
Kryon - 2016: The Completion of Recalibration for Way Showers, Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
Kryon - 2016: The Completion of Recalibration for Way Showers, Lee Carroll, 2015-12-6

In the year of 2016, the cycle of recalibration for way showers is ending and many doors closed to them are flying away, which have totally new multidimensional colors that are coming at you. That is happening to way showers, you.
And 2016 is the year of Discoveries that are not only wonderful, but under the rocks. You are never with what dos...en't have integrity in the Light.




"I am the son of God. And so are you." by Jesus, Kryon - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "The Eight Shifts of Enlightenment Part One" - Lee carroll

When the master of love walked this planet many years ago, Jesus the Jew said, "I am the son of God. And so are you." It is written. Take a look. It was an acknowledgment of the master within you. When the Human understands there's no battle for their soul and that they are responsible for both dark and light themselves, then this becomes a major breakthrough. ...It's called taking responsibility for everything. Nobody has done anything to you to make you unworthy. No one's out to get you. You are precious and carry light all by yourself.



Kryon - Peace on Earth from "Common Questions", Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Peace on Earth from "Common Questions", Lee Carroll, 2012-02

Do you think that "Peace on Earth" is going to happen easily and overnight? This is the first year (2012) and you've got 18 more years to plant the seeds and two more generations to watch it work. This is how human consciousness works. It's slow, but you're impatient. That's also why there's so much unhap...piness at the moment. It's old energy impatience, misunderstanding, wanting instant gratification, and tapping your toe while you think God is going to help you. Then when it doesn't happen the way you think it should, you say, "Well, I knew it wouldn't." It's in love that I say to you that you are beautiful inside and it's about time you found out about it. And when you find it, things change within you. You don't get as angry; you don't get as depressed, and you don't react as much. Then when people around you see you in that new state, they say, "You know, you're different. You're not as angry. You don't react. What did you find? I want it." And that's how it begins.
So the answer is perception of reality. When the masters walked the earth, it was even darker. But they saw only the love of God. So it is your free choice to be unhappy, be a victim, and wallow in drama. But the truth is that the compassion of God is all around you, just waiting for you to discover it.

  地球平和は一夜にして簡単に起こると思っていますか? 今年は2012年で、後18年の期間に種を蒔いて、その種が実を結ぶのは後2世代かかります。人の意識はそうやって変わります。ゆっくりしていますが、辛抱しきれませんね。だから、今不幸なことをたくさん目にします。それは、神が助けてくれると期待しながらも、辛抱しきれずにかかとをコツコツと鳴らしてすぐにいい結果を求める古いエネルギーです。で、思った通りにならないと、「やっぱりな」と言います。心から言いますが、皆さんの中には素晴らしいものがあります。それを見つける時に来ています。それが分かると、自分の中で物事が変わります。怒ることもありません。落ち込むこともありません。過剰反応しなくなります。その時周りの人はあなたが変わったと思い、「あなたは普通とは違う。怒らないし拘らない。悟る所があるの? 私もそうなりたい」と言います。そうやって変わり始めるのです。

Adamus Saint Germain through Geoffrey Hoppe

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Adamus Saint Germain through Geoffrey Hoppe

Therer is just one very simple thing beyond your question mark, ...
simple thing that is relax into your enlightenment.Relax into your enlightment. No more work, no more processing, no more efforting....
They said in our recent gatherings, asked the question of those who were attending, "What's the last thing assumed to be a master does before their enlightenment?." "What's the last thing Master does before their enlightenment?" My answer is simple: nothing.
I AM Adamus Saint Germain.




Sanat Kumara - Understanding what is Transpiring in this Now

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Sanat Kumara - Understanding what is Transpiring in this Now
December 16, 2015 by JennySchiltz

Understand that agreements have been made with every soul on earth to be part of this process, all souls even those whose role it is to magnify duality and amplify darkness. These souls, as with all who bring up negativity in you, are helping you to see where thoughts, beliefs and actions are not in alignment with source. What is happening within you in these moments is also happening in the world around you. As each of you works to clear yourself of all that does not match the highest frequency so to is the collective. This process can be as easy and as hard as ones ability to let go and allow. That which is deeply rooted in all aspects of ones being or within your collective will be the most difficult to clear and will also need greater amplification so that all facets may be examined and that which is not in alignment, discarded. Simply put all that moves you from love, love of ones self, love of your fellow man, and love of source must come to the surface to be recognized so that you are able to choose in each moment. There will be those who refuse to see what is being shown, this too is part of their path as they long for greater experience in the denser energies. When you allow yourself to be the observer and remove judgement you will see that all is perfect and all is conspiring to help you move forward in your soul growth in every moment.
Many changes will continue to take place within you and on your planet as you end this most momentous year. On the 19th of December your planet will be aligned with the galactic core allowing for transference of sacred knowledge. Once it enters your planet, each of you will utilize the information as is intended for you and your path. During your solstice and the full moon much will be cleared as well. This is a good time to set your intentions as to what you would like to achieve in your year 2016. Great changes are upon you and the excitement is palatable. We are looking forward to continued growth within each of you and in your collective.


"The Galactic Alignment :12/12 and 12/19 December 2015"

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Archangel Michael channeled by Celia Fenn
"The Galactic Alignment :12/12 and 12/19 December 2015"

So, Beloveds, in 2016 the energy will be that of Major Transformation on all levels of society on Earth. Your Soul Missions will keep pushing you to engage the Creative Imagination, and to dream and tell stories, paint pictures, create music and dance, that will stabilize the spinning timelines and align Earth with her destiny as a Planetary Star of Diamond Light!
We wish you peace and joy in this last part of the year 2015 and we look forward to working with you further in 2016!


Michio Hoshino

“I want to cherish moments that may not produce anything. In parallel with a hectic day-to-day life of human beings, I always want to feel somewhere in my mind that another time is flowing."
- Michio Hoshino (Photographer)


江野本稔 (Minoru Enomoto) 
I'm feeling peace.
Michio Hoshino who loved profoundly Alaska and all animals there in Nature, and ended his life by giving away his life to the bear.


Human Condition - Beacons of Light by Steve Rother, 2007-12

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Morning Star, Moonlight and Comet
Human Condition - Beacons of Light by Steve Rother, 2007-12

This will become a common condition as you begin to move away from the human condition because the first thing you do when you start to release your belief systems, is to release a bit of your identity that kept you in these belief systems. A very common situation will be for each and every one of you to feel alone and to wonder if you are on this path. There is only one answer to it. There is only one way out of this and that is to reach out and grab somebody's hand. The destination is unimportant. Reach out and honor the others on the path with you and those on any path that breathes light into them. Reach out and touch somebody's heart-to put yourself outside of yourself so you are not out there looking in. So start shining the light from within and you start moving from a field of me to a field of we. That starts changing the human condition to the Human Angel condition. That illusion is going on every day. Each one of you has an opportunity to do more today than you have ever done before and it is difficult, we grant you that.


自分をそのような固まった考えで縛ってきた自分自身をほんの少し手放すことです。よく見られる状態とは、一人ひとりが孤独を感じ、自分がここでこうしていて いることが正しいのかどうか、そういうことを感じる状態です。それに対する答えはたった一つ。そこから抜け出して、手を伸ばして誰かの腕を掴む方法がそれです。最後 どうなるか は重要ではありません。他の人に手を差し出し、皆それぞれ旅の途上にいることに敬意を示すのです。そこは、どんな旅路であれ、そこにいると 光りが彼らに入っていく、そういう道のことです。手を伸ばし他の人の心に触れるのです。自ら抜け出し、外に身を置くのです。傍観しているのではありません。そうして内なる光りを照らし出すのです。すると、「わたし」という枠から抜け出し、「わたしたち」になるのです。それで人間でいる状態からヒュー、マン・エンジェルとい う状態に変わるのです。そういう不思議な感覚のようなことは毎日起きています。(2007年12月「人間の状態」)

Kryon – Vegetarian or not? – How It Works

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon – Vegetarian or not? – How It Works

Sometimes the question is asked, "Should I be a vegetarian? What is correct for my body spiritually?" I will tell you what is correct for your body spiritually - the thing that makes sense to you! If you've spent lifetimes in Tibet or India, you're probably craving different foods than that which is in the United States. That's how it works, dear ones. Your body reacts to what it remembers, and if that... serves you by not eating meat, then that is what you should do for your health. Do not project it onto your friends, for they have their own Akashic health remembrance. They have their own system that works for them.

クライオン ~ベジタリアンになるべきかどうか?

時々、「ベジタリアンになるべきですか? スピリチュアルな意味で、自分の体には何が適切なのですか?」という質問を受けます。体にとって何がいいか、それは、自分が納得する食べ物がいいということです! チベットやインドで何度も人生を過ごしたことがあれば、多分、今のアメリカにあるような食べ物とは違うものを欲しがっています。皆さん、そういうことなのです。体は、記憶に反応します。肉を食べなくてもいいのであれば、それが、あなたの健康のためにすることです。でもそれを友達に押し付けないでください。相手には、健康についてのその人なりのアカシックの記憶があります。自分に合う独自の方式があります。


Jesus - Love is most effectively dissolving all unloving intents.

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
イエス - 愛が最も有効
Jesus - Love is most effectively dissolving all unloving intents.
John Smallman 2015-11-15

Your loving brother, Jesus.


4 methods for healing from post-traumatic stress. by Doreen Virtue

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
4 methods for healing from post-traumatic stress.
- Doreen Virtue 2015-11-17

Feelings of sadness, shock, numb, low-energy, and anger are symptoms of post-traumatic stress. So are addictive behaviors, such as binge drinking and eating, attempts to block-out the pain of post-traumatic stress.
Studies show that our bodies can’t distinguish between stress that happens to us personally, and stress that happens to another person. Our bodies’ empathic systems pour stress hormones into our systems, whenever we read, see, or hear about a traumatic situation. This is called “Secondary PTSD.”

悲しみや、ショック、感覚の麻痺、疲弊、気が抜けた状態、怒りなどの心理的状態は、心的外傷後ストレス(post-traumatic stress)です。だから、過度の飲酒や過食をしたり、心的外傷後ストレスを遮断しようと、様々な行動にのめり込みます。
研究によれば、体はその人に起こるストレスと、他の人に起こるストレスの違いを区別することは出来ません。体の交感神経系は、他の人のトラウマ的な状況に関する記事を読んだり、見たり、聞いたりする時は、全身にストレスホルモンを放出します。これが、“2次的心的外傷後ストレス(Secondary PTSD)”というものです


Kryon - Right after the Paris Attacks - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Kryon - Right after the Paris Attacks, Lee Carroll

I want you to congratulate and understand those who were lost yesterday (in Paris). I’ve said this before, there’s nothing wrong with them, they’re all right. They’re looking back at you now. And we used the phrase before—they’re saying: “We did our part. Now you do yours.” They will return to this planet, all of them, and participate in the beauty of light.



Kryon -Holocaust had happened in Pleiades before you, three times - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
Kryon "Holocaust had happened in Pleiades before you, three times." -Lee Carroll, 2015-10-11 in Jerusalem 

But after those times, they shifted their consciousness and came to Peace on their planet. Their DNA efficiency is 80~90%, all of them are masters. You have the same possibility.



KRYON - "The Bridge of Swords" - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
~ KRYON, through Lee Carroll, "The Bridge of Swords"

What the media gives you next, what happens next in the Middle East, what happens in these next years, will all be part of the old energy reaction. Darkness can't cross the bridge and they are going to die because of it. And I don't mean Humans. I mean the energy itself... of hate will be dead and eventually gone. This is the promise and I speak to those now who have complete and free choice to change it, but I tell you, you won't because the push is too great. The ball has already started to roll.
For 20 years, you've seen it coming. You have a right for peace on the earth. It is a time that you have planned on. There is precedent at hand, for the Pleiadians did it, those from Orion did it, the Octurians did it. The parents of the parents of the parents of the planetary systems that you're in did it. Now you're doing it. A long process is ahead of you until the last vestige of old energy is gone. I will say it again: There will come a time when you look back on today and you'll say, "How barbaric humanity was!" And that's what we see, old soul, this day.
That's what we see.
And so it is.

剣の橋 by クライオン



Wayne Dayer

Deep within us there is a place of perfect harmony and peace ,
a place where we need to come as often as possible and feel the grace which is present there.
~ Wayne Dayer

source : Michael Lotus


Kryon - Dark and Light - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
Kryon - Dark and Light ~ Israel Tour #12&13, Lee Carroll
The dark army loves to come to this direction(Israel), but they can't.


Kryon - Mid Year 2015 Report - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
2015年中間レポート(字幕) by クライオン
Kryon - Mid Year 2015 Report - Lee Carroll, 2015-7-4 @Laguna Hills, California

3番目は、スピリチュアリティです。でも、一般的な話はしません。前に起こると話したことが、今起きています。皆さんは二極的対立と戦っています。それが今後どうなるを思いますか? 歴史上初めて、国同士ではない光と闇の戦いが起きています。分かりますね。そういう戦争が起こると前に言いました。宗教組織の中にいる人間が、同じ状態にしておこうとして闇の組織を創り上げて、びっくり仰天させると言いました。また、思い出してほしいのは、その闇による恐怖が大きくなって抑えられなくなると言いました。だから、誰もが恐怖を抱いています。皆さんは見ていることに対して上手くやっています。それでも、確かに恐れる人はいます。しかし、オールドソウルは以前にも経験しています。また、自分た...ちを傷つけることはないことも知っています。ゆくゆくは、光が勝つからです。今見ていることは非常に興味深いと思いませんか? ちょっと説明しましょう。あっという間に集まるのですから。あちこちから集まって、政府はそれに対応できません。そういうわけで、皆驚いてしまいます。彼らは、闇というものではなく、いろいろな言語・国々、イデオロギーと戦うことに慣れています。問題として世界中がまとまると、自分たちは消えることになるので苦境に立たされます。だからそうさせたくありません。事態が好転する前にますます悪化しています。しかし、誰もが理解して最終的にこの少数のものに対抗しようと手を結ぶ時がやって来ます。彼らにチャンスはやって来ません。でも、それは今すぐではありません。だから、皆さんがテレビで見ていることは、今話した通りであることの証しです。各国政府は、このようなことを経験したことがないのです。だから、政府は軽く見てしまうのです。そのうち消えてなくなると思い一過性の火花だと思ってしまいますが、そうではありません。今までにないことです。本当にあらん限りの闇です。しかも、世界中のいたるところからリクルートできます。闇は見ようと思えばどこにでもあります。自由意思があるのでそのように考える者がどこにでも、光のある所にもいます。どんな生活の場にもいます。明るくても関係ありません。彼らは明るくてスピリチュアルな所に身を置くことができ、意外にも、そこにいる自分は闇の中にいると思っています。これは、2極的対立の問題で、闇に惹かれる人がいます。彼らは、場違いな所や教会からでさえ、平気で人を集めてきます。闇は闇を引き寄せます。周りに光があることが苦しみです。また言いますが、光は力がありますが、闇にはありません。だからスイッチを入れれば点灯して光が勝ちます。まだ点灯していませんが、点灯するでしょう。今見ていることが将来も続くと過剰に心配しないでください。また言いますが、それも予定の内です。包み隠さず言いますが、皆さんのシード・ペアレントのプレアデス人も、全く同じ経験をしたのです。自由意思の惑星は、標識通過後に、徐々に卒業に向かい始め、同じような問題に直面してきました。古いもの、闇との戦いを経験します。よく見れば、光と闇の戦いであるのははっきりしています。闇に愛や優しい心がないのが分かります。それがますますはっきりしてきますね。皆さんが進化しているということです。それが分からなかった時代がありました。でも、もう皆さんは、はっきりと見分けがつきます。

Kryon – A Happening in Paris by Dark Army

Translation by Minoru Enomoto
Kryon – Re: A Happening in Paris by Dark Army, 2015-11-14, in Peru

Old souls, it’s time of compassion and action. Are you a energy of receiver or transmitter? Most of them are receiver. They are victims around them. The idea is that they might change this with their own consciousness. There are thousands of people who need to be hugged and held, who feel victims and you can change that. Long distance from he...re(south America), but distance means nothing. You can reach out them. Souls are forever, never die. Help those to understand this. Listen to them and talk to them. Hugs them, be part of healing they need to be. You are transmitters and do it very very well.
You can illuminate the dark army without death. They are afraid of losing. You can take it from them, now, it's money! There are things of they are losing. How the dark army can't eat when they have no weapons? I guarantee you, even the darkest member of the dark army will go home if they are no fed. Money is coming from unknown source, they say. But no it isn't. It is coming very known sources. and if these are exposed, there are those listening need to hear this, if these are exposed, it will make a big difference.
Let me talk politicians. You are sitting at a table across ones who are from other countries allies, smiling at you, who are funding the dark side. Are you OK with that? It cannot last long. And when it's found out, you will be responsible because you knew it and did not do anything about it.
I give you an answer in a few words. International, transparent, forensic accounting, international, transparent, forensic accounting. It is the time of clean up the funding of the dark. I have a warning for any those of leadership who know it and do not anything about it, your days are numbered. Light is going to expose it. And you lose.

クライオン- パリ同時多発テロ 2015-11-14

オールドソウル、共感と行動の時です。あなたエネルギーの受信者ですか、送信者ですか? ほとんどの人は受信者です、そういう人は犠牲者です。要は、意識で変えられるのです。ハッグを必要とし、支えてほしい人が何千人もいます。そういう人は、犠牲者だと感じていますが、その思いを変えることが出来ます。ここ南アメリカから遠く離れていますが、関係ありません。彼らの言うことに耳を傾け、話してください。ハッグしてください。必要なヒーリングを提供してください。あなたは、送信者なので、非常にうまくできます。
皆さんは、死なずに闇の軍隊を照らし出すことが出来ます。彼らは失うことを恐れています。皆さんは、今、彼らから奪うことが出来ます。それは金です! 彼らには失うものがあります。闇のメンバーが武器を買えずに飯を食えない、そういう事態になるには? 間違いなく、闇の中の一番真っ黒い闇も、金がなくなれば家に帰ります。彼らは、これからも金は誰も知らないところから流れてくるよと言います。でも、そうなりません。これから資金源が明るみに出ます。それが表に出たら、状況は大きく変わります。


We are the Arcturian Group 11/15/15, Marilyn Raffaele

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

I pray for the people involved in Paris and Peace and Love on Earth.
We are the Arcturian Group 11/15/15, Marilyn Raffaele
"This violence represents an effort by the energy of those seeking to remain in power while being removed by the Light. The energy of those who did these acts is being manipulated and promoted by those seeking to remain a force of power and thus continue as they have before. Send unconditional love to all involved."

アークトルゥス 2015-11-15

~ Robin Craig Clark, The Garden

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 

“Our duty is wakefulness, the fundamental condition of life itself.
The unseen, the unheard, the untouchable is what weaves the fabric
of our see-able universe together.”
~ Robin Craig Clark, The Garden


Source : Evolver Social Movement


Kryon - Armageddon - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Armageddon ~ Israel Tour #9, Lee Carroll




Kryon - Wild Cards are coming in Israel and the world, Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - Wild Cards are coming in Israel and the world, Lee Carroll
2015 Israel Tour Channelings #7 & 8


Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 



Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 



Source : Gregg Braden


Mira from the Pleiadian High Council

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner November 9, 2015

Do we have the ground crew rounded up and paying attention to all that is happening right now on the earth? Perk up your ears and watch your skies because there will be much more coming your way to show you that we are with you. We timed the flight (mentioned above) so that you would be made aware of our efforts to comfort you and excite you with our presence and our participation in the unfolding events.
When we provide air shows we do it at a certain risk. Your government continues to deny it could be a fly over and dismissed this last one as “a naval missile.” You can decide for yourselves. The truth is flawless and you will know if it is so.

地上要員(グランドクルー)の皆さんを集めて、今地球で起きていることに関心を持ってもらえますか? 聞き耳を立てて空をじっと見てください。これから益々たくさんのことが起きて、私たちは皆さんと一緒にいることが分かるでしょう。


Kryon - The attributes and missions of Jews - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
Kryon Israel Tour Channelings 2015 #1, 2,5
The attributes and missions of Jews


The Arcturians- The 11:11 Portal, Dropping of the Veils, Walk-In Souls.

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
The Arcturians- The 11:11 Portal, Dropping of the Veils, Walk-In Souls.-November 7, 2015.

The first separations from ONENESS with Source, are Gender and Color Rays.
Source Light, White Light, vibrates too high for a physical 3d vessel, it must be lowered by separation, so that it can incarnate. Each Ray has a specific purpose and experience that it seeks, same with gender. These are individually chosen.
The soul then CHOOSES their GALACTIC Experience by deciding the ivilization that it wishes to explore at the first level of separation of onsciousness. Then it continues to CHOOSE and separate into lower dimensions and realms,(civilizations are timelines) to prepare for the physical earth experience.
The choices of galactic civilizations are infinite.
Therefore one soul can have,(for example),an Arcturian aspect of SELF, a Pleiadian SELF, a Syrian SELF, an Angelic Self, a “dragon” self, an Orion SELF,… etc…many aspects of SELF across different galactic timelines all participating and assisting in THIS shift. All those aspects of self a step down in the level of consciousness, of frequency.
All those galactic aspects of self are always ascending and descending as well.
The 11:11 energies will bring cohesiveness to all selves and will fully usher in the dropping of the Veils. Each soul will be able to “see” what their frequency,(consciousness), ALLOWS them to see.



Dr. Eric Pearl - The Reconnection & Kryon - "All About Self-Worth" - Lee Carroll

This Energy Flow is pure.
It comes thorough you.
It clears you.
And others are drawn to you because of it.
- Solomon Speaks On Reconnecting Your Life (Ch.6)
Dr. Eric Pearl - The Reconnection

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "All About Self-Worth" - Lee Carroll

Many have already taken the Mantel of Spirit. We speak now of the teachers who have presented this day [Dr. Eric Pearl and Peggy Phoenix Dubro]. Both of them are in love with Spirit! Both of them are so focused on what we've given them that they spend little time doing anything e...lse but teaching. The Mantel of God is upon them, and they see humanity differently than you do. They see those who can be enriched and enabled. They don't look at you in judgment, and they don't look at each other in judgment. For they understand the integrity and the intent of the heart. And so it is that there has been no accident that on this day, these two profound healers were brought together in the same room with Yawee, the twist-master [Dr. Todd Ovokaitys]. [See the Mt. Shasta channelling for more information about what this means.]

自尊心 by クライオン
多くの人が既にスピリットのマントを着た経験があります。プレゼンテーションをした2人について<Dr.エリック・パールとペギー・フェニックス・ドゥブロ>お話します。2人共スピリットを愛しています! 2人共私たちが話したことに非常に共感し、他の人に教える以外にほとんどの時間がありません。彼らは神のマントを身につけて、人間について皆さんと違う見方をしています。彼らは自分で健康になれる人が分かります。人を評価しませんし、お互いを評価しあうこともしません。誠意というものを知っており、ハートの思いを知っています。今日、2人の素晴らしいヒーラーがツイスト・マスターのヤイー<Dr. トッド>とこの部屋で一緒になったのは偶然ではありません。



When I was in elementary school, I had a time when I strongly gazed upon photos of Cappadocia in Turkey in the collections of histories of the world. And I thought, " I was there absolutely." ・Kryon's words convinced me that what I felt then might be true.
Some of you in this room have old soul shamanic energy, and you have no idea what's under your feet. Layers and layers of civilization are there, not just the past 10,000 years. It's interesting that right now politically on the planet, this is one of the only countries in this area [Turkey] that will let you dig and find out what's down there! Almost all of the other countries I mentioned earlier are in trouble in some way, or they don't have the resources or perhaps the belief system that will allow it. That will keep them from major discovery for now, but not here.
There are major mysterious and grand things to find, dear ones, and when you do, you'll know it's not your acknowledged history! When you start finding artifacts of history from phase four, they're going to be vastly different from anything in the last 10,000 years, and they will be from another consciousness and building style. What if I told you that some of them will "resound" in your Akash? What if I told you that you built some of them, dear one?
Now how do I tell you these things without them sounding very strange? Humanity grew up like children grow up, over thousands of years with slow consciousness change. I am giving you information that no historian will agree with. Most authorities feel that Human nature has always been the same. It's not true. It's only Human nature of the past 10,000 years that you would truly recognize or relate to. In phase four, it was very different.
There are major archives of past civilizations unknown to you right under your feet. There are some places you have not looked yet, including those off the coasts of your oceans. When you find them, it's going to expand your horizons of perhaps how long you've had major civilization here. There are very few places on the earth where I can sit and say that. You have a grand history here, and some of you are about to discover it in your lifetime. The technology coming will reveal things that you have never seen before, in places you never expected to look or were allowed to look. What you will find will be a mystery to archaeologists, and they will scratch their heads. There will be statues and figures of images you've never seen before. There will be writings on the walls with references to the heavens, and you will simply think it is astrology. It isn't. Oh, it's something else completely!
Astrology is one of the oldest sciences on the planet but it's no more than 12,000 years old. This is because it is an elegant system that had to be developed by aware Human Beings in your history. There will be writings on the walls and images you don't recognize. Some will be very mysterious, with elongated head shapes. You may think that they depict Humans with special hats, but they don't. I am now giving you one of the ways to identify phase four. It's here, under your feet, for you to discover.
Do you understand what I'm telling you? You are ancient. This is the cradle of humanity. More civilizations have started in these areas I mentioned earlier in this message than anywhere on the planet. These civilizations are far more profound than you know. Many of them you do not even acknowledge in your history, yet you were here living in them.

この会場には、昔のシャーマンのエネルギーを持つ人がいます。でも、足元に何があるのか知りません。幾回もの文明社会があって、それが何層にも重なっています。それは1万年前に限りません。地球上の政治には面白い所があります。地下の発掘調査を奨励する国は僅かで、その一つがこのトルコです! 前に言いましたが、ほとんどの国ではそれが難しく、そのための財源がないか、あり得ないという思い込みがあります。その結果、大きな発見が日の目を見ないことになります。でもここは違います。
皆さん、大きな謎や壮大なものが発見されようとしています。その時には、発見されたものは既存の歴史にはないものだということが分かるでしょう! 第4期の遺物が発見される時は、過去1万年のものとは全く違うことが分かるでしょう。それは、別の意識や建造様式のものです。それが、皆さんのアカシャでピンとくるものだとしたらどう思いますか? それが自分で建てたものだと言ったらどう思いますか?
ここで、そのようなものが発見されても、奇妙に感じない、それをどう説明しましょうか? 人間は子供のように、何千年もかけてゆっくり意識が変化して成長して来ました。でも、歴史学者はそう思いません。ほとんどの学者は、人間の性質は常に同じだったと感じています。でもそれは違います。皆さんが認める人の性質というのは、この1万年の人の性質なのです。4期目の人間の性質はかなり違っていました。
私の言っていることが分かりますか? 皆さんは非常に古いのです。この地は、人類発祥の地です。今話したように、地球の他の場所よりももっと多くの文明が、ここで始まりました。その文明は、思いつかない程非常に理解しがたいものです。歴史上知っている文明ではありませんが、皆さんはその時ここにいました。

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
地球の知られざる歴史 by クライオン




Kryon - "THE BIG PICTURE - YOU ARE NOT ALONE" - Lee carrll

Kryon - "THE BIG PICTURE - YOU ARE NOT ALONE" - Lee carrll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
ビッグ・ピクチャー 孤独ではない by クライオン

The system's goal is to raise the vibration of the galaxy and be surrounded by planets that have ascended and passed the energy to one another. Soon you'll do the same for others and, you guessed it, you'll do it again there. Right now, life is beginning on another planet far from here. Another Cave of Creat...ion is starting to be formed. It's getting ready for you! [Kryon laugh] Are you tired yet? Dear family, you are eternal and there's a system, and it's beautiful. When you are not here, you understand it fully and participate without question.
You stand at a point of change. Go from this place and understand the profundity of this time. Pay attention to the changes in the sky for they have been foretold [the weather]. Do not fear the change before you.
You're never alone.
And so it is.

全体のゴールは、銀河の波動を上げて、アセンションして、エネルギーの転換を成し遂げた惑星で一杯になることです。他の惑星のように、皆さんもじきそうなるでしょう。もう一度、ここでやります。その時にそう思いました。ちょうど今、ここから遥かに離れた惑星で生命活動が始まっています。別の創造の洞窟が形成されています。皆さんのために整いつつあります! <クライオン大笑い> もう疲れましたか? ファミリーの皆さん、皆さんは永遠です。ここには大きな仕組みがあります。本当に素晴らしいです。ここにいない時は、そのことを完全に理解しており、疑問の余地なく加わります。



Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

Humanity has had five starts. Now when I say starts, I mean a civilization you call humanity has arisen, developed, and almost terminated, four times before you. You sit in civilization number five. It's about 10,000 years old to you, so when you celebrate what you think is your history, you're really only looking a...t the last phase - number five. Think of this! There were four other Human civilizations before yours. Regardless of what historians say, there was much here before what you are told was the "beginning".
It took almost 30,000 years by the time you got to phase four. I want to talk about civilization phase four, because you are now starting to discover it. Dear ones, in the areas that I have just told you about, there is so much to discover and it will be so mysterious to you that you will have to rewrite the whole idea of what happened here.
There's a new spiritual wind blowing in Turkey. There is a tolerance in Turkey. There is an awakening that you didn't expect with some of the young people in Turkey. There are those who don't want any change in Turkey. There are those who are invested in an old way of the area, who will fight to keep it old. There is an awakening of light and new consciousness here, representing those who are 30,000 years old and ready for the change! That would be you.

人類には5回の始まりがありました。ここでそれぞれの始まりと言うのは、これまで勃興して発達した1つの文明、という意味です。その前には4回消滅した歴史があります。皆さんは5回目に生きています。約1万年経ちます。だから、皆さん自身が考えている歴史を讃えていても、それは5回目の文明を指しているに過ぎません。考えてみてください! 今の文明史の前に4回の文明があったのです。このような話をする理由があります。皆さんの魂は1万年前にスタートしたのではないので、そのことについて考えてほしいと思います。決してそんなことはありません! 非常に古い魂なのです。
トルコで、スピリチュアルな新しい風が吹いています。トルコには寛容さがあります。トルコの若者に思ってもみなかった目覚めが起きています。古いあり方に固執する人たちがいて、それを維持しようと争いが起こります。ここで3万年も古い人たちを代弁する光と新しい意識が芽生えており、変わろうとしています! それが、あなたです。


Kryon - "The Elusive Akash" - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
漠然としたアカシャ by クライオン
Kryon - "The Elusive Akash" - Lee Carroll
You are what you might call a soul group who are all specialists in biological being expression [Kryon's description of a group who specializes in walking through multiple Human lifetimes]. The creative source, which is God, who has made the Universe, the galaxies and all that is has an elite grouping of specialists, and it's you! You are part of the soup that is God... who specializes in doing what you're doing. It's a difficult role, so only a few trillion are selected to do it. If you want to know what's at the core of your soul as a specialist, it's love and compassion. That's the core. It's not always seen that way, but it's there, and when you come into the earth, your mission is to give it away - to share it with the very energy of the planet. The Akash is a system that helps to drive Humans into situations of learning and solution.
The attribute of the piece of God that you are, stays on my side of the veil. You come into the planet as a biological being and hidden from you is who you really are as you try to make your way through a dark earth. Hidden from you is how you are trying to find the light that's inside of your own cellular structure. You've got the hard work. All the masters who walked this earth tried to show you this Human God part and told you it was there. But it must be discovered.

皆さんは、いわゆる数多くの人生を生きた人生のスペシャリストです。神という創造主は宇宙を創造し銀河を創り、少数のスペシャリストグループを創りました。そのスペシャリストが、あなたです! 皆さんは神というスープに繋がっており、今特別なことをしています。それは難しい役割です。だから、2~3兆の人しか選ばれていません。スペシャリストとして魂の中心にあるものを知りたければ、それは愛であり人を気遣う心です。それが中心です。それはいつも分かるわけではありませんが、ちゃんとあります。地球に来た時のミッションは、それを地球のエネルギーと分かち合うことです。アカシャによって人間は学習と問題解決の場にいられるようになります。

Kryon - "Human Evolution" - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermie (Minoru Enomoto)
人間の進化 by クライオン
Kryon - "Human Evolution" - Lee Carroll

What do you think the Human brain can really do? What do you think it's built to do? Let me give you an example of what your society has come to accept as an "unbalanced person." Some of you think it's a "sick person." Let me talk about the autistic one. Let us talk about autism in what you call the most severe case.
Blessed is the autistic one who has come to this earth to show you what future Human evolvement looks like! They spend a lifetime trying to figure out linearity and it frustrates them. Blessed is the savant who the earth looks at and calls unbalanced. For the Humans who do this cannot see what they don't understand. The autistic one is able to get up off the paper and be in color! Many of the autistic ones can do what your calculators can do on your desks, did you know that? And they don't need a calculator! Give them a problem - two digits multiplied by three digits. Now watch how fast they give you the answer. Because they're not linear! Ask them what weekday the 13th of August will be in 2012, and they'll tell you, and they don't need a calendar. You might say, "What kind of a mind can do that?" I'll tell you - a nonlinear one without the walls in the brain that you have.
Have you ever thought about that? The autistic have a nonlinear mind. The barriers are dropped. Can you imagine the frustration of this Human? Here he is in a world of black and white while he is in color. Not only that, you want him to go in a straight line when he is used to all directions at once. This also explains why the only energies that will work to calm him are interdimensional ones - music, art, and love. Does this start to make sense to you? (see below)
What is taking place, dear ones, for all to know and see and understand, is that very, very slowly you have the linearity of the Human brain starting to be reduced. Unlike the autistic, it will be in ways that will still be balanced and make sense. In other words, you will be able to move in and out of quantum thought any time you wish in order to live in a linear, 3D existence, but have quantum consciousness. It will be a return to a form of consciousness that Lemurians had, but with the wisdom of the ages that you have collected. This will not be fast, but the forerunners of that are already here.
I'm going to give you some attributes of Human evolution in a moment, but let's return to the autistic ones. Many reading this are very concerned about autism. You wish to know why there are so many autistics being born. You say it's beyond coincidence that there are suddenly so many! There's more autistic children being born today than there ever have been on this planet. Humans are scurrying around wanting to know what's wrong. Is it the chemistry of the food? Perhaps it must be vaccinations! Some are saying, without any proof, "Yes, that's it - vaccinations must be it." You are grasping at almost anything to solve the puzzle of why so many autistics are arriving.
Yet very few Humans, if any, have looked at the puzzle and said, "Perhaps we're evolving, and this is the first wave of what we're going to see?" Not mentally unbalanced, but nonlinear thinking! This is, indeed, the case. You are seeing a form of evolution and you are calling it odd and unusual. It's simply those who are coming in early with activated quantum DNA. This early forerunner has DNA activated in an uncontrolled way, and so learning is needed to know how to make sense of it all. This is what they are doing, and each generation of savant will have a better time of it, figuring out what is linear and what is not.
Watch the autistic child go through what they must do (autism in its most severe form). They are so nonlinear that there is incredible frustration in trying to linearize even the Human voice as you speak to them. They will do the same actions over and over and over, trying to linearize the nonlinear. The linear walls are gone in their brain, and they have to learn to build the ones that they need. Humans then see them as a problem, and it's not a problem. It's a form of gifted children who are helping this planet to grow. Blessed are those who come into Earth as the new wave of consciousness to show you where it's going. They are setting the stage for a new kind of Human. For this quantumness will develop in a balanced way where many will have the autistic talents where they want them, and the linear when they want that. That's what the Human mind is capable of - being quantum when they wish to be. That's a return to the way it was given to you.

人間の頭脳がどういうことをしていると思いますか? 何をするためにあるのですか? 社会が、バランスの欠いた人間と認定するに至った例を話しましょう。そういう人を“病人”と思う人もいます。自閉症の人を取り上げます。もっとも重度な自閉症のことについて話します。
進化した未来の人間の姿を教えに地球に来た自閉症の人は、祝福されています! 彼らは一生をかけて1次元的な世界がどういうものか理解しようとしますが、挫折します。地球でサヴァンと呼ばれ、情緒不安と呼ばれる人は祝福されています。その人たちは自分が理解しているものについて知っています。自閉症の人は紙から抜け出して色の中にいます! 自閉症の人たちは、机の上で電卓がすることができます。知っていましたか? でも電卓は必要ありません! 2桁の数字と3桁の掛け算の問題を出してください。どれくらい速く答えを出すか見ていてください。直線的ではないから速いのです! 2012年8月13日が何曜日か聞いてください。答えてくれますが、彼らにカレンダーは必要ありません。「頭はどういう仕組みになっているの?」と思うでしょう。皆さんのような壁が頭にないので直線的ではないのです。
そういうことを考えたことはありますか? 自閉症は非直線的思考なのです。壁がありません。そのような人のフラストレーションが想像できますか? この世界はモノクロですが、彼の世界はカラーです。それだけではありません。彼は一度で全方位にいくことに慣れていますが、あなたはその彼に直線の上を歩かせたいと思います。彼を落ち着かせるエネルギーは、唯一多次元なエネルギー、音楽や絵画、愛だけです。分かってきましたか?
ちょっとここで、人間の進化の特徴を幾つかお話ししていますが、自閉症の人たちにまた戻ります。今これを読んでいる人たちの多くが、自閉症について非常に心配をしています。なぜ、こんなに多くの自閉症児が生まれるのだろうとその理由を知りたいと思っています。急にこんなに多くなるのは、偶然ではない、と言います! 地球上にこれほど多くの自閉症の子が生まれたことはありません。人間は、どこかおかしくなっているとその訳を知りたくてうろうろと走り回っています。食べ物の添加剤のせいだろうか? 多分ワクチンが原因だろう! 証拠もないのに、「そうだ、ワクチンに違いない」という人もいます。なぜこれほど多くの自閉症児がやって来るのか、皆さんは、その理由、その謎について、何らかの解をほぼ手中にしようとしています。
それでも、ごくごく少数の人が、この問題について、「多分、人間は進化していて、自閉症は今後人類が経験する最初の波なのではないだろうか?」と言いました。メンタル面でバランスを欠いた人間ではなく、非直線的思考をする人間のことを言ったのです! 確かに、それは事実です。皆さんは進化していく姿を見ようとしており、奇妙だとか、普通じゃないと言っています。ただ、自閉症は、クオンタムDNAが起動している状態で早めにやって来ている人たちです。この先頭を走る人たちのDNAは起動していますが抑制が効かないのです。だから、意味を理解する方法を知ることが必要です。それが、彼らが取り組んでいることで、サヴァンの各世代は、これからもっといい時代が来て、直線的なものとそうでないものとが分かっていきます。


Kryon ~ Ascension and Peace- Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Kryon ~ Ascension and Peace- Lee Carroll, 2015/9/30-10/06 in Israel

This channeling is called "Ascending Earth", not that of population, but ascending earth. If you are able to measure consciousness on a scale one to ten and ten is mastery, you are in three.Dear ones, you have been in three. You've not really moved from three and stuck in three. You have learned anything, you are i...mmature. War is not solution. War creates war in any reason. You haven't learned the basis of Love.


~ One is your hand, another hand of God ~ Kryon - "Let go, Let GOD" - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon - "Let go, Let GOD" - Lee Carroll

~ One is your hand, another hand of God ~
Kryon - "Let go, Let GOD" - Lee Carroll



The magician by La crisalide notturna

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
The magician by La crisalide notturna 

Tired of the long way ... in clearing the magician sat ....
He leaned against the trunk of an old oak ... and lulled by the whisper of the branches caressed by the wind ... closed his eyes and fell asleep.
He slept a deep sleep ... and dreamed ... he dreamed of little creatures that slowly came to him ... at first afraid of that figure mighty and mysterious .... then more and more intrigued by his appearance and the things that went with ...it .....
Stick leaning next to a green gem on the top .... the hooded cloak and the young face ... with a short beard framing his face ....
So the small beings began to rummage in the bag of the traveler and they found objects never seen before .... talismans and potions, little gems .... round keys that opened doors magical scrolls with written spells and formulas unknown ....
.... Then the magician in the dream sighed and moved .... and frightened the little creatures vanished some flying away with delicate trills of wings, others hiding in the undergrowth in the ivy and more ....
When he awoke, the man looked around amazed .... maybe it was not just a dream.


Kryon - "Demystifying the New Age - 1 " - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  
Kryon - "Demystifying the New Age - 1 " - Lee Carroll
ニューエイジの謎を解く (1/3) by クライオン

A crystal angel is an angelic group (all angels are part of the "soup of God" and none are singular) who is charged with storing information or a vibration that "remembers" who you are and perhaps even your personal Akash. This angelic presence might then help you along the way to claim what you have learned in past incarnations. It's a benevolent helper to work with your magnificence. Do you like that better than a rock with wings?

A crystal planet is not a planet at all. It would be a "storage place" for souls of all kinds, perhaps part of the system of incarnation and return. But it's a metaphor for where multidimensional things are stored and remembered. The idea of "planet" is just for you, since you have no concept of the real multidimensional quantum storage attribute. Understand? It's a metaphor.


クリスタルの惑星は惑星のことではありません。転生を繰り返すシステムの中にいるあらゆる種類の魂のための “倉庫” のことです。でも、あくまで多次元的なことが蓄積され記憶をもつ場という一つの例えです。 “惑星” という言葉は皆さん向けであり、皆さんは本当の多次元的・クオンタム的な倉庫というものを知らないからそういう例えになります。分かりますか? それが比喩です。

Archangel Michael - “Thy will be done.” - Ronna Herman

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
肉体の進化と意識の上昇 by 大天使ミカエル 

By stating, “Thy will be done,” gives your Higher Self permission to increase your intuitive abilities, which include knowing almost instantly when you have made right or wrong choices.


Kryon - QUANTUM HEALING - Lee Carroll 

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Kryon ~ QUANTUM HEALING, Lee Carroll 

Explaining the Unexplainable
The next information is hard, but here it comes, my partner [speaking to Lee]. I will now take you into the woo-woo - interdimensional healing, the unbelievable, the next step, the one that this new energy will support. You're going to start seeing unexplainable things. Oh, some will call them miracles. Some of the things I'm going to tell you right now will not be proven for a hundred years, because that's how long it's going to take for biologists somewhere to see the lineage and linkage of your family tree and what you did about it today. Oh, we're getting spooky now!



Kryon - How I see you - Lee Carroll

Kryon - How I see you (誕生の風) - Lee Carroll
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

How would you like to have a truth that gives you so much comfort that you want to be. Not floating away in some kind of meditative bliss but grounded love of God, knowing who you were, knowing where you came from, knowing the possibilities of what you can do. And that’s, my dear human being, who you were in this place, every single of you who had conversation with family (me) before you came in. I watched you come in after that. I spoke of the Wind of Birth, it’s a portal, that seems to open up like a wind that blows the linearity so strident, feels like a hurricane against a multi-dimensional beauty where you came from. Like falling into the abyss and being blown apart. And you go. And the next thing, you know, you are in the birth canal.Did you know that in the first few weeks of life? You remember, children know. It’s very upsetting by the way to be born and have the music stop. It’s frightening. You’re alone so in the dark, so black, the colors are gone, the beauty is gone, the music is gone in there you are. And all you have is the beating heart of your mother. And it’s enough, that’s just a house that assist your hard works. That’s what I said last night. Here we are full circle, aren’t we?

真実で自分自身が快く感じたいですか? 瞑想で感じる幸福感で舞い上がるのではなく、自分が誰でどこから来たか、あなたの可能性を知っている神の愛を根付かせてはどうですか? 人間の皆さん、それが、地球の家族のもとに来る前に私と一緒に話していたあなたなのです。その後であなたがここに来るところを見ていました。「誕生の風」で言ったように、ポータルが開いたようになり、3次元の激しい耳障りな風が多次元の素晴らしい世界に吹き上げてきて皆さんはそこに向かって行きました。まるで世界が断絶した深みに落ちるようにしてあなたはそこに向かって行きます。その次は、産道から出ます。生まれて数週間のことは覚えていますか? 子供は知っています。生まれた時は音楽が鳴り止んでいるのでどうしたのかと慌てます。びっくりします。一人暗い中で、いろいろな色が消え、美しさがなくなり、音楽は鳴り止んでいます。聞こえるのは、母親の鼓動だけです。それで十分です。それが家族で、難しいことを手助けしてくれます。昨日そのことについてお話しました。そこで私たちは輪になっています。



Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)

There’ll come a time when physics and science meld with consciousness. It is then that you’ll realize that what the Creator gave you comes in a perfect package. It’s not in boxes where Humans separate it and study in different buildings, but one that comes together where all things relate and fit nicely inside a puzzle of energy.
It may take a thousand years, as it did to the ones who seeded the Pleiadians and those who seeded the ones before them. We speak in odd terms here, using Earth years. We also have not defined how long “crossing the bridge to enlightenment” is or how long “crossing the bridge to quantum existence” is. But in general, the civilizations of the past took 1,000 Earth years to go from old energy to new. But it took many times that to go to a quantum corporeal existence. Don’t try to figure it all out, since your process may be faster or slower. We just give you this information to show you that it’s slower than you like. But this is the beginning.
So, dear Human Being, in closing I say these things to you: You sit in a perfect place. You sit next to others who have been through what you’ve been through. It is time to solve the petty problems of humanity, of walking from place to place with aches and pains of your body. It’s time to solve the uncertainties of the psychology [mental anguish], for these things will not serve you. You’re turning a corner, a slow one to some, that will one day be looked at as the major shift of humanity for the earth. This is the beginning of it.
Let me take you forward 100 to 200 years: Let’s sit in a room together. You’re going to look different. Things will be very different, but you’ll be here because that’s what you do. [This is Kryon’s description of you in your next lifetime or beyond.] Sometimes the Human Being asks, “How many lifetimes do I have left?” [Kryon smile] You should instead be asking, “How many Earth-lifetimes do I have left?” [Kryon bigger smile]. How many times can you do this, dear ones?
The system’s goal is to raise the vibration of the galaxy and be surrounded by planets that have ascended and passed the energy to one another. Soon you’ll do the same for others and, you guessed it, you’ll do it again there. Right now, life is beginning on another planet far from here. Another Cave of Creation is starting to be formed. It’s getting ready for you! [Kryon laugh] Are you tired yet? Dear family, you are eternal and there’s a system, and it’s beautiful. When you are not here, you understand it fully and participate without question.

100年から200年先に行ってみましょう。そこで一緒に座ってください。皆さんは全く変わっています。物事もかなり変わっていますが、ここにいます。皆さんはやって来ます。<次の、それ以降の人生のこと> 人間は「私は何回人生を経験したのですか?」と聞きます。 <クライオン笑顔> こう聞いてください。「地球での人生は何回経験したのですか?」と。<クライオン大笑い> 皆さん、何回生まれて来られますか?
全体のゴールは、銀河の波動を上げて、アセンションして、エネルギーの転換を成し遂げた惑星で一杯になることです。他の惑星のように、皆さんもじきそうなるでしょう。もう一度、ここでやります。その時にそう思いました。ちょうど今、ここから遥かに離れた惑星で生命活動が始まっています。別の創造の洞窟が形成されています。皆さんのために整いつつあります! <クライオン大笑い> もう疲れましたか? ファミリーの皆さん、皆さんは永遠です。ここには大きな仕組みがあります。本当に素晴らしいです。ここにいない時は、そのことを完全に理解しており、疑問の余地なく加わります。





Orin by Abigail Wainwright

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
"Love all your thoughts, even those that are limited or fearful. Think of them as small children needing your love and reassurance. If you catch a negative thou...ght, don't make yourself wrong for having it. Love all your negative thoughts and they will have far less power over you."
~ Orin (Spiritual Growth)
Abigail Wainwright



Boundaries ~ Creator by Jennifer Farley

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
What do you do if someone has hurt your feelings or violated a boundary you have set for yourself? The most important thing to remember is that your energy has played a part in the situation. This is not saying that you are wrong….it is saying that you have a choice on how to react to it. Was it an honest mistake? Then take a deep breath and forgive the situation. However, if you choose to set a boundary, allow others violate it, t...hen loudly proclaim your hurts only to do it again keeps you in the same space you were in the beginning. Remember, growth begins with you…..just do it.
~ Creator by Jennifer Farley

創造主 ~ 自他の区別への拘り
誰かがあなたの感情を害して、思っているような限度を超えたことをしたとしたらどうしますか? 最も忘れてはいけない重要なことは、あなたのエネルギーもその状況に関与していたということです。だからと言って、あなたが間違っているというのではなく、その時に、あなたにはその状況でどう反応をするのかの選択肢がある、ということなのです。じゃあ、あなたが正直過ぎてバカだったと思いますか? その時には、深呼吸をしてその状況が起きたことを許してください。でも、自分の境界というものを定めて、それを踏み越えるような事態が起きた場合、それにもかかわらずまた同じ結果になったと言い張る限り、初めの状況は何ら変わりません。成長は、あなたから始まります。そのことを覚えておいてください。成長してください。


THE SYLPHS, Air Elementals, SPEAK by Suzanne Lie

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
THE SYLPHS, Air Elementals, SPEAK
Suzanne Lie 2015-10-21

Good Nowness Dear Human,
We the Air Elementals, the Sylphs, have come to speak with you this day. We are so honored to be able to have a voice for the ears of humanity. Always, we have floated past humans without you ever knowing we are with you. We have often whispered in your ear, and some of you even heard us. Unfortunately, very few could understand what you heard.
What we have been saying all these millennia is that we feel your breath within our sky. When you breathe out your sorrow, we feel sad and concerned. When you are frightened or angry we feel these emotions and wish to comfort you. Wonderfully, when you breathe out happiness we feel joy and wish to join you in your play.
We love to do our work in the wilderness or where there are few humans, as the air over many of your cities is almost intolerable. We take turns working over these cities, as many of us have actually perished from your air pollution. I would also be very helpful if you could assist us to clear the pesky chemtrails, and please remember that your EVERY thought and emotions comes into our sky for us to clear.



Releasing old Tools ~ Using our true power by The group thru Steve Rother

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Releasing old Tools ~ Using our true power
By The group thru Steve Rother

And we have but one word to say to you, dear ones: Espavo. From the heart of the family of Michael: Espavo. When you hold your energy, you become the creators. You become those who hold the energy in your hearts. It is here that you connect to a very large Family of Light. You are the segment of our family that has taken form in physical biology.

As you rise in vibration, the bubbles of biology can be difficult for some of you. You find tears coming and you do not know why. You say, “When will this end? When will I feel my power without the tears?” And we say that we hope it never ends. As you first experience the thinning veil, you begin to feel Home. You have been so looking forward to this, and now that it is here, all you can do is cry. That can be very overwhelming when it first begins to happen.

Re-membering the real beauty of Home, knowing that you are still in physical form, can be frustrating at best. That feeling is the part of us that goes straight to the heart. Many of you have even found yourselves falling into depression after experiencing Home. Do not judge yourselves for this, as it is a normal process and is experienced by many more of you than any of you know. Please understand that as you continue to experience Home, you will become accustomed to these vibrations and it will no longer overwhelm you but, instead, will inspire you. Take your time and lean on each other in the interim. Be the Human Angel to each other during these times.

We cannot tell you how overjoyed we are to be playing the part to spread the wings of your own, for the angelic wings of Michael are only to reflect the magnificence of humans. Did you feel it? That was not our energy; that was yours. You have been touched by the greatest of angels. Tag; you are it. Pass it on.

光の灯台- ザ・グループ 「古いツールを手放す」

皆さんに一言あります。 “Espavo.” ミカエルのファミリーから一言、 “Espavo.”
 自分のエネルギーをしっかり持てば創造できるのです。心にエネルギーがあり元気になるのです。そこで、 “光” の大ファミリーに繋がります。皆さんは私たちファミリーの一員で、肉体を持つ部門になるのです。

波動が上がると肉体でいることが辛くなる人がいます。涙が溢れ、そのわけが分かりません。「いつになったら止まるんだろう? いつになったら涙を流さず苦労せずに、自分には力があると分かるんだろ?」そう思う人がいます。私たちはそれに終わりはありませんと返答します。ベールが薄くなるのを感じると、故郷を恋しく思います。故郷に帰りたいと思います。故郷に恋焦がれてきて、もうすぐそこにあるという段になって、できるのは泣くくらいです。ベールが薄くなる時に非常に無力感を感じます。


私たちには皆さんの翼を大きく広げる役目がありますが、その時の私たちの歓びがどんなものか、到底お伝えすることは出来ません。ミカエルの天使の翼は、人間の壮大さを反射するためにだけあります。それが感じられましたか? 私たちのエネルギーではなかったのですよ。皆さんのエネルギーだったのです。偉大な天使たちに触れれていたのです。そのエネルギーに自分の名前をつけて、それを他の人に渡してください。

We are MUTATING! by Tiara Kumara, IAMAVATAR.org

Transation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
We are MUTATING! by Tiara Kumara, IAMAVATAR.org

This code has now been activated and we are MUTATING! God, the entity of awareness itself, is changing its program of experience through us as its thinking atoms. It is this all-pervasive consciousness that is shifting our systems of belief while remolding societal structure, systems of government, religion, finance, technology, scientific discovery, all destruction and reconstru...ction, and literally, everything that we call life here on Earth.
It is activated by our very consciousness alone and merely by the way that we perceive life. As we adapt to a completely new system of thought, our more limiting perceptions of belief instantly dissolve, as if they were never there in the first place. A phenomenal new world begins to reveal from the inside out.
Cellular Biologist, Dr. Bruce H. Lipton, has examined in great detail the mechanisms by which cells receive and process information. The implications of his work, and other leading scientists reveal that genes and DNA do not control our biology; that instead, DNA is controlled by signals from outside the cell. This includes the energetic messages emanating from our positive and negative thoughts. Dr. Lipton’s research in cell biology is being hailed as a major breakthrough, showing that our bodies can morph simply by retraining our thinking.


今、このコードが起動して、私たちは「変異」しています! 神という意識的実体は、思考する原子として私たちを通して神の経験プログラムを変更しています。このすべてに偏在し浸透する意識が、私たちの信念や考え方を変えて、社会構造や政府、宗教、経済、テクノロジー、科学的発見、破壊と再建など、文字通りこの地球上の生命活動すべての従来のモデルを変更しているのです。

Module 2: Your Real Mind is not located in the Brain by I Am Avatar

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
 Module 2: Your Real Mind is not located in the Brain  by I Am Avatar

Our consciousness has been trained to perceive through the five human senses. This has prevented us from tapping into other worlds or dimensions that exist just beyond the range of our normal perception. We are unaware of them because our minds are not consciously vibrating at these higher levels.
To open the seal of perception, the one belief that must disintegrate concerns how we view the consciousness as something that is ...inside our body, perhaps located somewhere in the brain. We are multidimensional beings! Our consciousness exists outside of the physical body, even outside of the physicalized world. It transcends time and space as part of the one quantum mind.


AA Metatron by J. Tyberonn

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
AA Metatron by J. Tyberonn
Keep in mind that some of the lesser realized mechanisms of auric imbalance are zealotry, ego aggrandizement, chronic depression and emotional imbalance (extremes). Keeping ones feet on the ground is essential for clarity, and there are many who intend well in metaphysics that loft too high and vibrate too fast. Such imbalance results in a form of auric 'short-circuitry'. There is no anchored groun...ding; clarity is lost in the hallucinatory syndrome of 'rose colored glasses', in what is termed in your vernacular as 'airy-fairy' delusion. Learning to maintain balance and functional effectively in 3d is therefore a requisite of auric maintenance for enabling clarity in higher dimension.



Who’s In Charge? ~ Creator by Jennifer Farley

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)  

Who’s In Charge?
A gentle reminder; you are the one in charge of your growth and healing, you are in charge of your perceptions and emotions. If you choose to say, “You are making me feel ____” or “You are doing ____ to me”, you are relinquishing your power. You are solely responsible for who you are in any given moment. Once you grasp this concept, things will become easier. As always, free will is yours.
~ Creator by Jennifer Farley

創造主 ~ 誰の責任?


You are just momentarily asleep and dreaming, sometimes horrific dreams.

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
You are just momentarily asleep and dreaming, sometimes horrific dreams.
October 20, 2015 by John Smallman

Yes, the mainstream media reports are not encouraging. But underneath and behind the scenes much is happening that will bring essential changes for the benefit of all. Keep on intending to send love to all – not only to those who are suffering but also to sadistic and violent criminals and dictators – because all are being seriously influenced by the Tsunami of Love that has enveloped the planet since late in 2012, and the divine plan is for all awaken. God is not complete without even one of His children. There is not one that He does not Love infinitely and eternally. Some are just more confused and seemingly separated from His Love than most.
Seek the good news that the alternate media are reporting, there is a LOT of it! Then relax into your inner self, your own personal altar, tabernacle, or sanctuary, and be Love!

別の報道でいいニュースを探してください。たくさんあります! それからリラックスして自分の神聖な所に入って、愛のこころでいてください! 


Relationshifts by The group thru Steve Rother

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
Relationshifts by The group thru Steve Rother

The illusion of duality is now thinning, and a new reality is being seen. The trinity will have a deeper meaning as you move into your next phase of evolution.

Relationships = Harmonic Attraction

It is for this very reason that we tell you that the key to moving comfortably into the higher vibrations of the new Planet Earth is balancing the male and the female within each one of you. The concept of your ‘alter’ energy is not on the outside but rather on the inside of your being. Balance the male and female within you, and you will then attract a complementary harmonic relationship into your field or enhance the one you now have.
It may be helpful to know that it is not possible to create a relationship; it is only possible to attract a harmonic vibration to your own. When you become fully aware of the vibrational pattern that you are sending out, then you can easily understand what is returned to you in response. The Universe has only one answer to all requests: “And so it is.” Now that you know the answer, perhaps you might care to rephrase the question. This process is harmonic attraction and is the basis of all creation. The first step in harmonic attraction is to balance male and female energy. This process of harmonic attraction is now becoming an important part of your evolution at this time.



