Translation by Lightworkermie (Minoru Enomoto)
人間の進化 by クライオン
Kryon - "Human Evolution" - Lee Carroll…/11/human-evolution/
What do you think the Human brain can really do? What do you think it's built to do? Let me give you an example of what your society has come to accept as an "unbalanced person." Some of you think it's a "sick person." Let me talk about the autistic one. Let us talk about autism in what you call the most severe case.
Blessed is the autistic one who has come to this earth to show you what future Human evolvement looks like! They spend a lifetime trying to figure out linearity and it frustrates them. Blessed is the savant who the earth looks at and calls unbalanced. For the Humans who do this cannot see what they don't understand. The autistic one is able to get up off the paper and be in color! Many of the autistic ones can do what your calculators can do on your desks, did you know that? And they don't need a calculator! Give them a problem - two digits multiplied by three digits. Now watch how fast they give you the answer. Because they're not linear! Ask them what weekday the 13th of August will be in 2012, and they'll tell you, and they don't need a calendar. You might say, "What kind of a mind can do that?" I'll tell you - a nonlinear one without the walls in the brain that you have.
Have you ever thought about that? The autistic have a nonlinear mind. The barriers are dropped. Can you imagine the frustration of this Human? Here he is in a world of black and white while he is in color. Not only that, you want him to go in a straight line when he is used to all directions at once. This also explains why the only energies that will work to calm him are interdimensional ones - music, art, and love. Does this start to make sense to you? (see below)
What is taking place, dear ones, for all to know and see and understand, is that very, very slowly you have the linearity of the Human brain starting to be reduced. Unlike the autistic, it will be in ways that will still be balanced and make sense. In other words, you will be able to move in and out of quantum thought any time you wish in order to live in a linear, 3D existence, but have quantum consciousness. It will be a return to a form of consciousness that Lemurians had, but with the wisdom of the ages that you have collected. This will not be fast, but the forerunners of that are already here.
I'm going to give you some attributes of Human evolution in a moment, but let's return to the autistic ones. Many reading this are very concerned about autism. You wish to know why there are so many autistics being born. You say it's beyond coincidence that there are suddenly so many! There's more autistic children being born today than there ever have been on this planet. Humans are scurrying around wanting to know what's wrong. Is it the chemistry of the food? Perhaps it must be vaccinations! Some are saying, without any proof, "Yes, that's it - vaccinations must be it." You are grasping at almost anything to solve the puzzle of why so many autistics are arriving.
Yet very few Humans, if any, have looked at the puzzle and said, "Perhaps we're evolving, and this is the first wave of what we're going to see?" Not mentally unbalanced, but nonlinear thinking! This is, indeed, the case. You are seeing a form of evolution and you are calling it odd and unusual. It's simply those who are coming in early with activated quantum DNA. This early forerunner has DNA activated in an uncontrolled way, and so learning is needed to know how to make sense of it all. This is what they are doing, and each generation of savant will have a better time of it, figuring out what is linear and what is not.
Watch the autistic child go through what they must do (autism in its most severe form). They are so nonlinear that there is incredible frustration in trying to linearize even the Human voice as you speak to them. They will do the same actions over and over and over, trying to linearize the nonlinear. The linear walls are gone in their brain, and they have to learn to build the ones that they need. Humans then see them as a problem, and it's not a problem. It's a form of gifted children who are helping this planet to grow. Blessed are those who come into Earth as the new wave of consciousness to show you where it's going. They are setting the stage for a new kind of Human. For this quantumness will develop in a balanced way where many will have the autistic talents where they want them, and the linear when they want that. That's what the Human mind is capable of - being quantum when they wish to be. That's a return to the way it was given to you.
人間の頭脳がどういうことをしていると思いますか? 何をするためにあるのですか? 社会が、バランスの欠いた人間と認定するに至った例を話しましょう。そういう人を“病人”と思う人もいます。自閉症の人を取り上げます。もっとも重度な自閉症のことについて話します。
進化した未来の人間の姿を教えに地球に来た自閉症の人は、祝福されています! 彼らは一生をかけて1次元的な世界がどういうものか理解しようとしますが、挫折します。地球でサヴァンと呼ばれ、情緒不安と呼ばれる人は祝福されています。その人たちは自分が理解しているものについて知っています。自閉症の人は紙から抜け出して色の中にいます! 自閉症の人たちは、机の上で電卓がすることができます。知っていましたか? でも電卓は必要ありません! 2桁の数字と3桁の掛け算の問題を出してください。どれくらい速く答えを出すか見ていてください。直線的ではないから速いのです! 2012年8月13日が何曜日か聞いてください。答えてくれますが、彼らにカレンダーは必要ありません。「頭はどういう仕組みになっているの?」と思うでしょう。皆さんのような壁が頭にないので直線的ではないのです。
そういうことを考えたことはありますか? 自閉症は非直線的思考なのです。壁がありません。そのような人のフラストレーションが想像できますか? この世界はモノクロですが、彼の世界はカラーです。それだけではありません。彼は一度で全方位にいくことに慣れていますが、あなたはその彼に直線の上を歩かせたいと思います。彼を落ち着かせるエネルギーは、唯一多次元なエネルギー、音楽や絵画、愛だけです。分かってきましたか?
ちょっとここで、人間の進化の特徴を幾つかお話ししていますが、自閉症の人たちにまた戻ります。今これを読んでいる人たちの多くが、自閉症について非常に心配をしています。なぜ、こんなに多くの自閉症児が生まれるのだろうとその理由を知りたいと思っています。急にこんなに多くなるのは、偶然ではない、と言います! 地球上にこれほど多くの自閉症の子が生まれたことはありません。人間は、どこかおかしくなっているとその訳を知りたくてうろうろと走り回っています。食べ物の添加剤のせいだろうか? 多分ワクチンが原因だろう! 証拠もないのに、「そうだ、ワクチンに違いない」という人もいます。なぜこれほど多くの自閉症児がやって来るのか、皆さんは、その理由、その謎について、何らかの解をほぼ手中にしようとしています。
それでも、ごくごく少数の人が、この問題について、「多分、人間は進化していて、自閉症は今後人類が経験する最初の波なのではないだろうか?」と言いました。メンタル面でバランスを欠いた人間ではなく、非直線的思考をする人間のことを言ったのです! 確かに、それは事実です。皆さんは進化していく姿を見ようとしており、奇妙だとか、普通じゃないと言っています。ただ、自閉症は、クオンタムDNAが起動している状態で早めにやって来ている人たちです。この先頭を走る人たちのDNAは起動していますが抑制が効かないのです。だから、意味を理解する方法を知ることが必要です。それが、彼らが取り組んでいることで、サヴァンの各世代は、これからもっといい時代が来て、直線的なものとそうでないものとが分かっていきます。