
Kryon - "The Elusive Akash" - Lee Carroll

Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto) 
漠然としたアカシャ by クライオン
Kryon - "The Elusive Akash" - Lee Carroll
You are what you might call a soul group who are all specialists in biological being expression [Kryon's description of a group who specializes in walking through multiple Human lifetimes]. The creative source, which is God, who has made the Universe, the galaxies and all that is has an elite grouping of specialists, and it's you! You are part of the soup that is God... who specializes in doing what you're doing. It's a difficult role, so only a few trillion are selected to do it. If you want to know what's at the core of your soul as a specialist, it's love and compassion. That's the core. It's not always seen that way, but it's there, and when you come into the earth, your mission is to give it away - to share it with the very energy of the planet. The Akash is a system that helps to drive Humans into situations of learning and solution.
The attribute of the piece of God that you are, stays on my side of the veil. You come into the planet as a biological being and hidden from you is who you really are as you try to make your way through a dark earth. Hidden from you is how you are trying to find the light that's inside of your own cellular structure. You've got the hard work. All the masters who walked this earth tried to show you this Human God part and told you it was there. But it must be discovered.

皆さんは、いわゆる数多くの人生を生きた人生のスペシャリストです。神という創造主は宇宙を創造し銀河を創り、少数のスペシャリストグループを創りました。そのスペシャリストが、あなたです! 皆さんは神というスープに繋がっており、今特別なことをしています。それは難しい役割です。だから、2~3兆の人しか選ばれていません。スペシャリストとして魂の中心にあるものを知りたければ、それは愛であり人を気遣う心です。それが中心です。それはいつも分かるわけではありませんが、ちゃんとあります。地球に来た時のミッションは、それを地球のエネルギーと分かち合うことです。アカシャによって人間は学習と問題解決の場にいられるようになります。

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