliverance of sacred knowledge. The light tools we hold upon our spaceship are immensely powerful. However, they can only be used to support the evolution of love. Some of the information we hold is concerning the light technology of the future of the Earth and the inner planes.
If you wish to understand the future light technology of your world, then you can ask during meditation to visit us upon the Galactic Federation Spaceship. We will assist you in accessing the light technology, sharing information of how it can be recreated upon the Earth as well as supporting your protection if you wish to bring the light technology into the earthly reality. We will not tolerate those who wish to misuse the light technology and light technology plans we safeguard. When a soul wishes to visit our spaceship or access the sacred information we store, their soul is evaluated to ensure their intentions are pure and that their greatest desire is the evolution of the pure love of the Creator. We invite you to visit our spaceship in meditation if you wish to view and perceive a glimpse of the light technology which will be used by all upon the Earth in the future, as well as understanding the future ascension of Mother Earth and humanity.
地球の未来に責任を持つ by アシュター
Archangel Michael ~ A Great Energy Gateway Has Opened! by Michele Cornacchia
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael ~ A Great Energy Gateway Has Opened!
~ September 22, 2016 Channeled by Michele Cornacchia.
A great energy gateway is opened, right now for Earth, through which you are receiving the upgrades and the energy wave that is uplifting the collective, the ascension wave.
Archangel Michael ~ A Great Energy Gateway Has Opened!
~ September 22, 2016 Channeled by Michele Cornacchia.
A great energy gateway is opened, right now for Earth, through which you are receiving the upgrades and the energy wave that is uplifting the collective, the ascension wave.
As we have mentioned in a previous message, all that is not the highest expression of the Self, love, is being pushed to the surface so that it can be illuminated by the light of your awareness.
Then accepted, transmuted and released. It is your last, big healing before you reach a sustained level of higher perception, peace and connection to your Soul Self and Higher Self.
It is the time of endings and new beginnings, because you are being pushed into the direction of your true life purpose: trust dear children that you are on the right path: keep following the light.
A great emotional healing is going on for many, and this can be a bit of a roller coaster: your emotional body as well, is being recalibrated to the new frequency you can sustain and to the 5D energies. For this reason you are now beginning to feel emotions in a refined way. Indeed they are all new for you because they are being decolacked from the veil of 3D illusions.
大きなエネルギーの道が開いた by 大天使ミカエル
Then accepted, transmuted and released. It is your last, big healing before you reach a sustained level of higher perception, peace and connection to your Soul Self and Higher Self.
It is the time of endings and new beginnings, because you are being pushed into the direction of your true life purpose: trust dear children that you are on the right path: keep following the light.
A great emotional healing is going on for many, and this can be a bit of a roller coaster: your emotional body as well, is being recalibrated to the new frequency you can sustain and to the 5D energies. For this reason you are now beginning to feel emotions in a refined way. Indeed they are all new for you because they are being decolacked from the veil of 3D illusions.
大きなエネルギーの道が開いた by 大天使ミカエル
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Bubble of Safety
Your Universe is teeming with life. Only a relative few planets over millions of years have made it to a place where they have "creator DNA" in their corporeal bodies. Some were seeded and never made it. Some are now dead. Some are technically advanced, but have no spark of divinity at all. So while a planet is "deciding," it is kept safe from other life that might interfere.
The Bubble of Safety
Your Universe is teeming with life. Only a relative few planets over millions of years have made it to a place where they have "creator DNA" in their corporeal bodies. Some were seeded and never made it. Some are now dead. Some are technically advanced, but have no spark of divinity at all. So while a planet is "deciding," it is kept safe from other life that might interfere.
You're surrounded by divine beings who keep you safe and will continue while this planet of only free choice – the only one at the moment – makes its decision. You're turning the corner of consciousness and they all know it, for they've all been through it and they remember it. Oh dear ones, consciousness is volatile! You've seen it change so slowly, but it's about to change faster. It's not going to take generations and generations as in the past. Instead, you're going to see real-time changes. Humans won't wait to have children for them to grow up and have children.
Keeping you safe is done quantumly and at a 3D distance. But you have to ask the question, "With all this life in the galaxy and how old they are [potential for advanced science and travel], why don't the ETs just land and announce themselves? They have been here for hundreds of years!" The answer is proof of what we say. They know that you are "hands off" and they only come and go with marginal disturbance to Earth.
It is time to solve the petty problems of humanity, of walking from place to place with aches and pains of your body. It's time to solve the uncertainties of the psychology [mental anguish], for these things will not serve you. You're turning a corner, a slow one to some, that will one day be looked at as the major shift of humanity for the earth. This is the beginning of it.
Kryon - from "Big Picture" - Lee Carroll
ビッグ・ピクチャー by クライオン
皆さんには安全でいられるように神聖な存在が周りにいます。現在唯一の自由意志の惑星は決断しようとする間、安全でいられます。皆さんは意識の分岐点に差し掛かっており、彼らは知っています。彼らもまた同じ経験がありその時のことを覚えています。皆さん、意識は不安定です! ゆっくり変わるかと思えば、急に変ります。昔のように、何世代も何世代もかけることはなくなります。時々刻々と変わりますね。人間は子供が大人になるまで待てなくなります。
安全はクオンタムに行われ、3次元的距離が保たれています。でも、「銀河にいるその存在はどのくらい科学が進んでいて、古い存在なのですか? ETは地球にやってきたことを公言しないのですか? 何百年もやって来ているでしょう!」。私たちの言っている中にその答えがあります。彼らは皆さんが干渉を受けない状態にあることを知っており、地球にはそのぎりぎりの線でやって来ます。
Keeping you safe is done quantumly and at a 3D distance. But you have to ask the question, "With all this life in the galaxy and how old they are [potential for advanced science and travel], why don't the ETs just land and announce themselves? They have been here for hundreds of years!" The answer is proof of what we say. They know that you are "hands off" and they only come and go with marginal disturbance to Earth.
It is time to solve the petty problems of humanity, of walking from place to place with aches and pains of your body. It's time to solve the uncertainties of the psychology [mental anguish], for these things will not serve you. You're turning a corner, a slow one to some, that will one day be looked at as the major shift of humanity for the earth. This is the beginning of it.
Kryon - from "Big Picture" - Lee Carroll
ビッグ・ピクチャー by クライオン
皆さんには安全でいられるように神聖な存在が周りにいます。現在唯一の自由意志の惑星は決断しようとする間、安全でいられます。皆さんは意識の分岐点に差し掛かっており、彼らは知っています。彼らもまた同じ経験がありその時のことを覚えています。皆さん、意識は不安定です! ゆっくり変わるかと思えば、急に変ります。昔のように、何世代も何世代もかけることはなくなります。時々刻々と変わりますね。人間は子供が大人になるまで待てなくなります。
安全はクオンタムに行われ、3次元的距離が保たれています。でも、「銀河にいるその存在はどのくらい科学が進んでいて、古い存在なのですか? ETは地球にやってきたことを公言しないのですか? 何百年もやって来ているでしょう!」。私たちの言っている中にその答えがあります。彼らは皆さんが干渉を受けない状態にあることを知っており、地球にはそのぎりぎりの線でやって来ます。
Kryon in Japan
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon in Japan & Japanese quantum kids
Kryon in Japan & Japanese quantum kids
Riding the Wave into 2017 - A New Place for Humans to Go by The group & Steve Rother
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
With your game well in progress, we join you this day to share more about a wave of energy coming in. It is actually more than one wave but you have so many energetics arriving from different parts of the universe. We find it fascinating that recently you have discovered another Earth-like planet in the star nearest you, right in the Goldilocks Zone. It is perfect for supporting life and almost about the same size as your Earth. Exploring the night sky and looking for all this information, people are actually looking for a new place for humans to go and you will, trust us. At some point you will also go to Mars, which is one of the new pieces. We tell you, dear ones, that you will find your own footsteps in some way as you have been there before. Mars used to have life, a thriving life, and you were there. That is why we find it so fascinating when you come up with these ideas about Martians with the two little antennae coming out of the head and always green for some reason. We find it wonderful!
With your game well in progress, we join you this day to share more about a wave of energy coming in. It is actually more than one wave but you have so many energetics arriving from different parts of the universe. We find it fascinating that recently you have discovered another Earth-like planet in the star nearest you, right in the Goldilocks Zone. It is perfect for supporting life and almost about the same size as your Earth. Exploring the night sky and looking for all this information, people are actually looking for a new place for humans to go and you will, trust us. At some point you will also go to Mars, which is one of the new pieces. We tell you, dear ones, that you will find your own footsteps in some way as you have been there before. Mars used to have life, a thriving life, and you were there. That is why we find it so fascinating when you come up with these ideas about Martians with the two little antennae coming out of the head and always green for some reason. We find it wonderful!
The wave comes in first on September 27th, but it has been traveling fir quite some time so it is no longer as defined of as a wave as it once was.
Riding the Wave into 2017 - A New Place for Humans to Go
Beacons of Light~ September 2016
by The group & Steve Rother
2017に続く波 by ザ・グループ
今日、皆さんのゲームが順調に推移している中で、やって来るエネルギーについてもう少しお話ししましょう。実際に一つの波に留まりません。宇宙の違うところから多くのエネルギーがやって来ます。最近皆さんが地球のような惑星が最も近い恒星の正に「ゴルディックゾーン(Goldilocks Zone)」の中にあることを発見して、私たちは有頂天になっています。そこは、完全に生命を育む条件にあり、地球とほぼ同じサイズです。人々が夜空を観察しそういう条件の惑星を探す時、実際に人間が行ける新天地を探しているのですが、そうなるでしょう。ウソではありません。ある時点で火星にも行きます。新たな展開の一つです。皆さんは、何らかの形で以前そこにいた時の自分の足跡を見つけるでしょう。火星にはかつて生命が豊かに存在していました。皆さんは、そこにいたのです。だから、頭にちっちゃなアンテナが2本あってなぜか緑色をした火星人の話を皆さんが持ち出すと、本当に目が離せなくなって大喜びしています。素晴らしいことです!
Riding the Wave into 2017 - A New Place for Humans to Go
Beacons of Light~ September 2016
by The group & Steve Rother
2017に続く波 by ザ・グループ
今日、皆さんのゲームが順調に推移している中で、やって来るエネルギーについてもう少しお話ししましょう。実際に一つの波に留まりません。宇宙の違うところから多くのエネルギーがやって来ます。最近皆さんが地球のような惑星が最も近い恒星の正に「ゴルディックゾーン(Goldilocks Zone)」の中にあることを発見して、私たちは有頂天になっています。そこは、完全に生命を育む条件にあり、地球とほぼ同じサイズです。人々が夜空を観察しそういう条件の惑星を探す時、実際に人間が行ける新天地を探しているのですが、そうなるでしょう。ウソではありません。ある時点で火星にも行きます。新たな展開の一つです。皆さんは、何らかの形で以前そこにいた時の自分の足跡を見つけるでしょう。火星にはかつて生命が豊かに存在していました。皆さんは、そこにいたのです。だから、頭にちっちゃなアンテナが2本あってなぜか緑色をした火星人の話を皆さんが持ち出すと、本当に目が離せなくなって大喜びしています。素晴らしいことです!
A Mass Awakening ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven by Daniel Scranton
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
A Mass Awakening ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
The occurrence of a phenomenon on your world is worth getting excited about. The occurrence of several phenomena is the start of a movement. It is a sign of an evolution of consciousness. You’re going to experience anomalies, outrageous events that are inexplicable to your logical minds. You are going to see things that you did not think were possible, and it is all going to happen simultaneously, in different parts of your world.
A Mass Awakening ∞The Pleiadian High Council of Seven
The occurrence of a phenomenon on your world is worth getting excited about. The occurrence of several phenomena is the start of a movement. It is a sign of an evolution of consciousness. You’re going to experience anomalies, outrageous events that are inexplicable to your logical minds. You are going to see things that you did not think were possible, and it is all going to happen simultaneously, in different parts of your world.
These events and occurrences are going to have an effect on the collective consciousness. A mass awakening, an awakening of more individuals at one time than you have previously seen, is going to occur. And those who once believed that you were weird for believing in what you believe, are going to look to your for support. This is why you are awakening in waves.
Daniel Scranton 2016-9-20
Daniel Scranton 2016-9-20
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
First question: There are people who are so engulfed in the 3D illusion, that they cling to it with their very essence.
First question: There are people who are so engulfed in the 3D illusion, that they cling to it with their very essence.
What options do they get when it comes to reincarnating? Some will not want a 5D experience.
We are all multidimensional beings, but there are those who choose 3D on very deep levels. I know those in bodies can stay in 3D, but what about those returning?
Second question: I live in a small town in California where UFO conversations are very common—it’s a busy place with very real Galactic experiences on a regular basis.
I get the distinct feeling the starships are visible to those vibrating at a certain frequency—is that one measure of how close our vibration is to approaching 5D?
[The Collective]
Greetings, dear ones! These are both fascinating questions, and we will speak of them each in turn.
It is so that many millions, at least half the human race, are still entrenched in third dimensional reality, to the point where they feel it is foolish to contemplate living in a higher reality before physical death occurs.
転生先とUFO by ザ・コレクティブ
1) 3次元の幻想にどっぷりのめり込んでしがみついている人たちがいます。そういう人がまた生まれる時はどうなるのでしょうか?5次元に来たくない人がいるのですか?
こんにちは、皆さん! 上の質問はどちらも面白いですね。では、お話ししましょう。
We are all multidimensional beings, but there are those who choose 3D on very deep levels. I know those in bodies can stay in 3D, but what about those returning?
Second question: I live in a small town in California where UFO conversations are very common—it’s a busy place with very real Galactic experiences on a regular basis.
I get the distinct feeling the starships are visible to those vibrating at a certain frequency—is that one measure of how close our vibration is to approaching 5D?
[The Collective]
Greetings, dear ones! These are both fascinating questions, and we will speak of them each in turn.
It is so that many millions, at least half the human race, are still entrenched in third dimensional reality, to the point where they feel it is foolish to contemplate living in a higher reality before physical death occurs.
転生先とUFO by ザ・コレクティブ
1) 3次元の幻想にどっぷりのめり込んでしがみついている人たちがいます。そういう人がまた生まれる時はどうなるのでしょうか?5次元に来たくない人がいるのですか?
こんにちは、皆さん! 上の質問はどちらも面白いですね。では、お話ししましょう。
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
"a general feeling that life is surreal and that you are not really here - you are watching it happening, seeing things going on, you’re showing up for things…but part of you isn’t here.
It’s not because you are not willing & it’s not because you are having a problem with what is going on. It’s just that your inner body & your outer body experiences are not exactly lining up.
This is quite usual."
This is quite usual."
~ Rumi
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.Dont go back to sleep.
~ Rumi
~ Rumi
The breeze at dawn has secrets to tell you.Dont go back to sleep.
~ Rumi
~ Rumi
~ Rumi
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
I closed my mouth and spoke to you in a hundred silent ways.
~ Rumi
~ Rumi
I closed my mouth and spoke to you in a hundred silent ways.
~ Rumi
~ Rumi
Kryon – “24-7 & The Coming Tools” - Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon – “24-7 & The Coming Tools”, Lee Carroll 2016-5-8 @ Birmingham, UK
オールドソールのニュー・ツール(字幕) by クライオン
Kryon – “24-7 & The Coming Tools”, Lee Carroll 2016-5-8 @ Birmingham, UK
オールドソールのニュー・ツール(字幕) by クライオン
~Archangel Gabriel by Trinity Esoterics
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Trinity Esoterics
Trinity Esoterics
Dear Ones, we know that in turbulent energies it can be difficult to know how to proceed. There is wisdom in waiting before you do anything until you have more clarity.
We understand that you may wish to do something definitive in order to find some measure of control. But deciding to wait until things settle and you have a better sense of what is the right direction for you, is still making a decision, and it is one that will serve you well.
The fact that you are unclear, is telling you that you are not far enough into what the energies are supporting for you. Times of energetic intensity are meant for self care, for pausing, for integrating.
The optimal time to make choices is once you have reached the new vista that exists on the other side of the intense energies you have been in. To decide then means you are making a decision based on what is a match to the newest version of you.
~Archangel Gabriel
The fact that you are unclear, is telling you that you are not far enough into what the energies are supporting for you. Times of energetic intensity are meant for self care, for pausing, for integrating.
The optimal time to make choices is once you have reached the new vista that exists on the other side of the intense energies you have been in. To decide then means you are making a decision based on what is a match to the newest version of you.
~Archangel Gabriel
~Archangel Gabriel
~Archangel Gabriel
Sananda ~ Incredible Opportunity Ahead by Jenny Schiltz
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Sananda ~ Incredible Opportunity Ahead by Jenny Schiltz 2016-9-19
It is important that you understand what an amazing time period you are living through. This is the time period when all of your lives, your lessons, and growth achieved come into one final culmination. For those that have chosen to ascend this is your graduation time. What graduation means for each person will look and feel different. Yet, the premise for each... soul is the same. It is during this lifetime that you will remove all that impedes you from embodying your soul on earth. It is in this beautiful merging that you will understand the reason for your incarnations on earth and everything that you have gained.
Sananda ~ Incredible Opportunity Ahead by Jenny Schiltz 2016-9-19
It is important that you understand what an amazing time period you are living through. This is the time period when all of your lives, your lessons, and growth achieved come into one final culmination. For those that have chosen to ascend this is your graduation time. What graduation means for each person will look and feel different. Yet, the premise for each... soul is the same. It is during this lifetime that you will remove all that impedes you from embodying your soul on earth. It is in this beautiful merging that you will understand the reason for your incarnations on earth and everything that you have gained.
At this moment, the accelerated timeline is anchored into your world and this allows each of you access to it. With the approaching equinox, you each have the opportunity to leave behind the old and walk into the new. It is for this reason that so many of you have been experiencing deep releasing of the physical and emotional. It is coming forth for you to see it, feel it and choose to leave it in the past. While this may feel overwhelming and you may be at a loss on how to let go and move beyond what was, the answer is quite simple.
When you are feeling burdened by your fears, your past, or your patterns, sit and ask your heart chakra to open to its fullest. Ask that you receive all the love that source has to offer and that this love help you to release all that is not stable within you. Allow this love to fill you completely and in doing so, show you the way. For there is only one way to the New Earth, only one path to Ascension and that is being and resonating with the same frequency of love that Source gives you.
素晴らしい機会が待っています by サナンダ
When you are feeling burdened by your fears, your past, or your patterns, sit and ask your heart chakra to open to its fullest. Ask that you receive all the love that source has to offer and that this love help you to release all that is not stable within you. Allow this love to fill you completely and in doing so, show you the way. For there is only one way to the New Earth, only one path to Ascension and that is being and resonating with the same frequency of love that Source gives you.
素晴らしい機会が待っています by サナンダ
Archangel Metatron "Eighth level Light Body creates body changes in some extreme ways." by Lady Eleanor Gudnason
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Metatron - Light Body 2
"Eighth level Light Body creates body changes in some extreme ways." by Lady Eleanor Gudnason
メタトロンのライトボディ(2)ライトボディ第8レベル ~ 大きな変化
Archangel Metatron - Light Body 2
"Eighth level Light Body creates body changes in some extreme ways." by Lady Eleanor Gudnason
メタトロンのライトボディ(2)ライトボディ第8レベル ~ 大きな変化
Archangel Metatron "The Ascension is Life Lived from Joy" by Lady Eleanor Gudnason
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Metatron - Light Body 1
"The Ascension is Life Lived from Joy" by Lady Eleanor Gudnason
メタトロンのライトボディ(1) アセンションは喜びで生きる人生
Archangel Metatron - Light Body 1
"The Ascension is Life Lived from Joy" by Lady Eleanor Gudnason
メタトロンのライトボディ(1) アセンションは喜びで生きる人生
~ Kahlil Gibran
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from waiting no control it.
~ Kahlil Gibran
- ハリール・ジブラーン
Our anxiety does not come from thinking about the future, but from waiting no control it.
~ Kahlil Gibran
- ハリール・ジブラーン
Ascension and Physical Transmutations ~ Healing Energy Tools
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Ascension and Physical Transmutations ~ Healing Energy Tools
The body during Ascension will know how to readjust and reorganize itself because this process is quite normal. This process of transformation has been coded within the cells of the body and is taking place naturally. What people are now learning to do is how to assist what is occurring naturally with outside factors: being aware of the foods they are eating, being ...aware of their connection to the earth and by being aware of the direction their body is leading them. The greater you are aware of the process, the greater you can assist what is already going on and will be continuing at its natural pace according to the cellular coding for each individual.
Ascension and Physical Transmutations ~ Healing Energy Tools
The body during Ascension will know how to readjust and reorganize itself because this process is quite normal. This process of transformation has been coded within the cells of the body and is taking place naturally. What people are now learning to do is how to assist what is occurring naturally with outside factors: being aware of the foods they are eating, being ...aware of their connection to the earth and by being aware of the direction their body is leading them. The greater you are aware of the process, the greater you can assist what is already going on and will be continuing at its natural pace according to the cellular coding for each individual.
Each person is unique and will be more attuned to certain energies than other persons. The analogy could be made of having a transmitter calibrated to receive a particular radio station. People will resonate with different wavelengths at different vibrational frequencies than other people. Whatever wavelengths your particular design is calibrated to, these wavelengths are pathways cut in your consciousness.
Once you have begun to transmute, or change, the energies of these particular frequencies of the universe will take advantage of these pathways to transmit more and more of the same energies to you. The shift in perception from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension brings about emotional, physical and mental refinement that often takes the form of instability and trauma during the process of transmutation. These are real tests to be faced that contain lessons to be learned during Ascension.
アセンションと身体変化 by Humanity Healing
Once you have begun to transmute, or change, the energies of these particular frequencies of the universe will take advantage of these pathways to transmit more and more of the same energies to you. The shift in perception from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension brings about emotional, physical and mental refinement that often takes the form of instability and trauma during the process of transmutation. These are real tests to be faced that contain lessons to be learned during Ascension.
アセンションと身体変化 by Humanity Healing
Kryon - The Interdimensional Universe - Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Interdimensional Universe
Kryon speaks of things difficult to understand, and broaches the interdimensionality of space and all that you see. In addition, he gives scientists something to think about: Is the speed of light really the absolute fastest thing we have? What is the actual shape of the Universe? Kryon also again speaks of the changes within the "Cave of Creation" that are occurring.
多次元の宇宙 by クライオン
皆さん、ここにいる人たちにまさに今、多次元がいくつか視覚上で見えています。多次元になり始めている人がいます! 完全ではありませんよ。でも、“見えないもの”の問題に風穴を開けようとしています。今まで見たことがない暗い影のようなものが現れる時、それがどういうことか皆さんにお聞きします。いろいろな所でそういうものを探してきましたね。視界の隅で、動くものが見えるのです。
皆さんの次元において、宇宙の形はトロイド(トーラス)のように見えます。タイヤとかドーナツに似ています。DNAにも同じようなトロイド形状が見られます。宇宙の形はメビウス・トロイドの形です。そこでは、科学と理論的観察では、観察するものと何十億光年も離れていると教えていますが、それは幻想だということ、多次元の宇宙は、チューブ状のソックスと同じようなものだと言ったらどうですか? 直線の1億光年は、隣の家位の距離だということがあり得るのでしょうか? その答えは、「はい」と断言できます。
The Interdimensional Universe
Kryon speaks of things difficult to understand, and broaches the interdimensionality of space and all that you see. In addition, he gives scientists something to think about: Is the speed of light really the absolute fastest thing we have? What is the actual shape of the Universe? Kryon also again speaks of the changes within the "Cave of Creation" that are occurring.
多次元の宇宙 by クライオン
皆さん、ここにいる人たちにまさに今、多次元がいくつか視覚上で見えています。多次元になり始めている人がいます! 完全ではありませんよ。でも、“見えないもの”の問題に風穴を開けようとしています。今まで見たことがない暗い影のようなものが現れる時、それがどういうことか皆さんにお聞きします。いろいろな所でそういうものを探してきましたね。視界の隅で、動くものが見えるのです。
皆さんの次元において、宇宙の形はトロイド(トーラス)のように見えます。タイヤとかドーナツに似ています。DNAにも同じようなトロイド形状が見られます。宇宙の形はメビウス・トロイドの形です。そこでは、科学と理論的観察では、観察するものと何十億光年も離れていると教えていますが、それは幻想だということ、多次元の宇宙は、チューブ状のソックスと同じようなものだと言ったらどうですか? 直線の1億光年は、隣の家位の距離だということがあり得るのでしょうか? その答えは、「はい」と断言できます。
Planetary Shift Timeline by Romeo Baron
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Planetary Shift Timeline by Romeo Baron
The Fall Equinox 2016 will allow another huge acceleration of ascension energies to blast through the Christic Grids of Mother Earth. And then the Winter Solstice, the final BLAST of cosmic light energy coming from the Collective Consciousness of the Elohim Guardians, including the alliance of the cosmos. When this great explosion of divine light flows throughout the planet, Everything Will Change!
Planetary Shift Timeline by Romeo Baron
The Fall Equinox 2016 will allow another huge acceleration of ascension energies to blast through the Christic Grids of Mother Earth. And then the Winter Solstice, the final BLAST of cosmic light energy coming from the Collective Consciousness of the Elohim Guardians, including the alliance of the cosmos. When this great explosion of divine light flows throughout the planet, Everything Will Change!
* This Fall will bring the first stage of the planetary shift; the opening of Ascension portals that will allow all the Star gates to activate. The opening the Ascension Portals will be completed and this will allow the original Christ light consciousness to REMOVE anything that is not in harmonic alignment with the original divine plan for mother Earth. This is what will truly shift us into a new Earth reality.(to be continued)
当面の地球のシフト by ロメオ・バロン
当面の地球のシフト by ロメオ・バロン
Archangel Metaatron - Positive Process - The Multidimensional 'Law of Attraction' via J. Tyberonn
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Metaatron - Positive Process - The Multidimensional 'Law of Attraction' via J. Tyberonn
In the present moment of awareness you can proactively program the mind to focus on positive. If you image positive visualizations about any difficult or untoward scenario your mind will project telepathic waves of energy for positive transition. As such you can learn to dissolve a negative thought or picture by replacing it with its opposite.
Archangel Metaatron - Positive Process - The Multidimensional 'Law of Attraction' via J. Tyberonn
In the present moment of awareness you can proactively program the mind to focus on positive. If you image positive visualizations about any difficult or untoward scenario your mind will project telepathic waves of energy for positive transition. As such you can learn to dissolve a negative thought or picture by replacing it with its opposite.
It is not sufficient however to merely repress negative thoughts, such as self-loathing, fears, angers, guilts, or resentment. Rather these must be recognized, confronted and replaced. By deep inward auditing of thoughts and feelings, you can take an inventory of your emotional field and tie it to erroneous belief systems. In fact the trial and error nature of cause and effect will ultimately lead you to such a clearing. Better sooner than later.
So through intent, learn to recognize negative patterns when dense or negative feelings occur. Then immediately replace these with a happier, joyful positive feeling. But herein, it is easy to misunderstand, and simply repress negativity in a wide sweeping dismissal. It is a far more complex scope to resolve, but none the less, can be resolved.
時間の本質 by 大天使メタトロン
So through intent, learn to recognize negative patterns when dense or negative feelings occur. Then immediately replace these with a happier, joyful positive feeling. But herein, it is easy to misunderstand, and simply repress negativity in a wide sweeping dismissal. It is a far more complex scope to resolve, but none the less, can be resolved.
時間の本質 by 大天使メタトロン
A Lesson In Time by The group & Steve Rother
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Beacons of Light 光の灯台
A Lesson In Time ~ The First Lesson of Time from the Keeper of Time
The group & Steve Rother
時間の授業 by ザ・グループ
~ 時のキーパー 最初のレッスン 2012-11-15
Beacons of Light 光の灯台
A Lesson In Time ~ The First Lesson of Time from the Keeper of Time
The group & Steve Rother
時間の授業 by ザ・グループ
~ 時のキーパー 最初のレッスン 2012-11-15
Kryon - Future Society from "Big Filters", Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Future Society from "Big Filters", Lee Carroll
Bio-computer, Dark Matter, Alzheimer, Seven Sisters, Stem Cells, Wars, ,,,,
未来の人間社会(字幕)by クライオン
Kryon - Future Society from "Big Filters", Lee Carroll
Bio-computer, Dark Matter, Alzheimer, Seven Sisters, Stem Cells, Wars, ,,,,
未来の人間社会(字幕)by クライオン
~ Understanding the TIME and SPACE continuum. Working with the NOW moment of time. Walking into your POWER. AA Metatron & 33rd Dimension ~by Anna Merkaba
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
~ Understanding the TIME and SPACE continuum. Working with the NOW moment of time. Walking into your POWER. AA Metatron & 33rd Dimension ~ by Anna Merkaba 2014-5-4
時空の連続を理解する by 大天使メタトロン
~ Understanding the TIME and SPACE continuum. Working with the NOW moment of time. Walking into your POWER. AA Metatron & 33rd Dimension ~ by Anna Merkaba 2014-5-4
時空の連続を理解する by 大天使メタトロン
8 Methods of Grounding and Connecting to the Earth’s Frequencies by Adam Lanka
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
8 Methods of Grounding and Connecting to the Earth’s Frequencies by Adam Lanka
The term grounding means connected to the Earth, and it is one that spans numerous different cultures, traditions, and spiritual practices. While it is associated with feelings of balance, connection, centeredness, sinking, being anchored and in the flow, I would like to explore the greater implications of what is happening every time you go outside and relax into nature.
All species upon our planet are shaped by the forces and presence of the Earth and the cosmos, and as such this connection is deeply inherent to a sustainable state of well-being. The Earth, as an organic and inorganic system, is constantly bathing all life on the planet with its highly ordered and coherent electromagnetic field. The natural tendency of an organism is to couple with the Earth’s energy field, and come into a state of mutual cooperation and harmony with its external environment, finding its niche and its place within a system.
What we need to understand is that all systems strive to achieve, return to, or maintain a state of pure coherence. In every single moment, whether one is aware of it or not, we are taking part in a constant process within our universe, coupling with other energy fields and finding some sort of balance within this space. This happens everywhere, with life within an ecosystem, when you sit down in your favorite chair and watch television, when you play with animals, or when you say hello to your neighbor. We are constantly interacting with the energy fields all around us in varying degrees and to varying results.
The more organized or coherent these fields are, the more effectively and efficiently energy can be transferred to both stimulate and enhance the lesser organized of the two. Of utmost important to all life on our planet, the Earth’s field has a normal lower range of ~7.8 Hz, also known as the Schumann Resonance.
This natural rhythm is found in multiple places within the human organism, and it is inherent to functioning at our most efficient, sustainable, and coherent state. The human body cavity resonates at 7.8 Hz. Our Alpha and Theta brain waves both border the frequency of 7.8 Hz. These brain waves are associated with insight, intuition, inspiration, meditation, relaxation, and calmness.
8 Methods of Grounding and Connecting to the Earth’s Frequencies by Adam Lanka
The term grounding means connected to the Earth, and it is one that spans numerous different cultures, traditions, and spiritual practices. While it is associated with feelings of balance, connection, centeredness, sinking, being anchored and in the flow, I would like to explore the greater implications of what is happening every time you go outside and relax into nature.
All species upon our planet are shaped by the forces and presence of the Earth and the cosmos, and as such this connection is deeply inherent to a sustainable state of well-being. The Earth, as an organic and inorganic system, is constantly bathing all life on the planet with its highly ordered and coherent electromagnetic field. The natural tendency of an organism is to couple with the Earth’s energy field, and come into a state of mutual cooperation and harmony with its external environment, finding its niche and its place within a system.
What we need to understand is that all systems strive to achieve, return to, or maintain a state of pure coherence. In every single moment, whether one is aware of it or not, we are taking part in a constant process within our universe, coupling with other energy fields and finding some sort of balance within this space. This happens everywhere, with life within an ecosystem, when you sit down in your favorite chair and watch television, when you play with animals, or when you say hello to your neighbor. We are constantly interacting with the energy fields all around us in varying degrees and to varying results.
The more organized or coherent these fields are, the more effectively and efficiently energy can be transferred to both stimulate and enhance the lesser organized of the two. Of utmost important to all life on our planet, the Earth’s field has a normal lower range of ~7.8 Hz, also known as the Schumann Resonance.
This natural rhythm is found in multiple places within the human organism, and it is inherent to functioning at our most efficient, sustainable, and coherent state. The human body cavity resonates at 7.8 Hz. Our Alpha and Theta brain waves both border the frequency of 7.8 Hz. These brain waves are associated with insight, intuition, inspiration, meditation, relaxation, and calmness.
Archangel Michael ~ Earth Team Support - Timeline Energies and the PTD Effects thru Celia Fenn
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael ~ Earth Team Support - Timeline Energies and the PTD Effects thru Celia Fenn
Beloved Family of Light, we know that many of you are having difficulties in the current energies. "what is going on?" many of you are asking as you deal with a physical reality that seems to be going a little crazy. "What am I doing here?" another question we are asked, and so we will answer your questions in terms of the New Reality and a new Perception of Time and Space.
Please understand that when you passed through the Great Portal of 2012 you entered into a completely new relationship with Time and Space. Many of you became Rainbow Light Warriors and you began to also work with Time, with Timelines and with Quantum Jumping between Timelines. It is this new aspect of your work on Earth that is creating these deep feelings of confusion and anxiety. This is the first time that you have attempted this form of Time Perception and Creation in the Human Form. It is because you have now activated your Light Body and your Multi-Dimensional Being that you are able to access a new perception of Reality.
Timeline Jumping and How it Feels
Now, Beloved Family of Light, this information is given especially to support the Earth Warrior Team who have just Quantum Jumped Timelines as a Team in order to work in the version of Earth that is most chaotic and confused at the present moment. Your Physical and Emotional Bodies may be trying to process the intense stress of Quantum Jumping Timelines in a physical vehicle. This is what we call the PTD effect, Post Timeline-Jump Distress.
Earth Support Teams and PTD
Dearly Beloved Warriors of Light, if you feel lost and disoriented after your jump, know that there is a huge Support Team of Angelic Light Beings on hand to guide you and support you and bring you back into balance. Rest, if you need to. There is time for your New Work and the the New People you will work with to find you. Your "Teams" are assembling with new projects and new ideas for the next phase of the work. Remember always to draw on the Diamond Light in your Hearts and to feel and work with Divine Love and Compassion that flows through the Diamond Light. Know that the Earth supports you and opens a path for you in this New Reality. Nature supports you. All is well!
Diamond Codes: Guidelines for the New Reality
Beloved Light Warriors, here we will summarize the information given in the "Diamond Codes", to assist you to bring your body back into balance.
タイムラインのエネルギーとPTD by 大天使ミカエル
アセンションと変容の過程を進み、ライトボディを活性化し、松果体のスイッチを入れたので、皆さんは余りストレスなくタイムラインを飛び越えることが出来ます。全くストレスがないというわけではありません。ある程度は感じます。でも「ダイヤモンド・コード」という私たちのガイドラインに沿って行けばすぐに新しいタイムラインがしっくり来るでしょう。 大きなタイムラインがシフトして多くの人は混乱を引き起こし、方向感覚を見失いました。その時に「心理的疲労感」を起こし、短期間記憶を失いました。睡眠障害、ストレス、不安といった中で肉体と精神はこのラディカルな方向転換に順応しようとしました。肉体と感情体は肉体のままでタイムラインをクォンタムジャンプしようとして強いストレスを受けます。それが「ポスト・タイムラインージャンプ・ディストレス(PTD: Post Timeline-Jump Distressタイムライン飛躍後ストレス障害)」現象というものです。ダイヤモンド・コード:ニュー・リアリティのガイドライン
Archangel Michael ~ Earth Team Support - Timeline Energies and the PTD Effects thru Celia Fenn
Beloved Family of Light, we know that many of you are having difficulties in the current energies. "what is going on?" many of you are asking as you deal with a physical reality that seems to be going a little crazy. "What am I doing here?" another question we are asked, and so we will answer your questions in terms of the New Reality and a new Perception of Time and Space.
Please understand that when you passed through the Great Portal of 2012 you entered into a completely new relationship with Time and Space. Many of you became Rainbow Light Warriors and you began to also work with Time, with Timelines and with Quantum Jumping between Timelines. It is this new aspect of your work on Earth that is creating these deep feelings of confusion and anxiety. This is the first time that you have attempted this form of Time Perception and Creation in the Human Form. It is because you have now activated your Light Body and your Multi-Dimensional Being that you are able to access a new perception of Reality.
Timeline Jumping and How it Feels
Now, Beloved Family of Light, this information is given especially to support the Earth Warrior Team who have just Quantum Jumped Timelines as a Team in order to work in the version of Earth that is most chaotic and confused at the present moment. Your Physical and Emotional Bodies may be trying to process the intense stress of Quantum Jumping Timelines in a physical vehicle. This is what we call the PTD effect, Post Timeline-Jump Distress.
Earth Support Teams and PTD
Dearly Beloved Warriors of Light, if you feel lost and disoriented after your jump, know that there is a huge Support Team of Angelic Light Beings on hand to guide you and support you and bring you back into balance. Rest, if you need to. There is time for your New Work and the the New People you will work with to find you. Your "Teams" are assembling with new projects and new ideas for the next phase of the work. Remember always to draw on the Diamond Light in your Hearts and to feel and work with Divine Love and Compassion that flows through the Diamond Light. Know that the Earth supports you and opens a path for you in this New Reality. Nature supports you. All is well!
Diamond Codes: Guidelines for the New Reality
Beloved Light Warriors, here we will summarize the information given in the "Diamond Codes", to assist you to bring your body back into balance.
タイムラインのエネルギーとPTD by 大天使ミカエル
アセンションと変容の過程を進み、ライトボディを活性化し、松果体のスイッチを入れたので、皆さんは余りストレスなくタイムラインを飛び越えることが出来ます。全くストレスがないというわけではありません。ある程度は感じます。でも「ダイヤモンド・コード」という私たちのガイドラインに沿って行けばすぐに新しいタイムラインがしっくり来るでしょう。 大きなタイムラインがシフトして多くの人は混乱を引き起こし、方向感覚を見失いました。その時に「心理的疲労感」を起こし、短期間記憶を失いました。睡眠障害、ストレス、不安といった中で肉体と精神はこのラディカルな方向転換に順応しようとしました。肉体と感情体は肉体のままでタイムラインをクォンタムジャンプしようとして強いストレスを受けます。それが「ポスト・タイムラインージャンプ・ディストレス(PTD: Post Timeline-Jump Distressタイムライン飛躍後ストレス障害)」現象というものです。ダイヤモンド・コード:ニュー・リアリティのガイドライン
Archangel Metatron|~ Awakening by Melanie Beckler
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Metatron|~ Awakening by Melanie Beckler
Open your heart. Quiet your mind. Focusing inward and focusing on your breath, allow yourself to feel. Yes, there have been blockages created. Many of you have cut yourselves off from feeling in an attempt to avoid the experience of pain, but know that you are safe now in feeling, in opening your heart, and allowing the experience of the divine into your life. The energy of unconditional love swirls around you now. Indeed, cleansing your energy and assisting you in lifting, in raising your vibration and in expanding your consciousness so that you might lift, all from within, and begin to experience the higher realms – the realm in which angels dwell, in which the powerful and love-filled being that is your soul also dwells.
Archangel Metatron|~ Awakening by Melanie Beckler
Open your heart. Quiet your mind. Focusing inward and focusing on your breath, allow yourself to feel. Yes, there have been blockages created. Many of you have cut yourselves off from feeling in an attempt to avoid the experience of pain, but know that you are safe now in feeling, in opening your heart, and allowing the experience of the divine into your life. The energy of unconditional love swirls around you now. Indeed, cleansing your energy and assisting you in lifting, in raising your vibration and in expanding your consciousness so that you might lift, all from within, and begin to experience the higher realms – the realm in which angels dwell, in which the powerful and love-filled being that is your soul also dwells.
Tune in now. You’re opening your heart and allowing your energy to lift. This raising of vibration is nothing new to you, for it is what you and what your Earth are going through at this time. This has been named the ascension, and truly you are lifting and expanding in vibration. You are ascending, and this is a powerful and exciting time for you. For the illusion, the veil that separates you from your truth and from the higher realms, has thinned and indeed is lifting, allowing you the opportunity to truly connect, as you are connecting now, to expand and to open to a new experience.
Thus far in your life, you have no doubt come to learn that you are living in a plane of duality where there are experiences of great joy, as well as experiences that cause sadness and pain and grief. Where you are now, as an individual, a species, and truly the entire planet, you are at the brink of a new era. A New Earth you might say. You are evolving and you are moving into experiencing the fifth dimension. Not all of humanity will make this shift along with Earth.
目覚める by 大天使メタトロン
Thus far in your life, you have no doubt come to learn that you are living in a plane of duality where there are experiences of great joy, as well as experiences that cause sadness and pain and grief. Where you are now, as an individual, a species, and truly the entire planet, you are at the brink of a new era. A New Earth you might say. You are evolving and you are moving into experiencing the fifth dimension. Not all of humanity will make this shift along with Earth.
目覚める by 大天使メタトロン
Kryon ~ "Attributes of the Match Bearer" - Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike ( Minoru Enomoto )
Kryon ~ "Attributes of the Match Bearer" - Lee Carroll
クライオン - マッチ所持者の特徴
Kryon ~ "Attributes of the Match Bearer" - Lee Carroll
クライオン - マッチ所持者の特徴
Message from the Pleiadians September 2016 thru Christine Day
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Message from the Pleiadians September 2016 thru Christine Day
We, Pleiadians are holding the energy of a powerful Covenant that is creating a series of dimensional shifts designed to break down the illusion that has been forged in your world for lifetimes. These shifts make it possible for you, as an individual to stabilize into the sacred that exists within you and move beyond the currently held illusions on your planet. These illusions have kept you entrenched within the drama of your 3rd dimensional lives.
Message from the Pleiadians September 2016 thru Christine Day
We, Pleiadians are holding the energy of a powerful Covenant that is creating a series of dimensional shifts designed to break down the illusion that has been forged in your world for lifetimes. These shifts make it possible for you, as an individual to stabilize into the sacred that exists within you and move beyond the currently held illusions on your planet. These illusions have kept you entrenched within the drama of your 3rd dimensional lives.
Each one of you is being called forward to open into a deeper reunion within your own heart structure enabling you to align to the Truth that can be found as you align within your heart space. This Truth reconnects you to the Collective Oneness that is a manifested aspect of you. In reality we, you, are an aspect of the ‘family of light’. Every human being holds an aspect of the One God Consciousness. Remember it is through your heart that you can transcend the illusion that is on your planet. You draw the strength and Truth from the sacred heritage, which exists through your heart connection.
It is important for you to understand that the greatest ingredient holding the illusion on Earth in place is the energy of fear. Fear is inbuilt within the consciousness of mankind. Now you can begin to consciously move away from the old way of reacting to the illusion of fear, which has dictated, impacted your decision making process.
The development of your higher level of consciousness connection originates through your heart structure. This pure source of energy, which has begun generating on your planet taking the form of the imprint patterns, supports your realignment to a place in reality that moves you beyond the illusion.
プレアデス 2016-09 by クリスティン・デイ
It is important for you to understand that the greatest ingredient holding the illusion on Earth in place is the energy of fear. Fear is inbuilt within the consciousness of mankind. Now you can begin to consciously move away from the old way of reacting to the illusion of fear, which has dictated, impacted your decision making process.
The development of your higher level of consciousness connection originates through your heart structure. This pure source of energy, which has begun generating on your planet taking the form of the imprint patterns, supports your realignment to a place in reality that moves you beyond the illusion.
プレアデス 2016-09 by クリスティン・デイ
8 Methods of Grounding and Connecting to the Earth’s Frequencies by Adam Lanka
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
8 Methods of Grounding and Connecting to the Earth’s Frequencies
by Adam Lanka
8 Methods of Grounding and Connecting to the Earth’s Frequencies
by Adam Lanka
Grounding meditation with Archangel Michael by Melanie Beckler
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Grounding meditation with Archangel Michael
by Melanie Beckler
ミカエルとのグランディング瞑想 by 大天使ミカエル
Grounding meditation with Archangel Michael
by Melanie Beckler
ミカエルとのグランディング瞑想 by 大天使ミカエル
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Beloved masters, even though it may not seem so from your vantage point, wondrous things are transpiring throughout this Sub-Universe. By now many of you are aware that your galaxy, and particularly your small planet, are the focal point of these momentous happenings. Before your planet was created, it was decreed that it would become the Zero Point or the central focus for a new creative endeavor—whereby the Angelic Realm, the Cocreator Gods, the Great Beings of Light, and the StarSeed from throughout the Omniverse would send forth Fragments of their Essence to Earth, and thereby, they would bring their Light, their wisdom and their desire to assist in fulfilling the Creator’s Grand Plan.
Beloved masters, even though it may not seem so from your vantage point, wondrous things are transpiring throughout this Sub-Universe. By now many of you are aware that your galaxy, and particularly your small planet, are the focal point of these momentous happenings. Before your planet was created, it was decreed that it would become the Zero Point or the central focus for a new creative endeavor—whereby the Angelic Realm, the Cocreator Gods, the Great Beings of Light, and the StarSeed from throughout the Omniverse would send forth Fragments of their Essence to Earth, and thereby, they would bring their Light, their wisdom and their desire to assist in fulfilling the Creator’s Grand Plan.
Great Beings of Light who had never before left their home within the Great Central Sun of their Universe agreed to do so, and to Fragment themselves into lesser Sparks of God Light, in order to bring their radiance, their love and their wisdom to planet Earth. The Beloved One called Jesus/Yeshua/Jeshua, the Great Kumaras, the Buddhas, Lord Melchizedek, Rama and Krishna, plus the radiant and mighty Angelic Kingdom, to name only a few, came from far-distant Universes created long before this young Universe came into being.
アバター・アセンデッドマスター・光の偉大な存在 by 大天使ミカエル
アバター・アセンデッドマスター・光の偉大な存在 by 大天使ミカエル
~Archangel Gabriel by Trinity Esoterics
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Trinity Esoterics
~Archangel Gabriel
Trinity Esoterics
Dear Ones, the word we think best describes the theme of the day is allow. Allow yourself to move with the energies. Allow yourself to be exactly who you are without the need to fix or deny anything, embracing your glorious divinity. Allow others to be where they are without feeling the responsibility to fix anything because they are masters in their own right. And lastly, allow yourself to be thankful for the incredible process you are such an important part of, during this time of acceleration and shifting on your planet. Just allow it all to be in all its divine perfection. ~Archangel Gabriel
~Archangel Gabriel
Celia Fenn
Translation by Ligtworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Celia Fenn
So you may be feeling the intense energies!
Celia Fenn
So you may be feeling the intense energies!
~Full Moon in Pisces with Lunar Eclipse is only two days away on the 16th, followed by a second wave of the 9/9/9 energy on the 18th.
I woke up this morning feeling the waves of energy moving through my body.
Pisces brings intense waves of deep energy that shifts things deep in the Collective and within your own psyche. You may be getting ready to release a pattern of being that has been holding you back for many years. You may be rethinking certain relationships. You may be moving firmly towards your Mastery and your Passion in every aspect of your life!
Enjoy the ride. Don't stress too much and rest when you need to.
Enjoy drinking lots of refreshing water, and also swimming or bathing. This is a power time for the WATER element, whether in Earth form or in the Cosmic forms of emotions, feelings and dreams.
Flow with your dreams and allow them to Manifest!
The Earth is manifesting a New Dream too!
セリア・フェンI woke up this morning feeling the waves of energy moving through my body.
Pisces brings intense waves of deep energy that shifts things deep in the Collective and within your own psyche. You may be getting ready to release a pattern of being that has been holding you back for many years. You may be rethinking certain relationships. You may be moving firmly towards your Mastery and your Passion in every aspect of your life!
Enjoy the ride. Don't stress too much and rest when you need to.
Enjoy drinking lots of refreshing water, and also swimming or bathing. This is a power time for the WATER element, whether in Earth form or in the Cosmic forms of emotions, feelings and dreams.
Flow with your dreams and allow them to Manifest!
The Earth is manifesting a New Dream too!
夢に乗って夢を実現してください! 地球は新しい夢も実現しようとしています!その一つ一つを楽しみ、必要なら休んでください。新鮮な水をたくさん飲んで水浴びをしたり、泳いだり、お風呂に浸かったりしてください。今、体にいる時も、また、感情、感覚、夢で宇宙に繋がっている時も、水の元素(精)が強くなる時です。
夢に乗って夢を実現してください! 地球は新しい夢も実現しようとしています!
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
When you feel a peaceful joy, that's when you are near truth.
~ Rumi
When you feel a peaceful joy, that's when you are near truth.
~ Rumi
~ Lao Tzu
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
He who knows, does not speak.
He who speaks, does not know.
He who knows, does not speak.
He who speaks, does not know.
~ Lao Tzu
Archangel Michael - The reforming of your physical body to crystalline by Méline Portia Lafont
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael - "The reforming of your physical body to crystalline" by Méline Portia Lafont 2015-5-7
体がクリスタラインに変わる by 大天使ミカエル
メリーヌ: 大天使ミカエル、ライトボディについてお話して来ましたが、もう少し肉体的レベルで説明していただけますか、それと他の人との関係についてどうなるのかについてもお願いします。...
大天使ミカエル(AAM): もちろん、喜んでお答えしましょう。私は愛のメッセンジャーです。これからお話しましょう。
メリーヌ: ありがとう。これまでお聞きしたのは、細胞が炭素からシリコン、あるいはクリスタライン状態に変わることでした。今後、それがどういうことになっていくことなのか初めからこれを読んでいる人たちに説明してもらえますか。細胞が100%クリスタライン状態になるとどんな風になるのか教えてください。ここに来ていただき、あなたのエネルギーに感謝します。
AAM: 喜んで! 簡単な所から始めましょう。知っているように、体は、各細胞内の神のコードを吸収同化することによって変っていきます。この神のコードは単純に言うと、キリスト光とその意識で、体の細胞と原子の中心に定着しようとします。自己受容が進み、自分を知り自分を愛せるようになって定着化が進むと、細胞構造と体は深い幾つかのレベルがシフトを起こします。この深いレベルは光量の多いレベルのことですが、皆さんはそれに気づいて行くようになるでしょう。
Archangel Michael - "The reforming of your physical body to crystalline" by Méline Portia Lafont 2015-5-7
体がクリスタラインに変わる by 大天使ミカエル
メリーヌ: 大天使ミカエル、ライトボディについてお話して来ましたが、もう少し肉体的レベルで説明していただけますか、それと他の人との関係についてどうなるのかについてもお願いします。...
大天使ミカエル(AAM): もちろん、喜んでお答えしましょう。私は愛のメッセンジャーです。これからお話しましょう。
メリーヌ: ありがとう。これまでお聞きしたのは、細胞が炭素からシリコン、あるいはクリスタライン状態に変わることでした。今後、それがどういうことになっていくことなのか初めからこれを読んでいる人たちに説明してもらえますか。細胞が100%クリスタライン状態になるとどんな風になるのか教えてください。ここに来ていただき、あなたのエネルギーに感謝します。
AAM: 喜んで! 簡単な所から始めましょう。知っているように、体は、各細胞内の神のコードを吸収同化することによって変っていきます。この神のコードは単純に言うと、キリスト光とその意識で、体の細胞と原子の中心に定着しようとします。自己受容が進み、自分を知り自分を愛せるようになって定着化が進むと、細胞構造と体は深い幾つかのレベルがシフトを起こします。この深いレベルは光量の多いレベルのことですが、皆さんはそれに気づいて行くようになるでしょう。
Orin "What Is the Light Body?"
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Orin "What Is the Light Body?"
Your light body is an energy body that exists at a higher level, closer to your soul, than your chakras. You have seven vibrational energy body centers and three light body centers, for a total of ten centers that power and make up your light body.
Orin "What Is the Light Body?"
Your light body is an energy body that exists at a higher level, closer to your soul, than your chakras. You have seven vibrational energy body centers and three light body centers, for a total of ten centers that power and make up your light body.
As you awaken your light body you will learn how to change less harmonious energies into positive ones and use the energy around you to go higher. You may experience a stronger sense of personal power and a greater ability to control your emotions, stay centered, release old blocks and stuck emotional energy, and respond with love and compassion.
Your light body opens doorways to the higher realms of light, such as the soul plane. Awakening your light body assists you in adding light to your thoughts, opening your channel upward, and connecting with the Universal Mind. As you awaken your light body you will learn how to get into states of consciousness where you can more easily choose actions that reflect the light of your soul and higher self. You can experience many illumined states of awareness in these journeys; states of consciousness that are deeply insightful, blissful, and take you beyond thought into direct experiences of beingness. In these states you can see, sense, or feel the expansive energies of the higher dimensions and make them a part of your daily life.
ライトボディと活性化 by オリン
Light Body/Merkaba Activation Light Attunements
by Anrita Melchizedek
Your light body opens doorways to the higher realms of light, such as the soul plane. Awakening your light body assists you in adding light to your thoughts, opening your channel upward, and connecting with the Universal Mind. As you awaken your light body you will learn how to get into states of consciousness where you can more easily choose actions that reflect the light of your soul and higher self. You can experience many illumined states of awareness in these journeys; states of consciousness that are deeply insightful, blissful, and take you beyond thought into direct experiences of beingness. In these states you can see, sense, or feel the expansive energies of the higher dimensions and make them a part of your daily life.
ライトボディと活性化 by オリン
Light Body/Merkaba Activation Light Attunements
by Anrita Melchizedek
Sustaining the Galactic Blueprint by Peggy Black and the ‘team’
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Message from the ‘Team’ ~ Sustaining the Galactic Blueprint
by Peggy Black and the ‘team’ 8-17-15
銀河のブループリントを固定する by ザ・チーム
Message from the ‘Team’ ~ Sustaining the Galactic Blueprint
by Peggy Black and the ‘team’ 8-17-15
銀河のブループリントを固定する by ザ・チーム
Morphogenesis by I AM AVATER ORG. Tiara Kumara
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
MORPHOGENESIS: Open the Seals of Perception into Avatar Consciousness
by Tiara Kumara
モルフォジェネシス by Tiara Kumara
MORPHOGENESIS: Open the Seals of Perception into Avatar Consciousness
by Tiara Kumara
モルフォジェネシス by Tiara Kumara
Kryon -The Mt. Shasta Experience - Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon -The Mt. Shasta Experience
DNA: The Beginning of an Elaborate Explanation
Kryon -The Mt. Shasta Experience
DNA: The Beginning of an Elaborate Explanation
We cannot stop the conversation now without discussing DNA. Let me tell you about it. You've named it for your 4D visibility and chemistry: deoxyribonucleic acid - DNA. That's what you see. It's what is in your reality of perception. It's 4D, and a description of your Human genome. To most of the earth, that's the extent of it. We've spoken of it time and time again. When we say DNA, we don't mean the layer of chemistry that you can see. We mean all the layers. Here is the basic information. We've given some of it to you before, but we'll enhance it now. And we'll do something else, too. It's time to meet someone.
DNA is 12 layers deep. Each layer has two attributes - the one you can see in four dimensions (the double helix) we will call the bottom layer. Although bottom and top don't mean much in an interdimensional aspect, that's just for you. It's to give you an idea of where it belongs. It's on the bottom. The two attributes of it we will say are the sides of the ladder, connected with a chemistry that you're well aware of that bridges both of the attributes and creates the bonds. On top of this layer, there are 11 more. Therefore, there are 12 layers total with 24 attributes. Each layer, even the interdimensional ones, have two sides. They're balanced very much like the one you can see. We told you that there would come a time when we'd discuss the other layers. And we will. Complex, it is.
The first ones to take that graduate step of ascension will be Lemurians. You have survived eons, lifetime after lifetime. You were monks, nuns, and shamans - killed, burned at the stake - just so you could keep it fresh. And here you are. It's your time.
シャスタ山の体験 by クライオン
DNA: 詳述開始
DNAについてお話ししないまま続けるわけには行きません。これからお話ししましょう。皆さんの見える4次元視界と化学作用から、デオキシリボ核酸- DNAと名づけました。それが見えるわけです。その現実が確認できます。4次元的な、人間のゲノムです。地球のほとんどの人に説明できるのは、そこまでです。DNAについて何度もお話ししてきました。私たちが言うDNAは、皆さんが確認できる化学的レイヤー(層)のことではありません。全部のレイヤーのことです。そこに基本情報があるのです。前にその幾つかを説明しましたが、更に詳しく見ていきましょう。そしてまた、他に、ある人にも会いましょう。
DNA is 12 layers deep. Each layer has two attributes - the one you can see in four dimensions (the double helix) we will call the bottom layer. Although bottom and top don't mean much in an interdimensional aspect, that's just for you. It's to give you an idea of where it belongs. It's on the bottom. The two attributes of it we will say are the sides of the ladder, connected with a chemistry that you're well aware of that bridges both of the attributes and creates the bonds. On top of this layer, there are 11 more. Therefore, there are 12 layers total with 24 attributes. Each layer, even the interdimensional ones, have two sides. They're balanced very much like the one you can see. We told you that there would come a time when we'd discuss the other layers. And we will. Complex, it is.
The first ones to take that graduate step of ascension will be Lemurians. You have survived eons, lifetime after lifetime. You were monks, nuns, and shamans - killed, burned at the stake - just so you could keep it fresh. And here you are. It's your time.
シャスタ山の体験 by クライオン
DNA: 詳述開始
DNAについてお話ししないまま続けるわけには行きません。これからお話ししましょう。皆さんの見える4次元視界と化学作用から、デオキシリボ核酸- DNAと名づけました。それが見えるわけです。その現実が確認できます。4次元的な、人間のゲノムです。地球のほとんどの人に説明できるのは、そこまでです。DNAについて何度もお話ししてきました。私たちが言うDNAは、皆さんが確認できる化学的レイヤー(層)のことではありません。全部のレイヤーのことです。そこに基本情報があるのです。前にその幾つかを説明しましたが、更に詳しく見ていきましょう。そしてまた、他に、ある人にも会いましょう。
~Archangel Metatron – Elementals, Unicorns, Dragons & The Kingdom of the FAE (3) via James Tyberonn
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Ireland - The Emerald & Amethyst
Ireland contains some of the most powerful, sacred and re-generative energies on the planet. It is appropriately called the Emerald Isle because of its vibrant green hills and valleys, which indeed exude a tangible field of healing and well-being. Be aware that these incredible healing hues occur because of the life force generated in the lands.
Ireland is a very unique and very succinct frequency. There are several known locations of what is termed 'negative gravity' anomalies on what is termed the Emerald Isle. These 'lighten' the frequency and somewhat aid in its soft and gentle expression.
Ireland - The Emerald & Amethyst
Ireland contains some of the most powerful, sacred and re-generative energies on the planet. It is appropriately called the Emerald Isle because of its vibrant green hills and valleys, which indeed exude a tangible field of healing and well-being. Be aware that these incredible healing hues occur because of the life force generated in the lands.
Ireland is a very unique and very succinct frequency. There are several known locations of what is termed 'negative gravity' anomalies on what is termed the Emerald Isle. These 'lighten' the frequency and somewhat aid in its soft and gentle expression.
It is in fact the plant life, waters and sea that team with the incredible telluric energies and create the very soft, the 'Feminine' aspect so beautifully expressed in Ireland. These energies blend with the gravity anomaly vectors to transduce what would otherwise be a very intense energy, for it is indeed among the highest frequencies on the planet.
As such there are many locales of what is locally termed ' thin veils' referring to dimensional portals dotting the landscape in Ireland. Worlds and dimensions tangibly co-exist, and vividly so in Ireland. That is why the Kingdom of the Fae, the Devic realm of Faeries, Elves and Leprechauns are so illustriously recounted among Irish lore. This actual realm does indeed present itself with great and greater visibility precisely because of the higher concentration of life force present.
~Archangel Metatron – Elementals, Unicorns, Dragons & The Kingdom of the FAE (3) via James Tyberonn
元素・ユニコーン・ドラゴン・妖精(3) by 大天使メタトロン
アイルランド エメラルド&アメジスト
As such there are many locales of what is locally termed ' thin veils' referring to dimensional portals dotting the landscape in Ireland. Worlds and dimensions tangibly co-exist, and vividly so in Ireland. That is why the Kingdom of the Fae, the Devic realm of Faeries, Elves and Leprechauns are so illustriously recounted among Irish lore. This actual realm does indeed present itself with great and greater visibility precisely because of the higher concentration of life force present.
~Archangel Metatron – Elementals, Unicorns, Dragons & The Kingdom of the FAE (3) via James Tyberonn
元素・ユニコーン・ドラゴン・妖精(3) by 大天使メタトロン
アイルランド エメラルド&アメジスト
Kryon Ireland Tour 2016
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Lee Carroll
アイルランドが特殊なのは、妖精や小人など特異な点ですか? そういう話は巷に溢れています。アイルランドの大半の人は知っています。多くの人には文化的なものですが、本当に実在するという人も多くいます。そういうエネルギーが間違いなく感じられます。
私は人生、エネルギースポットを歩いてそこでチャネリングをしたり冒険旅行をしているのでそういうエネルギーに驚くことはほとんどありません。でも、アイルランドは別です。まるで、ガイアが樽だとしたら、その栓に当たるほどのエネルギーいっぱいの所です。地面や木々、水から溢れだして来そうな感じなのです。感じることが出来るんですか? もちろん!
妖精についてどう思いますか? ずいぶん前にクライオンが多次元エネルギーがどういうものか話してくれたことがありました。妖精が目の前に現れる時のようだと言ったのです。妖精はこちらがこういう姿で現れてほしいと思っている姿で現れます。尚且つ、その時の体験は本物なのです。シャスタ山や他の場所では多くの人が光を見ました。だから、光は存在しますが、アイルランドでは、それが非常に強いので、至る所、あらゆるところにいます。
Kryon - Lee Carroll
アイルランドが特殊なのは、妖精や小人など特異な点ですか? そういう話は巷に溢れています。アイルランドの大半の人は知っています。多くの人には文化的なものですが、本当に実在するという人も多くいます。そういうエネルギーが間違いなく感じられます。
私は人生、エネルギースポットを歩いてそこでチャネリングをしたり冒険旅行をしているのでそういうエネルギーに驚くことはほとんどありません。でも、アイルランドは別です。まるで、ガイアが樽だとしたら、その栓に当たるほどのエネルギーいっぱいの所です。地面や木々、水から溢れだして来そうな感じなのです。感じることが出来るんですか? もちろん!
妖精についてどう思いますか? ずいぶん前にクライオンが多次元エネルギーがどういうものか話してくれたことがありました。妖精が目の前に現れる時のようだと言ったのです。妖精はこちらがこういう姿で現れてほしいと思っている姿で現れます。尚且つ、その時の体験は本物なのです。シャスタ山や他の場所では多くの人が光を見ました。だから、光は存在しますが、アイルランドでは、それが非常に強いので、至る所、あらゆるところにいます。
A NEW ERA BEGINS IN 2017 by Elizabeth Peru
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
A NEW ERA BEGINS IN 2017: Have you recently felt that the vibe in 2016 is shifting? The heavier 'wrapping up' energy that was so intently felt over the past nin...e months, is now giving way to the promise of a new day. Our sights are set on the horizon and collectively as a 'global society' a new era is beckoning...
A NEW ERA BEGINS IN 2017: Have you recently felt that the vibe in 2016 is shifting? The heavier 'wrapping up' energy that was so intently felt over the past nin...e months, is now giving way to the promise of a new day. Our sights are set on the horizon and collectively as a 'global society' a new era is beckoning...
2016 is a Nine Universal year for the planet (2+0+1+6=9) and 2017 will be a One Universal year (2+0+1+7=10 and 1+0=1). We are soon to commence a year where every thought and action we take, will set the foundations on what we experience over the next decade of our life. In short, IT'S BIG.
I mention this now, in September, so you begin considering what you are going to leave behind in 2016 and what you are going to take forward with you into 2017. For example, I have a feeling that the often 'self-indulgent' selfie generation we have been witnessing, is about to morph into a more independent, inner focused one. What other positive changes can you feel are brewing for us, as a globe over the next decade?
Elizabeth Peru
I mention this now, in September, so you begin considering what you are going to leave behind in 2016 and what you are going to take forward with you into 2017. For example, I have a feeling that the often 'self-indulgent' selfie generation we have been witnessing, is about to morph into a more independent, inner focused one. What other positive changes can you feel are brewing for us, as a globe over the next decade?
Elizabeth Peru
最近、2016年の波動が変わっているのを感じたことはありますか? この9か月、重くのしかかっているようなエネルギーが、これからは新たな時を予感させていきます。地平線上に目をやると、“グローバル社会”の新しい時代が合図を送って来ます。
2016年は地球にとって「9の宇宙年(2+0+1+6=9)」で2017年は「1の宇宙年(2+0+1+7=10、 1+0=1)」です。考え行動する度に、すぐに新たな年を迎え、次の10年の基礎を作っていきます。短いですが、大きな10年です。
Elizabeth Peru
2016年は地球にとって「9の宇宙年(2+0+1+6=9)」で2017年は「1の宇宙年(2+0+1+7=10、 1+0=1)」です。考え行動する度に、すぐに新たな年を迎え、次の10年の基礎を作っていきます。短いですが、大きな10年です。
Elizabeth Peru
The realms have begun to shift by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The realms have begun to shift by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
I am he that is known as Michael. I am he that has stood behind you, who has backed you, who has separated you from your grief, from your angers, from your limitations. I am he that walks with you on this day. I ask that you beckon and call upon me to stand to the front, to the back, to the left, to the right, above and below of your energies. I ask you to call to me on a daily basis and ask me to cover you with my protection.
The realms, have begun to shift. Like two tectonic plates that slide side by side. In this sliding, there is a surface difference. There is a crack in-between the worlds between the dimensions And between known realities. The energies of this tectonic tilting comes forth in the form of earth shifts, personal shifts, heavenly shifts. This tectonic energy and tectonic flux will effect your biological body. There will be separation within body, mind, and thought process. What this means is that the body will react differently as though a time shift has occurred, separating action and human thought. You will have a thought, there will be a pause, and the body will then react. There is a time-lapse between thought and biological function. You will do something but you will not have memory of doing it in this realm.
次元世界のシフトが始まった by 大天使ミカエル
The realms have begun to shift by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
I am he that is known as Michael. I am he that has stood behind you, who has backed you, who has separated you from your grief, from your angers, from your limitations. I am he that walks with you on this day. I ask that you beckon and call upon me to stand to the front, to the back, to the left, to the right, above and below of your energies. I ask you to call to me on a daily basis and ask me to cover you with my protection.
The realms, have begun to shift. Like two tectonic plates that slide side by side. In this sliding, there is a surface difference. There is a crack in-between the worlds between the dimensions And between known realities. The energies of this tectonic tilting comes forth in the form of earth shifts, personal shifts, heavenly shifts. This tectonic energy and tectonic flux will effect your biological body. There will be separation within body, mind, and thought process. What this means is that the body will react differently as though a time shift has occurred, separating action and human thought. You will have a thought, there will be a pause, and the body will then react. There is a time-lapse between thought and biological function. You will do something but you will not have memory of doing it in this realm.
次元世界のシフトが始まった by 大天使ミカエル
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