When I was in elementary school, I had a time when I strongly gazed upon photos of Cappadocia in Turkey in the collections of histories of the world. And I thought, " I was there absolutely." ・Kryon's words convinced me that what I felt then might be true.
Some of you in this room have old soul shamanic energy, and you have no idea what's under your feet. Layers and layers of civilization are there, not just the past 10,000 years. It's interesting that right now politically on the planet, this is one of the only countries in this area [Turkey] that will let you dig and find out what's down there! Almost all of the other countries I mentioned earlier are in trouble in some way, or they don't have the resources or perhaps the belief system that will allow it. That will keep them from major discovery for now, but not here.
There are major mysterious and grand things to find, dear ones, and when you do, you'll know it's not your acknowledged history! When you start finding artifacts of history from phase four, they're going to be vastly different from anything in the last 10,000 years, and they will be from another consciousness and building style. What if I told you that some of them will "resound" in your Akash? What if I told you that you built some of them, dear one?
Now how do I tell you these things without them sounding very strange? Humanity grew up like children grow up, over thousands of years with slow consciousness change. I am giving you information that no historian will agree with. Most authorities feel that Human nature has always been the same. It's not true. It's only Human nature of the past 10,000 years that you would truly recognize or relate to. In phase four, it was very different.
There are major archives of past civilizations unknown to you right under your feet. There are some places you have not looked yet, including those off the coasts of your oceans. When you find them, it's going to expand your horizons of perhaps how long you've had major civilization here. There are very few places on the earth where I can sit and say that. You have a grand history here, and some of you are about to discover it in your lifetime. The technology coming will reveal things that you have never seen before, in places you never expected to look or were allowed to look. What you will find will be a mystery to archaeologists, and they will scratch their heads. There will be statues and figures of images you've never seen before. There will be writings on the walls with references to the heavens, and you will simply think it is astrology. It isn't. Oh, it's something else completely!
Astrology is one of the oldest sciences on the planet but it's no more than 12,000 years old. This is because it is an elegant system that had to be developed by aware Human Beings in your history. There will be writings on the walls and images you don't recognize. Some will be very mysterious, with elongated head shapes. You may think that they depict Humans with special hats, but they don't. I am now giving you one of the ways to identify phase four. It's here, under your feet, for you to discover.
Do you understand what I'm telling you? You are ancient. This is the cradle of humanity. More civilizations have started in these areas I mentioned earlier in this message than anywhere on the planet. These civilizations are far more profound than you know. Many of them you do not even acknowledge in your history, yet you were here living in them.
この会場には、昔のシャーマンのエネルギーを持つ人がいます。でも、足元に何があるのか知りません。幾回もの文明社会があって、それが何層にも重なっています。それは1万年前に限りません。地球上の政治には面白い所があります。地下の発掘調査を奨励する国は僅かで、その一つがこのトルコです! 前に言いましたが、ほとんどの国ではそれが難しく、そのための財源がないか、あり得ないという思い込みがあります。その結果、大きな発見が日の目を見ないことになります。でもここは違います。
皆さん、大きな謎や壮大なものが発見されようとしています。その時には、発見されたものは既存の歴史にはないものだということが分かるでしょう! 第4期の遺物が発見される時は、過去1万年のものとは全く違うことが分かるでしょう。それは、別の意識や建造様式のものです。それが、皆さんのアカシャでピンとくるものだとしたらどう思いますか? それが自分で建てたものだと言ったらどう思いますか?
ここで、そのようなものが発見されても、奇妙に感じない、それをどう説明しましょうか? 人間は子供のように、何千年もかけてゆっくり意識が変化して成長して来ました。でも、歴史学者はそう思いません。ほとんどの学者は、人間の性質は常に同じだったと感じています。でもそれは違います。皆さんが認める人の性質というのは、この1万年の人の性質なのです。4期目の人間の性質はかなり違っていました。
私の言っていることが分かりますか? 皆さんは非常に古いのです。この地は、人類発祥の地です。今話したように、地球の他の場所よりももっと多くの文明が、ここで始まりました。その文明は、思いつかない程非常に理解しがたいものです。歴史上知っている文明ではありませんが、皆さんはその時ここにいました。
Translation by Lightworkermike (Minoru Enomoto)
地球の知られざる歴史 by クライオン
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